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[미국특허] Launcher and chase toy combination and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F41B-003/00
출원번호 US-0069902 (2008-02-12)
등록번호 US7895995 (2011-02-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Simon, David F.
대리인 / 주소
    John R., Benefiel
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 33


The combination of a toy and launcher member for use in providing chase activities for pets, the toy being toroidally shaped and propelled by a whipping stroke of an elongated launch member having a gripper at one end which is engaged with a segment of the perimeter of the toy. A whipping stroke of


The invention claimed is: 1. In combination, a launcher member and a toy to be launched therefrom, said launcher comprising a member having a grippable handle from which extends an elongated portion;a toroidal toy;a gripper on a free end of said elongated portion of said launcher member, said grippe

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bacon Roger C. (1042 N. Sweetzer Ave. Los Angeles CA 90069), Animal training and amusement device.
  2. Glickson David A. (Chicago IL), Apparatus and method for propelling and retrieving a disk.
  3. McCloskey George (15 Old Litchfield Tpk. Oxford CT 06478-1404), Attachable clip for an eyeglass frame and method for making the same.
  4. Matsumoto, Susan; Kennedy, Melvin; Levy, Richard C., Ball throwing and retrieving device.
  5. Oblack Mark, Ball throwing apparatus and method.
  6. Winchester, Stephen R., Ball throwing device.
  7. Stephan Erich Hills Strebl, Clip for a ball-throwing device.
  8. Kohl William K. (Haiku HI), Disc Launcher.
  9. Kohl William K. (Haiku HI), Disc launcher.
  10. Kohl William K. (Haiku HI), Disc launcher with multi-loading chamber.
  11. Galvin Irving H. (18895 SW. 84 Rd. Pl. ; Bldg. 12-#14 Miami FL 33157), Disc launching and catching apparatus.
  12. D'Agostino, Robert D., Disc launching device.
  13. D'Agostino, Robert D., Disc launching device.
  14. Glass Henry G. (P.O. Box 7553 Roanoke VA 24019) Glass Herbert G. (4402 S. Park Dothan AL 36301), Disk launcher.
  15. Minneman Steven W. (Clayton OH) Minneman Michael C. (Englewood OH), Dual thrower.
  16. Minneman Steven W. (Clayton OH) Minneman Michael C. (Englewood OH), Dual thrower.
  17. McFarland Martin A. (Boulder CO), Flexible flying disc with edge tube.
  18. Weiss Barney (3410 Paul Ave. Bronx NY 10468), Flying disc.
  19. Marcotti Ettore (28 Cleveland Pl. Palisades Park NJ 07650), Flying disk with retrieving device.
  20. Dawson Stanford (Brooklyn NY), Flying toy.
  21. Perkins John A. (Portage MI), Hand catapult device.
  22. Huelskamp ; Urban A., Hand launcher for clay pigeons.
  23. Tarng Min Ming, Multi-media frisbee-golf.
  24. Persall, Stanley Edwin, Multipurpose disc toy.
  25. Chamberland Marc (R.R. #6 ; Box 17 Cobourg ; Ontario CAX K9A 4J9), Pincers for throwing and catching a flying disc.
  26. Chamberland Marc (R.R. #6 Cobourg ; Ontario CAX K9A 4J9), Pincers for throwing and catching a flying disc.
  27. Hargrave, Jr., Fred M., Plastic lid flipper.
  28. Hargrave Fred M. (408 Spencer Ave. Marion IN 46952), Plastic lid launcher.
  29. Sullivan Richard A. (P.O. Box 6 East Rutherford NJ 07073), Reversible flexible aerodynamic disc.
  30. Rodgers ; Henry W., Rotating circular airfoil.
  31. Robert Ray Grant, III ; Daniel Albert Manson ; Brian Michael Polan, Stick-propelled loop game.
  32. Black William L. (2800 N. State Rd. 상세보기
  • Fitt, Carl Douglas, Throwing apparatus.
  • 이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

    1. Gao, Terry, Combination throw toy and handle.
    2. Barthold, Mark; Strauss, Michael, Method and apparatus for launching action figures.
    3. Vogel, Daniel M, Mounting clamp for flying disc.
    4. Oblack, Mark J.; Burger, Kyle D.; Thinnes, Mark D., Reverse welt ball.
    5. Oblack, Mark J.; Thinnes, Mark D., Reverse welt ball.
    6. Colquhoun, Christian, Rotating top launcher.
    7. Smit, Adriaan, Specialized flying discs and disc launching devices.
    8. Hartelius, Mark, Universal launcher.

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