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[미국특허] Calibration substrate 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01R-031/00
출원번호 US-0569584 (2009-09-29)
등록번호 US7994803 (2011-07-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Miller, Charles A.
출원인 / 주소
  • FormFactor, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Kirton & McConkie
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 22


A calibration substrate includes a plurality of input terminals, a detector coupled to the input terminals, and an output terminal. The calibration substrate can be used for calibrating and/or deskewing communications channels.


The invention claimed is: 1. A calibration substrate for use in calibrating/deskewing drive channels of a machine, said machine having a plurality of first drive channels and a compare channel, said calibration substrate comprising:a plurality of first input terminals disposed to receive input from

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Miller, Charles A.; Hreish, Emad B., Apparatus and method for electromechanical testing and validation of probe cards.
  2. Miller, Charles A., Cross-correlation timing calibration for wafer-level IC tester interconnect systems.
  3. Bishop Charles D., Detector with common mode comparator for automatic test equipment.
  4. Bucksch,Thorsten, Device and a process for the calibration of a semiconductor component test system.
  5. Nguyen,Huy M.; Gadde,Vijay; Doraiswamy,Sivakumar, Driver calibration methods and circuits.
  6. Herlein Richard F. (San Jose CA) Sanielevici Sergio A. (Los Altos CA) West Burnell G. (Fremont CA) Cheung David K. (Milpitas CA), Driver circuits for IC tester.
  7. Pham-Van-Diep Gerald ; Muntz E. Philip ; Watts Hal ; Johnson William ; Main Melvin ; Smith Robert F. ; Orme-Marmarelis Melissa E., High speed jet soldering system.
  8. Miller,Charles A., Isolation buffers with controlled equal time delays.
  9. Miller, Charles A., Method and apparatus for calibrating and/or deskewing communications channels.
  10. Miura, Takeo, Method and apparatus for testing semiconductor devices.
  11. Ralph G. Whitten ; Benjamin N. Eldridge, Method for testing signal paths between an integrated circuit wafer and a wafer tester.
  12. Baker Charles D. (Sandy UT) Brimhall Owen D. (South Jordan UT) McLaughlin Thomas J. (Salt Lake City UT), Noncontact hematocrit reader apparatus and method.
  13. Jamshidi Shahram (Santa Clara CA), Plurality of distinct multiplexers that operate as a single multiplexer.
  14. Miller Charles A., Salphasic timing calibration system for an integrated circuit tester.
  15. Craven Tyson S. (Cocoa FL), Self-calibrating voltage standing-wave ratio meter system.
  16. Miller, Charles A., System for calibrating timing of an integrated circuit wafer tester.
  17. Miller, Charles A., Tester channel to multiple IC terminals.
  18. Hiromasa Niwa JP, Timing adjustment method and apparatus for semiconductor IC tester.
  19. Matthews Anthony, Vibratory rotation sensor with scanning-tunneling-transducer readout.
  20. Johnson Gregory M., Vibratory sensor with self-calibration and low noise digital conversion.
  21. Gerrish, Kevin S., Voltage current sensor with high matching directivity.
  22. Kevin S. Gerrish, Voltage-current sensor with high matching directivity.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Rumiantsev, Andrej; Kanev, Stojan; Schott, Steffen; Stoll, Karsten, Chuck for supporting and retaining a test substrate and a calibration substrate.
  2. Baeg, Sang Hyeon, Method of testing functioning of a semiconductor device.

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