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[미국특허] Protector for detonator, and method of use 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F41A-009/00
출원번호 US-0873815 (2007-10-17)
등록번호 US8006622 (2011-08-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Munoz Saldarriaga, Daniel Ricardo
  • Underwood, Bruce Allen
출원인 / 주소
  • Orica Explosives Technology Pty Ltd
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 40


Detonators comprising a base charge of explosive material present a safety hazard for transportation and storage, especially when a plurality of detonators are packaged together. Disclosed herein are detonator protectors for the explosive ends of detonators that, at least in preferred forms, prevent


The invention claimed is: 1. An assembly comprising:(a) a detonator comprising a detonator shell having an explosive end, and a base charge of explosive material at the explosive end;(b) a detonator protector comprising a recess for receiving and covering at least the explosive end of the detonator

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (40) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Thureson Gary R. (Avon CT) Davis Eric R. (Torrington CT) Pellon Steven R. (Winsted CT) Zappalorti Alvaro (Avon CT) Gladden Ernest L. (Granby CT), Alternate signal path isolation member and non-electric detonator cap including the same.
  2. Howe Philip M. (Conowingo MD) Gibbons Gould (Finksburg MD) Aseltine Clifford L. (Houston TX) Williams Frank (Rosharon TX), Anti-propagation explosive packaging.
  3. Howe Philip M. (Conowingo MD), Antipropagation explosive packaging means.
  4. Igor Palley ; Gary Allan Harpell ; Max Wilhelm Gerlach, Blast resistant and blast directing assemblies.
  5. Palley,Igor; Harpell,Gary Allan; Gerlach,Max Wilhelm, Blast resistant and blast directing containers and methods of making.
  6. Poe Barber S. W. (Piney Point MD) Wolfson Lennard J. (LaPlata MD), Blasting cap container.
  7. Boyars Carl (Silver Spring MD) Edwards David J. (Columbia MD), Bomb blast attenuator.
  8. Robert J. Redfield ; William D. Jackson ; Stanley D. Pastusek, Composite package for explosive items.
  9. Alhamad, Shaikh Ghaleb Mohammad Yassin, Compositions of matter for stopping fires, explosions and oxidations of materials and build up of electrostatic charges and method and apparatus for making same.
  10. True Donald C. (Brownsburg CAX) Carriere Raymond (Brownsburg CAX), Delay initiator for blasting.
  11. True Donald C. (Brownsburg CAX) Carrire Raymond (Brownsburg CAX), Delay initiator for blasting.
  12. Capers ; III John E., Detonator packaging.
  13. Sobczak Brian R. (Granby CT) Thomas J. Donaldson (Simsbury CT), Detonator packaging system.
  14. Sansolo,Arie, Detonator protector.
  15. Waldock Kevin H. (Runaway Bay AUX), Electric detonator and lead connector assembly.
  16. Waldock Kevin H. (Runaway Bay AUX), Electric detonator and lead connector assembly.
  17. Benedick William B. (Albuquerque NM) Daniel Charles J. (Albuquerque NM), Explosion containment device.
  18. Kornhauser Murray (620 Argyle Rd. Wynnewood PA 19096), Explosion preventing impact shield.
  19. Blommer Eric J. (Taylorsville UT) Wheeler Dennis L. (Lindon UT), Explosive attenuating missile transportation and storage rack.
  20. Barton Leslie W. (Carrollton TX) Smith Don H. (Dallas TX), Explosive container.
  21. Hoffman William A. ; Wilson David T., Explosive containment device.
  22. Hamada Mitsuo (Chiba JPX) Yasuda Sadami (Ichihara JPX), Flame retardant silicone rubber compositions.
  23. Hamada Mitsuo (Kisarazu JPX) Yasuda Sadami (Ichihara JPX), Flame retardant silicone rubber compositions containing carboxamides.
  24. Itoh Kunio (Annaka JPX) Imai Kiyoshi (Annaka JPX) Yoshida Takeo (Annaka JPX) Fukushima Motoo (Annaka JPX), Flame-retardant silicone rubber composition.
  25. Crane Roger M. ; Coffin Paul A., High-energy-absorbing enclosure for internal explosion containment.
  26. Yousef, Amin; Yousef, legal representative, Khawla; Robinson, Crane; Gibbons, Jr., Gould, Insensitive munitions barrier.
  27. Gibbons ; Jr. Gould (Finksburg MD) Finnerty Anthony E. (Forest Hill MD), Lightweight explosive and fire resistant container.
  28. Barker, James Marshall, Method and system for packaging explosive products for transportation.
  29. James Marshall Barker, Method and system for packaging explosive products of transportation.
  30. Halsey Carl C. (Inyokern CA) Berry Sharon L. (Inyokern CA), Method for preparing a storage container for explosive rounds.
  31. Brooks James E. (Manvel TX), Method for safe packaging of shaped charges for transport.
  32. Porzel Francis B. (Falls Church VA), Module to prevent sympathetic detonations in munitions.
  33. Rock Arthur O. (Washington IN) Niehaus Frank A. (Washington IN) Parker Ted A. (Mitchell IN) Shrum Gennie F. (Worthington IN) Phillips Charles E. (Mitchell IN), Nonpropagating holder and package for explosive devices.
  34. Capers ; III John E., Nonpropagation casing.
  35. Lam, Yuen H.; Paulo, William; Sliker, John A.; Dzury, Richard C., Pallet adapter and detonation barrier for ammunition.
  36. Lee John T. M. (Phoenixville PA), Portable vessel for the safe storage of explosives.
  37. Kim, Robert M.; Kaiser, Stephan P.; Selk, Michael W.; Zoll, James F., Protective packaging device for blast and fragmentation mitigation.
  38. Sanai Mohsen (Palo Alto CA) Greenfield Gary R. (San Jose CA), Storage module for explosives.
  39. Lagerkvist Conny B. (Nora SEX), Tubular container for viscous, viscous-elastic, plastic products as well as for powder or granular products.
  40. Thureson Gary R. (Avon CT) Davis Eric R. (Torrington CT) Gladden Ernest L. (Granby CT) Zappalorti Alvaro (Avon CT), Universal isolation member and non-electric detonator cap including the same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nance, Christopher J.; Amendola, Michael, Initiator assembly with gas and/or fragment containment capabilities.

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