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[미국특허] Method of making beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23F-005/00
출원번호 US-0170396 (2008-07-09)
등록번호 US8043645 (2011-10-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Robinson, Urano A.
  • Marcio da Cruz, J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Starbucks Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 199


The present embodiments generally relate to beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas and method of making same. Some embodiments of the present application are directed to soluble coffee and methods of making soluble coffee with improvements in such qualities as taste and aroma.


What is claimed is: 1. A method of making a soluble coffee product, comprising:pulverizing coffee beans to form a first pulverized coffee product,grinding or pulverizing coffee beans to form a second ground or pulverized coffee product,extracting the second ground or pulverized coffee product to for

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (199) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gurol Ismail Macit, Acid-reduced, whole bean coffee process.
  2. Singh, Harjit, Agglomerated milk in coffee and tea.
  3. Hsu Sheng-Hsiung (Marysville OH), Agglomeration apparatus.
  4. Hsu Sheng-Hsiung (Marysville OH), Agglomeration process.
  5. Klien Caren A. (Wyoming OH) Gieseker Donald R. (Cincinnati OH), Aggregated mixed-moisture flaked coffee of high aroma.
  6. H��lscher,Bernd, Aldehydes substituted in alpha position by alkyl residues as odoriferous and aroma substances.
  7. Duch,Enrique G��mez, All-in-one disposable container for making coffee, tea and other mixed beverages.
  8. Scelza,Joseph, Apparatus for brewing beverages such as coffee and the like.
  9. Wimmers James E. (Marysville OH) Winters Thomas B. (Raymond OH), Apparatus for dispensing coffee having a foamed surface.
  10. Hsu Sheng H. (Marysville OH), Apparatus for treating ground roasted coffee.
  11. Zenon Ioannis Mandralis ; Scott Westfall ; Kenneth A. Yunker, Aroma product resulting from recovery process.
  12. Cale Kenneth W. (Marlboro NJ) Imura Naoto (Yokkaichi NJ JPX) Jasovsky George A. (Bayonne NJ) Katz Saul N. (Monsey NY), Aroma recovery from the thermal hydrolysis of spent grounds.
  13. Mandralis Zenon Ioannis ; Westfall Scott ; Yunker Kenneth A., Aroma recovery process.
  14. Lubsen Timothy A. (Springfield OH) Strobel Rudolf G. K. (Colerain OH) Reinhart Richard N. (Springfield OH) Patel Jayantilal M. (Reading OH), Aroma-enriched coffee products and process.
  15. Chimel Mark (Sandwich MA) Ghodsizadeh Yousef (Worthington OH) Weitzenecker Don (Milford Center OH) Yunker Kenneth A. (Marysville OH), Aromatics recovery and transfer.
  16. Margolis ; Geoffrey ; Liu ; Richard T., Aromatization of coffee products.
  17. Blackwell Brian,GBX ; Carns Lawrence G. ; Gawronski Jason,GBX ; Rushmore Dean Frederick, Aromatization of soluble beverages.
  18. Ackerman Maria Elena Perdomo (Rte. 3 ; Box 373D Kinston NC 28501), Automatic bypass coffee brewer.
  19. Sargent, Jeffrey Alan; Villagran, Francisco Valentino, Beverage brewing devices for preparing creamy beverages.
  20. Vu,Robert B.; Vu,Jacqueline Y.; Dieu,Tuan "Peter" Anh, Beverage brewing system.
  21. Liu Richard T. (Worthington OH) Oren Alva D. (Hilliard OH) Rushmore Dean F. (Marysville OH) Wetherilt Donald L. (Powell OH), Beverage infusion device and method.
  22. Seward Barry (Hampshire GB2) Pope Kevin C. (Hampshire GB2), Beverage making cartridge.
  23. Brizio, Adriana, Beverage preservation and distribution can, also usable for the extemporaneous preparation of beverages by extraction and/or infusion.
  24. Zeitlin Benjamin Raphael (Suffern NY) Pritchard Alan Bryan (Hartsdale NY) Levenson Harold S. (Stamford CT), Caffeine antagonim.
  25. Knitel, Joseph Theodoor, Cappuccino preparation.
  26. Halliday, Andrew M.; Whitney, Howard S., Cartridge for the preparation of whipped beverages.
  27. Grimm Rudi,DEX ; Loehmar Karl,DEX, Chicory extract powder products and extract production processes and apparatus.
  28. Denisart, Jean Luc; Cahen, Antoine; Yoakim, Alfred, Closed capsule with opening means.
  29. Masek, Petr; Riesterer, Alain, Closed cartridge for preparing a beverage for extraction under pressure.
  30. Alfred Yoakim CH; Alain Mariller CH, Closed flexible sachet.
  31. Buchholz Klaus,DEX ; Gosswein Claus F.,DEX ; Ball Michael,DEX ; Hubert Peter,DEX ; Kopsch Reiner,DEX ; Lutz Henning,DEX, Coffee and process for the production thereof.
  32. Chmiel Oliver (Marysville OH) Traitler Helmut (Corseaux CHX) Watzke Heribert (Lausanne CHX) Westfall Scott A. (Marysville OH), Coffee aroma emulsion formulations.
  33. Furrer, Marc; Gretsch, Catherine, Coffee aroma recovery process.
  34. Kindel,Guenter; Krammer,Gerhard; Trautzsch,Stephan, Coffee aroma with improved stability.
  35. Bunke, Paul Ralph; Ekanayake, Athula, Coffee compositions comprising processed coffee grounds.
  36. Wouda Hermanus A. J. (Utrecht NLX), Coffee extraction.
  37. Gerhard-Rieben Elke,CHX ; Lebet Claude Rene,CHX ; Leloup Valerie,CHX ; Schlecht Klaus,CHX, Coffee extraction process.
  38. Noyes Robert M. (Cincinnati OH) Voeller Roger W. (Cincinnati OH), Coffee extraction process.
  39. Arora Vijay K. (Montvale NJ) Jones Gary V. (Bremen NJ DEX) Kovtun John M. (Rahway NJ) Brandlein Lawrence S. (Englishtown NJ), Coffee flakes and process.
  40. Acree Terry E. (Geneva NY), Coffee flavor enhancers.
  41. Fortune, Jr., Stephen, Coffee having a nicotine composition dissolved therein.
  42. Kalenian Paul A., Coffee system.
  43. Kalenian, Paul A., Coffee system.
  44. Stuckey Carl E. (Decatur GA) Maddocks Thomas C. (Racine WI), Combination electric coffee maker and water heater.
  45. Sartorio Claude ; Lin Paul ; Burri Joseph,CHX ; Wehrspann Olaf,CHX ; Chang Shen-Youn, Complete, nutritionally balanced coffee drink.
  46. Agarwala, Om P.; Agarwala, Chandrakala; Amato, Teri, Compositions containing a nopal cactus isolate and method for making same.
  47. Agarwala, Om P.; Agarwala, Chandrakala; Amato, Teri, Compositions containing a nopal cactus isolate and method for making same.
  48. Agarwala,Om P.; Agarwala,Chandrakala; Amato,Teri, Compositions containing a nopal cactus isolate and method for making same.
  49. Agarwala,Om P.; Agarwala,Chandrakala; Amato,Teri, Compositions containing a nopal cactus isolate and method for making same.
  50. Goto, Yukio; Uno, Katsuya; Tanaka, Shigeru, Concentrated coffee extract and process for producing the same.
  51. Strobel Rudolf G. K. (Cincinnati OH), Continuous desorption apparatus for aroma flavor concentrate.
  52. Ghodsizadeh Yousef (Worthington OH), Cryogenic aroma recovery.
  53. Perkel Harold (Levittown PA), Cryogenic vibratory mill apparatus.
  54. Hurlow ; Gerald S. ; Blain ; Jean R. ; Coombes ; Michael ; Richard ; Jea n-Claude ; Hitchinson ; Patrick W., Dearomatization of coffee oil.
  55. Scelia Richard P. (Tarrytown NY) Fagan Kenneth W. (Bronx NY) Protomastro Michael G. (Woodridge NJ), Decaffeinated coffee of improved aroma and flavor.
  56. Greenfield ; Jr. Irving E. (5331 SW. 92 Ave. Miami FL 33156) Jacobson Ronald C. (14500 Kendale Lakes Blvd. Miami FL 33183), Demand preparation soluble coffee urn.
  57. Hug,Karl; Denisart,Jean Luc; Denisart,Jean Paul, Device for preparing a beverage.
  58. Mandralis,Zenon Ioannis; Yoakim,Alfred; Denisart,Jean Paul; Denisart,Jean Luc; Pleisch,Hans Peter, Device for preparing a drink from a capsule by injection of a pressurized fluid and capsule-holder adapted therefore.
  59. Hu,Ruguo; Arrick,Corey; Scoville,Eugene; Bernardi,John; Sheehan,Brita Frangsmyr; Overbaugh,William F.; Bardin,Ennio; Chrisman,Randall C., Device for preparing a hot beverage.
  60. Versini Rolland (1 square des Bleuets Calas 13480 FRX), Device for the instant, automatic, pressurized percolation of food liquids.
  61. Stipp Gordon K. (West Chester OH), Direct condensation of food volatiles onto a food substrate at cryogenic temperatures.
  62. Rasmussen, Ulrik Skovgaard; Schulz, Werner, Disposable brewing device.
  63. Butterbaugh Jeffrey Lee ; Sargent Jeffrey Alan, Dissolution agent and process for making rapidly soluble instant beverage products.
  64. Jeffrey Lee Butterbaugh ; Jeffrey Alan Sargent, Dissolution agent and process for making rapidly soluble instant beverage products.
  65. Arora, Vijay K.; Jones, Gary V.; Kovtun, John M.; Gabbard, Ronald G., Evaporative process for producing coffee glass.
  66. Lang Timothy R. (Pymble AUX), Extraction method.
  67. Heeb Thomas G. ; Mandralis Zenon Ioannis, Extraction product and process.
  68. Sargent, Jeffrey Alan; Hardesty, Douglas Craig, Flavored coffee compositions and methods of making the same.
  69. Mickowski Christopher Michael ; Sargent Jeffrey Alan, Flavored instant coffee products having variegated appearance comprising mixtures of different colored agglomerated particles.
  70. Mickowski Christopher Michael ; Sargent Jeffrey Alan, Flavored instant coffee products having variegated appearance comprising mixtures of different colored agglomerated particles.
  71. Jindra Henri (Geneva NY CH) Clinton William Patrick (Monsey NY), Flavoring foods with 8-methyl-non-2ynol and its derivatives.
  72. Sundt Erling (Pinchat-Geneva CHX) Ohloff Gunther (Bernex CHX), Flavoring with certain sulphur compounds.
  73. Winter Max (Petit-Lancy CHX) Gautschi Fritz (Commugny CHX) Flament Ivon (Petit-Lancy CHX) Stoll Max (Petit-Lancy CT CHX) Goldman Irving M. (Niantic CT), Flavoring with pyrazine derivatives.
  74. Umeda,Yoshihisa; Kihara,Hiroshi; Ikai,Katsushige; Kato,Ikunoshin, Food or beverage containing fucoidan and method of production thereof.
  75. Wertheim John H. (Marysville OH) Mishkin Abraham R. (Marysville OH), Freeze drying a frozen foam of coffee concentrate.
  76. Lawrence Benjamin (Springfield Township ; Hamilton County OH), Freeze particle process.
  77. Arora Vijay K. (Montvale NJ) Vitti Rudolf A. (Dumont NJ) Rankowitz Marshall M. (Englishtown NJ), Gasified coffee product and process.
  78. Katz Saul Norman (Monsey NY), Grinder gas fixation.
  79. Navarini Luciano,ITX ; Petracco Marino,ITX, Heavily foaming coffee fraction and process for its manufacture.
  80. Hubbard Merton R. (Hillsborough CA), High speed process for roasting coffee.
  81. Villagran Francisco Valentino ; Dria Glenn James ; Bruno ; Jr. David Joseph ; Small Leonard Edwin, Higher density foamable instant coffee products for preparing cappuccino like beverages.
  82. Scoville Eugene (East Brunswick NJ) Turek Evan J. (Paramus NJ) Wragg Anthony (Banbury NJ GB2) Cuozzo Karlina D. (Cliffside Park NJ) Rankowitz Marshall M. (Englishtown NJ), Hydrolysis of a partially extracted roasted and ground coffee.
  83. Stipp Gordon K. (Cincinnati OH), Infusion beverage product comprising co-agglomerated creamer and sweetener suitable for bag and filter pack brewing.
  84. Sierra Mario A. M. (4a. Avenida 2-23 ; Zona 9 Ciudad Guatemala GTX), Instant coffee tablets.
  85. Gamez-Rumpf Alexandra G.,DEX ; Panesar Satwinder Singh,GBX, Instant particulate dry mix composition for producing a cappuccino beverage having a marbled foam.
  86. Suggi Liverani, Furio; Mastropasqua, Luca; Dellapietra, Bruno; Smotlak, Sasa; Levstik, Miran, Integrated cartridge containing a substance for extracting a beverage.
  87. Carol Borland ; Pu-Sheng Cheng ; Nora Lantin, Liquid coffee product.
  88. Hubbard Merton H. (Hillsborough CA) Phipps Robert R. (San Francisco CA) Thompson Richard L. (Walnut Creek CA), Low density coffee roasting process.
  89. Stipp Gordon Keith ; White Robert Lee, Low density soluble coffee products having increased particle strength and rapid hot water solubility.
  90. Rebordosa,Antonio; Roman,Guillermo San; Sanjuan,Jorge, Metering powdery, flaky or fine-grained dosing material.
  91. Ogden Ralph (8803 Parkway Dr. Highland IN 46322), Method and apparatus for making instant coffee.
  92. Ogden Ralph (8803 Parkway Dr. Highland IN 46322), Method and apparatus for making instant coffee.
  93. Hu,Ruguo; Walters,Megan E., Method and apparatus for optimizing variable liquid temperatures.
  94. Hsu Sheng H. (Marysville OH), Method and apparatus for treating ground roasted coffee.
  95. Katz Saul N. (Monsey NY) Gottesman Martin (Paramus NJ), Method for decaffeinating coffee.
  96. Zapp, Loretta M.; Slaga, Thomas J.; Zhao, Jifu; Lange, Mark, Method for enhancing post-processing content of beneficial compounds in beverages.
  97. Siedlecki Dennis Ted (Babylon NY) Meinhold James F. (Jersey City NJ), Method for fixing coffee grinder gas.
  98. Sartorio Claude ; Lin Paul ; Burri Joseph,CHX ; Wehrspann Olaf,CHX ; Chang Shen-Youn, Method for manufacturing a balanced, nutritionally complete coffee composition.
  99. Smits, Joannes Hubertus Petrus Maria; Hellemons, Adrianus Cornelis Maria, Method for preparing a coffee extract.
  100. Forquer Richard (Glendale CA), Method for preparing an espresso-type coffee beverage.
  101. Hudak Stephen F. (Croton-on-Hudson NY), Method for producing aromatized microporous substrates.
  102. Colton Ralph L. (101 Tanglewood Dr. Lansdale PA 19446), Method for producing coffee extracts.
  103. Wimmers James E. (Marysville OH) Winters Thomas B. (Raymond OH), Method for producing coffee having a foamed surface.
  104. Rehman Warren C. (Flemington NJ) Delonis Michael E. (Croton-On-Hudson NY), Method for producing infusion coffee filter packs.
  105. Gurol Ismail Macit, Method for reducing coffee acidity.
  106. Dria,Glenn James; Zyzak,David Vincent; Gutwein,Roger William; Villagran,Francisco Valentino; Young,Herbert Thomas; Bunke,Paul Ralph; Lin,Peter Yau Tak; Howie,John Keeney; Schafermeyer,Richard Gerard, Method for reduction of acrylamide in roasted coffee beans, roasted coffee beans having reduced levels of acrylamide, and article of commerce.
  107. Nicola,Mazin, Method for the production of particles.
  108. Baron R. Michael (Tarrytown NY) Vitti Cirillo (Hillsdale NJ) Yadlowsky Slawko (Manville NJ) Stolz Robert P. (Dumont NJ), Method for treating steam coffee aromas.
  109. Gregg, Richard, Method of and apparatus for making drip-type coffee.
  110. Lee William F. (Dollard des Ormeauz CA) Jeffery William J. (Chateauguay Centre CA) Pyves Richard R. (Montreal CA) Isaac Moshi Y. (Montreal CA), Method of extracting roasted coffee.
  111. Gregg ; Richard, Method of making an improved coffee volatiles concentrate.
  112. Gregg ; Richard ; Weikel ; James A. ; Patel ; Jayantilal M. ; Durchholz ; Richard F., Method of making an improved instant coffee.
  113. Ceriali,Stefano; Wragg,Anthony; Gaonkar,Anilkumar Ganapati; Zeller,Bary Lyn, Method of making aromatization particles containing coffee aroma constituents.
  114. Cheng Pu-Sheng ; Garwood Robert ; Mandralis Zenon Ioannis ; Tuot James ; Westfall Scott, Method of making coffee particles containing aroma.
  115. Gregg Richard (Cincinnati OH), Method of making drip-type coffee.
  116. Sargent, Jeffrey Alan; Hardesty, Douglas Craig, Method of making flavored coffee compositions.
  117. Hibi Haruo (Nagoya JPX) Yamanashi Hirotoshi (Nagoya JPX), Method of manufacturing rich-flavored roasted coffee beans and ground roasted coffee beans.
  118. Inada Shoshichiro (Amagasaki JPX) Yanai Reikichi (Osaka JPX) Ogasawara Johji (Kobe JPX) Tsubakimoto Yoshikazu (Kakogawa JPX) Hamatani Kazuhiro (Kakogawa JPX) Takahashi Masakazu (Kobe JPX), Method of preparing an edible composition and product resulting therefrom.
  119. Buckingham, Robert; Anker, Willem, Method of processing roasted coffee.
  120. Yamaguchi Noriaki (Higasi-Osaka JPX) Kubota Rieko (Higasi-Osaka JPX), Method of producing an instantly soluble tea powder.
  121. Cattaneo Claudio (Bergamo ITX) Rho Gianni (Lodi ITX), Method of producing bars composed of milk and simple and complex sugars.
  122. Allington Roger A. ; Torbet Philip A. ; Granger Edward M., Method of terminating roasting of bulk materials in real time on basis of objectively determined color of materials.
  123. Kalenian,Paul A., Methods and systems for forming concentrated consumable extracts.
  124. Zeitlin ; Benjamin R. ; Pritchard ; Alan B. ; Levenson ; Harold S., Methyl xanthine antagonism.
  125. Coleman Henry E. (Salt Lake City UT), Mineralized brewed beverages.
  126. Keritsis Gus D. (Richmond VA), Modified cellulosic smoking material and method for its preparation.
  127. Keritsis Gus D. (Richmond VA), Modified cellulosic smoking material and method for its preparation.
  128. Mitchell William A. (175 Jacksonville Rd. Lincoln Park NJ 07035) Mitchell John L. A. (108 Mattek DeKalb IL 60115) Mitchell Cheryl R. (375 Northgate Dr. ; Apt. #2 Manteca CA 95336), Natural beverage powders from dahlia extracts.
  129. Boniello Barbara (Orange Park FL) Gum Jr. Ernest (Carmel NY) Scarpellino Richard (Ramsey NJ) Doonan Barbara (Mt. Vernon NY) Patterson John (Harrisonburg VA) Bertkau Geoffrey (Brewster NY), Natural coffee flavor by fermentation.
  130. Jones Gary V. (Tarrytown NY) Meinhold James F. (Boonton NJ) Musto Joseph A. (Bronx NY), Non-caffeine solids recovery process.
  131. Gianelli,Jason, Nutraceutical method and additive for improving human physiology.
  132. Schlecht Klaus (Orbe CHX) Wehrspann Olaf (Orbe CHX), Obtention and use of coffee oil.
  133. Arora Vijay K. (Montvale NJ) Vitti Rudolf A. (Dumont NJ) Rankowitz Marshall M. (Ridgefield CT), Oil or colloidal containing gasified coffee product and process.
  134. Meyer ; Franklyn Wallace ; Pitchon ; Esra ; Earle ; Jr. ; Ernest Lord, Partially decaffeinated soluble coffee product and method therefor.
  135. Katz Saul N. (Monsey NY), Percolation process.
  136. Dupoy De Guitaard Jacques (Isaac Peral ; 46 Madrid ESX 28040) Tllez Prez Julio (Taller Retorno ; 12 No. 9 Mexico City MXX), Pharmaceutical product having epidermal regenerative activity based on the active ingredient of Mimosa tenuiflora 상세보기
  • Der Stepanian,Manouk; Assoun,Christian, Physico-chemical method for preparing and transforming plant waste and resulting fuel.
  • Cai, Edward Z., Pod and method for making fluid comestible.
  • Weber Robert L. (New Canaan CT), Precision coffee grinder.
  • Symbolik William S. (Marysville OH) Cotter Sean P. (Dublin OH) Wimmers James E. (Marysville OH) Grykiewicz Shirdan J. (Johnstown OH), Preparation of a soluble coffee granulate product.
  • Mahlmann James P. (Wayne NJ), Pressure fixation of coffee grinder gas.
  • Ben-Nasr Hedi (Essen DEX) Coenen Friedrich W. H. (Essen DEX), Process for decaffinating green coffee beans.
  • Hellemons Adrianus C. M. (Montfoort NLX), Process for extracting coffee.
  • Wouda Hermanus A. J. (Utrecht NLX), Process for extracting ground roasted coffee.
  • Margolis Geoffrey (Bussigny CHX) Mercier Alain (Jouxtens-Mezery CHX) Schlecht Klaus (Orbe CHX), Process for extracting roasted and ground coffee.
  • Blanc Maurice (Morges CHX), Process for flavoring a soluble coffee powder.
  • Wolfgang Suwelack DE; Dorothee Kunke DE, Process for freeze drying coffee extract.
  • Weisemann Claus (Bergisch-Gladabach DEX) Koch Klaus D. (Breman DEX) Stelter Christiane (Langenfeld DEX), Process for improving secondary coffee extracts in the production of soluble coffee.
  • Liu Richard T. (Worthington OH), Process for improving the flavor and aroma of instant coffee.
  • Wertheim John H. (Marysville OH) Mishkin Abraham R. (Marysville OH), Process for preparing freeze dried soluble coffee.
  • Stipp Gordon Keith ; White Robert Lee, Process for preparing low density soluble coffee products having increased particle strength and rapid hot water solub.
  • Dwyer ; Jr. Daniel E. (Long Valley NJ), Process for preparing microporous structured soluble coffee product.
  • Korolchuk,Theodore; Arndt,Elizabeth, Process for producing a milled whole-grain wheat flour and products thereof.
  • Matsuda Osamu (Suzuka JPX) Danno Sadaji (Suzuka JPX), Process for producing coffee extract.
  • Stolz Robert P. (Dumont NJ) Ouellette Norman P. (Goshen NY) Linthorst Johanna M. (Yonkers NY) Herlihy Thomas V. (Rutherford NJ), Process for reducing acid content steamed coffee.
  • Brambilla Edgardo (Vevey CHX) Horman Ian (Corseaux CHX), Process for the deacidification of a coffee extract.
  • Donnelly John G. (Hasbrouck Heights NJ) Livingston George E. (Malverne NY), Process for the manufacture of a soluble coffee product.
  • Sato, Jinichi; Kurusu, Toshiro; Kondo, Naoyoshi; Tamaki, Makoto, Process for the preparation of instant coffee or the like.
  • Hawes Glen W. (Bayonne NJ) Tarabocchia John G. (Fairview NJ) Katz Saul N. (Monsey NY), Process for the preparation of soluble coffee.
  • Jones Gary V. (Bremen NJ DEX) Stein Stuart A. (Hoboken NJ) Kaganoff David (New York NY), Process for the preparation of soluble coffee.
  • Vitzthum Otto G. (Bremen DEX) Koch Klaus D. (Bremen DEX), Process for the preparation of soluble coffee.
  • Ben-Nasr Hedi (Gelsenkirchen-Resse DEX) Coenen Hubert (Essen DEX), Process for the quasi-continuous decaffeination of raw coffee.
  • Vogel Gerald J. (Tarrytown NY) Kearney Donald T. (Bayonne NJ) Akpinar Belkis K. (Parsippany NJ) Moorman Charles T. (Harrington Park NJ), Process of steaming and percolating coffee.
  • Zemelman Valery B. (Wilton CT) Burgess Gary L. (Ridgefield NJ) Vitti Rudolf A. (Dumont NJ) Forman Todd M. (Croton-on-Hudson NY) Batchelor Anthony M. (Banbury GB2) Leblanc Yvon N. (Ste-Martine CAX), Product and process for producing an agglomerated instant coffee having a roast ground appearance.
  • Leblanc Yvon N. (Ste-Martine CT CAX) Zemelman Valery B. (Wilton CT) Burgess Gary L. (Ridgefield NJ), Product and process using colloidal particles for producing an agglomerated instant coffee having a roast and ground app.
  • Vitti Rudolf A. (Dumont NJ) Burgess Gary L. (Ridgefield NJ) Zemelman Valery B. (Wilton CT), Product and process using oil for producing an agglomerated instant coffee having a roast and ground appearance.
  • Stipp Gordon K. (Cincinnati OH), Rapidly soluble flavored instant coffee product.
  • Carns Lawrence G. (Plain City OH) Tuot James (Dublin OH), Recovery of aroma gases.
  • Carns Lawrence G. (Plain City OH) Tuot James (Dublin OH), Recovery of aroma gases.
  • Carns Lawrence G. (Plain City OH) Tuot James (Newtown CT), Recovery of aroma gases.
  • Bernard Jeannin CH; Petr Masek CH; Ennio Bardin CH, Refill cartridge for a drink dispensing device and device designed for such a cartridge.
  • Jeannin Bernard,CHX ; Masek Petr,CHX ; Bardin Ennio,CHX, Refill cartridge for a drink dispensing device and device designed for such a cartridge.
  • Rizzi George P. (Cincinnati OH) Gutwein Roger W. (Cincinnati OH), Roast ground coffee with defatted spent coffee grounds.
  • Saleeb, Fouad Z.; Zeller, Bary L., Roasted coffee extract decaffeination method.
  • Masek, Petr; Yoakim, Alfred, Sealed cartridge for making a beverage.
  • Zeller Bary L. ; Graves William B. ; McGarvey Raymond M., Self-Whitening coffee and method of manufacture therefor.
  • Fritz, Michael, Self-foaming soluble beverage powder.
  • Zeller Bary L. ; Graves William B. ; McGarvey Raymond M., Self-whitening coffee and method of manufacture thereof.
  • Liu, Richard T., Separating volatile aromatics from roasted and ground coffee.
  • Schymura Konrad (Oberursel DEX) Schafer Manfred (Frankfurt ; Main-Harheim DEX), Sinter breaker.
  • Chmiel Oliver,CHX ; Wyss Heinz,CHX ; Maier Hanspeter,DEX, Soluble beverage powder.
  • Munz-Schaerer Daniela Doris,CHX ; Wehrspann Olaf,CHX ; Furrer Marc,CHX ; Wyss Heinz,CHX, Soluble coffee beverage product.
  • Apiscopa, Richard Paul; Tighe, Lawrence Patrick; Griffith, David Brian, Soluble coffee brew color intensification.
  • Zeller Bary Lyn ; Langdon Joanne Marie ; Wiseman Gregory Aaron ; Turek Evan Joel, Soluble coffee having intensified flavor and color and method of making same.
  • Bary Lyn Zeller ; Joanne Marie Langdon ; Gregory Aaron Wiseman ; Evan Joel Turek, Soluble coffee having intensified flavor and color and method of making same from a coffee extract.
  • Pyves Richard R. (Pointe Claire CAX), Soluble coffee process.
  • Shrimpton ; Brian Clifford, Soluble coffee process and product.
  • Cale Kenneth W. (Marlboro NJ) Imura Naoto (Yokkaichi NJ JPX) Jasovsky George A. (Bayonne NJ) Katz Saul N. (Monsey NY), Soluble coffee with aroma recovered from the thermal hydrolysis of spent grounds.
  • Panesar Satwinder Singh,GBX ; Turek Evan Joel ; Jeffs William Artur,GBX, Soluble espresso coffee.
  • Liu Richard Tien-Szu ; Loehmar Karl,DEX, Soluble instant coffee prepared from extract obtained from green coffee.
  • Maier, Hanspeter; Bachtler, Ludwig, Soluble powder for espresso type beverage.
  • Maier, Hanspeter; Bachtler, Ludwig, Soluble powder for espresso type beverage.
  • Janssens,Myriam, Soluble roasted chicory having high inulin content.
  • Dahmen William A., Spray head for coffee brewer.
  • Hamell Matthew (Orangeburg NY) Sims Rex J. (Pleasantville NY) Feldman Jacob R. (New City NY), Stabilization of purified coffee oil.
  • Cheng Pu-Sheng ; Zheng Ying ; Laroia Serena ; Hu Wenjie ; Rahmani Rachid, Stable coffee concentrate system.
  • Hall��,Patrick; Declos,Robert; Brazeau,Patrick; Harnois,Martin; Grenier,Pascal; Hach��,Denis; Normandeau,Jo��; Gauthier,Andr��; Bourgouin,Roger; Grant,Stephen; Bouiliane,R��jean; Th��riault,Eric, Systems useful for beverage making machines.
  • Schlecht Klaus (Orbe CHX), Treatment of extracts obtained by split extraction of coffee.
  • Grollier Jean F. (Paris FRX) Plessis Sophie (Paris FRX), Use of coffee bean oil as a sun filter.
  • 이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

    1. Gamay, Aly, Concentrated shelf stable liquid coffee.
    2. Gamay, Aly, Concentrated shelf stable liquid coffee.
    3. Charles, Christopher, Method of making a sweetened soluble beverage product.
    4. Gamay, Aly, Methods for making concentrated shelf stable liquid coffee.
    5. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Soluble coffee products for producing beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
    6. Koller, Izaak; Juris, Amanda; Ireland, Kathleen L.; Fleming, Jeffrey Jack; Sadeghi, Farid; Manoux, Philipe Roget; Mack, Adam Mekeel; Dammermann, Kurt Philip; Crarer, Alan Scott, Stretchable beverage cartridges and methods.

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