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[미국특허] Remotely operated locking paddle handle latch assembly for closures and the like 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60R-025/02
  • B62H-005/04
  • E05B-013/10
  • F16C-003/00
  • G05G-005/00
출원번호 US-0952230 (2010-11-23)
등록번호 US-8186191 (2012-05-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bacon, Bruce C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Bauer Products, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Price Heneveld LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 20


A locking paddle handle assembly for closures has a housing with a paddle handle pivotally mounted therein, a latch which latches and unlatches the closure upon rotation of the paddle handle, and a exterior key lock with a movable member that shifts between locked and unlocked positions. A deadbolt


1. A remotely operated locking paddle handle latch assembly for closures and the like, comprising: a housing adapted for mounting adjacent an associated closure of the type that can be shifted between an open position and a closed position;a paddle handle pivotally mounted in an exterior portion of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gleason Stephen J. (Charles City IA) Larsen Marvin L. (New Hampton IA), Door closure assembly.
  2. Eschweiler, Kevin Paul; Larsen, Marvin Lee; Pickar, Barbara Jolene; Uhlenhake, Chad A.; Bearman, Jennifer Lynn, Door lock assembly with free floating paddle.
  3. Linares, Rodolfo, Double action push button locking system.
  4. Hicks Cecil B. (13200 Bombay St. Sylmar CA 91342), Electro-mechanical security lock.
  5. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable two-point latch and lock.
  6. Marvin L. Larsen ; Kevin P. Eschweiler, Latch assembly for a movable closure.
  7. Larsen Marvin L. ; Eschweiler Kevin P., Latch assembly for movable closure.
  8. Larsen Marvin L. (New Hampton IA) McConnell Kenneth L. (New Hampton IA), Lock assembly with interchangeable key plug.
  9. Chang, Roger N. H.; Cheng, Edward J., Lock system for vehicles and the like.
  10. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Lockable paddle handle with disconnect feature for operating remotely located latches.
  11. Anderson John P. (Norco CA), Locking door latch.
  12. Bacon, Bruce C., Paddle handle latch.
  13. Tweedy,Timothy, Paddle handle latch release device and spring latch system using same.
  14. Linares, Rodolfo, Paddle lock.
  15. Sadler, Dennis, Paddle lock having slim profile.
  16. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Spinelli ; Jr. Joseph P. (Seville OH) Rachocki Michael J. (Columbia Station OH), Plural point door lock and flush-mountable operating mechanism with detent.
  17. Hsieh, Hui-Hua, Remote-controlled door lock.
  18. Linares, Rodolfo, Rotary latches.
  19. Bacon, Bruce C., Rotary paddle handle assembly.
  20. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., T-handle operable rotary latch and lock.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Burns, Jayden; Root, David L.; Everett, Alexander C.; Bearman, Jennifer L, Free floating paddle actuation system.
  2. Burd, Peter John Leslie, Galley cart bay door latch.
  3. Bacon, Bruce, Lock system for vehicles and the like.
  4. Bacon, Bruce C., Locking paddle handle latch assembly for closures and the like.
  5. Bacon, Bruce C., Remotely operated locking paddle handle latch assembly.
  6. Bacon, Bruce C., Touch pad lock assembly.
  7. Bacon, Bruce C., Touch pad lock assembly.
  8. Burns, Jayden F.; Bearman, Jennifer L.; Root, David L.; Magner, David S.; Wildeboer, Chris J.; Njus, Timothy J., Vehicle compartment door handle assembly.
  9. Pickar, Barbara J., Vehicle door handle hardware assembly.

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