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[미국특허] Office system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04B-002/30
출원번호 UP-0835430 (2004-04-29)
등록번호 US-7707790 (2010-06-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Williams, Otto N.
  • Noble, Joe A.
  • Sorel, Todd J.
  • Sorel, Jess A.
  • White, Bryan T.
  • Luomanen, Christopher A.
  • Williams, Max
  • Simon, David E.
  • Lefors, Jon H.
출원인 / 주소
  • Steelcase Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Price, Heneveld, Cooper, DeWitt & Litton, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 93


A free-standing, partition-type furniture system adapted to subdivide an open space of a room, comprising a plurality of first partition panels, each including a first body portion having a pair of side edges, and a first screen member operably coupled to the first partition panel and laterally shif


The invention claimed is: 1. A connector assembly for a free-standing partition-type office system including a plurality of panel members, each panel member having at least one frame member, the at least one frame member having a pair of inwardly-extending channes, the connector assembly comprising

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (93) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Masashi Tsukamoto JP, Apparatus for taking up slack of wire harness.
  2. Peters Virginia C. (P.O. Box 355 Chino Valley AZ 86323), Bathroom cabinet.
  3. Kasanic Joseph M., Cabinet having a tambour door and an attachment mechanism.
  4. Woodward Bruce, Cabinet with removable tambour door.
  5. Hsueh, Yi-Cheng, Combination partition screen and hanging structure for use in a combination partition screen.
  6. Handler Milton E. (Northbrook IL) Sylvan Richard (Glenview IL) Baisch Herbert (Palatine IL), Combined cabinet and shelf unit.
  7. Zapf Otto (Koenigstein/TS DEX), Combined desk, wall panel and storage unit.
  8. Shepheard Thomas E. (Norfolk VA), Combined passenger loading bridge and utilities conduit between airport terminal and parked aircraft.
  9. Shepheard Thomas E. (Norfolk VA), Combined passenger loading bridge and utilities conduit between airport terminal parked aircraft.
  10. Edwards John R.,CAX ITX L0G 1N0, Communications conduit connector mounting device.
  11. Johnson Bernard L. (Danville CA), Connector apparatus for modular panel structure.
  12. Davis Deborah ; Gingrich Bryan R. ; Hunsburger Gerald, Connector arrangement for adjacent panels.
  13. Michaelsen Jorgen (Frejasvey DKX), Construction system for shelves.
  14. Smith Paul C. ; Nixon Thomas L., Container system supported by one or more appliances.
  15. Allen C. Hager ; Steven F. Goodman, Cover member lock for partition panels.
  16. Weber Karl (Laguna CA) Schlinger Michael (Yorba Linda CA) Beedle Richard (Costa Mesa CA), Display panel shelf bracket.
  17. Wilson Harold R. (Holland Township ; Ottawa County MI) Tillmann Ditmar K. (Holland MI), Electrical connector for power panel system.
  18. Byrne Norman R. (2736 Honey Creek ; NE. Ada MI 49301), Electrical junction assembly with adjustable connectors.
  19. Nienhuis James H. (Wyoming MI) Clark Jeffrey L. (Holland MI) De Pree Michael L. (Hamilton MI), Electrified wall panel system.
  20. Nienhuis James H. (Wyoming MI) Clark Jeffrey L. (Holland MI) De Pree Michael L. (Hamilton MI) Beck Robert L. (Zeeland MI), Electrified wall panel system.
  21. Gortsema Steven C. ; Eich Thomas B. ; Churchill David P. ; Seiber Charles A. ; Freidman Frank ; King Jonathan J. ; Lyon Douglas G. ; MacDonald Douglas B., Expandable and contractible work station.
  22. Byrne Norman R. (2736 Honey Creek ; N. E. Ada MI 49301), Extendable electrical junction assembly.
  23. Plewacki ; Donald Raymond, Extensible partition.
  24. Charles P. Schreiner ; Travis M. Randolph, Free standing modular architectural beam system.
  25. Charles P. Schreiner ; Travis M. Randolph, Free standing modular architectural beam system.
  26. Schreiner Charles P. (P.O. Box 711 Saugatuck MI 49453) Randolph Travis M. (P.O. Box 505 Saugatuck MI 49453), Free standing modular furniture and wall system.
  27. Thomas B. Eich ; Kurt Dammermann ; Sean M. Corcorran ; Frank Friedman ; Charles A. Seiber, Furniture construction including adjustable mounting bracket.
  28. Latchinian Jim S. (16 Rue Jean Bologne Paris ; 75016 FRX), Furniture edge assembly.
  29. Hogue Norman E. (Niles MI), Furniture lock.
  30. Ball Douglas C. (Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue CAX) Stumpf William S. (Kitchner CAX) Ludwig Gary R. (Kitchner CAX), Hanging components for space divider system.
  31. Tundaun Apisit (10002/2 Soi Saenanikom 1 ; Pholyothin Rd Bangkok ; 10900 THX), Interlocking office panel device.
  32. Pourmand Tooraj, Joint for three-dimensional framed structures for interior and construction use.
  33. MacDonald Douglas B. ; Stickland James L., Knock-down hang-on storage unit for portable partition systems.
  34. O'Connor John M., Modular electrical service riser with retractable conduit.
  35. McCoy Phillip A. (Laotto IN), Modular furniture power distribution system and electrical connector therefor.
  36. Carr Roger John,GBX ; Jaqua ; III John Judson, Modular office furniture system.
  37. Juhlin Gary S. (Alto MI), Modular powerway for office furniture and the like.
  38. Thomas Olivier A. (P.O. Box 811 Warren MI 48090), Modular shelf assembly.
  39. Soderlund Bengt (Stockholm SEX), Mountable storage furniture.
  40. Parshad, David A., Mounting arrangement for whiteboard.
  41. Clarkson Joseph (Seacroft GB2), Office cabinet.
  42. Tisbo Peter M., Office organizer.
  43. Charman Michael D. (Dartford GBX), Office screens and partitions.
  44. Wolters Richard H. (Grand Rapids Twp. ; Kent County MI) Thoeming Gerald A. (Crete IL) Jeffers Robert E. (Ada MI), Office space dividing system.
  45. Bucher ; Jr. Robert Joseph, Open office panel system.
  46. Aylworth Milo (Alto MI), Over the cabinet door assembly.
  47. Reuter Robert E. (Stony Brook NY) Anderson Robert E. (Palm PA), Overhead cabinet with rotating door.
  48. Fricano Nicholas J. ; Lang Scott A. ; Haworth Richard G., Overhead storage cabinet.
  49. Walter C. Mrotz, III. ; David P. Noel ; Thomas A. Langworthy, Overhead storage unit.
  50. Lopez JosA. (Miami FL), Panel connector system.
  51. Jolly Colin Kenneth,GB2, Panel joint system.
  52. Blodee Leif (Holland MI) Knapp Robert L. (Grand Rapids MI) Oppenhuizen Simon W. (Grand Rapids MI), Panel wall systems with modular component build-up.
  53. Kissinger Terrance G. ; Kissinger Steven M., Partition panel containing data processing or communications equipment.
  54. Rydqvist Sune S. L. (Hagmarksvgen 10 Hallsberg SEX S-694 00), Partition panel system.
  55. Lyon LaDene S. ; Battey Joylene M. ; Dammerman Kurt P. ; Lindale Michelle L. ; Stachowiak Anthony A., Partition panel system with adjustable overhead storage.
  56. Brickner Kenneth D. ; Goodman Steven F. ; Grabowski Daniel ; Roe Matthew C., Partition system with attached markerboard.
  57. Hanlon Jerry C. ; Bahre Everett T. ; Kissinger Terrance G., Privacy panel for use with open office furniture systems.
  58. Kissinger Terrance G. (2136 Pullman Ave. Belmont CA 94002), Privacy panel for use with open office furniture systems.
  59. Wolansky Brad H. ; Atherton Frances J., Rolling organizer.
  60. Neufeld Vida Jo ; Hawks ; Jr. Bill J., Self-retracting, wall-mounted desk and chart holder.
  61. McEntire Jay (Anaheim Hills CA) Haglund Richard (Manhattan Beach CA) Johnson Ed (Corona Del Mar CA) MacFarlane J. Garrett (Torrance CA), Service transport unit.
  62. van den Nieuwelaar Aldo (Amsterdam NLX), Sideboard.
  63. Daniel J. Muellerleile, Slat wall structure with profile for different shelf support brackets and the like.
  64. Eisenreich Richard G. ; Landgren Carl B. ; Sieren Michael P., Slatwall display system.
  65. Richard Michael B. (1012 1/2Scott Ave. Port Huron MI 48060), Sliding tie rack cabinet for dressers.
  66. Theosabrata Yos S. (Kebon Jeruk 18/1B Jakarta-11160 IDX), Storage cabinet.
  67. Mark Edward H. (U.S. 31 North Niles MI 49120), Storage facility such as a file having a flexible rotatable cover.
  68. Chervanak Robert A. (Seattle WA), Storage unit.
  69. van der Burg Paul C. J. (Oosterhout NLX), Storage unit for compact disks.
  70. King, Jonathan J.; Ruiter, Joel T.; Dekkar, David J.; Houda, James D.; Mack, Peter E., Storage unit having flexible cover.
  71. Friedman Frank A. (San Francisco CA), Storage wall cabinet unit.
  72. Aoki, Tohru; Doshita, Kenichi; Tsunoda, Mitsunori; Fukumoto, Rhoichi, Structure of installing wire harness for sliding door.
  73. Kakuta Tomokazu,JPX ; Narita Tetsuya,JPX ; Takahashi Makoto,JPX ; Kojima Nobuyuki,JPX, Table with an elevating panel, an elevating table and a combination thereof.
  74. Muller-Deisig Wolfgang (Berlin DEX) Dankers Alexander H. A. M. (Berkel-Enshot NLX), Table work station.
  75. Richard Herbert Snow ; Timothy James Pickles ; Ross S. Johnson ; Ralph Reddig ; David E. Emery, Telecommunications cabling arrangement.
  76. MacQuarrie Kenneth J. (Aurora MI CAX) Benner Douglas D. (Grand Rapids MI) Karrip Alexander A. (Newaygo MI), Telescoping panel construction.
  77. Kalischewski Rolf (Oldenburg DEX) Petersen Gerd (Oldenburg DEX) Schssler Karl (Oldenburg DEX), Telescoping wall element of a movable partition.
  78. Cates, Dennis O.; Crawford, Roger K., Track assembly for cleanroom wall system.
  79. Schussler Karl (Oldenburg DEX), Two-shell telescopic element.
  80. Propst Robert L. (Ann Arbor MI) Wodka Michael A. (Ann Arbor MI), Under the wall energy supply system for a space divider system.
  81. Frascari, Massimiliano, Undercut anchoring element for fixing plates and/or tiles.
  82. Goodman Steven F. ; Fink Roy W. ; Hager Allen C. ; Houda James D. ; Abson Michael H., Variable width end panel.
  83. Clausen Knud (6/24 Savannah Street Epsom ; Auckland NZX), Wall panel system.
  84. Phillip DeRuiter ; Pete Beyer ; Dave Emery ; Robert Tuttle ; Kevin Meyer, Wall panel system.
  85. Beirise, Jean M.; McClintock, Kevin L.; Shane, Todd A., Wall panel with off-module components.
  86. Lorie Marangoni CA; Geoffrey Milligan CA; Zoran Baic CA; Christine Dominik CA; Steven Verbeek CA; Genadij Makarewicz CA; Ulf Stahmer CA; Nicolas Koeppe CA, Wall system.
  87. Montrouil George W. (Palo Alto CA), Windows and method of making the same.
  88. Suzuki Masahisa,JPX ; Takimoto Tetsuya,JPX ; Ando Yasuhiro,JPX ; Funaki Tetuya,JPX ; Suehiro Shinichi,JPX, Wiring harness arranging construction.
  89. Kelley James O. (Spring Lake MI), Work space management system.
  90. Kelley James O. (Spring Lake MI) Stumpf William E. (Minneapolis MN), Work space management system.
  91. Kelley James O. (Spring Lake MI) Stumpf William E. (Minneapolis MN) Friedman Frank A. (San Francisco CA), Work space management system.
  92. Underwood Robert A. (Huntingburg IN) Henriott Jay M. (Jasper IN), Work space partition system.
  93. Gortsema Steven C. ; King Jonathan J. ; Friedman Frank ; Eich Thomas B. ; Seiber Charles A. ; Lyon Douglas G. ; Churchill David P., Work station adapted for routing utilities.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Behar, Yves; Li, Qin; Edahiro, Naoya; Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Chang, Diana; Malone, Matthew; Lewis, Casey Doran, Chair.
  2. Behar, Yves; Li, Qin; Edahiro, Naoya; Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Chang, Diana; Malone, Matthew; Lewis, Casey Doran, Chair.
  3. Behar, Yves; Li, Qin; Edahiro, Naoya; Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Chang, Diana; Malone, Matthew; Lewis, Casey Doran, Chair.
  4. Behar, Yves; Li, Qin; Edahiro, Naoya; Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Chang, Diana; Malone, Matthew; Lewis, Casey Doran, Chair with desk.
  5. Behar, Yves; Li, Qin; Edahiro, Naoya; Murphy-Reinhertz, Noah; Chang, Diana; Malone, Matthew; Lewis, Casey Doran, Desk.
  6. Gosling, Geoff W.; Blehm, Colin V., Embedded furniture having retractible legs with lighting.
  7. Gosling, Geoff; Smed, Mogens, Integrated reconfigurable wall system.
  8. Gosling, Geoff; Smed, Mogens, Integrated reconfigurable wall system.
  9. Gosling, Geoff; Smed, Mogens; Blehm, Colin; Olsen, Gregory Gordon Charles, Modular wall incorporating recessed, extendable furniture.
  10. Gosling, Geoff; Smed, Mogens, Modular wall nesting system.
  11. Gosling, Geoff; Smed, Mogens, Modular wall nesting system.
  12. Gosling, Geoff W.; Blehm, Colin V., Modular walls with embedded furniture and opposing feature.
  13. Geister, Ryan; Haan, Theodore M., Sliding door assembly.
  14. Keller, Ralf; Geister, Ryan; Petrat, Helmut; Haan, Theodore M.; Borchhardt, Andreas, Sliding door assembly.
  15. Matthai, John; Laarman, Jeremy; Katje, Michael, Workstation accessory including a clamp mechanism.

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