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[미국특허] Pyrospherelator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29C-067/02
출원번호 US-0244501 (2008-10-02)
등록번호 US8057203 (2011-11-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Parker, Gerard E.
  • Parker, Andrew P.
출원인 / 주소
  • Gap Engineering LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 19


Crystalline alumina particles are intimately mixed with a gaseous fuel, air and oxygen. The mixture is then ignited in a torch. Such blending of the powder with the combustible gas allows the alumina particles to be immediately heated to above their melting temperature and allows the particles to fo


What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for producing substantially spherical polymorphic particulates comprising:a cyclone containing a fan for creating a substantially horizontal airstream;a feed system for receiving a crystalline feed material and injecting the feed material into the cyclone upstream

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19)

  1. Giles Duane D. (3605 N. Paradise Rd. Flagstaff AZ 86001) Osborn Richard W. (4667 Ridgeway Los Alamos NM 87544), Apparatus for making composition logs by compressing particles.
  2. Aston Geoffrey W. (Horsham GB2) Smart Roderick M. (Horsham GB2), Apparatus for the heat processing of particulate materials.
  3. Stephan Herbert (Bruchkbel DEX) Aichert Hans (Hanau am Main DEX) Heimerl Joseph (Altenhsslau DEX), Apparatus for the production of high-purity metal powder by means of electron beam heating.
  4. Castle Richard B., At least partly fused particulates and methods of making them by flame fusion.
  5. Hodes Erich (v.d. Hhe DEX) Engel Ulrich (Bad Schwalbach DEX) Gruner Heiko (Beinwil am See DEX), Cladding of bearing metal and process for production thereof.
  6. Kume Shoichi,JPX ; Yoshida Haruo,JPX ; Yamada Yukiyoshi,JPX ; Fuyuki Tadashi,JPX ; Akiyama Satoshi,JPX ; Hamada Yoshiaki,JPX ; Kuroda Eisuke,JPX, Coated metal particles, a metal-base sinter and a process for producing same.
  7. Jackson Douglas M. (Monroeton PA) Arbie ; Sr. John A. (Towanda PA), Deagglomerating direct-fired flash dryer for drying stir-in phosphors and method of using same.
  8. Johnson D. Lynn (Evanston IL) Dravid Vinayak P. (Evanston IL), Evaporator apparatus and method for making nanoparticles.
  9. White William R. (Mission Viejo CA), Expanded mineral particles and apparatus and method of production.
  10. Browning James A. (c/o Browning Thermal Systems ; Inc. ; P.O. Box 477 Enfield NH 03748), Flame sprayed coatings of material from solid wire or rods.
  11. Karinsky Viktor N. (bulvar Novoselovoi ; 10 ; kv. 43 Odintsovo Moskovskoi oblasti SUX) Musienko Viktor T. (ulitsa Molodezhnaya ; 4 ; kv. 286 Moscow SUX) Glazunov Sergei G. (ulitsa Bakinskaya ; 29 ; k, Granulation apparatus.
  12. Kilner David N. (Horsham GB2) Humphrey Keith D. (Hove GB2) Little Lionel M. (East Grinstead GB2) Carr Duncan R. (Horsham GB2) Sharp Lewis G. (Horsham GB2), Heat processing of particulate material with a quenching gas which swirls around the processing zone.
  13. Parker, Gerard E., Low-firing temperature method for producing AL2O3 bodies having enhanced chemical resistance.
  14. Tabuchi Hiroshi,JPX ; Takahashi Akihiko,JPX, Metal matrix composite and process for producing the same.
  15. Mooney, Frank; Nelson, Fay, Method and apparatus for manufacturing fine powders.
  16. Phillips Harold L. (Oochita Lake NM), Method for forming expanded cellular volcanic ash.
  17. Browning James A. (P.O. Box 6 Hanover NH 03755), Method of high intensity steam cooling of air-cooled flame spray apparatus.
  18. Yamaguchi Susumu (1-32-21 ; Higashitoyonaka-cho Kitakyushu JPX) Miki Toshihiko (1-32-21 ; Higashitoyonaka-cho Kitakyushu JPX) Uchida Hiroyuki (1-32-21 ; Higashitoyonaka-cho Kitakyushu JPX) Onaka Itsu, Method of producing finely divided particles or powder, vapor or fine droplets, and apparatus therefor.
  19. Oda Yukio (Fujisawa JPX) Ogawa Jun (Kawasaki JPX), Spherical corundum particles, process for preparation thereof and rubber or plastic composition having high thermal cond.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Harrigan, Jr., William C.; Sommer, Alfred W., Incorporation of nano-size particles into aluminum or other light metals by decoration of micron size particles.
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