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Polymer-assisted deposition of films 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B05D-003/02
출원번호 UP-0888868 (2004-07-08)
등록번호 US-7604839 (2009-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • McCleskey, Thomas M.
  • Burrell, Anthony K.
  • Jia, Quanxi
  • Lin, Yuan
출원인 / 주소
  • Los Alamos National Security, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Cottrell, Bruce H.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 17


A polymer assisted deposition process for deposition of metal oxide films and the like is presented. The process includes solutions of one or more metal precursor and soluble polymers having binding properties for the one or more metal precursor. After a coating operation, the resultant coating is h


What is claimed is: 1. A process of preparing a uniform highly ordered metal oxide film comprising: preparing a homogeneous solution comprising a suitable solvent, a soluble metal precursor, and a soluble polymer selected from the group consisting of polyethyleneimine, carboxylated polyethyleneimin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Sakamaki Shinichi,JPX ; Takahashi Yukimi,JPX ; Yamada Yorinobu,JPX ; Toki Motoyuki,JPX ; Aizawa Mamoru,JPX, Ferroelectric element and process for producing the same.
  2. Gallagher Michael K. (Lansdale PA) Manziek Larry (Lansdale PA) Langenmayr Eric J. (Laverock PA), Inorganic-containing composites.
  3. Bruno Salvatore A. (Wilmington DE) Swanson Donald K. (Wilmington DE), Luminescent materials prepared by coating luminescent compositions onto substrate particles.
  4. Dutta Arunava (Chestnut Hill MA) Dullea Lenoard V. (Peabody MA), Method of coating phosphors on fluorescent lamp glass.
  5. Gong Benmin (Amherst MA) Chien James C. W. (Amherst MA), Method of forming high temperature thermally stable micron metal oxide coatings on substrates and improved metal oxide c.
  6. Chien James C. W. (Amherst MA), Method of forming hollow metal oxide superconductors (MOS) and the like by polymer-metal-complex (PMC) techniques and no.
  7. Pebler Alfred R. (Penn Hills PA) Charles Robert G. (Hampton Township ; Allegheny County PA), Method of making ABO3 of the cubic perovskite structure.
  8. Haisma Jan (Eindhoven NLX) Heller Petrus (Eindhoven NLX) Pasmans Johannes M. M. (Eindhoven NLX) Biermann Udo K. P. (Eindhoven NLX), Method of manufacturing a layer of an oxide of an element from group IVa.
  9. DeSaulniers David E. (North Hampton MA), Pack coating process for articles containing small passageways.
  10. Greenberg Charles B. ; Harris Caroline S. ; Korthuis Vincent ; Kutilek Luke A. ; Singleton David E. ; Szanyi Janos ; Thiel James P., Photocatalytically-activated self-cleaning article and method of making same.
  11. Li, DeQuan; Jia, Quanxi, Polymer-assisted aqueous deposition of metal oxide films.
  12. Fogelberg Clement V. (Arvada CO) Romig Joseph H. (Boulder CO), Process for improved glass article coating, and such coated articles.
  13. Hensel ; Jorg ; Koberstein ; Edgar ; Lakatos ; Eduard, Process for producing an adherent metal oxide coating on a solid body.
  14. Chien James C. W. (Amherst MA), Process for producing metal oxide superconductor-polymer composites and composites thereby formed.
  15. Munir H. Nayfeh ; Joel Therrien ; Adam D. Smith, Silicon nanoparticle electronic switches.
  16. Bayer Ernst (Tubingen DEX) Kutubuddin Mohamed (Tubingen DEX), Soluble polymerization catalysts, production of the same and their use.
  17. Wu Xin D. (Greenbelt MD) Muenchausen Ross E. (Espanola NM), Superconductive articles including cerium oxide layer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Seon, Jong-Baek; Ryu, Myung-Kwan; Park, Kyung-Bae; Lee, Sang-Yoon; Koo, Bon-Won, Oxide thin film, methods of manufacturing oxide thin film and electronic devices including oxide thin film.
  2. Seon, Jong-Baek; Ryu, Myung-kwan; Park, Kyung-Bae; Lee, Sang-yoon; Koo, Bon-Won, Oxide thin film, methods of manufacturing oxide thin film and electronic devices including oxide thin film.
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