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Gas turbine engine system providing simulated boundary layer thickness increase 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02K-003/02
출원번호 US-0963667 (2010-12-09)
등록번호 US-8209953 (2012-07-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Winter, Michael
  • Jain, Ashok K.
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Carlson, Gaskey & Olds PC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 85


A gas turbine engine system for an aircraft includes a nacelle having a fan cowl with an inlet lip section and a core cowl, at least one compressor and at least one turbine, at least one combustor between the compressor and the turbine, a bleed passage, and a controller. The bleed passage includes a


1. A gas turbine engine system for an aircraft, comprising: a nacelle defined about an axis, wherein said nacelle includes a fan cowl having an inlet lip section and a core cowl disposed at least partially within said fan cowl;at least one compressor and at least one turbine positioned downstream of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (85)

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  2. Bonutti, Peter M., Active drag and thrust modulation system and method.
  3. El-Aini Yehia M. ; Benedict Barry K. ; Baghdadi Samy ; Matheny A. Paul, Active rotor stage vibration control.
  4. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Smith, David M.; Clark, Roger W., Active system for wide area suppression of engine vortex.
  5. Rolston Stephen C.,GBX ; Ashford Edward M.,GB5, Aerodynamic low drag structure.
  6. Jones,Emlyn; Stretton,Richard G, Aeroengine nacelle.
  7. Surply, Thierry; Prat, Damien; Gagnaire, Benoit, Air inlet for commercial aircraft jet engine nacelle.
  8. Horikawa Makoto (Nagoya JPX), Air intake system of an aircraft.
  9. Smith David M. ; Dorris ; III John, Aircraft engine apparatus with reduced inlet vortex.
  10. Thonebe Douglas A. (Jupiter FL) Coons Russell L. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Aircraft nacelle ventilation and engine exhaust nozzle cooling.
  11. Tindell Runyon H. (Old Bethpage NY), Blown boundary layer control system for a jet aircraft.
  12. Webster, John R, Boundary layer control arrangement.
  13. Ream Jeffrey L. (Tolland CT) Bubello Robert (North Meriden CT), Buffer region for the nacelle of a gas turbine engine.
  14. Ream Jeffrey L. (Tolland CT) Bubello Robert (North Meriden CT), Buffer region for the nacelle of a gas turbine engine.
  15. Newton Arnold C,GBX, Cascade structure arrangement for a gas turbine engine.
  16. Parente Charles A., Combined acoustic and anti-ice engine inlet liner.
  17. Sattelmayer Thomas (Mandach CHX), Combustion chamber for gas turbine engine.
  18. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Confluent exhaust nozzle.
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  20. Patilla Richard G. (Derby GB2), Engine nacelle.
  21. Welch John M. ; Benton William E. ; Lobsinger Michael R., Engine nacelle outer cowl panel with integral track fairings.
  22. Stieger, Rory D.; Britchford, Kevin M.; Strange, Paul J. R., Engine noise.
  23. Truax, Philip P.; Miller, Daniel N.; Ma, Edward C., Flow control redistribution to mitigate high cycle fatigue.
  24. Lemelson Jerome H. ; Pedersen Robert D. ; Blake Tracy D., Fuzzy logic based emergency flight control with thrust vectoring.
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  26. Prasad, Dilip; Feng, Jinzhang; Sabnis, Jayant S., Gas turbine engine inlet with noise reduction features.
  27. Wynosky Thomas A. (Madison CT), Gas turbine engine nacelle.
  28. Coffinberry George A. (West Chester OH), Gas turbine engine powered aircraft environmental control system and boundary layer bleed.
  29. Winter, Michael; Jain, Ashok K., Gas turbine engine providing simulated boundary layer thickness increase.
  30. Adamson ; Arthur P., Gas turbine engine with recirculating bleed.
  31. Valdis Kibens ; Ganesh Raman, High frequency excitation apparatus and method for reducing jet and cavity noise.
  32. Lahti Daniel J. (Cincinnati OH) Yates David E. (Cincinnati OH) Mungur Parmanand (West Chester OH) Stockman Norbert O. (Batavia OH), Hybrid laminar flow nacelle.
  33. Cloft, Thomas G.; Wiley, Richard H., Integral suction device with acoustic panel.
  34. Ahmed A. Hassan ; David B. Domzalski, Jet actuators for aerodynamic surfaces.
  35. Sorensen Norman E. (Saratoga CA) Latham Eldon A. (Sunnyvale CA), Jet engine air intake system.
  36. Leon Ross M. (Cincinnati OH), Jet engine fan nacelle.
  37. Olsen Ronald F. ; Orzechowski Jeffrey M.,CAX, Jet engine fan noise reduction system utilizing electro pneumatic transducers.
  38. Tracksdorf Peter (Grbenzell DEX), Jet engine nacelle.
  39. Meyer,Pascal J, Laminar flow nacelle for an aircraft engine.
  40. Sargisson Donald F. (Cincinnati OH), Long duct mixed flow gas turbine engine.
  41. Tindell Runyon H. ; Parente Charles A., Low drag inlet design using injected duct flow.
  42. Sanders,Bobby W.; Weir,Lois J., Low sonic boom inlet for supersonic aircraft.
  43. Rice John N. (Rockford IL) Yeh Jarvis J. M. (Rockford IL), Low speed spool emergency power extraction system.
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  46. Gruensfelder Cynthia Ann ; Wille Robert Henry, Mission adaptive inlet.
  47. Gruensfelder Cynthia Ann ; Wille Robert Henry, Mission adaptive inlet.
  48. Maier Mark S. (West Palm Beach FL) Gamble Eric J. (Jupiter FL) Wilson Jack W. (West Palm Beach FL) Calzadilla Eliott L. (North Palm Beach FL) Goetz Gerald F. (Seattle WA), Nacelle air pump for vector nozzles for aircraft.
  49. Birbragher Fernando (Miami FL), Nacelle anti-icing system.
  50. Moorehead James R. (Bellevue WA), Nacelle assembly and mounting structures for a turbofan jet propulsion engine.
  51. Alan R Maguire GB, Nacelle assembly for a gas turbine engine.
  52. Laborie Daniel J. (Cincinnati OH) Marban Joseph R. (Springdale OH) Schulze Wallace M. (West Chester OH) Baumbick Robert J. (West Chester OH), Nacelle cooling and ventilation system.
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  54. Stockman Norbert O. (Batavia OH) Yates David E. (Cincinnati OH) Crum Timothy S. (Fairfield OH), Nacelle inlet for an aircraft gas turbine engine.
  55. Baptist,Praba Kharan; Bharath,Keppel Nyron, Nacelle inlet lip anti-icing with engine oil.
  56. Wang, Timothy; Zierten, Thomas A., Nacelle/wing assembly with wake control device.
  57. Dionne, Luc, Passive cooling system for auxiliary power unit installation.
  58. Duane C. McCormick ; Wesley K. Lord, Passively driven acoustic jet controlling boundary layers.
  59. Porte, Alain, Process for de-icing by forced circulation of a fluid, an air intake cowling of a reaction motor and device for practicing the same.
  60. Grieb Hubert (Germering DEX), Propfan turbine engine.
  61. Sankrithi, Mithra M. K. V.; Nelson, Paul E., Rotatable scarf inlet for an aircraft engine and method of using the same.
  62. Lee Ching-Pang (Cincinnati OH) Savage Joseph W. (Maineville OH) Bobo Melvin (Cincinnati OH), Scaled heat transfer surface with protruding ramp surface turbulators.
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  70. Tindell Runyon H. ; Davis Warren ; Karanik James J., Thin inlet lip design for low drag and reduced nacelle size.
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이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Sawyers-Abbott, Nigel David, Combined inlet laminar and thrust reverser cascade efflux flow control system.
  2. Richardson, Giles Anthony; MacManus, David; Sheaf, Christopher Thomas John, Intake liner for a gas turbine engine.
  3. Surply, Thierry; Bourdeau, Christophe, Turbojet nacelle and method for controlling separation in a turbojet nacelle.
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