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[미국특허] Sleeve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-030/00
출원번호 US-0909967 (2005-03-31)
등록번호 US7980761 (2011-07-06)
국제출원번호 PCT/GB2005/001262 (2005-03-31)
§371/§102 date 20071218 (20071218)
국제공개번호 WO06/103378 (2006-10-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fultcher, Andrew
  • Hutchinson, Timothy
출원인 / 주소
  • Storsack Dorton Limited
대리인 / 주소
    Sunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 15


The present invention relates to a transport sleeve (1) or sack which is formed of a single fiber web or by sewing up or otherwise fastening two or more webs or sheets of fabric or fiber to form a protective cover (2,3,4) which can be wrapped around sheet material (13). The fabric or fiber cover can


The invention claimed is: 1. A fire web adapted for transporting sheet material, the fibre web comprises a base layer of woven fibre comprising:a first protective region adapted to cover one of the two largest faces of the sheet material;a second protective region adapted to cover the other of the l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blackman Marianne (12120 Willow La. ; No. 1116 Overland Park KS 66213), Article holder and carrier.
  2. Blumenkron Jorge L. (12 Sur 2916 El Mirador ; 72530 Puebla MXX), Bag which is made by stitching opaque fabric material.
  3. Nattrass Peter J. (Fox River Grove IL), Bulk material transport bag.
  4. Lapoint ; Jr. John H. (32 Atlantic Dr. ; Scarborough Beach Scarborough ME 04074) Lapoint ; III John H. (P.O. Box 297 Kennebunk ME 04043), Collapsible containment system.
  5. Birkestrand Orville J., Collapsible hard case.
  6. Kaneko Katsukichi (Tokyo JPX), Collapsible luggage.
  7. Kaneko Katsuyoshi (Tokyo JPX), Collapsible luggage.
  8. Ells James R., Collapsible thermal insulating container.
  9. Bhavnani,Dilip, Collapsible utility bag and advertising vehicle.
  10. King William L. (Denver CO), Flexible luggage case and frame panel therefor.
  11. Vance, Vonley D., Rod and reel case.
  12. Nattrass Peter J. (Barrington Heights IL), Semi-bulk transport bags with lifting members of bag material.
  13. Jones William L. (Philo IL), Soft saddle bag with rigid reinforcing insert.
  14. Anderson Brian,AUX, Thermal insulating container.
  15. Fields Darren, Tool wraps.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lee, Hui-Chuan; Yeh, Yao-Ming; Chen, Yi-Sheng; Lin, Tyng-Tyng; Chen, Yi-An; Chen, Shu-Man, Foldable mat.
  2. Love, David; Love, Martin, Marine side curtain stowage apparatus.

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