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[미국특허] Phase lock loop (PLL) with gain control 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03L-007/06
출원번호 UP-0127651 (2008-05-27)
등록번호 US-7786771 (2010-09-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tsai, Tsung-Hsien
  • Hung, Tsung-Yang
  • Chen, Chien-Hung
  • Yuan, Min-Shueh
출원인 / 주소
  • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Slater & Matsil, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 22


A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) with gain control is provided. The PLL has a dual-path configuration, where a first and a second VCO control voltage are generated in response to a phase or frequency difference between a PLL input signal and an output signal. The PLL comprises a dynamic voltage gain control


What is claimed is: 1. A phase lock loop (PLL) circuit comprising: a phase detector configured to generate a control signal representing a frequency difference between a PLL input signal and an output signal; a loop filter configured to generate first and second voltage signals in response to the c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Chen,Ker Min, Boost-biased level shifter.
  2. Afghahi Morteza, Compact comparator.
  3. Colles Joseph H. (Vista CA), Comparator.
  4. Bellantoni, John Vincent, Configurable homodyne/heterodyne radio receiver and RFID reader employing same.
  5. Da Dalt, Nicola; Sandner, Christoph, Digital phase-locked loop.
  6. Perrott, Michael H.; Baird, Rex T.; Huang, Yunteng, Digitally-synthesized loop filter method and circuit particularly useful for a phase locked loop.
  7. Sander Wendell ; Sander Brian, Direct digital frequency synthesis enabling spur elimination.
  8. Jaussi, James E.; Casper, Bryan K., Dual-stage comparator unit.
  9. Afghahi Morteza ; He Yueming, High accuracy comparator.
  10. Crispie Finbarr J. (Sunnyvale CA) Rosseel Geert P. (Stanford CA), High speed differential comparator.
  11. Huq Ruquiya Ismat Ara (Plainsboro NJ) Dingwall Andrew Gordon Francis (Princeton NJ), Liquid crystal display driver with threshold voltage drift compensation.
  12. Sowlati,Tirdad; Youssoufian,Edward, Loop filter integration in phase-locked loops.
  13. Lu,Chih Wen; Xiao,Peter H., Low DC power rail-to-rail buffer amplifier for liquid crystal display application.
  14. Leong,Colin Wai Mun; Bal,Jagdeep Singh; Miller,Richard, Method and apparatus for a hybrid phase lock loop frequency synthesizer.
  15. Ishimaru Yoshiyuki (Itami JPX) Kiji Akio (Itami JPX), Microcomputer.
  16. Heller Norbert (Grefrath DEX) Hanndorf Klaus (Krefeld DEX) Stockschlager Alfons (Viersen DEX), Movable-window safety device.
  17. Wong,Wilson; Patel,Rakesh H.; Shumarayev,Sergey, Phase lock loop and method for operating the same.
  18. Brown, James E. C.; Sonntag, Jeffrey Lee, Phase locked loop with control voltage centering.
  19. Dosho,Shiro; Morie,Takashi; Okamoto,Kouji; Yamada,Yuji; Sogawa,Kazuaki, Phase-locked loop circuit.
  20. On,Au Yeung; Yong,Ding; Singh,Rajinder, Single-VCO CDR for TMDS data at gigabit rate.
  21. Zhu,Xiang; Qu,Ming, Switched capacitor ripple-smoothing filter.
  22. Thompson, Ian V., Synthesizer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Liu, Shiue-Shin, Bias circuit and phase-locked loop circuit using the same.
  2. Morand, Cedric; Canard, David, Cancellation system for phase jumps at loop gain changes in fractional-N frequency synthesizers.
  3. Tsai, Tsung-Hsien; Chen, Chien-Hung; Yuan, Min-Shueh, Constant Gm circuit and methods.
  4. Cheng, Wei-Chuan; Shieh, Jiann-Chyi Sam, Dual-loop phase lock loop.
  5. Ainspan, Herschel A.; Ferriss, Mark A.; Friedman, Daniel J.; Rylyakov, Alexander V.; Tierno, Jose A., Hybrid phase-locked loop architectures.
  6. Li, Matt; Yuan, Min-Shueh; Chang, Chih-Hsien, PLL with oscillator PVT compensation.
  7. Chen, Chih-Hung, Phase lock loop circuit.
  8. Li, Matt; Yuan, Min-Shueh; Chang, Chih-Hsien, Phase lock loop, voltage controlled oscillator of the phase lock loop, and method of operating the voltage controlled oscillator.
  9. Chen, Chien-Hung; Chou, Mao-Hsuan; Tsai, Tsung-Hsien, Phase-locked loop start up circuit.
  10. Liu, Chih-Min, Voltage controlled oscillator with a large frequency range and a low gain.
  11. Liu, Chih-Min, Voltage controlled oscillator with a large frequency range and a low gain.

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