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Independent control of ion density, ion energy distribution and ion dissociation in a plasma reactor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23F-001/00
  • C23C-016/00
  • H01L-021/00
  • G01L-021/30
출원번호 UP-0360635 (2006-02-22)
등록번호 US-7695983 (2010-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hoffman, Daniel J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Applied Materials, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    The Law Office of Robert M. Wallace
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 59


A method of processing a workpiece in a plasma reactor includes coupling RF power from at least three RF power source of three respective frequencies to plasma in the reactor, setting ion energy distribution shape by selecting a ratio between the power levels of a first pair of the at least three RF


What is claimed is: 1. A method of processing a workpiece in a plasma reactor, comprising: coupling RE power from three RE power sources of three respective frequencies and a magnetic field to plasma in said reactor, by: (a) applying plasma source power of a VHF frequency of at least 60 MHz from a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (59)

  1. Collins, Kenneth S., Active species control with time-modulated plasma.
  2. Stephen E. Savas, Apparatus and method for pulsed plasma processing of a semiconductor substrate.
  3. Grnwald Heinrich (Hanau DEX), Apparatus for coating or etching by means of a plasma.
  4. Donohoe Kevin G. ; Hagedorn Marvin F., Beat frequency modulation for plasma generation.
  5. Donohoe Kevin G. ; Hagedorn Marvin F., Beat frequency modulation for plasma generation.
  6. Donohoe Kevin G. ; Hagedorn Marvin F., Beat frequency modulation for plasma generation.
  7. Yang, Jang Gyoo; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Carducci, James D.; Buchberger, Jr., Douglas A.; Hagen, Melissa; Miller, Matthew L.; Chiang, Kang-Lie; Delgadino, Gerardo A., Capacitively coupled plasma reactor with uniform radial distribution of plasma.
  8. Kumihashi Takao (Musashino JPX) Tsujimoto Kazunori (Higashiyamato JPX) Tachi Shinichi (Sayama JPX), Dry etching apparatus and method.
  9. Law Kam S. ; Robertson Robert M. ; Shang Quanyuan ; Olsen Jeff ; Sorensen Carl, Dual frequency excitation of plasma for film deposition.
  10. Salimian Siamak (Sunnyvale CA) Heller Carol M. (San Jose CA) Li Lumin (Santa Clara CA), Dual-frequency capacitively-coupled plasma reactor for materials processing.
  11. Jingbao Liu ; Judy Wang ; Takehiko Komatsu ; Bryan Y Pu ; Kenny L Doan ; Claes Bjorkman ; Melody Chang ; Yunsang Kim ; Hongching Shan ; Ruiping Wang, Etch method using a dielectric etch chamber with expanded process window.
  12. Hanawa,Hiroji; Collins,Kenneth S; Ramaswamy,Kartik; Nguyen,Andrew; Tanaka,Tsutomu; Ye,Yan, Externally excited torroidal plasma source.
  13. Collins, Kenneth S.; Hanawa, Hiroji; Ye, Yan; Ramaswamy, Kartik; Nguyen, Andrew; Barnes, Michael S.; Nguyen, Huong Thanh, Externally excited torroidal plasma source with magnetic control of ion distribution.
  14. Toshima, Takayuki; Konishi, Nobuo; Mizutani, Yoji, Film forming method and film forming system.
  15. Jardine, Leslie A.; Cheung, Josephine H.; Freitas, Walter M., High early strength cement and additives and methods for making the same.
  16. Kenneth Collins ; Michael Rice ; Douglas Buchberger ; Craig Roderick ; Eric Askarinam ; Gerhard Schneider ; John Trow ; Joshua Tsui ; Dennis Grimard ; Gerald Yin ; Robert Wu, Inductively coupled RF Plasma reactor having an overhead solenoidal antenna and modular confinement magnet liners.
  17. Kenneth S. Collins ; Michael Rice ; John Trow ; Douglas Buchberger ; Craig A. Roderick, Inductively coupled RF plasma reactor having an antenna adjacent a window electrode.
  18. Kenneth Collins, Low density high frequency process for a parallel-plate electrode plasma reactor having an inductive antenna.
  19. Hanawa,Hiroji; Ramaswamy,Kartik; Collins,Kenneth S.; Al Bayati,Amir; Gallo,Biagio; Nguyen,Andrew, Low temperature CVD process with selected stress of the CVD layer on CMOS devices.
  20. Shan Hongching ; Lindley Roger ; Bjorkman Claes ; Qian Xue Yu ; Plavidal Richard ; Pu Bryan ; Ding Ji ; Li Zongyu ; Ke Kuang-Han ; Welch Michael, Magnetically-enhanced plasma chamber with non-uniform magnetic field.
  21. Wicker Thomas E. ; Lamm Albert J. ; Vahedi Vahid, Method and apparatus for preventing lightup of gas distribution holes.
  22. Barna Gabriel G. (Richardson TX) Frank James G. (Garland TX) VanMeurs Richard P. (Austin TX) Carter Duane E. (Plano TX), Method and apparatus of etching a clean trench in a semiconductor material.
  23. Brown,Karl M.; Pipitone,John; Mehta,Vineet, Method for forming a barrier layer in an integrated circuit in a plasma with source and bias power frequencies applied through the workpiece.
  24. Pirkle David R. ; Mundt Randall S. ; Harshbarger William, Method for monitoring process endpoints in a plasma chamber and a process monitoring arrangement in a plasma chamber.
  25. Kenneth S. Collins ; Chan-Lon Yang ; Jerry Yuen-Kui Wong ; Jeffrey Marks ; Peter R. Keswick ; David W. Groechel, Method for processing substrates using gaseous silicon scavenger.
  26. Donohoe Kevin G. ; Sandhu Gurtej S., Method for pulsed-plasma enhanced vapor deposition.
  27. Strang, Eric J., Method to affect spatial distribution of harmonic generation in a capacitive discharge reactor.
  28. Moslehi Mehrdad M. ; Lee Yong Jin ; Kermani Ahmad, Multi-zone gas injection apparatus and method for microelectronics manufacturing equipment.
  29. DeOrnellas Stephen P. ; Cofer Alferd ; Vail Robert C., Plasma etch reactor and method for emerging films.
  30. Stephen P. DeOrnellas ; Leslie G. Jerde ; Alferd Cofer ; Robert C. Vail ; Kurt A. Olson, Plasma etch reactor having a plurality of magnets.
  31. Nagahata, Kazunori; Hirose, Eiji, Plasma etching apparatus.
  32. Collins,Kenneth S.; Hanawa,Hiroji; Ramaswamy,Kartik; Nguyen,Andrew; Al Bayati,Amir; Gallo,Biagio, Plasma immersion ion implantation process.
  33. Tobin Jeffrey A. ; Benzing Jeffrey C. ; Broadbent Eliot K. ; Rough J. Kirkwood H., Plasma process apparatus for integrated circuit fabrication having dome-shaped induction coil.
  34. Ma Diana Xiaobing ; Tajima Daisuke,JPX ; Zhao Allen ; Loewenhardt Peter K. ; Webb Timothy R., Plasma process for etching multicomponent alloys.
  35. Masuda, Toshio; Usui, Tatehito; Shirayone, Shigeru; Takahashi, Kazue; Suehiro, Mitsuru, Plasma processing apparatus.
  36. Suemasa Tomoki,JPX ; Ono Tsuyoshi,JPX ; Inazawa Kouichiro,JPX, Plasma processing apparatus.
  37. Akira Doi JP; Ken Yoshioka JP; Manabu Edamura JP; Hideyuki Kazumi JP; Saburou Kanai JP; Tsutomu Tetsuka JP; Masatsugu Arai JP; Kenji Maeda JP; Tsunehiko Tsubone JP, Plasma processing apparatus and method.
  38. Jyunichi Tanaka JP; Toru Otsubo JP; Toshio Masuda JP; Ichiro Sasaki JP; Tetsunori Kaji JP; Katsuya Watanabe JP, Plasma processing apparatus and plasma processing method.
  39. Suemasa, Tomoki; Ono, Tsuyoshi; Inazawa, Kouichiro; Sekine, Makoto; Sakai, Itsuko; Yoshida, Yukimasa, Plasma processing method.
  40. Arai Izumi,JPX ; Tahara Yoshifumi,JPX ; Nishikawa Hiroshi,JPX ; Mitano Yoshinobu ; Iimuro Shunichi,JPX ; Fukasawa Kazuo,JPX ; Miura Yutaka,JPX ; Hosoda Shozo,JPX, Plasma processing method and plasma processing apparatus.
  41. Sunil Wickramanayaka JP; Yukito Nakagawa JP, Plasma processing system for sputter deposition applications.
  42. Vahedi, Vahid; Loewenhardt, Peter; Ellingboe, Albert; Kuthi, Andras; Fischer, Andreas, Plasma processor with electrode simultaneously responsive to plural frequencies.
  43. Collins Kenneth S. ; Yang Chan-Lon ; Wong Jerry Yuen-Kui ; Marks Jeffrey ; Keswick Peter R. ; Groechel David W., Plasma reactor and processes using RF inductive coupling and scavenger temperature control.
  44. Celestino Salvatore A. (Novato CA) Gorin Georges J. (Pinole CA) Hilliker Stephen E. (Petaluma CA) Powell Gary B. (Petaluma CA), Plasma reactor apparatus.
  45. Paterson,Alexander; Todorow,Valentin N.; Panagopoulos,Theodoros; Hatcher,Brian K.; Katz,Dan; Hammond, IV,Edward P.; Holland,John P.; Matyushkin,Alexander, Plasma reactor apparatus with independent capacitive and toroidal plasma sources.
  46. Collins Kenneth S. ; Rice Michael ; Trow John ; Buchberger Douglas ; Askarinam Eric ; Tsui Joshua Chiu-Wing ; Groechel David W. ; Hung Raymond, Plasma reactor having an inductive antenna coupling power through a parallel plate electrode.
  47. Kamata Takeshi,JPX ; Arimoto Hiroshi,JPX ; Kosugi Makoto,JPX ; Hashimoto Koichi,JPX, Plasma treatment method.
  48. Ye Yan ; Hanawa Hiroji ; Ma Diana Xiaobing ; Yin Gerald Zheyao ; Loewenhardt Peter ; Olgado Donald ; Papanu James ; Mak Steven S.Y., RF plasma reactor with cleaning electrode for cleaning during processing of semiconductor wafers.
  49. Yin Gerald ; Ma Diana Xiabing ; Loewenhardt Peter ; Salzman Philip ; Zhao Allen ; Hanawa Hiroji, RF plasma reactor with hybrid conductor and multi-radius dome ceiling.
  50. Sharan Sujit ; Sandhu Gurtej S. ; Smith Paul, RF powered plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactor and methods.
  51. Collins Kenneth ; Roderick Craig ; Buchberger Douglas ; Trow John ; Shel Viktor, RF tuning method for an RF plasma reactor using frequency servoing and power, voltage, current or DI/DT control.
  52. Cuomo Jerome J. (Lincolndale NY) Guarnieri Charles R. (Somers NY) Hopwood Jeffrey A. (Brewster NY) Whitehair Stanley J. (Peekskill NY), Radio frequency induction plasma processing system utilizing a uniform field coil.
  53. Hiroji Hanawa ; Yan Ye ; Kenneth S Collins ; Kartik Ramaswamy ; Andrew Nguyen ; Tsutomu Tanaka, Reactor chamber for an externally excited torroidal plasma source with a gas distribution plate.
  54. Al Bayati,Amir; Collins,Kenneth S.; Hanawa,Hiroji; Ramaswamy,Kartik; Gallo,Biagio; Nguyen,Andrew, Semiconductor on insulator vertical transistor fabrication and doping process.
  55. Collins Kenneth S. (San Jose CA) Roderick Craig A. (San Jose CA) Trow John R. (Santa Clara CA) Yang Chan-Lon (Los Gatos CA) Wong Jerry Y. (Fremont CA) Marks Jeffrey (San Jose CA) Keswick Peter R. (Ne, Silicon scavenger in an inductively coupled RF plasma reactor.
  56. Gopalraja Praburam ; Forster John, Use of modulated inductive power and bias power to reduce overhang and improve bottom coverage.
  57. Nakatsuka, Sakae, Vacuum processing apparatus.
  58. Corn Glenn R. (Sausalito CA) Hegedus Andreas G. (Albany CA), Variable duty cycle, multiple frequency, plasma reactor.
  59. Hanawa,Hiroji; Ramaswamy,Kartik; Collins,Kenneth S.; Al Bayati,Amir; Gallo,Biagio; Nguyen,Andrew, Very low temperature CVD process with independently variable conformality, stress and composition of the CVD layer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Yin, Gerald; Chen, Jinyuan; Ni, Tuqiang, Capacitive CVD reactor and methods for plasma CVD process.
  2. Xia, Yaomin, RF matching network of a vacuum processing chamber and corresponding configuration methods.
  3. Chen, Zhigang; Marakhtanov, Alexei; Holland, John Patrick, Systems and methods for tailoring ion energy distribution function by odd harmonic mixing.
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