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[미국특허] Valve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-011/07
출원번호 US-0219209 (2008-07-17)
등록번호 US-8230881 (2012-07-31)
우선권정보 DE-10 2007 035 472 (2007-07-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Scherer, Georg
  • Mang, Helmut
출원인 / 주소
  • Firma SVM Schultz Verwaltungs-GmbH & Co. KG
대리인 / 주소
    Jacobson Holman PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 15


A valve with an inlet and an outlet as well as a return. In the inlet a first screen is provided. This screen is designed sharp or short.


1. A pressure control valve comprising an inlet,an outlet,a return,a first screen arranged at the inlet,the outlet being located between the first screen and a second screen,the first screen being sharp-edged or short, anda thin-walled screen carrier being designed as a disc,the first screen having

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Volz Peter (Darmstadt DEX) Schopper Bernd (Kriftel DEX), Brake pressure control apparatus.
  2. Northman Bradley L. (Southfield MI) Slavin Michael (Troy MI) West Donald J. (Warren MI), Electrically operated automatic transmission controller assembly.
  3. Flynn, Edward A.; VanWeelden, Curt L.; Layne, Michael C., Electrohydraulic valve for controlling operation of an engine cylinder valve.
  4. Fleischer, Walter; Rudolf, Wolfgang; Ott, Christof; Semler, Juergen; Krohn, Martin; Huber, Bernd; Dorfschmid, Jens, Electromagnet valve, in particular for automatic gearboxes.
  5. Schmid Werner,DEX ; Schuurman Raymond,DEX ; Ott Christof,DEX, Electromagnetic hydraulic valve.
  6. Boast Andrew J. ; Hoff William B., Orifice filter.
  7. Bamber, Daniel, Pressure control valve assembly.
  8. Eike Craig R. ; Stoever Guy T., Pressure holding directional control valve.
  9. Runge, Wolfgang; Remmlinger, Hubert; Mayr, Karlheinz; Schmid, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Thilo, Proportional pressure adjustment valve.
  10. Mayr, Karlheinz; Schmidt, Thilo; Kill, Walter; Moosmann, Markus, Proportional pressure control valve.
  11. Mayr, Karlheinz; Schmidt, Thilo; Moosmann, Markus, Proportional pressure control valve comprising a pressure jump in the characteristic p/l curve thereof.
  12. Mitchell John D. (Phoenix AZ), Solenoid valve assembly.
  13. Connolly John (Rock Falls IL) Forbes Terry (Dixon IL) Stoddard Dan (Amboy IL), Three-way solenoid valve.
  14. Miki Nobuaki (Kariya JPX) Suzuki Akira (Chiryu JPX) Nasu Takeshi (Anjo JPX) Sugiura Kiyohiko (Hekinan JPX), Three-way solenoid valve and method of fabricating same.
  15. Nagasaki, Kanehisa, Valve apparatus having O-ring.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Neef, Bodo; Schill, Sebastian, Pressure regulating device and method of operating a pressure regulating device.
  2. Scherer, Georg; Mang, Helmut; Schreiber, Florian, Valve with connection on the pressure side.
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