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Shield connector 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-013/648
출원번호 US-0725634 (2010-03-17)
등록번호 US-8133077 (2012-03-13)
우선권정보 JP-2009-079488 (2009-03-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Okamoto, Masaki
출원인 / 주소
  • Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Hespos, Gerald E.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 15


A shield connector (C) includes a tubular metallic shield shell (30) integrally attached to the outer circumferential surface of a housing (10) made of resin by insert molding. The shield shell (30) is formed with a cut (32) extending between opposite ends in a longitudinal direction, and a pair of


1. A shield connector (C) comprising: a housing (10) made of resin and having an outer peripheral surface; anda tubular metallic shield shell (30) integrally attached to the outer peripheral surface of the housing (10) by insert molding, the shield shell (30) having opposite ends spaced apart in a l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Lopata John E. ; Yap Yew Teck ; Brunker David L., Channel isolation shield.
  2. Lewis John (Binghamton NY), EMI Shielded connector assembly.
  3. Gallusser David O. (Oneonta NY) Brush ; Sr. Robert W. (Unadilla NY) MacAvoy David W. (Bainbridge NY), EMI shielded electrical connector.
  4. Wu,Jerry, Electrical connector assembly.
  5. Eriksen, Christopher L.; Gravel, James L.; Olson, Randall C.; Strei, David, Electrical connector for a pressure sensor stem.
  6. Nishio Atsushi,JPX ; Abe Yoshikazu,JPX, Electrical connector with vertical lift prevention mechanism.
  7. Hall Lawrence A. (Harrisburg PA) Stahl Daniel E. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical plug connector and method of terminating a cable therewith.
  8. Scott William T. (Ellicott City MD) Leishear Robert A. (Woodlawn MD), Electromagnetic interference connector.
  9. Fields, Stewart Shannon; Herndon, Matthew K.; Kim, Min Chul; Larson, Ron; Middlehurst, Richard J.; Pannikkat, Anilkumar R.; Wheelock, Glenn; Whitby-Strevens, Colin, Mini displayport.
  10. Sasaki Takashi (Sendai JPX) Hotta Yukio (Kawasaki JPX), Shielded cable assembly comprising means capable of effectively reducing undesirable radiation of a signal transmitted t.
  11. Genova Anthony T. (Bolton MA) Squitieri Vincent (Billerica MA) Lionetta ; Jr. William G. (Hampton NH), Shielded cable system and method.
  12. Lax Ronald G. (Los Gatos CA) Johnson Robert G. (Santa Clara CA) Henningsen Charles G. (Portola Valley CA) Ellis J. Scott (San Jose CA), Shielded connector and method of forming same.
  13. Nishimura Ryoji (Machida JPX), Shielded electrical connector.
  14. Yoshimura Yoshikazu (Tokyo JPX), Shielded electrical connector and method of wiring same.
  15. Tajima Kyousuke (Sawa JPX) Kanuma Satoru (Sawa JPX), Shielding connector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Wang, Chin-Li; Shen, Ya-Hui, Electrical connector with touch-safety contact structures.
  2. Straka, Frank M.; Tellas, Ronald A.; German, Jason J.; Vaitkus, Vytas J., Method and system for improving crosstalk attenuation within a plug/jack connection and between nearby plug/jack combinations.
  3. Straka, Frank M.; Tellas, Ronald L.; German, Jason J.; Vaitkus, Vytas J., Method and system for improving crosstalk attenuation within a plug/jack connection and between nearby plug/jack combinations.
  4. Straka, Frank M.; Tellas, Ronald L.; German, Jason J.; Vaitkus, Vytas J., Method and system for improving crosstalk attenuation within a plug/jack connection and between nearby plug/jack combinations.
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