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Methods for the purification of polymers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08F-006/00
  • C08G-065/46
출원번호 UP-0017399 (2008-01-22)
등록번호 US-7745566 (2010-07-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chattopadhyay, Pratibhash
  • Shekunov, Boris Y.
  • Gibson, K. Adam
출원인 / 주소
  • Ferro Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Rankin, Hill & Clark LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 13


The present invention provides methods for purifying polymers. In each embodiment of the invention disclosed herein, a supercritical fluid is contacted with an organic solution that includes a polymer to be purified dissolved in an organic solvent. The supercritical fluid extracts the organic solven


What is claimed is: 1. A method of purifying a polymer containing impurities, the method comprising: dissolving the polymer containing impurities in an organic solvent to form an organic polymer solution; co-introducing the organic polymer solution and an aqueous solution into a homogenization devi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Chattopadhyay, Pratibhash; Shekunov, Boris Y.; Seitzinger, Jeffrey S.; Huff, Robert W., Composite particles and method for preparing.
  2. DeSimone Joseph M. (Chapel Hill NC) Maury Elise E. (Chapel Hill NC) Combes James R. (Carboro NC) Menceloglu Yusuf Z. (Chapel Hill NC), Heterogeneous polymerization in carbon dioxide.
  3. Edwards, David A.; Batycky, Richard P.; Johnston, Lloyd, High efficient delivery of a large therapeutic mass aerosol.
  4. Marie-Louise Andersson SE; Catherine Boissier SE; Anne Mari Juppo SE; Anette Larsson SE, Incorporation of active substances in carrier matrixes.
  5. Farmer Peter H. ; Moses John M., Method and apparatus for separating polymer from a plastic, and the resulting separated polymer.
  6. Hanna Mazen,GB3 ; York Peter,GB3, Method and apparatus for the formation of particles.
  7. Chattopadhyay,Pratibhash; Shekunov,Boris Y.; Seitzinger,Jeffrey S., Method for preparation of particles from solution-in-supercritical fluid or compressed gas emulsions.
  8. Sievers Robert E. ; Karst Uwe,DEX, Methods and apparatus for fine particle formation.
  9. Sievers Robert E. (Boulder CO) Karst Uwe (Muenster DEX), Methods for fine particle formation.
  10. Chattopadhyay,Pratibhash; Shekunov,Boris Y.; Seitzinger,Jeffrey S.; Huff,Robert W., Particles from supercritical fluid extraction of emulsion.
  11. Etter, Jeffrey B., Particulate drug-containing products and method of manufacture.
  12. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph; Jenkins, Jr.,Howard Wood, Process for removal of impurities from an oxidizer purge stream.
  13. Manning Mark C. ; Randolph Theodore W. ; Shefter Eli ; Falk ; III Richard F., Solubilization of pharmaceutical substances in an organic solvent and preparation of pharmaceutical powders using the s.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Taylor, Douglas; McClain, James B., Coated stents.
  2. DeYoung, James P.; Taylor, Charles Douglas; McClain, James B.; Smoke, Clint; Cole, Mike, Coatings containing multiple drugs.
  3. DeYoung, James; Taylor, Charles Douglas; McClain, James B.; Smoke, Clint; Cole, Mike, Coatings containing multiple drugs.
  4. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas; Fagan, Meagan M., Drug delivery medical device.
  5. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas; Neet, John, Drug delivery medical device.
  6. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas; Neet, John; Zani, Brett G., Drug delivery medical device.
  7. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas; Zani, Brett G.; Neet, John; Kiorpes, Timothy Charles, Drug delivery medical device.
  8. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Douglas; Neet, John, Drug delivery medical device.
  9. Taylor, Doug; McClain, Jim; Smoke, Clint; Cole, Mike; DeYoung, James, Polymer coatings containing drug powder of controlled morphology.
  10. McClain, James B.; Benvenuto, Arthur J., Stents and other devices having extracellular matrix coating.
  11. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Douglas, Stents having bioabsorbable layers.
  12. McClain, James B.; Taylor, C. Douglas; Rabiner, Robert, Stents having biodegradable layers.
  13. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas, Stents having controlled elution.
  14. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Charles Douglas, Stents having controlled elution.
  15. McClain, James B.; Taylor, Douglas, Stents having controlled elution.
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