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[미국특허] Apparatus having one-way valve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-037/00
출원번호 UP-0021115 (2008-01-28)
등록번호 US-7850051 (2011-02-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Py, Daniel
  • Chan, Julian V.
  • Adamo, Benoit
출원인 / 주소
  • Medical Instill Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    McCarter & English, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 99


A device including a valve body defining a first passageway, a valve seat, and a flow aperture extending through the valve body and coupled in fluid communication with the first passageway. A valve member formed of an elastic material overlies the valve seat, defining a normally closed, axially-exte


What is claimed is: 1. A device for aseptically storing fluid and dispensing multiple portions of the stored fluid therefrom, comprising: a sealed, sterile, hermetically sealed variable-volume storage chamber, wherein the variable-volume storage chamber includes multiple portions of a fluid stored

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (99) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Py Daniel (8 Normandy Rd. Larchmont NY 10538), Apparatus for applying medicament to an eye.
  2. Geier Adalberto (Calceranica al Lago ITX), Apparatus for dispensing a semifluid medium from a container.
  3. Mueller John J. (Woodbury MN) Beall Glenn L. (Gurnee IL), Apparatus for facilitating inflow through closure threads of dispenser.
  4. Wheeler James R., Apparatus for the dispensing of heated viscous food product.
  5. Mandralis Zenon Ioannis ; Westfall Scott ; Yunker Kenneth A., Aroma recovery process.
  6. Christine William C. (Nazareth PA), Aseptic infant feeding system.
  7. Kaeser, Thomas, Assembly with pouch and fitment and process for its manufacture.
  8. Evans Timothy F.,AUX, Beverage dispenser.
  9. Fuchs Karl-Heinz,DEX, Bottle closure for squeezing bottle.
  10. Takahashi Yutaka (Tokyo JPX), Cap device for mouthpiece of container and methods of sealing mouthpiece portion of container and opening the same.
  11. Green Timothy (East Windsor NJ) Kaufman Harry (Princeton NJ) Jalovec Charles (Manalapan NJ), Carton and pouch system.
  12. Py Daniel (9 Hampden St. Wellesley MA 02181), Cartridge for applying medicament to an eye.
  13. Py Daniel (Short Hills NJ), Cartridge for applying medicament to an eye from a dispenser.
  14. von Winckelmann ; Emil H., Closure assembly for collapsible tube dispensers, and the like.
  15. Furrer, Marc; Gretsch, Catherine, Coffee aroma recovery process.
  16. Marc Furrer CH; Catherine Gretsch CH, Coffee aroma recovery process and resultant products.
  17. Maddox Jeffrey T. ; Mast Rexford R. ; Yeager Robert H., Compact fluid pump.
  18. Hodgson Dale A. (Mequon WI), Condiment dispenser.
  19. Py, Daniel; Assion, Norbert M.; Chan, Julian V., Container and valve assembly for storing and dispensing substances, and related method.
  20. Clements Don A. (Arlington TX) Killinger Fred M. (Arlington TX), Container for dispensing preservative-free preparations.
  21. Gerber Bernard R., Contamination-safe multiple-dose dispensing cartridge for flowable materials.
  22. Goncalves Antonin L. (Groslay FRX), Device for dispensing at least one viscous product in dosed quantities.
  23. Nilson Billy N. (Mjolby SEX), Device for dispensing fluid from a container.
  24. Nilsson Billy (Mjlby SEX), Device for dispensing fluid that includes a valve which communicates with a pump.
  25. Gueret Jean-Louis,FRX, Device for packaging and dispensing a liquid or semi-liquid substance.
  26. Lataix Gilbert (Clermont-Ferrand FRX), Device for the distribution of successive doses of a fluid product-in particular medicinal or cosmetic-contained in a vi.
  27. Crosnier Daniel (14 rue Jacques Lanty 76550 Offranville FRX) Dulery Jean-Marie (53 avenue Pierre Semard 94210 La Varenne FRX), Device for total and immediate closure which can be placed on various containers, bottles, tubes, jars, whether rigid or.
  28. Christine William C. (341 St. John St. Catasauqua PA 18032), Dispenser and refill package.
  29. Gueret Jean-Louis H. (Paris FRX), Dispenser for at least one liquid or pasty product comprising a closure system that allows no ingress of air, and preser.
  30. Hirschmann Adolf M. (Heilbronn DEX) Kser Klaus (Weinsberg DEX) Rieker Hans (Eberstadt DEX) Busch Hans-Peter (Heilbronn DEX) Rathke Willi (Erlenbach DEX) Maul Heinz P. (Eberstadt DEX), Dispenser for dispensing liquids in controlled quantities from a bottle.
  31. Castillo Bradley E. (Emeryville CA) Tungol Joseph E. (Elk Grove CA) Litzaw Edgar M. (San Anselmo CA), Dispenser for dispersing sterile solutions.
  32. Christine William C. (341 St. John St. Catasauqua PA 18032), Dispenser having a roller for squeezing amounts from a tube.
  33. Clyde Gene Frank, Dispenser system.
  34. Mueller John J. (Woodbury MN), Dispensing apparatus.
  35. Benson Gustav E. (Malmo SEX), Dispensing apparatus for discharging liquid or creamy products.
  36. Daansen Warren S. (P.O. Box 614 Nashua NH 03061), Dispensing apparatus having a pump tube.
  37. Fuchs Karl-Heinz,DEX, Dispensing container with variable volume compensation.
  38. Drennow, Sten; Cedergren, Stefan, Dispensing device.
  39. Roggenburg Stanley L. (Staten Island NY) Laauwe Robert H. (Franklin Lakes NJ) Polite John L. (Saddle River NJ) Tully Michael (Staten Island NY), Dispensing device.
  40. Cooprider Rex C. (Hacienda Heights CA) Grogan Richard P. (San Bernadino CA) Knickerbocker Michael G. (Long Beach CA), Dispensing pump.
  41. Hazard, Robert E.; Handren, Frederick R., Dispensing pump with deformable pump wall and positive shut-off.
  42. Hazard Robert E. (511 Fletcher Rd. North Kingstown RI 02852-1612) Handren Frederick R. (2111 Jefferson Davis Hwy. ; Suite 409-S Arlington VA 22202), Dispensing pump with positive shut-off.
  43. Friedman, Mitchell A., Dispensing valve for fluids.
  44. Mitchell A. Friedman, Dispensing valve for fluids.
  45. Hampel Hans-Joachim (Niederhchstadt DEX) Scondo Ludwig (Frankfurt am Main DEX) Stahl Jrgen (Frankfurt am Main DEX) Wegner Wilhelm (Frankfurt am Main DEX) Bonne Harry (Meilen CHX), Disposable container for liquids and apparatus for dispensing liquid from such container.
  46. Vignot Eric (Coubron FRX), Disposable dispenser pump for products in liquid or paste form.
  47. David Victor Cann GB, Dosing and delivering system.
  48. Py Daniel,FRX, Double dispenser for medicinal liquids.
  49. Landau, Sergio, Drug cartridge assembly and method of manufacture.
  50. Mascitelli, Francesco, Extension for bottle dispenser, in particular for food products.
  51. Newton Roger E. (Teaneck NJ) Walters Melvin D. (Iowa City IA), Flexible container for storage and dispensing of sterile solutions.
  52. Mueller John J. (Chagrin Falls OH), Flexible dispenser with bladder.
  53. Christine William C. (Catasauqua PA), Fluent product extraction system.
  54. Py, Daniel; Ting, Joseph M., Fluid dispenser having a housing and flexible inner bladder.
  55. Gortz Norman (111 Granville Dr. Newport Beach CA 92660), Fluid dispensing apparatus with prestressed bladder.
  56. Carhuff, Peter W.; Dickinson, Edward L.; Harvey, Andrew C.; Kolvek, Edward M., Fluid dispensing device with self-cleaning nozzle and methods of use.
  57. Haviv Shlomo (3750 Hudson Manor Ter. New York NY 10463) Hamilton Michael (5115 Fulton Ave. Sherman Oaks CA 91423), Fluid dispensing unit with one-way valve outflow.
  58. Reddy, Balakrishna; Hartman, Eric E., Food pouch assembly for dispensing a flowable food product from a cassette-type dispenser.
  59. Cogger, John J., Housing apparatus with rear activated return button for instilling a medication into an eye.
  60. Meller Hans R. (St. Legier CHX) Secretin Marie-Christine (Blonay CHX), Infant milk formula and process for its manufacture.
  61. Meshberg Philip, Insertable barrier bag or liner for a narrow neck dispensing container and method of filling such a barrier bag of line.
  62. Loeffler Herbert H., Interchangeable liquid dispensing cartridge pump.
  63. McDermott Peter B. (Boonton NJ) Syrek Gerald M. (Saddle Brook NJ), Liquid dispenser.
  64. McCann Gerald P. (Los Angeles CA) Verley Donald (Lake Elizabeth CA), Liquid dispenser for use with containers.
  65. Wilde Trevor J. (Burnley GB2) Bolton Philip (Blackburn GB2), Metered-dose aerosol valves.
  66. Py Daniel, Method for instilling a predetermined volume of medicament into an eye.
  67. Petrie Ivan L. (Waterloo IA), Method of assembling a pressure vessel.
  68. Py,Daniel; Chan,Julian V.; Adamo,Benoit; Houle,Nathaniel, Method of using one-way valve and related apparatus.
  69. Gerber, Bernard R.; Deb, Jyotirmay, Modular valve assembly and system with airtight, leakproof and shockproof closure for engagement in the neck of a container.
  70. Cogger John J. ; Haffner David S., Multiple precision dose, preservative-free medication delivery system.
  71. Fontana, Antonio, Multiple-dose bottle with dosage nozzle for liquids, particularly for pharmaceutical products.
  72. Gianni Lunghetti IT, Multiple-dose bottle with dosage spout for products, particularly medicines.
  73. Rackwitz, Ingo, Nozzle assembly.
  74. Py Daniel (54 Falmouth st. Short Hills NJ 07078), Ocular treatment apparatus.
  75. Py Daniel, One-way actuation release mechanism for a system for applying medicament.
  76. Py,Daniel; Chan,Julian V.; Adamo,Benoit; Houle,Nathaniel, One-way valve and apparatus using the valve.
  77. Haggart John A. (Rugby GB2), Packages for carbonated beverages.
  78. Garibaldi Giuseppe,ITX, Pasty or creamy substance dispenser.
  79. Stern Leif E. (Lomma SEX), Portioning arrangement for dispensing portions of liquid foodstuff from a foodstuff container.
  80. Johanson, James E., Pressure-activated flexible valve.
  81. Py Daniel (40 rue Franklin 78100 St. Germain En Laye FRX), Process for filling a sealed receptacle under aseptic conditions.
  82. Sozzi Tomaso (Lausanne CHX) Buhler Marcel E. A. (Tolochenaz CHX) Dasek Jaroslav (Yverdon CHX), Production of yogurt.
  83. Brennan, James William; Brewer, Peter Russell, Pump for dispensing flowable material.
  84. Meuresch Herbert (Wiesbaden DT) Patenge Tilo (Hattersheim DT), Rapid charging valve for a pressurized dispenser.
  85. Matukura Yoshiharu (Ikoma JPX) Kataoka Tokio (Kawanishi JPX) Fujisawa Hiroshi (Toyonaka JPX), Rubber closure device for vials.
  86. Stolper Daniel (36 Ben Maimon Jerusalem ILX 92261 ), Sealed container for liquids particularly beverages.
  87. Nilson Billy,SEX, Self-closing apparatus.
  88. Robinson Philip J., Self-closing fluid dispensing closure.
  89. Chan John G.,JPX, Self-closing liquid dispensing package.
  90. Jouillat Claude,FRX, Spray nozzle having an oblong atomizer.
  91. Schmidt Steven L. (Merrimack NH) Collette Wayne N. (Merrimack NH) Krishnakumar Suppayan M. (Nashua NH), Squeezable multi-layer dispensing container with one-way valve.
  92. James V. C. Boyles ; John S. Kent, Storage and delivery of multi-dose, preservative-free pharmaceuticals.
  93. Thomassen Johan H. C. (Zeist NLX), Transport and dispensing container for liquid material.
  94. Smith Daniel F. (Irvine CA) Holland Greg (Irvine CA), Value controlled squeezable fluid dispenser.
  95. Barak Swi,ILX, Valve assembly.
  96. Smith Daniel F. (Irvine CA) Holland Gregory R. (Irvine CA), Valve controlled squeezable fluid dispenser.
  97. Nilsson Billy (Mjlby SEX), Valve for dispensing a fluid.
  98. Butcher ; Roger Anthony, Valves for pressurized dispensers.
  99. Chen, Jason K. S., Washing liquid supplier.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Olson, James M.; Hegland, Michael; Seeley, Dale F., Container for pump system.
  2. Samain, Henri, Cosmetic or dermatological system including an internal clock and/or a clock data receiver and an adjustment system enabling a characteristic of a preparation to be modified automatically as a function of clock data.
  3. Samain, Henri, Cosmetic or dermatological system with automatic adjustment of the properties of a preparation as a function of data transmitted by a transmitter external to the system.
  4. Samain, Henri; Grollier, Jean-Francois; Candau, Didier, Device for dispensing a preparation, with automatic or semi-automatic adjustment of the properties of the preparation by means of an integrated sensor of the surroundings.
  5. Py, Daniel, Dispensing machine valve and method.
  6. Py, Daniel, Dispensing machine valve and method.
  7. Py, Daniel, Dispensing machine valve and method.
  8. Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof; Sowieja, Michael, Fitment.
  9. Sowieja, Michael; Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof, Fitment.
  10. Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof; Sowieja, Michael, Fitment for interconnection between product packaging and a product dispenser.
  11. Fangrow, Thomas F., Fluid transfer device.
  12. Lopez, George A.; Fangrow, Thomas F., Fluid transfer devices and methods of use.
  13. Lopez, George A.; Fangrow, Thomas F.; Leissling, Peter; Janssen, Matthias, Fluid transfer devices and methods of use.
  14. Lopez, George A.; Fangrow, Thomas F.; Leissling, Peter; Janssen, Matthias, Fluid transfer devices and methods of use.
  15. Lopez, George A.; Fangrow, Thomas F.; Leissling, Peter; Janssen, Matthias, Fluid transfer devices and methods of use.
  16. Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof; Mucci, David, Food dispenser.
  17. Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof; Mucci, David, Food dispenser.
  18. Gehl, Michael; Sowieja, Michael; Albiez, Christoph; Hatch, Paul; Mitchell, Thomas; Mucci, David; Rostlund, Anders Olof, Food product dispenser and valve.
  19. Sowieja, Michael; Gehl, Michael; Albiez, Christoph; Hatch, Paul; Mitchell, Thomas; Mucci, David; Rostlund, Anders Olof, Food product dispenser and valve.
  20. Hachey, Jay; McCall, Thomas; Woodbury, Jason, Methods and systems for filling IV bags with therapeutic fluid.
  21. Py, Daniel; Chan, Julian V.; Adamo, Benoit; Houle, Nathaniel, One-way valve and apparatus and method of using the valve.
  22. Py, Daniel; Chan, Julian V.; Adamo, Benoit; Houle, Nathaniel, One-way valve and apparatus and method of using the valve.
  23. Py, Daniel; Chan, Julian V.; Adamo, Benoit; Houle, Nathaniel, One-way valve and apparatus and method of using the valve.
  24. Fangrow, Thomas F., Systems, methods, and components for transferring medical fluids.
  25. Sowieja, Michael, Tool.
  26. Sowieja, Michael; Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof, Valve.
  27. Sowieja, Michael; Mitchell, Thomas; Rostlund, Anders Olof, Valve.

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