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[미국특허] Combined cycle missile engine system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02K-009/72
출원번호 US-0983244 (2007-11-08)
등록번호 US8056319 (2011-11-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bulman, Melvin J.
  • Siebenhaar, Adam
출원인 / 주소
  • Aerojet—General Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Wiggin and Dana LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 13


An insensitive combined cycle missile propulsion system includes a solid fuel contained within a first section of the missile, a liquid oxidizer contained within a second section of the missile and a solid oxidizer contained within a third section of said missile. A first conduit has a first valve c


What is claimed is: 1. An insensitive combined cycle missile propulsion system, comprising:a first section of said missile having an upstream end and an opposing downstream end with a solid fuel contained therein, said sold fuel having an opening extending therethrough;a second section of said missi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Demay, Jean-Paul; Carton, Laurent, Blanking-cap system for an orifice of a conduit, in particular for an orifice of an air-intake duct into the combustion chamber of a ramjet.
  2. Keefe Brian J. (La Jolla CA) Childers Winthrop D. (San Diego CA) Steinfield Steven W. (San Diego CA) Reid W. Bruce (Solana Beach CA), Compact inkjet substrate with a minimal number of circuit interconnects located at the end thereof.
  3. Knuth William H. (Huntsville AL) Beveridge John H. (Huntsville AL), Gas-fed hybrid propulsion system.
  4. Herbert Stephen Jones ; Joseph Paul Arves ; Darren Andrew Kearney ; Ryan Earl Roberts ; Rory Nell McLeod, Hybrid injection thrust vector control.
  5. Adams Ronald J. (Surrey CAX), Integral rocket and ramjet engine.
  6. Bulman,Melvin J.; Billig,Frederick S., Integrated air inlet system for multi-propulsion aircraft engines.
  7. Schuler Alan L. (San Diego CA) Wiley Danny R. (Escondido CA), Liquid-solid propulsion system and method.
  8. Marguet Roger (Issy les Moulineaux FRX) Petit Bernard (Les Ulis Bures FRX) Naduad Lionel (Massy FRX) Borton Pierre (Boulogne Billancourt FRX), Power units of the ram-jet engine type.
  9. Anderson ; Jr. Carl W. (7914 Springfield Village Dr. Springfield VA 22152), Radial bleed total thrust control apparatus and method for a rocket propelled missile.
  10. Chew William M. (Huntsville AL) Asaoka Leo K. (Huntsville AL) Lilley Jay S. (Huntsville AL) May Douglas L. (Huntsville AL), Solid fuel ducted rocket with gel-oxidizer augmentation propulsion.
  11. Jones Herbert S. (St. Tammany Parish LA), Solid-fuel, liquid oxidizer hybrid rocket turbopump auxiliary engine.
  12. Harrison Emmett S. (Corona NY) Leto Anthony (Franklin Lakes NJ), Turbojet afterburner engine with two-position exhaust nozzle.
  13. Keirsey James L. (Frederick MD) Sheppard Don H. (Ellicott City MD), Variable-cycle storable reactants engine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hewitt, Patrick W.; Mamula, Mark, Selectable ramjet propulsion system.
  2. Kitsche, Wolfgang, Space flight drive and flight craft.

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