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[미국특허] Linked progressive jackpot system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63F-013/00
출원번호 UP-0654142 (2007-01-16)
등록번호 US-7604540 (2009-11-10)
우선권정보 AU-PS0501(2002-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Olive, Scott
출원인 / 주소
  • Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
대리인 / 주소
    McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 23


A gaming machine 10 has a display 14 and a game controller arranged to control images of symbols displayed on the display 14. The game controller is arranged to play a game 16 in which at least one random event is caused to be displayed on the display 14. If a predefined winning event occurs, the ma


I claim: 1. A gaming system comprising an electronic game controller configured to facilitate a play of a first game, the first game being configured to receive any one of a plurality of different wagers for a first game outcome, to facilitate a play of a second game in response to the first game o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Weiss Steven A., Automatically varying multiple theoretical expectations on a gaming device: apparatus and method.
  2. Lemay, Steven C.; Hughs-Baird, Andrea, Bonusing apparatus and method for gaming system providing flexibility and interest.
  3. Miodunski Robert L. ; Schneider Richard J. ; Craig Robert J., Cardless distributed video gaming system.
  4. Harris, Gary, Device and method for configuring a slot machine having a hot streak phase.
  5. Morro Stephen W. ; Baerlocher Anthony J. ; Crowder ; Jr. Robert W., Electronic game method and apparatus with hierarchy of simulated wheels.
  6. Barrie Robert, Gaming apparatus and method with persistence effect.
  7. Walker Jay S. ; Jorasch James A. ; Mik Magdalena, Gaming device and method of operation thereof.
  8. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Gerrard, Peter, Gaming device having a selectively accessible bonus scheme.
  9. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having an award distributor and an award accumulator bonus game.
  10. Hughs-Baird, Andrea C., Gaming device having an input-output value bonus scheme.
  11. Hughs-Baird, Andrea C., Gaming device having multiple selection large award bonus scheme.
  12. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having odds of winning which increase as a player's wager increases.
  13. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having odds of winning which increase as a player's wager increases.
  14. Acres John F. ; Vega Jose, Method and apparatus for implementing a jackpot bonus on a network of gaming devices.
  15. Schneider,Richard J., Networked gaming devices using bonus token to effectuate bonus awards.
  16. Eiba Peter,DEX, Playing device system.
  17. Okuda Yoichi,JPX ; Ozaki Koichi,JPX ; Yamaguchi Takashi,JPX ; Yoshida Keiichi,JPX ; Sasa Junichi,JPX, Progressive gaming system.
  18. Olsen Eric Burton, Progressive jackpot gaming system with secret bonus pool.
  19. Celona Anthony P. (Hammonton NJ), Proportional payout method for progressive linked gaming machines.
  20. Crawford Curtis J., Slot machine with symbol save feature.
  21. Saffari Ali ; Breckner Robert ; Bansemer Mark ; Liao Evelyn, Symbol fall game method and apparatus.
  22. Sharpless, David J.; deGrandmaison, Jason R.; Mottes, Julie A.; Tessmer, Michael T., System, apparatus and method employing controller for play of shared bonus games.
  23. Yoseloff Mark L. ; Dunn Russell B. ; Hartl Josef Alexander, Video game with bonusing or wild feature.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Plowman, Gregory Leigh, Apparatus, system and method for awarding progressive or jackpot prizes.
  2. Plowman, Gregory Leigh, Apparatus, system and method for awarding progressive or jackpot prizes.
  3. Plowman, Gregory Leigh, Apparatus, system and method for awarding progressive or jackpot prizes.
  4. Robichaud, Samuel N., Bonus game with playing card accumulation.
  5. Hawkins, Ryan, Enhanced presentation of a selected winning prize level in a pick to reveal jackpot game.
  6. Peterson, Lance R.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having a symbol accumulation game with a physical prize.
  7. Yoshizawa, Kazumasa; Yamauchi, Hiromoto, Gaming machine and method for controlling the same.
  8. Olive, Scott, Linked progressive jackpot system.
  9. Olive, Scott, Linked progressive jackpot system.
  10. Olive, Scott, Linked progressive jackpot system.

활용도 분석정보


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