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[미국특허] Systems and methods for facilitating a first response mission at an incident scene 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G08B-023/00
출원번호 US-0213673 (2008-06-23)
등록번호 US8040246 (2011-10-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Graves, Alan
  • Fitchett, Jeffrey
  • Beaulieu, Laurence
  • Vezza, Brian
출원인 / 주소
  • Avaya Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 46


Systems and methods for facilitating a first response mission at an incident scene, such as an accident site, a natural or human-made disaster site, or any other first response site. One system comprises a plurality of portable modules for the incident scene and configured to transmit wireless signa


The invention claimed is: 1. A system for facilitating a first response mission at an incident scene, said system comprising:a plurality of portable modules for the incident scene and configured to transmit wireless signals; anda processing system comprising:at least one receiver to receive the wire

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (46)

  1. Russek Linda G. (The Russer Foundation ; 1200 N. Federal Hwy. ; Suite 209 Boca Raton FL 33432), Alarm for patient monitor and life support equipment.
  2. Chaco John (Seymour CT), Apparatus for automating routine communication in a facility.
  3. Wildman,Timothy D.; Collins, Jr.,Williams F.; Fleck,Thomas M.; Riley,Carl W.; Schuman,Richard J., Article locating and tracking apparatus and method.
  4. Lestienne, James; McDaniel, III, Paul J.; Schuman, Richard J.; Kalra, Dilbir S., Badge for a locating and tracking system.
  5. Flach, Terry E.; Stoop, Michael D., Cellular architecture and data transfer methods for real time patient monitoring within medical facilities.
  6. Borders,Richard L.; Heimbrock,Richard H., Communication and data entry device.
  7. Shipley Robert T. (Walnut Creek CA), Communication system.
  8. Bieback John S., Firefighters integrated communication and safety system.
  9. Reeder, Ryan Anthony; Kramer, Kenneth L.; Jacques, II, William L.; Riley, Carl W.; Schuman, Richard J., Hospital monitoring and control system and method.
  10. Radomsky Israel,ILX ; Katz James L. ; Yasur Shlomo,ILX ; Graceffa Joesph Thomas ; Simpson Peter Charles, Infant and parent matching and security system and method of matching infant and parent.
  11. Sims Nathaniel M. (Wellesley Hills MA) Turner John M. (Lake Forest IL) Zeisloft Jane M. (Barrington IL) Kusswurm Daniel C. (Geneva IL) LaBedz Ralph H. (McHenry IL), Managing an inventory of devices.
  12. Chaco John (Seymour CT), Method and apparatus for accessing a portable personal database as for a hospital environment.
  13. Black Donald, Method and apparatus for identifying locating or monitoring equipment or other objects.
  14. Carter, Scott J., Object location monitoring system.
  15. Chaco John (Seymour CT) Hersh Israel (Fairfield CT) Orlovsky Dmitry (Danbury CT) Vincens Joe (Prospect CT) Ram Yaron (Stamford CT), Patient care and communication system.
  16. Chaco John (Seymour CT) Hersh Israel (Fairfield CT) Orlovsky Dmitry (Danbury CT) Vincens Joe (Prospect CT) Ram Yaron (Stamford CT), Patient care and communication system.
  17. Chaco John ; Hersh Israel ; Orlovsky Dmitry ; Vincens Joe, Patient care and communication system.
  18. Chaco John ; Hersh Israel ; Orlovsky Dmitry ; Vincens Joe ; Ram Yaron, Patient care and communication system.
  19. Chaco, John; Hersh, Israel; Orlovsky, Dmitry; Vincens, Joe; Ram, Yaron, Patient care and communication system.
  20. Zerhusen,Robert Mark; Reeder,Ryan A.; Vogel,John D.; Cerimele,Michael E.; Riley,Carl W.; Wildman,Timothy D., Patient point-of-care computer system.
  21. Kampel,Gerald; Wegner,Juergen W.; Peterson,Marcus L., Personal activity sensor and locator device.
  22. Daniel J. Ulrich ; Michael Edward Wagener ; Sanjeev Patel ; Joseph J. Schmid ; Robert J. Jennings, Personnel and asset tracking method and apparatus.
  23. Daniel J. Ulrich ; Michael Edward Wagener ; Sanjeev Patel ; Joseph James Schmid ; Robert J. Jennings, Personnel and asset tracking method and apparatus.
  24. Ulrich, Daniel J.; Wagener, Michael Edward; Patel, Sanjeev; Schmid, Joseph James; Jennings, Robert J., Personnel and asset tracking method and apparatus.
  25. Kabala, Stanley J., Portable locator system.
  26. Kabala,Stanley J., Portable locator system.
  27. Whitesmith, Howard William; Palmer, Timothy John; Ball, Alan Edward, RFID detection system.
  28. Diorio,Christopher J.; Sundstrom,Kurt E., RFID tags adjusting to different regulatory environments, and RFID readers to so adjust them and methods.
  29. Davis Charles L. (16830 SW. Spellman Dr. Beaverton OR 97007) Long Paul V. (Newberg OR), Real time ambulatory patient monitor.
  30. Ghaffari, Touraj, Real time total asset visibility system.
  31. Harvey, Thomas Patrick, Recharger for use with a portable electronic device and which includes a proximally located light emitting device.
  32. Shabot Myron M. ; Lobue Mark, System and method for automatic critical event notification.
  33. Gough, Corey D., System and method for controlling a wireless device notification alert.
  34. John Chaco ; Yaron Ram, System for identifying object locations.
  35. Petitclerc Jean-Louis (Tourlaville FRX), System for monitoring an industrial installation.
  36. Back Maribeth J. ; Goldstein Richard J. ; Harrison Steven R. ; Minneman Scott L. ; Cohen Jonathan R., Systems and methods that detect proximity information using electric field sensing devices and a page identification using embedded identification tags.
  37. Henrikson, Eric Harold; Lee, Chinmei Chen; Mathai, Stinson Samuel; Sand, Donna Michaels, Targeted and intelligent multimedia conference establishment services.
  38. Chaco John, Telephone communication system having a locator and a scheduling facility.
  39. Richley, Edward A.; Fontana, Robert J., Transceiver system and method utilizing nanosecond pulses.
  40. Fontana Robert J. ; Larrick J. Frederick ; Cade Jeffrey E., UWB dual tunnel diode detector for object detection, measurement, or avoidance.
  41. Larrick, Jr., J. Frederick; Fontana, Robert J., Ultra wideband data transmission system and method.
  42. Fontana Robert J., Ultra wideband precision geolocation system.
  43. Fontana Robert J. ; Larrick ; Jr. J. Frederick, Ultra wideband receiver with high speed noise and interference tracking threshold.
  44. Larrick ; Jr. J. Frederick ; Fontana Robert J., Waveform adaptive ultra-wideband transmitter.
  45. Sato Shinichi,JPX ; Sano Koichi,JPX, Wide area medical information system and method using thereof.
  46. Rebstock Janice I. ; Rast T. Paul, Wireless healthcare communication system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell A; Edwards, Denny Craig; Barcelos, Nathaniel Paul; Wootten, James; Young, Clayton; Merry, Randy L.; Lewis, Dana S; Daynes, John C; Juhasz, Paul R; Okey, David; Witters, Steven; Turner, Ira M, Decision support tool for use with a medical monitor-defibrillator.
  2. Aoyama, David Dean; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Drew, Kevin C.; Lim, Mina; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken, Defibrillator communication system.
  3. Galvin, Moira Montgomery; Drew, Kevin C; Klump, Todd; Knapinski, John Robert; Lewis, Dana S; Silkes, Steve M, Defibrillator location tracking device.
  4. Aoyama, David Dean; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Drew, Kevin C.; Lim, Mina; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken, Defibrillator network system.
  5. Aoyama, David Dean; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Drew, Kevin C.; Lim, Mina; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken, Defibrillator network system.
  6. Daynes, John; Lim, Mina; Curtin, Barry D; Langman, Karen Kraft; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell Allen, Defibrillator with bridge back and utility module.
  7. Pearce, Christopher; McGrath, Thomas J.; Merry, Randy L.; Daynes, John C.; Peterson, Kenneth J.; Wung, Peter; McMahon, Michael D.; Edwards, D. Craig; Hoierman, Eric T.; Nordness, Rockland W.; Neumiller, James S., Defibrillator/monitor system having a pod with leads capable of wirelessly communicating.
  8. Stickney, Ronald Eugene; Sullivan, Joseph L; Debardi, Gary, External defibrillator electrode, method and system for reducing ECG artifact.
  9. Stickney, Ronald Eugene; Sullivan, Joseph L; Debardi, Gary, External defibrillator electrode, method and system for reducing ECG artifact.
  10. Teague, Edward Harrison, Identification and connectivity gateway wristband for hospital and medical applications.
  11. Stickney, Ronald Eugene; Krusor, Blaine, Linear display of ECG signals.
  12. Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell A; Edwards, Denny Craig; Edwards, Jeffery Scott; Gonzalez-Gandolfi, Pablo; Nordness, Rockland W; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Young, Clayton Ming; Stewart, David B; Juhasz, Paul R; Okey, David; Witters, Steven; Turner, Ira M, Medical monitor-defibrillator with defibrillator and data operations processors.
  13. Loomis, Joseph, Real-time deployment of incident response roadmap.
  14. Kirsch, David M.; Chen, Bonnie; Vashi, Harinkumar, System and method for vehicle control integrating health priority alerts of vehicle occupants.
  15. Kirsch, David M.; Chen, Bonnie; Vashi, Harinkumar, System and method for vehicle control integrating health priority alerts of vehicle occupants.
  16. Chen, Bonnie, System and method for wireless connected device prioritization in a vehicle.
  17. Chen, Bonnie, System and method for wireless connected device prioritization in a vehicle.
  18. Curtin, Barry D.; Daynes, John; Langman, Karen Kraft; Lim, Mina; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell Allen, Utility module.
  19. Aoyama, David Dean; Apperson, Ryan William; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Lim, Mina; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell Allen, Utility module interface.
  20. Aoyama, David Dean; Apperson, Ryan William; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Daynes, John; Drew, Kevin C.; Langman, Karen Kraft; Lim, Mina; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken, Utility module system.
  21. Aoyama, David Dean; Apperson, Ryan William; Bielstein, Matthew Lawrence; Curtin, Barry D.; Daynes, John; Drew, Kevin C.; Langman, Karen Kraft; Lim, Mina; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken, Utility module system.
  22. Daynes, John; Lim, Mina; Curtin, Barry D; Langman, Karen Kraft; McIlvaine, Neil G.; McKay, E. Thomas; Merry, Randy L.; Peterson, Ken; Smith, Mitchell Allen, Utility module with a bridge back for receiving a defibrillator.

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