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Systems and methods for space-time radar imaging 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01S-013/89
출원번호 US-0759334 (2010-04-13)
등록번호 US7994967 (2011-07-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mountcastle, Paul D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Technology Service Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 24


A method of imaging a moving object, including the steps of acquiring radar data reflected by the moving object, determining a motion state of the moving object; and generating a three-dimensional representation of the moving object based on the determined motion state, is disclosed. The motion stat


What is claimed is: 1. A system for imaging an object moving in torque-free motion, the system comprising:a receiver configured to acquire radar data reflected by an object moving in torque-free motion;a memory configured to store instructions for processing the acquired radar data; anda processor c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Miller Richard L. (2211 Saxon Houston TX 77018), 3-D weather display and weathercast system.
  2. Farmer Michael E. (Eagan MN) Hatlestad John D. (Burnsville MN), Auto-focusing correction for rotational acceleration effects on inverse synthetic aperture radar images.
  3. Joshua Michael Wurman ; Mitchell Alfred Randall ; Chris Dale Burghart, Bistatic radar system for centralized, near-real-time synchronized, processing of data to identify scatterers.
  4. Fluckiger, David U., Efficient system and method for measuring target characteristics via a beam of electromagnetic energy.
  5. Wiley Carl A. (Los Angeles CA), Fanbeam inversion radar.
  6. Altes Richard A., Feature imaging and adaptive focusing for synthetic aperture processor.
  7. Daniell, Cynthia; Srinivasa, Narayan, Fusion of shape and multiscale features for unknown target rejection.
  8. Hoffman Efrem H.,CAXITX R2P 0N6, Hierarchical data matrix pattern recognition and identification system.
  9. Hoffman Efrem H.,CAX, Hierarchical data matrix pattern recognition system.
  10. Brace, Fred C.; Petty, Joe V., Identification and tracking of moving objects in detected synthetic aperture imagery.
  11. Kraeutner Paul,CAX ; Bird John,CAX, Imaging methods and apparatus using model-based array signal processing.
  12. Bennett John G. ; Jones Jack C., Isar method to analyze radar cross sections.
  13. Gold Ronald S. ; Freeman Jerry E., Layered display system and method for volumetric presentation.
  14. Jain Atul (Westchester CA), Method and apparatus for determining a cross-range scale factor in inverse synthetic aperture radar systems.
  15. Komata Asao (Fuchu JPX) Miyashin Kiyoshi (Yamato JPX) Ueno Hiroshi (Isehara JPX) Ohnuma Tohru (Kawasaki JPX), Method and apparatus for estimating trajectory.
  16. Johnson Patrick W., Method and apparatus for remote measurement of terrestrial biomass.
  17. Sauer Thomas,DEX, Method for generating microwave-resolution images of moving objects by inverse synthetic aperture radar.
  18. Lammers Uve H. W. (Chelmsford MA) Marr Richard A. (N. Billerica MA), Method for two dimensional doppler imaging of radar targets.
  19. Roth Duane (405 West Wilson St. ; Apartment B Ridgecrest CA 93555), Method of correcting rotational motion error in SAR and ISAR imagery.
  20. Meijer Wietze J. H. (Enschede NLX) Nooy Petrus N. C. (Hengelo NLX), Radar apparatus provided with a coherent clutter map.
  21. Alon Yair, Registration method for multiple sensor radar.
  22. Nakauchi, Akihiro; Ouchi, Chidane, Surface shape measuring apparatus and method.
  23. Pham Quoc H. ; Ezekiel Albert, Target acquisition system and radon transform based method for target azimuth aspect estimation.
  24. Fajans Jack (1133 Magnolia Rd. Teaneck NJ 07666), Three-dimensional display device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Pedersen, Richard N.; Friesel, Mark A.; Mountcastle, Paul D., Classification systems and methods using convex hulls.
  2. Pedersen, Richard N.; Friesel, Mark A.; Mountcastle, Paul D., Classification systems and methods using convex hulls.
  3. Friedman, Daniel L., Maneuvering missile engagement.
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