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[미국특허] Fluid conditioning system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-037/00
출원번호 UP-0033681 (2008-02-19)
등록번호 US-7572371 (2009-08-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • White, John W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Flo Rite Fluids, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 23


An exemplary method and system for reducing or eliminating the formation of solid precipitates/deposits of a flowing fluid, such as oil, or for reducing or eliminating existing solid precipitates/deposits contained in a flowing fluid, is provided. A fluid conditioning system and method are provided,


What is claimed is: 1. A fluid conditioning system to reduce the formation of precipitates in a flowing fluid through a piping in an underground well, the fluid conditioning system comprising: a magnetic fluid conditioner having a first end, a second end, and located in an underground well, the mag

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schindler Robert H. (Bellmund CHX), Apparatus for magnetically conditioning a liquid.
  2. Clair Colonel (P.O. Box 94321 Las Vegas NV 89199), Apparatus for magnetically treating a fluid.
  3. Ashton Thomas E. (11655 Colburn Rd. Chardon OH 44024) Mack ; Jr. Edward A. (11654 Yoder Rd. Marshallville OH 44645), Device for the magnetic treatment of fluids.
  4. O\Meara ; Jr. James R. (2023 S. Gessner ; Ste. N-2 Houston TX 77063), Device for treating fluids with magnetic lines of force.
  5. Hodgkins David (Manchester CT), Fuel conditioner.
  6. Florescu Viorel (5550 N. Braeswood ; #93 Houston TX 77096) Florescu Carmen-Michaela (5550 N. Braeswood ; #93 Houston TX 77096), Magnetic apparatus for preventing deposit formation in flowing fluids.
  7. Glass David Saul,JPX, Magnetic device for the treatment of fluids.
  8. Williamson David G. (Yate GB2), Magnetic field fuel treatment device.
  9. Weisenbarger Gale M. (140 Woodland Dr. Eaton OH 45320) Moran John C. (3124 Lake Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46805), Magnetic fluid conditioner.
  10. Weisenbarger Gale M. (140 Woodland Dr. Eaton OH 45320) Moran John C. (3124 Lake Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46805), Magnetic fluid conditioner.
  11. Meeks Jasper L., Magnetic liquid conditioner.
  12. Clair Colonel (P.O. Box 94321 Las Vegas NV 89199), Magnetic source and condenser for producing flux perpendicular to gas and liquid flow in ferrous and nonferrous pipes.
  13. Lin Israel J. (Post Hof Hacarmel Kerem Maharal ILX 30840) Yotvat Jacob (31 Harishonim Street Kiriat Haim ILX 26302), Magnetic treatment of water used for agricultural purposes.
  14. Corney John D. (McAllen TX), Magnetic, fluid-conditioning tools.
  15. Carpenter Roland K. (251 W. Canal Dr. Palm Harbor FL 34684), Method and apparatus for magnetically treating flowing liquids.
  16. Gulko Arie (Haifa ILX) Greidinger Dahlia S. (Haifa ILX), Method and composition for improving the functioning of drip irrigation systems.
  17. Fourqurean George Earl ; Fourqurean Michael Shane, Method for reduction of pipeline accumulation.
  18. Yoshiji Kamibayashi JP; Takeshi Kiuchi JP; Mitsutoshi Sanefuji JP, Method for using a magnetic treatment apparatus for fluids.
  19. Beecham James E. ; Tinker John W., Method of verifying vehicle emissions.
  20. Harms Herbert L. (Alden IA) Moeckly Charles R. (Britt IA) Reed Donald (Commerce City CO) Reed April A. (Commerce City CO) Kaiser Peter A. (New Castle WY), Oil tool and method for controlling paraffin deposits in oil flow lines and downhole strings.
  21. Meihua Wang (Baotou CNX), Permanent-magnet wax-proof device.
  22. Sanderson Charles H. (Fort Wayne IN), Water conserving cooling tower system.
  23. Meeks Jasper L. (Rte. 2 Box 35-A Edinburg TX 78539) Corney John D. (P.O. Box 2231 McAllen TX 78501), Water treatment device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. White, John W., Magnetic water conditioner.

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