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Leakage current detection and interruption circuit with improved shield 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-003/00
출원번호 US-0462883 (2009-08-11)
등록번호 US8064174 (2011-11-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Williams, Thomas S.
  • Brugner, Jr., Frank S.
  • Gandolfi, Paul R.
출원인 / 주소
  • Technology Research Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Frijouf, Rust & Pyle, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 68


A circuit is disclosed for disconnecting a power source upon the detection of a leakage current comprising a power cable having an insulated first and a second wire. The power cable has a conductive shield surrounding the first and second wires with a drain wire electrically contacting the conductiv


What is claimed is: 1. A circuit for disconnecting a power source upon the detection of a leakage current, comprising:a leakage current circuit comprising a disconnect switch;a power cable connected to the power source though said disconnect switch;said power cable consisting of:a. a first insulated

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (68)

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  2. Chen ; Carson L., Accurate single pin MOS RC oscillator.
  3. Anderson Richard M. (Smyrna TN) McGill ; III Robert S. (Murfreesboro TN) Ramsey Robert W. (Nashville TN), Air conditioner control.
  4. Beland Robert,CAX, Apparatus and method for detecting ground fault.
  5. Kim, Byung-Kook, Apparatus and method for determining mis-wiring in a ground fault circuit interrupter.
  6. Clarey Robert J. ; Sabol Richard P. ; Elms Robert Tracy, Apparatus for detecting arcing faults and ground faults in multiwire branch electric power circuits.
  7. Elms Robert Tracy, Apparatus for detecting arcing faults and ground faults in multiwire branch electric power circuits.
  8. Dara Paul S. (Broken Arrow OK), Apparatus for fault detection and isolation.
  9. Andy A. Haun ; Brian G. Grattan ; Kon B. Wong ; Robert F. Dvorak ; Gary W. Scott, Arc fault circuit interrupter.
  10. Cooke Philip R. (Erie PA) Laukaitis Joseph A. (Erie PA), Automatic fault current protection for a locomotive propulsion system.
  11. Bodkin Lawrence E. (1149 Molokai Rd. Jacksonville FL 32216), Automatic reset circuit for GFCI.
  12. Morris Robert Allen ; Marple James A. ; Pitzen Charles S. ; Thomas Michael H.,NLX, Breaker/starter with auto-configurable trip unit.
  13. Stipes Jason A. ; Pope Bradley G. ; Miller Jeffrey A., Coaxial cable.
  14. Blew Douglas J. (Hickory NC), Coaxial cable having a flat wire reinforcing covering and method for making same.
  15. Baker Richard H. (Bedford MA) Semanchik Bruce D. (Bridgewater NJ), Common mode rejection coupler.
  16. Ward C. Barry (Sunrise FL), Comparator controlled delay-on-break devices.
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  18. Legatti, Raymond H.; Guptill, Brian; Campbell, Les, Device safety system and method.
  19. Heinz Klaus Dieter,DEX ; Thiele Stefan,DEX, Di protective switching device.
  20. Baldwin, John R., Digital fault interrupter with self-testing capabilities.
  21. Bullock Roddy M. (San Marcos TX) Cedrone Alfredo (Austin TX), Easy strip composite dielectric coaxial signal cable.
  22. Bortas Mats O. (Bjursas SEX) Efraimsson Lars O. G. (Falun SEX) Nyberg Agne H. (Falun SEX), Electric cable.
  23. Ellis John R. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical cable with improved shield.
  24. Bello Ernesto (Miami Springs FL) Mibelli Joseph F. (Miami FL), Electrical load protection device.
  25. Legatti Raymond H. ; Wiggins Robert S., Electrical system with arc protection.
  26. Gomez Ibarguengoitia Francisco (Sondica ESX), Electronic relay to protect motors and thyristors against symmetric overload, phase unbalance and short-circuit.
  27. Wortman Donald W. (Central Islip NY), Equipment protector and energy saving apparatus.
  28. Nemir David C. ; Hirsh Stanley S. ; Rubio Edward, Fail safe fault interrupter.
  29. Kusko Alexander (161 Highland Ave. Needham Heights MA 02194) Medora Noshirwan K. (North Attleborough MA), Fault sensing with an artificial reference potential provided by an isolated capacitance effect.
  30. Gebs Bernhart A. (Richmond IN), Flexible composite metal shield cable.
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  32. Bailey Ronald B. (Erie PA) Brown Herbert J. (Erie PA), Gate turnoff thyristor control circuit with shorted gate detection.
  33. Bonilla, Nelson; DeBartolo, Jr., Joseph V., Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) with a secondary test switch contact protection.
  34. McDonald Thomas M. (Monroe CT) Strang Ward E. (Fairfield CT) Howard Carol Z. (Oxford CT), Ground fault circuit interrupter plug.
  35. Legatti Raymond (Clearwater FL), Ground fault current interrupter circuit with arcing protection.
  36. McGary John S. ; Zitting Barry C. ; Robinson Steven M., Ground fault detector for line-powered telephone network.
  37. Washington Forest L. (Plainville CT), Ground fault protection system.
  38. Volk ; Jr. Joseph A. (Florissant MO), Ground integrity monitor for electrical apparatus.
  39. Parker Douglas F. (1717 Midwestern Pkwy. ; #233 Wichita Falls TX 76302) Bradshaw W. Garth (P.O. Box 832 Lyman WY 82937) Augustine Mark J. (2630 Minnesota Ct. Green River WY 82935), Grounding and ground fault detection circuits.
  40. Louis A. Guido, Jr. ; Harold R. Schnetzka, Highly efficient driver circuit for a solid state switch.
  41. Neiger Benjamin (New York NY) Gershen Bernard (Centerport NY) Rosenbaum Saul (East Meadow NY), Intelligent ground fault circuit interrupter.
  42. Neiger Benjamin ; Gershen Bernard ; Rosenbaum Saul, Intelligent ground fault circuit interrupter.
  43. Kim JungMoo,KRX, Leakage current alarming/blocking apparatus using antiphase transformer.
  44. Gershen,Bernard J.; Campolo,Steve; Richter,James; Rivera,Lester; Herzfeld,David; Bradley,Roger M., Leakage current detection interrupter extension cord with cord diagnostics.
  45. Raymond H. Legatti, Leakage current protection device adapted to a wide variety of domestic and international applications.
  46. McDonald Thomas M. (Monroe CT), Manually set ground fault circuit interrupter.
  47. Yoshida Tokuji (Tokyo JPX) Asano Kiyomitsu (Tokyo JPX) Mizukami Tokugoro (Tokyo JPX) Endo Katsuo (Ibaraki JPX) Akutsu Nobuhito (Ibaraki JPX), Metal-shielded cable suitable for electronic devices.
  48. Jones Thaddeus M., Method and apparatus for using direct current to detect ground faults in a shielded heater wire.
  49. Russell Ronald R. (Plainville CT), Molded case circuit breaker actuator-accessory module.
  50. Weber Clement J. (Evansville IN) Normet Henno (Indianapolis IN), Motor protection device.
  51. Plouffe Leo A. (North Dighton MA) Unterweger Diethard (Plainville MA), Multifunction dynamoelectric protection system.
  52. Chang Gee-Kung (New Providence NJ) El Hamamsy Mahmoud A. (Watchung NJ) Hartman Adrian R. (New Providence NJ) Lorimor Orval G. (Warren NJ), Optically toggled bidirectional switch.
  53. Esakoff Gregory F. ; Cunningham David W., Plug-in power module incorporating ground-fault detection and reporting.
  54. Love W. John (Dunlap IL), Power supply protection circuit.
  55. Legatti, Raymond H., Protection system for devices connected to an alternating current electrical power supply.
  56. Schuchmann, Russell P.; Van Zeeland, Donald L., Proximity switch exhibiting improved start-up characteristics.
  57. Hare Harold L. (Duncan OK) Bell John M. (Moore OK), Refrigeration system alarm device.
  58. Nichols ; III Edward L. (Annapolis MD), Remote sensing power disconnect circuit.
  59. Legatti Raymond H. (Clearwater FL) Brugner Frank S. (Clearwater FL) Wood Raymond J. (Clearwater FL), Resettable circuit interrupter.
  60. Matsui, Yoshihiro; Shimizu, Hideki, Safety enhanced transformer circuit.
  61. Kato Tetsuro (Tokyo JPX), Semiconductor photocoupler with changing capacitance.
  62. Kennedy Francis A. (Elkton MD) Mongan John T. (Avondale PA) Hardie William G. (Newark DE), Shielded electric signal cable having a two-layer semiconductor jacket.
  63. Mulrooney Christine (Elkton MD) Theorin Craig R. (Landenberg PA), Shielded jacketed coaxial cable.
  64. Dumortier Bernard (Mareil Marly FRX) Gast Jean-Nol (Rueil Malmaison FRX) Sauvel Francois (Chatou FRX), Static power switch apparatus.
  65. Tash Thomas G. (Richmond IN) King William A. (Richmond IN), Superior shield cable.
  66. Norbeck, Dean K.; Schnetzka, Harold R., Trigger circuit for solid state switch.
  67. Turner Duane L. ; Fleege Dennis W. ; Wiese Gregory S. ; Dvorak Robert F., Trip indicators for circuit protection devices.
  68. Takeda Hideaki (Misato JPX), Water sensing type power breaker circuit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

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  2. Xu, James Jun; Francese, Stephen Frank; Iversen, Alan Michael; Squillacioti, Leonard Paul, Field coil winding assembly.
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