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[미국특허] Marine propulsion system with an open cooling system that automatically drains when the marine vessel is taken out of the water 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01P-003/20
출원번호 UP-0953384 (2007-12-10)
등록번호 US-7585196 (2009-09-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jaeger, Matthew W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Brunswick Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Lanyi, William D.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 25


A cooling system for a marine propulsion device provides a transom opening that is sufficiently low with respect to other components of the marine propulsion device to allow automatic draining of all cooling water from the system when the marine vessel is removed from the body of water in which it h


I claim: 1. A marine propulsion system, comprising: an engine disposed within a marine vessel; a drive unit attached to a transom of said marine vessel and connected in torque transmitting association with said engine, said drive unit being configured to support a propeller shaft for rotation about

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jaeger, Matthew W., Coolant flow monitoring system for an engine cooling system.
  2. Caldwell,Rodney M.; Jaeger,Matthew W.; Schmidt,Keith W., Cooling system for a marine propulsion device.
  3. Caldwell,Rodney M.; Jaeger,Matthew W.; Schmidt,Keith W., Cooling system for a marine propulsion device.
  4. Inoue Seiji (Hamamatsu JPX) Nanami Masayoshi (Hamamatsu JPX), Cooling system for marine propulsion engine.
  5. Jaeger,Matthew W., Device for connecting a secondary heat exchanger to an engine cooling system.
  6. Bigsby Bryan D., Drain plug warning system.
  7. Shields Waylon D. ; Smith Woody R. ; Yerby Tommy R., Drain system for marine vessel.
  8. Logan Andrew K. (Stillwater OK) Jaeger Matthew W. (Fond du Lac. WI) Axton Terry D. (Stillwater OK) Hughes William E. (Stillwater OK) Gruenwald David J. (Butle des Monts WI) Erickson James E. (Stillwa, Drain valve for a marine engine.
  9. Biggs Timothy M. ; Hughes William E. ; Jaeger Matthew W. ; Logan Andrew K. ; Pitchford Robert J. ; Wright Charles E., Engine cooling system with simplified drain and flushing procedure.
  10. Logan Andrew K. ; Erickson James E. ; Hughes William E., Engine drain system.
  11. Logan Andrew K. ; Jaeger Matthew W. ; Sharp James E. ; Bibow Lawrence C. ; Hughes William E., Flushing system for a marine propulsion engine.
  12. Zumpano, Joseph, Fresh water marine engine flushing assembly and system.
  13. Schroeder Bruce A. ; Horak James Michael, Heat exchanger for marine engine cooling system.
  14. Killpack Tehren ; Killpack Dale, Inboard/outboard motor cooling system winterizer.
  15. Timothy M. Biggs ; Matthew W. Jaeger ; Andrew K. Logan ; Christopher J. Luckett, Marine engine cooling system with a check valve to facilitate draining.
  16. William E. Hughes ; Matthew W. Jaeger ; Charles E. Wright, Marine engine cooling system with simplified water drain and flushing mechanism.
  17. Boyd Gary P. (Columbus OH), Marine engine maintenance.
  18. Jaeger, Matthew W.; Minor, Cindy J., Marine exhaust elbow structure with enhanced water drain capability.
  19. Gerald F. Bland ; James V. Bellantonio ; Gerald F. Neisen, Marine exhaust with dual cooling.
  20. Timothy M. Biggs ; William E. Hughes ; Andrew K. Logan ; Matthew W. Jaeger ; Brian R. White, Pneumatically actuated marine engine water drain system.
  21. Hedge George C. K. (Oshkosh WI), Pressure actuated drain valve for marine drive.
  22. Casey, Thomas P.; Jaeger, Matthew W., Pump and drain apparatus for a marine propulsion system.
  23. Matthew W. Jaeger, Siphon inhibiting device for a marine cooling system.
  24. Julie Howell, Test cock apparatus with freeze protection capability.
  25. Donald M. Jolley, Water pressure and volume flow regulator.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Randolph, Ronnie E.; Schreiber, Roger W., Cooling fluid pump for cooling a marine engine.
  2. Loftin, Scott P; Armstrong, Michael P, Marine engine drainage and coolant monitoring system.
  3. George, Trevor; King, Nathan C., Open loop cooling systems and methods for marine engines.
  4. Belter, David J.; Mueller, Ryan E., Stern drives having accessible cooling water sea pump.

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