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[미국특허] Kinematic algorithm for rocket motor apperception 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01S-007/42
  • G01S-013/00
출원번호 US-0879538 (2007-07-18)
등록번호 US-8138965 (2012-03-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Luu, Thu-Van T.
  • Boka, Jeffrey B.
출원인 / 주소
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Howard IP Law Group
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 26


A method, Kinematic Algorithm for Rocket Motor Apperception (KARMA), for processing radar returns for identifying the type of a missile target includes generating tracks representing the missile, and applying the tracks to a set of plural template-based filters, each representing one missile hypothe


1. A method for identifying the type of a boosting missile, said method comprising: receiving radar returns from a boosting missile to generate a plurality of position measurements constituting a target missile track;providing a plurality of nominal kinematic missile rocket parameters including at l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Boka,Jeffrey B.; Mavroudakis,Peter J.; Patel,Naresh R., Computerized method for generating low-bias estimates of position of a vehicle from sensor data.
  2. Bushman Boyd B. (Lewisville TX), Heat radiation detection system.
  3. Blair William D. (Fredericksburg VA) Watson Gregory A. (Fredericksburg VA) Rice Theodore R. (Fredericksburg VA), Interacting multiple bias model filter system for tracking maneuvering targets.
  4. Boka,Jeffrey B., Maximum-likelihood rocket identifier.
  5. Ward Anne Marie D. (Greenville TX), Method and apparatus for correlating target data.
  6. Knight Donald T. (San Pedro CA), Method and apparatus for maximum likelihood estimation direct integer search in differential carrier phase attitude dete.
  7. Wolf,David E., Method for determining missile information from radar returns.
  8. Gjessing Dag K. T. (Skedsmokorset NOX) Hjelmstad Jens F. (Tretten NOX), Method of detection and identification of one or more remote objects.
  9. Guerci Joseph R. (Astoria NY) Comploier Fred (E. Rockaway NY) Kee Alicia (Hempstead NY), Method of recognizing a radar target object type and apparatus therefor.
  10. Fischer, Pierre, Method of tracking a target and target tracking system.
  11. Faulkner Alistair R. (Harold Wood GBX), Methods of recognizing targets.
  12. Letovsky, Howard, Missile detection and neutralization system.
  13. Mavroudakis,Peter J.; Boka,Jeffrey B.; Patel,Naresh R., Missile identification and tracking system and method.
  14. Redano, Richard T., Mobile ballistic missile detection and defense system.
  15. Redano, Richard T., Mobile ballistic missile detection and defense system.
  16. Pedersen,Christian E.; Boka,Jeffrey B., Multihypothesis threat missile propagator for boost-phase missile defense.
  17. Hong Lang ; Logan Michael W., Multirate multiresolution target tracking.
  18. Bushman Boyd B. (Lewisville TX), Object detection system.
  19. Deegan Thierry, Passive aircraft and missile detection device.
  20. Curran Anthony ; Potts Steven L. ; Crain Arthur, Radar system and method of operating same.
  21. Clark, Frank O.; Falcone, Jr., Vincent J., Rocket launch detection process.
  22. Muto Eiichiro,JPX, Rocket trajectory estimating method, rocket future-position predicting method, rocket identifying method, and rocket situation detecting method.
  23. Millward Gerald W.,GB3, Tactical ballistic missle early warning radar and defence system.
  24. Reis James J. (La Palma CA) Luk Anthony L. (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Lucero Antonio B. (Anaheim CA) Garber David D. (Cypress CA), Target acquisition and tracking system.
  25. Wigren Torbjorn,SEX, Target type estimation in target tracking.
  26. Meyer, Steven J.; Merts, John H., Tracking system for providing position information.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Friesel, Mark A.; Mountcastle, Paul, Ballistic missile debris mitigation.
  2. Schuck, Tod M., Computerized target hostility determination and countermeasure.
  3. DeLong, Richard P.; Blyth, Barbara J., Generating a kinematic indicator for combat identification classification.
  4. Leboucher, Cédric; Le Menec, Stéphane; Shin S., Hyosang; Kotenkoff, Alexandre, Method and device for optimising a resource allocation plan.
  5. Boardman, Jonathan A.; Boka, Jeffrey B.; Mookerjee, Purusottam; Patel, Naresh R., Passive range estimating engagement system and method.
  6. Boka, Jeffrey B.; Corso, Joseph T., System and method for defense against radar homing missiles.
  7. Block, Allen W.; Boka, Jeffrey B.; Cottee, Walter R., System and method for early intercept ballistic missile defense.

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