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[미국특허] Highback with textile-like material for support 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63C-009/00
출원번호 UP-0607826 (2006-12-01)
등록번호 US-7686321 (2010-04-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cunningham, Christopher C.
  • Davis, Bryan S.
  • Doyle, Christopher M.
  • Giard, Edward
  • Keller, Scott T.
  • Zaloom, Kahlil
출원인 / 주소
  • The Burton Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 62


A highback is provided for controlling a gliding board, such as a snowboard, through leg movement of a rider. The highback is comprised of an upright support member to support a rear region of the rider's leg. The highback includes a textile-like material that extends across a portion of the support


What is claimed is: 1. A highback for use with a gliding board component that interfaces with a rider's leg, the highback comprising: a highback body including an upright support member having a leg contact region, the leg contact region including a textile-like material that comes into contact wit

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (62) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Benoit Louis (Frangy FRX) Nerrinck Bernard (La-Balme-de-Sillingy FRX), Alpine ski boots.
  2. Burt Lionel J. (4144 Crisp Canyon Rd. Sherman Oaks CA 91403), Apparatus for improved control of skis.
  3. Tugutaka Ichikawa,JPX ; Satoshi Umemoto,JPX, Binding for snowboards.
  4. Holzer,Helmut, Binding mechanism for sports devices, in particular for a snowboard.
  5. Gouzes, Philippe; Haupt, Olivier, Bindings for skiboots for snowboards.
  6. Vetter Dennis A. (6644 South 196th St. ; Ste. T-104 Kent WA 98032) Eaton Eric L. (6646 South Prospect Tacoma WA 98409), Boot binding coupling for snow boards.
  7. Vetter Dennis A. ; Eaton Eric L., Boot binding coupling for snow boards.
  8. Saillet Benoit,FRX, Boot with a flexible upper and a reinforcing frame therein, particularly for snowboarding.
  9. Benoit Louis,FRX ; Pallatin Pascal,FRX ; Saillet Thomas,FRX, Boot with adjustable upper.
  10. Perrissoud Claude,FRX, Boot with upper flexion control.
  11. Snoke Shawn C. ; Kaake Shaw,CHX, Calf support on snowboard binding or snowboard boot.
  12. Pozzobon Alessandro (Paderno di Ponzano Veneto ITX), Composite ski boot quarter.
  13. Saillet Benoit,FRX, Device for retaining a boot on a board having a journalled dorsal support element.
  14. Jean-Fran.cedilla.ois Gonthier FR, Device for retaining a boot on a gliding board.
  15. Rigal Jean-Pierre,FRX, Device for retaining a boot on a gliding board.
  16. Saillet Benoit,FRX, Device for retaining a boot on a gliding board adapted for snowboarding.
  17. Gonthier, Jean-Fran.cedilla.ois, Device for retaining a boot on a gliding board adapted to snowboarding.
  18. Begey Jean-Marie (Cranves-Sales FRX) Chemello Jean-Pierre (Annecy FRX), Heel blocking device for ski boot.
  19. Grell Jeffrey L., High back binding for board athletic equipment.
  20. Reuss, Stefan; Dodge, David J.; Coulter, Ryan; Koller, Markus; Laughlin, James D.; West, Brian, Highback formed of multiple materials.
  21. Reuss, Stefan; Dodge, David J.; Coulter, Ryan; Koller, Markus; Laughlin, James D.; West, Brian, Highback formed of multiple materials.
  22. Okajima Shinpei,JPX, Highback lever mechanism.
  23. Reuss, Stefan; West, Brian D.; Dodge, David J.; Coulter, Ryan; Doyle, Christopher M., Highback with adjustable stiffness.
  24. Reuss Stefan ; West Brian D. ; Dodge David J. ; Doyle Christopher M., Highback with an adjustable shape.
  25. Laughlin, James D.; Dodge, David J., Highback with independent forward lean adjustment.
  26. Keleny Lloyd G. ; Hudson Donald R., In-line skate with a flexing cuff.
  27. Kubelka Axel (Vienna ATX) Hensler Adolf (Koflach ATX), Inner shoe for skiing boots or for use with shellike uppers of skiing boots.
  28. Paris Jean (Sevrier FRX) Bonaventure Laurent (Cran-Gevrier FRX), Inner sock for sports boot.
  29. Gignoux Pierre,FRX, Interface for connecting a boot and a gliding board.
  30. Torres Daniel S. (17270 Torrey Ct. Morgan Hill CA 95037), Plastic bag handguard.
  31. Couderc Bernard,FRX, Retention device for a boot on a glide board adapted for snowboarding.
  32. Challande Christian,FRX ; Ragot Cedric,FRX, Retention device for a boot on a glide board with a dorsal support element.
  33. Ramer Paul C. (Golden CO), Ski binding.
  34. Faulin Antonio (Via G. da Procida 4 Milano ITX), Ski binding structure.
  35. Bonaventure Laurent (Cran-Gevrier FRX), Ski boot incorporating adaptable upper.
  36. Mattiuzzo Mario (Treviso ITX), Ski boot made of plastic material.
  37. De Bortoli, Giuseppe; Delago, Thomas, Snow-board binding.
  38. Hansen Reinhard,ATX, Snowboard binding.
  39. Hansen Reinhard,ATX ; Jettmar Werner,ATX, Snowboard binding.
  40. Joubert Des Ouches, Pascal, Snowboard binding.
  41. Maravetz Paul T. ; Laughlin James ; Phillips Frank ; Reid Joshua S. ; Dodge David J. ; Perry David L., Snowboard binding.
  42. Sato, Toshiaki; Naito, Hideyuki; Yagyu, Yoshihiro; Haruna, Motomu, Snowboard binding.
  43. Bayer Seth W. ; Anderson Gerald R. ; Kittrell Wiley A. ; Finney Todd R., Snowboard binding assembly.
  44. Bayer Seth W. ; Piatti Franco,ITX, Snowboard binding assembly.
  45. Bowles Craig M., Snowboard binding assembly with adjustable forward lean backplate.
  46. Karol Chris (P.O. Box 6144 Vail CO 81658), Snowboard binding system.
  47. Erb George A., Snowboard binding which permits angular reorientation of a user's foot while maintaining that foot attached to the snow.
  48. Hogstedt Roy L., Snowboard boot and binding assembly.
  49. Taylor, G. Scott; Phillips, Franklin S.; Spraque, Robert L., Snowboard boot binding.
  50. Messmer Karl,CHX, Snowboard boot with inner stiffening assembly.
  51. Black Steve ; Eckwortzel Gary ; Hamilton Chris ; Robinette Chris ; Sween Barry, Snowboard strap binding.
  52. Servant Jean-Hugues,CAX, Snowboard with braking maneuvering and bindings features.
  53. Knapschafer Myron L., Snowboot binding for a snowboard and the like.
  54. Donnadieu Thierry,FRX ; Repellin Francis,FRX, Sport boot incorporating a flexible collar with damping support zone.
  55. Chemello Jean-Pierre,FRX ; Garbujo Giuseppe,ITX, Sport boot with an adjustable upper.
  56. Borel Rene,FRX, Sports boot having a mobile collar.
  57. Phillips Frank, System for preventing toe-edge travel of a hi-back.
  58. Phillips Frank, System for preventing toe-edge travel of a hi-back.
  59. Ackert Gail M. (Bothell WA) Gillis Donald B. (Lake Stevens WA) Connelly Patrick J. (Freeland WA), Water ski binding.
  60. Calapp David E. (Bellevue WA) Ackert Gail M. (Bothell WA) Brown Roger J. (Aspen CO), Water ski binding.
  61. Teeter Roger C. (Sumner WA) Curmi David M. (Renton WA) Smith Lawrence C. (Kirkland WA), Water ski binding.
  62. West, Brian; Coulter, Ryan; Reuss, Stefan, Wing-shaped leg support for a highback.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. O'Hara, Timothy, Bi-lateral support for a snowboard binding.
  2. Labonte, Ivan, Skate boot having a component with a recess.

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