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[미국특허] Nestable crate for containers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-021/032
출원번호 UP-0958618 (2004-10-04)
등록번호 US-7604122 (2009-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Apps, William P.
  • Gruber, Robert V.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rehrig Pacific Company
대리인 / 주소
    Carlson, Gaskey & Olds
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 64


A nestable crate for bottles includes a floor portion having a floor top surface, a floor bottom surface and a plurality of bottle support areas. A wall structure is connected to the floor portion and forms a containment area therewith. The wall structure has a peripherally extending upper band port


What is claimed is: 1. A low-depth nestable crate for holding bottles, said crate having a low-depth wall structure having sidewalls and end walls, said crate comprising: a floor member having a floor top surface and a floor bottom surface; a band extending around the periphery of the crate and spa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (64)

  1. Hammett Roy ; Heilman Douglas H., Beverage can tray with improved handling features.
  2. Kelly Daniel E., Beverage container case.
  3. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Seal Beach CA) Shermer Larry E. (Atlanta GA), Bottle case and divider assembly.
  4. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Bottle case with integral sidewall logo.
  5. Apps William Patrick, Bottle crate.
  6. Arthurs Raymond C. (Scarborough CAX), Bottle tray.
  7. Apps William Patrick, Can tray.
  8. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Can tray assembly.
  9. Warwick Michael J. (Randburg ZAX), Crate.
  10. Hammett Roy (Odessa FL), Crenelated container case.
  11. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John A. (Aldan PA), Cross-stacking bottle case.
  12. Kelly Daniel E., Display tray.
  13. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Kalin Jonathan A. (Manhattan Beach CA), Dual purpose low depth nestable tray.
  14. Hammett Roy (Odessa FL), Ergonomic container case.
  15. Apps William P. (c/o Rehrig Pacific-Company ; Inc. ; 4010 E. 26th St. Los Angeles CA 90023-0908) Koefelda Gerald R. (c/o Rehrig Pacific Company ; Inc. 4010 E. 16th St. Los Angeles CA 90023-0908), Full depth case.
  16. Apps, William P.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Full-depth bottle case assembly.
  17. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Height extension for crates and the like.
  18. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Kalin Jonathan A. (Manhattan Beach CA), Low depth nestable tray for bottles or the like.
  19. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Low depth nestable tray for cans or the like.
  20. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Low-depth nestable tray for fluid containers.
  21. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Low-depth, nestable trays for transporting beverage containers.
  22. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Method for stacking trays.
  23. Hammett, Roy, Multi-pack nestable case.
  24. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable bottle tray.
  25. McGrath Patrick James, Nestable crate for beverage bottles.
  26. McGrath Patrick James, Nestable crate for beverage bottles.
  27. McGrath Patrick James, Nestable crate for beverage bottles.
  28. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  29. Hassell,Jon P.; Apps,William P.; Gruber,Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  30. William P. Apps ; Robert V. Gruber, Nestable crate for containers.
  31. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Nestable crate with handle.
  32. Apps William Patrick, Nestable display crate for bottle carriers.
  33. Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Nestable display crate for bottles.
  34. Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Nestable display crate for bottles or the like.
  35. Apps William P. ; Koefelda Gerald R., Nestable display crate for bottles with handle feature.
  36. Apps William P. ; Koefelda Gerald R., Nestable display crate with extended handles.
  37. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable low depth tray.
  38. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Nestable tray.
  39. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Kalin Jonathan A. (Manhattan Beach CA), Nestable tray for bottles.
  40. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Kalin Jonathan A. (Manhattan Beach CA), Nestable tray for bottles.
  41. Apps William (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Nestable tray for cylindrical containers.
  42. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Outer wall structure for a nestable tray.
  43. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Reusable stackable tray for cans.
  44. Kelly Daniel E. (Brookfield WI), Side element of a beverage container case.
  45. Kelly Daniel E., Side piece arrangement of a beverage container case.
  46. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA) Yelder W. Joseph (Peeksville NY), Stackable and nestable box.
  47. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Stackable bottle case.
  48. Umiker Hans,CHX, Stackable bottle case.
  49. Apps William (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA), Stackable can tray systems.
  50. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable castle crate.
  51. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John A. (Valley Forge PA), Stackable castle crate.
  52. Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable castle crate.
  53. Kalin Jonathan A. (Manhattan Beach CA), Stackable crate for bottles.
  54. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Stackable low depth bottle case.
  55. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Stackable low depth bottle case.
  56. Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Stackable low depth bottle case.
  57. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA), Stackable low depth bottle case.
  58. Apps William P. ; Hwang Philip C., Stackable low depth bottle case.
  59. Apps William P. ; Koefelda Gerald R., Stackable low depth bottle case.
  60. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John A. (Valley Forge PA), Stackable low depth tray.
  61. Apps William P. ; Hwang Philip C., Stackable low depth tray.
  62. Kelly Daniel E. ; Lemke Ted, Storage and display trays.
  63. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Surface for nestable crate.
  64. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Atlanta GA), Wall structure for a nestable crate.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Apps, Shelby Frances; Clark, Suzanne Whitfield; Apps, William P.; Parra, Crystal Y.; Hassell, Jon P., Beverage crate.
  2. Stahl, Edward L., Beverage crate with constant-diameter pockets.
  3. Hassell, Jon P., Low depth crate.
  4. Apps, William P.; Clark, Suzanne Whitfield; Apps, Shelby Frances, Nestable beverage crate.
  5. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Nestable crate for containers.
  6. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  7. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  8. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  9. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  10. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
  11. Apps, William P., Stackable low depth tray.
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