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[미국특허] Polarization gratings in mesogenic films 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02F-001/13
출원번호 UP-0816916 (2006-02-28)
등록번호 US-7692759 (2010-05-20)
우선권정보 EP-05101529(2005-03-01)
국제출원번호 PCT/IB2006/050615 (2006-02-28)
§371/§102 date 20071207 (20071207)
국제공개번호 WO06/092758 (2006-09-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Escuti, Michael J.
  • Sanchez, Carlos
  • Bastiaansen, Cornelis W. M.
  • Broer, Dirk J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Stichting Dutch Polymer Institute
대리인 / 주소
    Thorne & Halajian, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 6


A polarization grating comprising a polarization sensitive photo-alignment layer (2) and a liquid crystal composition (3) arranged on said photo-alignment layer is provided. An alignment pattern, corresponding to the polarization pattern of a hologram, is recorded in the photo-alignment layer, and t


The invention claimed is: 1. A polarization grating comprising a polarization sensitive photo-alignment layer and at least a first and a second liquid crystal composition arranged on said alignment layer, wherein an anisotropic alignment pattern corresponding to a polarization hologram is arranged

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Mayhew Nicholas,GBX ; Robinson Michael Geraint,GBX ; Tombling Craig,GBX ; Koden Mitsuhiro,JPX, Diffractive spatial light modulator and display.
  2. Robert G. Lindquist, Lateral field based liquid crystal electro-optic polarizer.
  3. Robinson Michael Geraint,GBX ; Tombling Craig,GBX ; Mayhew Nicholas,GBX ; Kuratate Tomoaki,JPX ; Towler Michael John,GBX, Liquid crystal diffractive spatial light modulator and display having two switchable retarders and one passive retarder.
  4. Miyachi, Koichi; Shibahara, Seiji, Liquid crystal optical element and three-dimensional display system including the liquid crystal optical element.
  5. Gibbons Wayne M. ; Rose Patricia A. ; Shannon Paul J. ; Zheng Hanxing, Materials for inducing alignment in liquid crystals and liquid crystal displays.
  6. Schadt Martin (Seltisberg CHX) Schmitt Klaus (Lorrach DEX), Optical component.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Collins, Steven R., Adaptive optic having meander resistors.
  2. TeKolste, Robert Dale; Klug, Michael Anthony; Schowengerdt, Brian T., Architectures and methods for outputting different wavelength light out of waveguides.
  3. TeKolste, Robert Dale; Klug, Michael Anthony; Schowengerdt, Brian T., Architectures and methods for outputting different wavelength light out of waveguides.
  4. Lee, Innam; Choi, Suk; Joo, Youngkuil; Han, Kyung Woo, Display device and method for fabricating the display device.
  5. Klug, Michael Anthony; Schowengerdt, Brian T.; Miller, Michael Nevin; Singh, Vikramjit; Peroz, Christophe; St. Hilaire, Pierre; Sun, Jie, Display system with optical elements for in-coupling multiplexed light streams.
  6. Srivastava, Abhishek Kumar; Hu, Wei; Lu, Yanqing; Xu, Fei; Chigrinov, Vladimir Grigorievich; Kwok, Hoi Sing, Fast switchable and high diffraction efficiency grating ferroelectric liquid crystal cell.
  7. Smith, Irl W.; Dorschner, Terry A., High power optical switch.
  8. Smith, Irl W.; Dorschner, Terry A., High power optical switch.
  9. Dorschner, Terry A.; Smith, Irl W.; Kirchner, Amanda J.; Collins, Steven R.; Resler, Daniel P.; Palmaccio, Linda A., Liquid crystal control structure, tip-tilt-focus optical phased array and high power adaptive optic.
  10. Park, Ku-Hyun; Park, Ki-Bok; Lee, Jong-Hwae, Liquid crystal display device and method for designing the same.
  11. Wittek, Michael; Tanaka, Norihiko; Fischer, Mila; Durmaz, Erdal, Liquid crystal medium and liquid crystal display.
  12. Escuti, Michael James; Oh, Chulwoo; Komanduri, Ravi, Low-twist chiral liquid crystal polarization gratings and related fabrication methods.
  13. Escuti, Michael J.; Oh, Chulwoo; Komanduri, Ravi, Low-twist chiral optical layers and related fabrication methods.
  14. Mao, Chongchang; Li, Minchun; Chen, Bo; Fang, Yang, Method and apparatus for wavelength selective switch.
  15. Mao, Chongchang; Li, Minchun; Chen, Bo; Fang, Yang, Method and apparatus for wavelength selective switch.
  16. Escuti, Michael James, Methods of fabricating liquid crystal polarization gratings on substrates and related devices.
  17. Escuti, Michael James, Methods of fabricating optical elements on substrates and related devices.
  18. Escuti, Michael James; Oh, Chulwoo, Multi-layer achromatic liquid crystal polarization gratings and related fabrication methods.
  19. Escuti, Michael J.; Komanduri, Ravi K.; Lawler, Jr., Kristopher F., Multi-twist retarders for broadband polarization transformation and related fabrication methods.
  20. Du, Tao; Fan, Fan; Chigrinov, Vladimir Grigorievich; Kwok, Hoi Sing, Patterned polarization grating polarization converter.
  21. Du, Tao; Fan, Fan; Chigrinov, Vladimir Grigorievich; Kwok, Hoi Sing, Polarization converter by patterned polarization grating.
  22. Woltman, Scott; Robbins, Steven John; Wall, R. Andrew; Vallius, Tuomas; Levola, Tapani; Kostamo, Pasi, Waveguide gratings to improve intensity distributions.
  23. Robbins, Steven John; Woltman, Scott; Wall, R. Andrew; Poon, Yarn Chee, Waveguides with embedded components to improve intensity distributions.

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