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[미국특허] Winglets with recessed surfaces, and associated systems and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-023/06
출원번호 US-0103430 (2008-04-15)
등록번호 US-8128035 (2012-03-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Malachowski, Adam P.
  • Chaney, Stephen R.
  • Ebner, Norman K.
  • LeDoux, Stephen T.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 50


Winglets with recessed surfaces, and associated systems and methods are disclosed. A system in accordance with a particular embodiment includes a wing having an inboard portion and an outboard portion, and further includes a winglet coupled to the wing at the outboard portion. The winglet can have a


1. An aircraft system, comprising: a wing having an inboard portion and an outboard portion; anda winglet coupled to the wing at the outboard portion, the winglet having a leading edge, a trailing edge, a first surface facing at least partially inboard and a second surface facing at least partially

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (50) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Perry Frederick John,GBX ; Harrison Robert John,GBX ; Brocklehurst Alan,GBX, Aerofoil.
  2. Inoue Kazuo (Tokyo JPX) Fujino Michimasa (Tokyo MS JPX) Otsuka Yuva (Starkville MS) Fujihira Tohru (Saitama JPX), Aircraft.
  3. Gerhardt Heinz A. (Redondo Beach CA), Aircraft outboard control.
  4. Cabrol, Lucien, Aircraft providing with a lift structure incorporating multiple superposed wings.
  5. Van Dam Cornelis P. (Davis CA), Aircraft stall-spin entry deterrent system.
  6. Jupp Jeffrey A. (Filton GBX) Rees Peter H. (Hatfield GBX), Aircraft wing and winglet arrangement.
  7. Barriety, Bernard, Aircraft with active control of the warping of its wings.
  8. Fort F. Felker, Aircraft with elliptical winglets.
  9. Rutan Elbert, Aircraft with removable structural payload module.
  10. Goodson Kenneth W. (Rte. 4 ; Box 389 Mt. Olive NC 28365), Airfoil.
  11. Felix Frederick L. (W10508 Bell Rd. Camp Douglas WI 54618), Airfoil with bicambered surface.
  12. Welles Stanley W. (3943 SW. Rose St. Seattle WA 98136), Airframe design.
  13. Welles, Stanley W., Airframe design.
  14. Dizdarevic, Faruk; Dizdarevic, Mithad, Airlifting surface division.
  15. Croston Leon J. (Rt. 1 ; Box 892 Bois d\Arc MO 65612), All wing aircraft.
  16. Klug Heinz G. (Buxtehude DEX), Auxiliary wing tips for an aircraft.
  17. Foreau Bernard (Blagnac FRX) Pichon Alain (Tournefeuille FRX) Nazair-Blanc Claude (Toulouse FRX), Auxillary rolling system for aircraft.
  18. Gratzer Louis B. (2201 3rd Ave. #2004 Seattle WA 98121), Blended winglet.
  19. Herrick Larry L. ; Bays-Muchmore C. Byram ; Hoffman Michael S. ; LeGrand Louis L. ; Ogg Steven S. ; Paul ; Jr. Bernard P. ; Visser Kenneth D. ; Wells Stephen L., Blunt-leading-edge raked wingtips.
  20. Amaoka Kazuaki,JPX ; Sano Hideyuki,JPX ; Takizawa Naoya,JPX, Composite material wing structure.
  21. Wojciechowski, Paul M., Derivative aircraft and methods for their manufacture.
  22. Wojciechowski, Paul M., Derivative aircraft and methods for their manufacture.
  23. McLean, James D., Efficient wing tip devices and methods for incorporating such devices into existing wing designs.
  24. Whitaker ; Sr. Robert H. (Atlanta GA), Flight control device for airplanes.
  25. Spillman John J. (Bedford GB2), Fluid stream deflecting members for aircraft bodies or the like.
  26. Blood Charles L. (No. 1 Farview Ave. Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716), Friction reducing surface and devices employing such surfaces.
  27. Hoisington, Zachary C.; Rawdon, Blaine K., Ground effect wing having a variable sweep winglet.
  28. Wake Brian E. ; Egolf T. Alan ; Lorber Peter F. ; Landgrebe Anton J., Half-plow vortex generators for rotor blades for reducing blade-vortex interaction noise.
  29. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), High taper wing tip extension.
  30. Kirk Philip S. ; Dugan John J., Method and apparatus for reducing airplane noise.
  31. Isteri Pauli Henrik (Siilitie 9 S 223 00800 Helsinki 80 SF), Method and device for oxygenating water with vibrations and under pressure strokes.
  32. Ishimitsu Kichio K. (Mercer Island WA), Minimum drag wing configuration for aircraft operating at transonic speeds.
  33. Jerry E. Carlow, Mobius-like joining structure for fluid dynamic foils.
  34. Burnham Robert W. ; Fitzpatrick Michael F. ; Muilenberg Dennis A. ; Schoebelen Joseph K. ; Trollen Laurence B., Multi-service common airframe-based aircraft.
  35. Murphy David G. (Los Alamitos CA) Jerstad Neil M. (Long Beach CA) Wen Edward A. (Taipei TWX), Multiple application wheel well design.
  36. Vassberg,John C.; Gea,Lie Mine; McLean,James D.; Witkowski,David P.; Krist,Steven E.; Campbell,Richard L., Slotted aircraft wing.
  37. Hawley Arthur V., Spanwise transition section for blended wing-body aircraft.
  38. Gratzer Louis B. (2201 3rd Ave. #2004 Seattle WA 98121), Spiroid-tipped wing.
  39. Wolfgang Brix DE, Subsonic aircraft with backswept wings and movable wing tip winglets.
  40. Kirk Philip S. (Redmond WA) Whitcomb Richard (Hampton VA), System for increasing airplane fuel mileage and airplane wing modification kit.
  41. McCarthy Peter T. (134 Park St. #5 Buffalo NY 14201), Tip vortex generation technology for creating a lift enhancing and drag reducing upwash effect.
  42. Zimmer Herbert (Friedrichshafen DEX), Transverse driving bodies, particularly airplane wings.
  43. Hackett James E. (Smyrna GA), Vortex diffuser.
  44. Tangler James L. (Fort Worth TX), Vortex diffusion and dissipation.
  45. Finch ; Reginald Vernon, Vortex reducing wing tip.
  46. Santos Jonathan (2902 Tapered La. Bowie MD 20715), Wing tip airfoils.
  47. Irving,Jan; Davies,Robert, Wing tip device.
  48. Boppe, Charles W.; Harvie, Stuart G., Wing tip flow control.
  49. Goldhammer Mark I. (Bellevue WA) Schippers Karel A. (Renton WA), Wing/winglet configurations and methods for aircraft.
  50. Daude Martine (Rsidence les Tuileries 4 ; Square Castiglione 78150 Le Chesnay FRX), Winglets for aircraft wing tips.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Keeley, William Scott, Fluid turbine semi-shroud and associated rotor blade dual-winglet design.
  2. Buescher, Alexander; Karwin, Michael; Theurich, Frank, Non-planar wing tip device for wings of aircraft, and wing comprising such a wing tip device.
  3. Robertson, Paul E., Wing root leading edge extension.
  4. Zaman, AbuMuhammed A., Wing tip device for an aircraft wing.
  5. Theurich, Frank; Himisch, Jan, Wing tip shape for a wing, in particular of aircraft.
  6. Theurich, Frank; Himisch, Jan, Wing tip shape for a wing, in particular of aircraft.

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