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Shift apparatus for inboard-outboard drive 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16D-025/10
출원번호 US-0806990 (2007-06-05)
등록번호 US8020684 (2011-09-06)
우선권정보 JP-2006-006-166429(2006-06-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Misao, Hideo
출원인 / 주소
  • Yanmar Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Posz Law Group, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 17


A shift apparatus of an inboard-outboard drive in which shift operation can be carried out by electrical means without using known cables such as wires is provided.Solenoid valves 35 and 36 which carry out shifting operation in an oil-hydraulic circuit for operating an hydraulic clutch is attached t


What is claimed is: 1. A shift apparatus for an inboard-outboard drive having an outer drive apparatus, comprising:a hydraulic clutch disposed within a casing of the outer drive apparatus;an oil-hydraulic circuit which operates the hydraulic clutch;at least one solenoid valve that performs a switchi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Pelligrino Paul A. (Rockford IL), Control means for marine propulsion system.
  2. Chatterjea Probir K. (Mt. Prospect IL), Control system for vehicle transmissions.
  3. Hayasaka Kenichi (Iwata JPX), Cover for the inboard-outboard motor.
  4. Huart, David; Graton, Michel; Plasse, Cedric; Abadia, Roger; Tauvron, Fabrice; Faverolle, Pierre; Akemakou, Dokou Antoine; Lebas, Gilles, Friction clutch bearing an electric machine rotor, in particular for a motor vehicle.
  5. Theophanides Andy E. (4937 Ryandale Rd. Winston-Salem NC 27104), Hydraulic power system for a boat.
  6. Bland Gerald F. (Glenview IL) Johnson Stephen R. (Waukegan IL) Sullivan Donald K. (Arlington Heights IL), Hydraulic system for marine propulsion devices.
  7. Bland Gerald F. (Glenview IL) Kantola James C. (Waukegan IL) Mondek Martin J. (Wonder Lake IL), Marine propulsion device shift linkage.
  8. Neisen, Gerald F., Marine stern drive two-speed transmission.
  9. Schneider Raymond C. (Rockford IL) Pelligrino Paul A. (Rockford IL), Modulatable power transmission clutch.
  10. Leinonen Brian M. ; Scott Philip T. ; Novotny Robert F., Multi-speed marine propulsion system with automatic shifting mechanism.
  11. Goto Shigeki,JPX ; Tsuzuki Takayoshi,JPX ; Kawajiri Yoshinori,JPX, Power transfer device for inboard/outboard motor.
  12. Ohkita Ryozo (Hamamatsu JPX), Remote control device for marine propulsion unit.
  13. Hayasaka Kenichi (Hamamatsu JPX), Shifting device for an engine.
  14. Yamanaka Minoru (Toyota JPX), Solenoid valve.
  15. Schneider ; Raymond C. ; Pelligrino ; Paul A., Swing control for crane.
  16. Hayasaka Kenichi (Hamamatsu JPX), Thrust bearings and bevel gears arrangement of marine propulsion unit.
  17. Hallenstvedt Oddbjorn,SEX ; M.ang.nsson Staffan,SEX, Transmission assembly for a marine vessel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Jaszewski, Wayne M., Outboard motors having flexible connector assembly for shift actuation.
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