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[미국특허] Reverse taper dispensing orifice seal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-047/00
출원번호 UP-0610727 (2006-12-14)
등록번호 US-7644843 (2010-02-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bush, Randall G.
  • Montgomery, Gary V.
  • Shankland, William J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rexam Closures and Containers Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Salazar, John F.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 82


A dispensing system having a reverse taper dispensing orifice seal. The reverse tapered seal depends from a lid of a flip-top closure providing a sealing engagement with a dispensing spout of the flip-top closure body when in a closed position. As the dispensing spout may have a variety of shapes, t


We claim: 1. A flip-top closure with a reverse taper dispensing orifice seal comprising: a closure body having a lid hingedly connected thereto; said closure body having a top wall, said top wall having a top surface with a raised elongated spout projecting therefrom, said raised elongated spout ha

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (82) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL), Biased hinge cap.
  2. Rosenthal Karl-Heinz (Reichshof DEX), Biased swivel closure.
  3. Wood Christopher J., Bistable hinge with reduced stress regions.
  4. Proshan Mary-Elizabeth (Suite 194. 301 N. Harrison St. Princeton NJ 08540), Cap attachment for small neck plastic bottle of liquid.
  5. Odet Philippe (Chasselay FRX) Agati Jean P. (Lyon FRX), Cap for container initially closed by a frangible lid.
  6. Takeuchi Kiyoshi (Funabashi JPX), Cap with a hinged top lid.
  7. Takeuchi Kiyoshi,JPX, Cap with a hinged top lid.
  8. Chernack Milton P. (399 June Pl. W. Hempstead NY 11552), Child resistant closure.
  9. Wolfe,Steven R., Child-resistant closure and container package.
  10. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  11. Kennedy Robert J. (21 Bulkara Rd. Bellevue Hill ; New South Wales ; 2023 AUX) Eber Gabriel (8 Borgah St. Carss Park ; New South Wales ; 2221 AUX), Closure.
  12. Robichaud Arthur W. (Worthington OH) Peterson William B. (Mt. Vernon OH) Miller C. Daniel (Rockford IL), Closure.
  13. Sagel Ralph Albert ; Ebersole David Eugene, Closure.
  14. Mock Elmar (Biel/Bienne CHX), Closure unit for a container having a hinged construction, made of different materials and having a film which tears on.
  15. Wilson Woodrow S. (Johnston RI) Hazard Robert E. (Kingstown RI), Closure with hinged lid and cam and spring elements holding lid open or closed.
  16. Kitterman Lawrence R. (Antioch IL) Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL), Closure with open lid retainer.
  17. Fillmore William E. (Toledo OH), Closure with snap type hinge.
  18. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL) Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL), Closure with snap-type hinge cap.
  19. Pehr ; Harold T., Container cover and safety closure.
  20. Pehr Harold T. (3920 W. 96th St. Overland Park KS 66209), Container cover and safety closure.
  21. De Nervo Stanislas,FRX, Container including a dispensing orifice equipped with a closure system.
  22. Bartimes George F. (Chicago IL) Stepenske Lawrence D. (Darien IL), Container with dripless spout and method of forming same.
  23. Reif,Michael Y., Container with primary closure and a secondary closure.
  24. Kohl Garrett W. (Cold Springs NY), Cruet cap.
  25. Richard D. Lohrman, Disk-type toggle-action dispensing closure, package and method of assembly.
  26. Richard D. Lohrman, Disk-type toggle-action dispensing closure, package and method of assembly.
  27. Craig E. McClean ; Robert E. Harman, Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  28. McClean, Craig E.; Harman, Robert E., Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  29. Baudin Gilles,FRX, Dispensing cap with improved tightness.
  30. Abbott Jerry A. (Corydon KY), Dispensing closure.
  31. Hazard Robert E. (North Kingstown RI), Dispensing closure employing living hinge with cams to momentarily deform hinge and recesses to accept cams.
  32. DeGroot, Susan; Blomdahl, Cori M.; Pozgay, David S., Dispensing closure for spreadable product.
  33. DeGroot, Susan; Blomdahl, Cori M.; Pozgay, David S., Dispensing closure for spreadable product.
  34. Skillin,Clifford W.; Johnson,Joseph F., Dispensing closure with stop wall for positive alignment on container.
  35. Pugne,Darin M., Dispensing closure, package and method of manufacture.
  36. Neveras George J. (Kendall NJ) McKinney James C. (Cranbury NJ) Sherman Adam (Brooklyn NY) Lohrman Richard L. (Grayslake IL) Ziegenhorn David (Lake Zurich IL), Dispensing container snap hinge closure.
  37. Englert, Christopher; Huesmann, Kirstin; Kerr, Donald, Dispensing package with lockable closure.
  38. Elliott John, Dispensing structure with displaceable penetrator and bistable cover actuator.
  39. DeCoster Pieter K. J. (Aalst BEX), Double hinging cap.
  40. Iaia Mark J. (Pearl River NY) Meenan Joseph E. (Pleasantville NY), Dual chamber dispenser.
  41. Iaia Mark J. (Pearl River NY) Meenan Joseph E. (Pleasantville NY), Dual-compartment dispenser.
  42. Hierzer,Valentin, Elongated orifice closure.
  43. Hierzer,Valentin, Elongated orifice closure.
  44. Lohrman, Richard D., Fill-through container and closure package.
  45. Durliat Leonora M. ; Kusz Maximillian, Hinged closure for a dual chamber dispensing package.
  46. Durliat Leonora M. ; Kusz Maximillian, Hinged closure for a dual chamber dispensing package.
  47. Martin, Douglas S., Liquid dispensing closure.
  48. Martin, Douglas S., Liquid dispensing closure.
  49. Wilkinson Bradley M. ; Golabek ; Jr. Robert S., Medical safety closure.
  50. Mueller Bruce M. (Crystal Lake IL), Multiple chamber dispensing container and closure system.
  51. Gentile James L. (Orange CT), Multiple chamber dispensing package with closure system.
  52. DeMars Robert A. (6145 Shoup Woodland Hills CA 91367), No spill lid.
  53. Bremner, Brian M.; Karask, Helen H.; Tanner, Christine R., Nozzle for dispensing viscous material.
  54. Elliott John, One-piece dispensing structure and method and apparatus for making same.
  55. W. Gordon Beecroft, One-piece side-dispensing closure.
  56. Robichaud Arthur W. (Worthington OH) Miller Charles D. (Rockford IL) Wilgus Frank R. (Powell OH), Package closure.
  57. Brown John J. ; Jacobs Michael F., Package having closure assembly with concealed hinge.
  58. Krautkramer Gunter,DEX, Plastic screw closure.
  59. Krall Thomas J. (Toledo OH), Plastic squeeze tube and dispensing system.
  60. Babiol Pierre (Villefranche-sur-Saone FR), Pourer-stopper.
  61. Crawford John C. (Lake Mahopac NY), Reclosable dispenser top.
  62. Kohl Garrett W. (Harrison NY), Reclosable, removable cap for reusable shaker dispenser bottle.
  63. Stull Gene (Far Hills NJ) Horwath William C. (Garfield NJ), Ribbon-type dispenser cap.
  64. Stull Gene (1086 Hacklebarney Rd. Chester Township ; Morris County NJ 07930), Ribbon-type dispensing cap having an axial closure blade that rotates along with an outer aperatured cap but remains lon.
  65. Elliott John, Sealed dispensing closure with a seal penetrator.
  66. Mainquist, W. Keith; Breznock, John F., Selectively venting and load-sealing closure.
  67. Dubach Werner F. (Maur CHX), Single or multi-piece closure for rigid or deformable containers.
  68. Lohrman Richard D. (Grayslake IL) Thanisch Klaus (Bullay DEX), Single walled dispensing closures with positive alignment means.
  69. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick; Beth, Gordon, Snap-hinge closure with tamper-evident lid and method of making.
  70. Dubach Werner F. (Maur CHX), Snap-on, plastic hinged closure in a single piece.
  71. Randall Jeffrey T., Spurt minimizing dispensing structure.
  72. Kano, Yuji; Nakajima, Hisashi, Synthetic resin container closure.
  73. Shimizu, Masaru; Ida, Tatsuhara; Kishi, Takao; Iizuka, Shigeo; Nose, Kazuaki; Kakuta, Yoshiyuki; Goto, Takayuki; Nakamura, Hiroyuki; Tsuchida, Haruo; Kuwahara, Katsuhito, Synthetic resin tube container.
  74. Takahara, Kazuo; Kishi, Takao; Iizuka, Shigeo; Ida, Tatsuharu; Nose, Kazuaki, Synthetic resin-made tubular container.
  75. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL), Tamper evident closure with snap-type hinge cap.
  76. Brian Hessel ; Valentin Hierzer ; Rick Gaiser, Tear band closure.
  77. Joyce, Michael, Thermoplastic molded cap with integral tear band.
  78. Dirksing Robert S. (Cincinnati OH), Toggle closure for a resiliently deformable container.
  79. Wilkinson Bradley Mark ; Golabek ; Jr. Robert S., Tube cap.
  80. Mengeu Gary L. ; Exner Victor T., Two-piece, flip-top closure.
  81. Baird James C. (Uccle BEX) Declerk Johan W. (Ichtegem BEX) Hoernaert Jorgen (Brugge BEX) Bilani Nady (Strombeek-Bever BEX) Deflander Joseph F. (Wespelaar BEX), Venting and dispensing cap for a container.
  82. Nycz Joseph D. (Haskins OH), Watertight molded plastic dispensing closure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Arnell, Peter E.; Green, Nicole; Wiescinski, Marc T.; Nelson, Brent S.; Gahlman, Paul; Mazurkiewicz, Tim; Meisner, Matt; Cannamela, Michael; Kim, Jonathan; Suh, Jung-ah, Cap.
  2. Arnell, Peter E.; Wiescinski, Marc T.; Green, Nicole; Nelson, Brent S.; Gahlman, Paul; Mazurkiewicz, Tim; Meisner, Matt; Cannamela, Michael; Kim, Jonathan; Suh, Jung-ah, Cap.
  3. Arnell, Peter E.; Wiescinski, Marc T.; Green, Nicole; Nelson, Brent S.; Gahlman, Paul; Mazurkiewicz, Tim; Meisner, Matt; Cannamela, Michael; Kim, Jonathan; Suh, Jung-ah, Cap.
  4. Bashyam, Navaneeth; Pidevall, Santiago Julian; Rosales, Javier Exposito, Dispensing closure assembly with pre-venting.
  5. Ziegenhorn, David; Hinkle, Jay; Showers, Greg; Azelton, Kerry D.; Alvarez, Stacie M.; Irwin, Bryan, Irremovable closure.
  6. Bimbo, Frank A.; Ilg, John Douglas, Reverse taper mounting of separate components and coupling of devices with reverse taper fittings.

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