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[미국특허] Vapor resistant fuel burning appliance 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F23N-001/24
출원번호 UP-0907117 (2005-03-21)
등록번호 US-7604478 (2009-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Anderson, Peter M.
  • Ruhland, Robert M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell International Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 61


A method and apparatus for controlling a fuel-fired appliance is provided. The appliance enters a wait state in which burner operation ceases if a sensor indicates the presence of flammable vapors that are above an acceptable and/or safe vapor level. The appliance returns to a run state if the vapor


What is claimed is: 1. A method of controlling an appliance, the appliance comprising a burner and a sensor that can detect flammable vapors exterior to the burner, the method comprising steps of: monitoring an output of the sensor; decrementing a counter when the sensor output indicates a presence

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (61) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Van Bemmel Jan C. (Leerbroek NLX), Apparatus and method for safe operation of kerosene heaters.
  2. Bowman, John A.; Benedek, Karen R.; Schmidt, Stephan E., Apparatus and method for sensing flammable vapor.
  3. Donnelly, Donald E., Apparatus and method for shutting down a fuel fired appliance.
  4. Donnelly,Donald E, Apparatus and method for shutting down a fuel fired appliance.
  5. Donnelly,Donald E., Apparatus and method for shutting down fuel fired appliance.
  6. Donnelly,Donald E.; Buescher,Thomas P.; Somorov,Michael, Apparatus and methods for controlling a water heater.
  7. Heller Herbert (Pittsburgh PA), Atmospheric sampling system.
  8. Brooks Elgin C. (30749 E. River Rd. Perrysburg OH 43551) Burmeister Robert J. (718 Caswell Ave. Toledo OH 43609) Diller James G. (3819 Sulphur Springs Rd. Toledo OH 43606), Carbon monoxide concentration indicator and alarm.
  9. Washburn Clayton A. (Thornwood NY) Sausele George J. H. (Lynnfield MA), Character image generation apparatus and CRT phototypesetting system.
  10. Winner Joe K. (Pinellas FL), Combustible gas detection system.
  11. Stretch, Gordon W.; Hotton, Bruce A.; Scanlon, John H.; Elder, Gary A.; Campbell, James T.; Kidd, Larry D.; Lannes, Eric M.; Martin, James M.; Mears, James W.; Archibald, Thomas E., Combustion air shutoff apparatus for a fuel-fired heating appliance.
  12. Brandt John H. ; Meyer Randall T. ; Plank Bradley N., Control system for a water heater.
  13. John H. Brandt ; Randall T. Meyer ; Bradley N. Plank, Control system for a water heater.
  14. Ruhland, Robert M.; Gehman, Richard W.; Anderson, Peter M.; Calvagna, Peter M., Differential compensated vapor sensor.
  15. Enemark Robert B. (Duxbury MA), Dual alarm gas detector.
  16. Carter John A. (40 Williams La. Foster City CA 94404), Engine vacuum-condition responsive safety system.
  17. Seeman Jeffrey L. (263 Lakeview Ave. Brightwaters NY 11718) Dionian James A. (133 Moody Ave. Islip NY 11751), Explosion prevention control system for a fuel-gas burning automatic ignition appliance and associated gas distribution.
  18. Lesage, Claude, Explosion proof gas-fired water heater.
  19. Schell, Michael B.; Kouznetsov, Andrian I.; Valenta, Rod J., Explosion protection sensor for gas appliances.
  20. Wong Jacob Y. (4589 Camino Molinero Santa Barbara CA 93110), False alarm resistant fire detector with improved performance.
  21. Miyabe ; Atsushi, Fire detection system.
  22. Abraham, Anthony W.; Moore, Dwain; Paisley, John; Wang, Xiangsheng, Flammable vapor control system.
  23. Reynolds Gregory Allen ; Shropshire R. Dale ; Smith Herbert Edward ; Cornett Nolan, Flammable vapor resistant water heater.
  24. Bonne, Ulrich; Gehman, Richard W., Flammable vapor sensor.
  25. Donnelly Donald E. (Glen Carbon IL) Zikes Bradley C. (St. Louis County MO) Moore Dwain F. (Marlborough MO) Price Jeffrey E. (St. Louis County MO) Toth Bartholomew L. (Crestwood MO), Fuel burner control system with hot surface ignition.
  26. Moore Dwain F. (Holland MI), Fuel control system, control means therefor and methods of making the same.
  27. Hotton, Bruce A., Fuel-fired heating appliance with dilution air/flammable vapor bypass tube and elevated combustion air inlet.
  28. John P. Langmead ; Jacob H. Hall ; Larry D. Kidd, Fuel-fired liquid heating appliance with burner shut-off system.
  29. Troy E. Trant ; Gary A. Elder ; William T. Harrigill ; Bruce A. Hotton ; Shannon H. McCall, Fuel-fired water heater with flammable vapor sensor and associated induced flow tube.
  30. Fleury Byron ; Stanton Andrew, Gas alarm.
  31. Yokosawa,Koichi; Nakano,Sadaki; Goto,Yasushi, Gas detection system.
  32. Krcma Jan (Elk Grove Village IL) Batt Terry A. (Elmhurst IL), Gas detector.
  33. Deng David, Gas heater with alarm system.
  34. DePalma Thomas M. (HCR Box 54A Central Bridge NY 12035), Gas log fireplace system.
  35. Owen Leslie J. (Porthcawl GB7), Gas monitors.
  36. Wood, Raymond; Anderson, Gary, Gas, fire and earthquake detector.
  37. Williams ; II William J. (Ft. Myers Beach FL) Thorsen Daniel M. (Clearwater FL), Halogen monitoring apparatus.
  38. Bourke Brendan Vincent,AUX ; Valcic Zoran,AUX ; Whitford Geoffrey Mervyn,AUX, Ignition inhibiting gas water heater.
  39. Brendan Vincent Bourke AU; Zoran Valcic AU; Geoffrey Mervyn Whitford AU, Ignition inhibiting gas water heater.
  40. Valcic Zoran,AUX, Ignition inhibiting gas water heater.
  41. Valcic Zoran,AUX, Ignition inhibiting gas water heater.
  42. Dersch James E. (Mound MN) Maciey James L. (Rosemount MN), Ignition safety control system.
  43. Carter John A. (P.O. Box 35522 Monte Sereno CA 95030), Marine safety system for positive-pressure engines.
  44. Hawes M. Kerrigan (Pittsford NY), Method and apparatus for debouncing signals.
  45. Tikijian George H. (Zionsville IN), Method and apparatus for monitoring for the presence of a gas.
  46. Bukowiecki Stanislaw (Uerikon CHX) Paglotke Karlheinz (Langnau a. Albis CHX), Method and apparatus for reducing false alarms in gas warning installations caused by spurious gases.
  47. Polk Steven A. (Farmington Hills MI) Stuckman Bruce E. (Troy MI), Method for controlling a heating unit.
  48. Matthiessen Hans (Gross Parin DEX), Method for sensitizing and stabilizing the operating condition of a semiconductor gas sensor and a semiconductor gas sen.
  49. Bowman John A. ; Benedek Karen R. ; Schmidt Stephan E., Pilot burner apparatus and method for operating.
  50. Clingon Ricky A. (4612 Stenstrom Rd. Rockford IL) Clingon Doyle (4612 Stenstrom Rd. Rockford IL 61109) Fewkes Russell L. (Rockford IL), Power interruption system.
  51. Pleyber Gatan (Domene FRX), Process and apparatus for detecting the presence of a physical phenomenon.
  52. Perry Landis H. (1028 Monada Pl. Altadena CA 91001), Recreational vehicle safety system.
  53. Ueki Takashi (Tokyo JPX) Ishikawa Yoshihiro (Kagamihara JPX), Safety apparatus for combustion device.
  54. Dolan ; James P., Sensing apparatus and method.
  55. Adams, John T.; Munsterhuis, Sybrandus B. V., Sensorless flammable vapor protection and method.
  56. Berns Charles (New Milford CT) Podany Vaclav O. (Norwalk CT), Smoke detector.
  57. Gehman, Richard W.; Sellman, Todd H.; Cholke, Richard C.; Hoefer, Michael R., Tamper resistant vapor sensor method and system.
  58. Sweetman Gerald Patrick (Colorado Springs CO) Mitchell Gary Ross (Boulder CO) Caldwell Marcus Leroy (Colorado Springs CO) Witt William Louis (Broomfield CO), Toxic gas detector with a time measurement sensor.
  59. Stephens ; Jr. Frank H. (Morristown NJ), Vapor detector for marine propulsion apparatus.
  60. Kercheval Frank T. (932 Palm St. Charles MO 63301) Kretschmer Joseph A. (St. Ann MO), Vapor-sensing protective system.
  61. Garrabrant,Michael; York,James; Lyons,Jeff; Smith,Tim; Gillespie,Roger, Water heater with air intake and exhaust system.

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