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[미국특허] Networked electronic ordnance system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F23Q-021/00
출원번호 US-0834765 (2010-07-12)
등록번호 US-8136448 (2012-03-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nelson, Steven D.
  • Diamond, Michael N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company (California), LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 57


A networked electronic ordnance system and method for controlling a variety of pyrotechnic devices at different energy levels include a bus controller controlling at least one pyrotechnic device operating at a first energy level and a smart connector adapting at least one pyrotechnic device operatin


1. An adaptive connector system for firing electronic ordnance, said system comprising: a bus connection allowing transfer of data with an ordnance network;a logic device for interpreting data received from said ordnance network via said bus connection;a capacitor bank for storing activation energy

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (57)

  1. Ellis James (Houston TX) Crawford Alan W. (Houston TX), Alternating current activated firing circuit for EBW detonators.
  2. Kelley H. Ray, Apparatus and method for performing built-in testing of a squib fire network.
  3. Hansen David D. ; Monk David B. ; Woodbury Mark B. ; Pratt Gerold W., Application specific integrated circuit package and initiator employing same.
  4. Hansen David D. ; Monk David B. ; Woodbury Mark B. ; Pratt Gerold W., Application specific integrated circuit package and initiator employing same.
  5. Jullian Michel (103 Scholle Road Aylmer ; Quebec CAX J9H 5C9), Blasting system and components therefor.
  6. Meyer Erich Nicol,ZAX ; Lombard Pierre,ZAX ; Glenn Oliver David,ZAX, Connectors for wired networks for detonators.
  7. Ochi Koji (Iwamizawa JPX) Harada Masahide (Sapporo JPX), Delay circuit for electric blasting, detonating primer having delay circuit and system for electrically blasting detonat.
  8. Ochi Koji (Iwamizawa JPX) Harada Masahide (Sapporo JPX) Kobayashi Kunio (Takasaki JPX), Delay circuit for use in electric blasting system.
  9. Abouav David M. (Victoria AUX), Detonator.
  10. Abouav David M. (Glen Waverley AUX), Detonator actuator.
  11. Abouav David M. (Victoria AUX), Detonator actuator.
  12. Shann Peter Christian,GBX, Detonator circuit.
  13. Jennings, III, David T.; Kouznetsov, Alex A., Detonator utilizing selection of logger mode or blaster mode based on sensed voltages.
  14. Lerche Nolan C. ; Merlau David, Downhole activation system that assigns and retrieves identifiers.
  15. Ochi Koji (Iwamizawa JPX) Harada Masahide (Sapporo JPX), Electric detonator of delay type.
  16. Aikou Kenichi (Nobeoka JPX) Kurihara Yoichi (Nobeoka JPX) Goto Tsugio (Nobeoka JPX), Electronic delay detonator.
  17. Beukes Christo Andre,ZAX ; Patz Vivian Edward,ZAX ; Smithies Stafford Alun,ZAX ; Greyvenstein Ray Frederick,ZAX ; Spiessens Rudy Willy Philomena,ZAX, Electronic explosives initiating device.
  18. Jean-Rene Duguet FR; Jean-Pierre Vedel FR, Electropyrotechnic igniter with integrated electronics.
  19. Cotton ; III Beryl W. ; Wallace David, Frequency and voltage dependent multiple payload dispenser.
  20. Matthew T. Kebabjian ; Jerry J. Kulaga, High speed data transmission cable and method of forming same.
  21. Adams John ; Hovet Kevin ; Kaiser Werner,DEX ; Belau Horst,DEX, Igniter.
  22. Gruber Robert,DEX ; Plankl Christian,DEX ; Christoph Markus,DEX ; Dirmeyer Josef,DEX ; Wagner Egbert,DEX ; Probst Heinrich,DEX, Ignition device for tripping a passenger restraint device in a motor vehicle.
  23. Bonavia Howard V. (Groton NY) Killean John E. (Norwich NY), Ignition system using multiple gated switches with variable discharge energy levels and rates.
  24. Gustafsson Ake (Gyttorp SEX) Westberg Jan (Gyttorp SEX), Initiation of blasting detonators.
  25. Dario G. Brisighella, Initiator assembly with activation circuitry.
  26. Tyler Lawson J. (Rolla MO) Worsey Paul N. (Rolla MO), Integrated detonator delay circuits and firing console.
  27. Willis Kenneth E. (Redwood City CA) Fahey William D. (Cupertino CA) Whang David S. (San Jose CA), Internally timed, multi-output impulse cartridge.
  28. Williams Michael S. (Half Moon Bay CA) Durrell Robert R. (Moss Beach CA) Kokoshvili Simon M. (Mountain View CA) Moore ; Jr. Charles J. (San Mateo CA) Moser Jeffrey M. (Oakland CA) Netoff Theodore J. , Laser initiated ordnance systems.
  29. Goffin ; II Glen P. (Newtown PA), Method and apparatus for a calibrated electronic timing circuit.
  30. Jacob Merritt (Allentown PA) Oswald Gerald L. (New Ringgold PA) Goffin ; II Glen P. (Newtown PA), Method and apparatus for calibration of electronic delay detonation circuits.
  31. Ackerman, Jr., William H.; Sainola, John P., Method of controlling and monitoring a store.
  32. Guimard Andr (Toulouse FRX) Harle Denis (Rouen FRX) Pathe Claude (Hery FRX), Method of controlling detonators fitted with integrated delay electronic ignition modules, encoded firing control and en.
  33. Pathe Claude,FRX ; Trousselle Raphael,FRX ; Clot Philippe,CHX ; Fivaz Eric,FRX, Method of detonator control with electronic ignition module, coded blast controlling unit and ignition module for its implementation.
  34. McGlynn Maureen P. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Meiklejohn William D. (Warminster PA), Multiple smart weapons employment mechanism.
  35. Rauscher, Jr., Robert A., Ordnance control and initiation system and related method.
  36. Boucher, Craig J.; Marshall, Paul N.; Novotney, David B., Ordnance firing system.
  37. Devries,Derek; Slade,Bill; Uresk,Bonnie; Jamison,Scott R.; Rauscher,Robert A., Ordnance system with common bus, method of operation and aerospace vehicle including same.
  38. Higgins Joseph M. (1549 Hampton Grosse Pointe Woods MI 48236), Passenger safety device for high speed vehicles.
  39. Turano Andy (Wallingford CT) Aresco Carmelo A. (Middletown CT), Perforating gun using an electrical safe arm device and a capacitor exploding foil initiator device.
  40. George Bossarte ; Glenn W. Dillon ; Paul R. McKinley ; Wayne C. Haase ; Larry G. Nelson, Precision pyrotechnic display system and method having increased safety and timing accuracy.
  41. Prinz Francois (San Jose CA) Steeves Kent (Newark DE) Atkeson Peter L. C. (Newark DE) Walsh Brendan (Elkton MD) Wilson J. Michael (Gilroy CA), Programmable electronic time delay initiator.
  42. La Mura Joseph L. (West Caldwell NJ) Wallenburg Ronald C. (Pennsauken NJ), Pyrotechnic ignition apparatus.
  43. La Mura Joseph L. (West Caldwell NJ) Wallenburg Ronald C. (Pennsauken NJ), Pyrotechnic ignition apparatus.
  44. La Mura Joseph L. (West Caldwell NJ) Wallenburg Ronald C. (Pennsauken NJ), Pyrotechnic ignition apparatus.
  45. Hill Trevor R. (Cape Town ZAX) Surtees Antony J. (Hobart AUX) Chewins Mark D. (Cape Town ZAX) Houliston Andrew J. (Cape Town ZAX) Zagnoev Ari (Cape Town ZAX), Single initiate command system and method for a multi-shot blast.
  46. Chapman ; III Joseph E. (Houston TX), Single-wire selective performation system.
  47. Griggs James W. ; Boyd Clinton ; Sutherland Michael ; Gagnon Scott D., Smart ignitor control system.
  48. Ivy Robert Leon ; Goetz George Henry ; Preston Timothy John, System for controlling and independently firing multiple missiles of different types.
  49. Braun Christopher G. (Golden CO), Timing and safety module to sequence events in missiles.
  50. Marsh Michael J. C. (Johannesburg ZAX) Atkins Raymond C. (Pretoria ZAX) Hodson Trevor M. (Randburg ZAX), Timing apparatus.
  51. Marsh Michael J. C. (Johannesburg ZAX) Atkins Raymond C. (Pretoria ZAX) Hodson Trevor M. (Randburg ZAX), Timing apparatus.
  52. Marsh Michael J. C. (Johannesburg ZAX) Atkins Raymond C. (Pretoria ZAX) Hodson Trevor M. (Randburg ZAX), Timing apparatus.
  53. Hennessey Clarence E. (Dallas TX), Tunable timing circuit and method for operating same and blasting detonator using same.
  54. Darby Christopher Paul,GB2 ; Husby Harald Snorre, Vehicle safety device controller.
  55. Darby Christopher Paul,GB2 ; Husby Harald Snorre, Vehicle safety system with safety device controllers.
  56. Cameron Robert W. (1321 King St. Bellingham WA 98226), Vehicle seatbelt having an integral airbag.
  57. Aspelin, David J., Weapon interface system evaluation apparatus and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. McKinley, Paul; Martinez, Phillip, Integrated electric match initiator module with isolated lift and burst function for a pyrotechnic device.
  2. Bossarte, George; McKinley, Paul R., Precision pyrotechnic display system and method having increased safety and timing accuracy.
  3. Bossarte, George; McKinley, Paul R., Precision pyrotechnic display system and method having increased safety and timing accuracy.
  4. Nelson, Steven; Current, Peter; Stadler, Steven, Propulsion system comprising plurality of individually selectable solid fuel motors.
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