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[미국특허] Systems and methods for sensing an ammonia concentration in exhaust gases 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01M-015/10
출원번호 US-0109405 (2008-04-25)
등록번호 US7975537 (2011-06-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wang, Da Yu
  • Yao, Sheng
출원인 / 주소
  • Delphi Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Thomas N., Twomey
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 14


Systems and methods for determining an NH3 concentration in exhaust gases from an engine are provided. In one exemplary embodiment, a method includes generating a first signal from an NH3 sensor fluidly communicating with the exhaust gases. The method further includes generating a second signal from


What is claimed is: 1. A method for determining an NH3 concentration in exhaust gases from an engine, comprising:generating a first signal from an NH3 sensor fluidly communicating with the exhaust gases;generating a second signal from an air humidity sensor disposed proximate to an air intake manifo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Wang,Da Yu; Symons,Walter T.; Farhat,Robert J.; Valdes,Carlos A.; Briggs,Elizabeth M.; Polikarpus,Kaius K.; Kupe,Joachim, Ammonia gas sensors.
  2. Clyde, Eric P.; Beckmeyer, Richard F.; Labarge, William J.; Nottingham, Marsha E., Coating for gas sensors.
  3. Patchett,Joseph A.; Verbeek,Rudolfus Petrus; Grimston,Karl Richard; Rice,Gary Wayne; Calabrese,John Lawrence; Van Genderen,Mathus, Control system for mobile NOx SCR applications.
  4. Fujita, Hiroki; Kitanoya, Shoji; Kato, Kenji; Fuma, Tomohiro; Inoue, Ryuji; Oshima, Takafumi, Device for measuring combustible-gas concentration in an exhaust gas.
  5. Tanaka, Hiroshi; Irisawa, Yasuyuki, Exhaust emission control apparatus of internal combustion engine and control method of the same.
  6. Kato Nobuhide,JPX ; Kurachi Hiroshi,JPX ; Miyashita Takeya,JPX, Gas sensor.
  7. Webber, Michael E.; Hanson, Ronald K.; Jeffries, Jay B., Gas sensor for ammonia, carbon dioxide and water.
  8. Irion, Eckard; Knezevic, Aleksandar; Leye, Holger; Smuk, Mirko, Method for determining the reducing agent concentration (NH3) in the exhaust-gas flow of an internal combustion engine.
  9. Kobayashi Motonobu (Hyogo JPX) Kinoshita Futoru (Hyogo JPX) Hagi Mitsuharu (Hyogo JPX) Inoue Akira (Osaka JPX) Uno Terushige (Osaka JPX), Method of removing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases from a diesel engine.
  10. Liang, Cho Y.; Srinivasan, Syamaia; Jacobson, Evan E., NOx emission-control system using a virtual sensor.
  11. Wang,Da Yu; Symons,Walter T.; Farhat,Robert Jerome; Yao,Sheng; Kupe,Joachim, NOx sensor and methods of using the same.
  12. Kobayashi Motonobu (Hyogo JPX) Kinoshita Futoru (Hyogo JPX) Hagi Mitsuharu (Hyogo JPX) Inoue Akira (Osaka JPX) Uno Terushige (Osaka JPX), Removing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases from a diesel engine.
  13. Clyde, Eric P.; Kikuchi, Paul; Beckmeyer, Richard F.; LaBarge, William J., Sensor coating inhibiting glass formation.
  14. Kubinski, David; Soltis, Richard; Visser, Jaco; Ding, Yi; Parsons, Michael Howard, System and method for updating a baseline output of a gas sensor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Wang, Da Yu; Racine, David M.; Yao, Sheng, Electrochemical detection system and method of operation.
  2. Wang, Da Yu; Racine, David M.; Yao, Sheng, Electrochemical detection system and method of operation.

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