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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
출원번호 US-0293587 (2007-11-30)
등록번호 US-D646159 (2011-09-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bellamah, Stephen J.
  • Griffin, William T.
  • Howard, Dominic J. C.
  • Mitten, Robert T.
출원인 / 주소
  • Philip Morris USA Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 48


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a container, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (48) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pham Xuan M. (Richmond VA), Apparatus and method for maintaining closed hinged lid boxes.
  2. Graboyes Herman (Timberlake Apts. ; Apt. B-506 Norristown PA 19401), Blank for use in forming a container having a rounded edge.
  3. Cargile David W. (Lititz PA) Claes Gerald J. (Lancaster PA) Herring Walter R. (Unionville PA) Kuczynski Joseph A. (York PA), Blow-molded wide mouth plastic container and injection-molded lid.
  4. Hotz, Bradford J., Bone-shaped container.
  5. Swain,Jerry, Box.
  6. Houk, George B.; Pace, Gregory A., Chewing tobacco can with raised bottom section.
  7. Fleenor J. Jerome (Midlothian VA) Wilder Duane C. (Chesterfield VA), Cigarette hardpack having rounded corners and lid retaining flaps.
  8. Frantz,Steven K., Container.
  9. Killinger Timothy D., Container.
  10. Tanner,Roger Geoffrey, Container.
  11. Bartels Herbert D. (Palos Heights IL) Maliszewski Leonard A. (Western Springs IL), Container assembly.
  12. Heath Bruce A. (Hennessey OK), Container assembly including lower compartment comprising chordal partitions.
  13. Au Kinsen Ka Fai,HKX ; Siao Juan Qiang,HKX, Container for eyeglasses and watch.
  14. Foster ; John A., Container for snuff or the like.
  15. Bried, David K.; Solowiejko, George; Johnson, Gary D.; Peet, C. Alan; Baerenwald, Philip M.; Yarbro, Michael A., Container lid.
  16. Peterson,Richard L.; Ressler,Craig M.; VerWeyst,Gordon E., Container lid.
  17. Frank Edward Gonda ; Charles A. Curtiss ; Stuart Mark Leslie ; Michael Edward Ross, Container with hinged lid.
  18. Bried,Dave K.; Pace,Gregory A.; Houk,George B., Container with lid.
  19. Bried,Dave K.; Pace,Gregory A.; Houk,George B., Container with lid.
  20. Pace, Gregory A., Container with lid.
  21. Pace,Gregory A., Container with lid.
  22. Pace,Gregory A., Container with lid.
  23. Pace,Gregory A., Container with lid.
  24. Pace,Gregory A.; Keltz,Charles H., Container with lid.
  25. Pace,Gregory A.; Keltz,Charles H., Container with lid.
  26. Philip M. Baerenwald ; C. Alan Peet ; George Solowiejko, Contoured rectangular container.
  27. Mosior Donald J. (Lake Geneva WI) Hay Edward C. (Crystal Lake IL), Disposal container with locking closure and indicator to provide visual indication of locking of closure.
  28. Decker Victoria Lynn ; Didas Michael William ; Hoyt William Gerald, Film canister with independent sealing surfaces.
  29. Lindsay Dean R. ; Olivares Tirso, Flip top box.
  30. Pham Xuan M. (Richmond VA), Interlocking closure for hinged lid boxes.
  31. Baerenwald Philip M. ; Bried David K. ; Gray Alfred L. ; Solowiejko George ; Johnson Gary D., Metal container having resilient hinged connector.
  32. Baerenwald Philip M. (Rockton IL), Metal container having resilient interface ring.
  33. David K. Bried ; Philip M. Baerenwald, Oval container with lid.
  34. David K. Bried ; Philip M. Baerenwald, Oval lid for a container.
  35. Haggerty, Anne E.; Gibb, Jeffrey S.; Hildebrandt, Richard A.; Offerman, Jerry; Pietruch, Walter; Peterson, Richard; Bried, Dave, Package.
  36. Maskell,Will; Salmon,Dave, Product dispenser.
  37. Baerenwald, Philip M., Rectangular container with lid.
  38. Baerenwald Philip M. ; Peet C. Alan ; Solowiejko George, Rectangular lid for a container.
  39. Baerenwald Philip M., Resilient interface ring for metal container.
  40. Stolzman Michael D. (1188 Old Colony Rd. Lake Forest IL 60045), Ribbed cover.
  41. Hackmann Ludger (Lohne/Oldenburg DEX), Shoe polish can.
  42. Hilton Louise,GBX, Sliding case.
  43. Boyd Eugene J. (Addison IL), Snuff can and the like.
  44. McMillan Norm J. V. (7601 36th St. ; West #320 New Hope MN 55427), Spectacle case.
  45. Gindrod Paul E. (Madison WI) Griesbach Ray H. (Monona WI) Hustad Gerald O. (McFarland WI), Spring ring easy-open positive-reclose hermetic food package.
  46. Wolff, Stephen H., Tin container.
  47. Bried,David, Tobacco article container.
  48. Jurczenia Edward (Greenwich CT) Adams Alton W. (Trumbull CT), Vented plastic can and tin lid therefor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Neuhaus, Egbert, Breadbox.
  2. Bailey, Ryan A.; Gelardi, John A., Container.
  3. Bailey, Ryan A.; Loftin, Caleb, Container.
  4. Loftin, Caleb; Bailey, Ryan A., Container.
  5. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Clark, Melissa Ann; Horton, Laya Katina Palmer; Lintner, William Travis, Container.
  6. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Clark, Melissa Ann; Horton, Laya Katina Palmer; Lintner, William Travis, Container.
  7. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Clark, Melissa Ann; Horton, Laya Katina; Lintner, William Travis, Container.
  8. Patel, Pankaj; Howell, Terry LeBron; Hershey, Erik Michael, Container for smokeless tobacco products and related packaged product assembly and method.
  9. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Clark, Melissa Ann; Horton, Laya Katina Palmer; Lintner, William Travis, Container for smokeless tobacco products and related packaged product assembly and method.
  10. Horton, Laya Katina Palmer; Abhulimen, Michael Eromosele; Corwin, Jonathan David; Fagg, Barry Smith; Patel, Pankaj; Pipes, Jerry Wayne, Container for storing a product.
  11. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  12. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  13. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  14. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  15. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  16. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  17. Costello, Brian; Belton, Antonio; Geiselhart, Edward; Kangchirdsri, Pachara; Lau, Michael; Lux, Charlotte, Injector device.
  18. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  19. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  20. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  21. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  22. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  23. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  24. Costello, Brian; Protasiewicz, Raymond, Injector device.
  25. Nelson, India, Party pan cover.

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