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[미국특허] Eyeglass display 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 06-04
출원번호 US-0283411 (2007-08-13)
등록번호 US-D663971 (2012-07-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Raile, Bruce
출원인 / 주소
  • Sun Optics, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Workman Nydegger
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 208


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for an eyeglass display, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (208) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wescott, III, Harvey M., 8GC platform.
  2. Carey James (1325 Barbara Dr. Vista CA 92084) Addario John J. (1748 Costada Ct. Lemon Grove CA 92045) Juarez Roberto (13432 Aubrey St. Poway CA 92064), Absolute anti-roll emergency road flare.
  3. Watson, C. Joe, Anti-tipping storage box for eyeglasses and the like.
  4. Carson Ralph (6 Banbury La. Commack NY 11725), Apparatus for storing, carrying and shaking down a clinical thermometer.
  5. LeBlanc Wayne ; LeBlanc Janiene, Bag holder stand.
  6. Crawford ; Jr. Tom H. (917 Clearview Bedford TX 76021), Battery holder.
  7. Otto Andrew J., Battery package.
  8. Otto Andrew J., Battery package.
  9. Otto Andrew J., Battery package.
  10. Pirro Jeffrey P. ; Ferguson Mark A., Battery package.
  11. Pirro Jeffrey P. ; Ferguson Mark A., Battery package.
  12. Simpson ; Sr. John A. (2530 S. Marlan Springfield MO 65804), Battery storage panel.
  13. Crook Douglas H. (5849 32nd Ave. North St. Petersburg FL 33710), Behind door shelf assembly.
  14. Strobel, Scott G.; Borrello, George M., Beverage carrier.
  15. Belokin Paul (P.O. Box 1907 Denton TX 76202) Belokin Martin P. (P.O. Box 1907 Denton TX 76202) Belokin Norman P. (3341 Evers Parkway Denton TX 76207), Bottle rack for refrigerated display.
  16. Chao David Yinkai,TWXITX 406, Box for eyeglasses.
  17. Thoesen Joseph M., Car care organizer tray.
  18. Schell Dennis L. (Rte. 1 Olathe KS 66061), Carpet sample display rack.
  19. Lapham Ralph R. (New London NH), Carrying case for eyeglasses.
  20. Marciano Moshe,GBX, Case comprising two shell bodies and an insert.
  21. Leblanc Conrad L. (Leominster MA), Case for clip-on sunglasses.
  22. Chao David Yinkai,TWXITX 406, Case for eyeglasses.
  23. Liebers,Steven B., Case for reading glasses.
  24. Conway Gary Roy,GBX, Case for tampons.
  25. Setcer, Jr., Neal D., Coin tube organizer.
  26. Van den Kieboom Jan M., Combination floral product and display container all-in-one direct imprint base unit.
  27. Conner William A., Combination glasses and glass case.
  28. Sincock Brian F. (Dernancourt AUX), Combined needle recapping tray and lid.
  29. Shelton Robert N. (Leominster MA) Mowrer Gail S. (Nashua NH), Commodity display device.
  30. Shriver Ronald, Cone cake baking apparatus.
  31. Cerny David E. (Lilburn GA) Mulhauser Paul J. (New York NY) Brooks Christopher J. (Glen Head NY), Contact lens care container.
  32. Brown Ronald D. (P.O. Box 309 Pecos NM 87552) Brown Margaret A. (P.O. Box 309 Pecos NM 87552), Container.
  33. Jannard James H. (Eastsound WA) Yee Peter (Huntington Beach CA), Container.
  34. Rogers Graham,HKX, Container.
  35. Rogers Graham,HKX, Container.
  36. Kumakura, Katsuhiko; Harada, Keiichi, Container for dry battery.
  37. Rimer Alf (Herlev DKX), Container for plastic bags.
  38. West,Duane E., Container for sliceable ice cream.
  39. David Chao, Container for storing eyeglasses and other items.
  40. Chao, David, Containers with additional functionality.
  41. Chao, David, Containers with additional functionality.
  42. Mason,Timothy L., Display assembly.
  43. Killy Earl J. (Monroe LA), Display carton.
  44. Lane, Henry Welling, Display case.
  45. Waldeck William D. (210 Main St. Belpre OH 45714-0508), Display case.
  46. Hessell,John, Display device.
  47. Shelton Robert N. (Leominster MA), Display fixture.
  48. Shelton Robert N. (Leominster MA), Display fixture.
  49. Shelton Robert N. (Leominster MA), Display fixture.
  50. Gajewski Dennis A. (West Bend WI), Display fixture with modular display units.
  51. Adkins Richard E., Display package.
  52. Loflin Gary W. (722-2A Salem St. Thomasville NC 27360), Display rack.
  53. Sparkowski, Robert P., Display rack.
  54. Wang King Yuan,TWX, Display racket for long handled spray guns.
  55. Muniz Ralph (112 2nd St. #3 Seal Beach CA 90740), Display stand.
  56. Naylor Thomas H. (1221 W. Lehigh Place Englewood CO 80110), Display stand.
  57. Waldeck William D. (P.O. Box 508 ; 210 Main St. Belpre OH 45714-0508), Display stand for snack foods or the like.
  58. Mason, Timothy L., Display unit.
  59. Mason, Timothy L., Display unit.
  60. Potter Andrew J. (London GBX), Display unit for ties.
  61. Yan,Ellis, Disposable endcap display case.
  62. Baluk Raymond ; Chu Freddie ; Murray James ; Mullinix George, Double-sided three-tier bulk food display stand.
  63. Glick Eileen Mary, Educational blocks with enhanced manipulation features.
  64. Dunn Jeffrey S. (Chester NJ), Elongated tubular container for venetian blinds.
  65. Conner William A., Eye glasses.
  66. Conner, William A., Eye glasses.
  67. Raile,Bruce, Eye wear display case.
  68. Raile,Bruce, Eye wear display case.
  69. Conway Gary Roy,GB2, Eyeglass case.
  70. Corinne McCormack, Eyeglass case.
  71. Harry Browne, Eyeglass case.
  72. McCormack Corinne, Eyeglass case.
  73. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  74. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  75. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  76. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  77. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  78. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  79. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  80. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  81. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass case.
  82. Reed Elmer (The Aristocraft Company ; 3001 S. Kilbourn Ave. Chicago IL 60623), Eyeglass case.
  83. Sender ; deceased Jean (102-18 63rd Rd. late of Forest Hills NY) Sender ; executor by Leo (102-18 63rd Rd. Forest Hills NY 11375), Eyeglass case.
  84. Toffoli Ruggero,ITX, Eyeglass case.
  85. Zhou Shunkao,CNX, Eyeglass case.
  86. Richard Chao, Eyeglass case adapted to be hung on the neck of the user.
  87. Meikle Howard C., Eyeglass case design with attached cord.
  88. Dunchock Richard S. (Farmington Hills MI), Eyeglass case display unit.
  89. Morris Grossman, Eyeglass case stand.
  90. Chao, David, Eyeglass cases having timepieces and eyeglass cases having mirrors.
  91. Conner, William A., Eyeglass container.
  92. Clark Stewart F., Eyeglass container with lid.
  93. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  94. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  95. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  96. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  97. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  98. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  99. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  100. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  101. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  102. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  103. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  104. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  105. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglass display.
  106. Raile, Bruce, Eyeglass display stand.
  107. Hinnant ; Sr. Wayne M. (534 S. Conestoga St. Philadelphia PA 19143), Eyeglass holder.
  108. Raile,Bruce, Eyeglasses.
  109. Liu Chin-Fen (P.O. Box 82-144 Taipei TWX), Eyeglasses case.
  110. Kuo Shui-Hua,TWX, Eyeglasses convertible into an eyeglass case.
  111. Glinert,Robert, Eyeglasses device.
  112. Emanuele, Danzi, Eyeglasses having adjustable stems and a case therefore.
  113. Raile,Bruce, Eyewear case and display method.
  114. Johnson, Glendon R., Eyewear holder.
  115. Compton William W. (Odessa FL) Anderson Mark T. (Tampa FL), File display.
  116. Lusker Ronald (85 Mercer St. New York NY 10012), Fluid container.
  117. Chih Chen TW, Glasses box with function of pressable pen.
  118. Charbonneau Robert,CAX, Glasses case.
  119. Weliver William W., Golf pack for valuables.
  120. Wirth, Steven E.; Olson, Todd J., Guidance wand.
  121. Kao,Jui Chien, Hanger rack for hand tools.
  122. Ben Moshe Dan, Holder for reading glasses.
  123. Schwartz Hans (Am Hang 2 D-88447 Warthausen-Oberhofen DEX), Holder for rod-shaped workpieces.
  124. Buchanan Gregory R. ; Hagood Daniel E., Lane blocker and merchandising display stand.
  125. Takeda, Kinji; Kori, Yukiko, Lens connecting device and a method of connecting lens for rimless glasses.
  126. Brooks Stephen John,GBX, Lined carton of triangular cross-section.
  127. Gobe Marc, Lipstick case.
  128. Wang, King-Yuan, Long-handled spray gun display racket (I).
  129. Powell Ralph (Spring TX) Phillips Alisa (Tyngsboro MA) Jackson Barbara (Watertown MA), Magnetic capture rack with slidable magnetic member.
  130. Landes,Scott D., Marking post.
  131. Desgrippes Jol (Paris FRX), Mascara dispenser.
  132. Stellon Solimine,Doreen Andrea; Edelman,Rona; Gomez,Ramon; Horn,Dorothy; Jeffrey,John Francis; Spritzer,Robyn Lisa; Loew,Jonathan, Merchandise display unit.
  133. Wyatt Philip D. (Neosho MO) Talbot Jeffery M. (Austin TX), Merchandising display rack.
  134. Lavie, Philippe, Method and a device for mounting eyeglass lenses.
  135. Chao David Yinkai, Method for securing spectacle members together.
  136. Hovatter Kenneth R. (922 Industrial Way ; Ste. G Lodi CA 95240), Microcentrifuge tube rack.
  137. Verwohlt Henrik B. (Roskilde DKX) Larsen Bjorn G. (Bagsvaerd DKX) Esser Peter (Kobehavn DKX) Johansson Arne (Jyllinge DKX), Microtitration system.
  138. Stoddard David C. F. (Atlanta GA), Mobile shelf display unit.
  139. Jay Richard, Modular display rack.
  140. Sparkowski, Robert P., Modular floor stand.
  141. Topper Robert T. ; Rand Thomas W. ; Zellner William E. ; Luyet Ronald E. ; Arhart Greg ; Ritner Brad, Modular merchandiser.
  142. Carlsen ; Roger Leonard, Modular newsstand.
  143. Nicoll Walter Lyon Gordon (57 ; Hurlingham Court ; Ranelagh Gardens London ; SW. 6 EN), Mufflers.
  144. Taormina David M., Multi-purpose eyeglass holding and cleaning kit.
  145. Wang Yue (60 Middlesex Rd. ; Apt. 3 Waltham MA 02154) Rohrabacher Cliff (R.D. #2 ; Box 81 ; Charlestown Rd. Hampton NJ 08827) Luna Denise (19 DeMott Ave. Clifton NJ 07011), Multi-purpose rack for chemical reagent vessels.
  146. Miller Bruce E., Multi-well reagent cartridge for treating a sample.
  147. Baechle,James, Multiple angle tubular container.
  148. Nierman Henri J. M. (6 Keistraat 3512 UV Utrecht NLX), Nondeformable container.
  149. Reeves Dennis L., Oil flow rack.
  150. Chiang Herman,TWX, Packaging case set.
  151. Bustos Rafael T., Pallet merchandiser.
  152. Krupa Calvin S. (Medina MN), Pastry package.
  153. David V. Olson ; Lois J. Olson, Picture frame.
  154. Frenkel Dina (Plano TX) Kureshy Fareed (Westwood MA) Lawrence William J. (Garland TX), Pipette tip holder or similar article.
  155. Linder Alan J. (Waukesha WI), Pipette unitizer and shipper.
  156. Goodman Sheldon H. (30905 Stratford Solon OH 44139) Greenhut Steven E. (6368 NW. 23rd Way Boca Raton FL 33496), Pocket organizer.
  157. Dickens Luther I. (Radford VA), Polystyrene foam structure.
  158. Filipak Edmund C. ; Tiedemann Scott, Pre-packed product shipment and display device with spring-biased restocking feed arrangement.
  159. Yasushi Hori JP; Minoru Sakaguchi JP, Printing system.
  160. Lund Doug M. (Bartlett TN) Ford John M. B. (Cordova TN) O\Brien Bernard M. (Germantown TN), Protective undercap and method.
  161. Glassenberg Marvin (6857 N. Francisco Ave. Chicago IL 60645), Rack.
  162. Cugley Derwyn (Brea CA), Rack for dispensing link chain.
  163. Moulton Tom ; Hill Bob, Rack for holding tubes and the like in an upright position.
  164. Goldfarb Kenneth, Radial garden.
  165. Glanz Elliot (Oceanside NY) Kimel Howard (West Chester OH), Reaction tray.
  166. Wetzel Michael L., Refrigerated floral display unit.
  167. Bustos Rafael T. (Alpharetta GA), Refrigerated shelf display case.
  168. Corella ; Arthur P., Reinforcing insert for collapsible packages.
  169. Li Vigni, Angelo; Draghetti, Fiorenzo, Rigid container for tobacco products.
  170. Polloni, Roberto; Colo', Chiara; Conti, Igino; Draghetti, Fiorenzo, Rigid pack with a hinged lid.
  171. Lek Thixton ; Peter Yee ; Colin Baden, Rimless eyeglass components.
  172. Berrios Miguel, Rotating triangular drum for incubating probes with membrane-immobilized ligands.
  173. Boulton David (Tinton Falls NJ) Zambias Robert (Lexington MA), Sample holder.
  174. Kuiper Pieter Adriaan,AUX ; Boon Cameron Wedgwood,AUX, Sampling tube rack.
  175. Skrzelowksi David S., Shelf unit.
  176. Riga Dennis J., Slat wall memorial display unit.
  177. Tony Rumpf, Souvenir cup holder.
  178. Boje John F. ; Brown Samuel R. ; Seaton J. Michael, Specimen tube rack.
  179. Tiberghien Herve,FRX, Spectacle frame.
  180. Hoshino Ryuichi,JPX, Spectacles.
  181. Wallace Clyde R. (Cheraw SC), Storage rack for screwdrivers or the like.
  182. Maylon, Gary Joseph; Chenier, Jr., Gary James; Goodwin, Michael Wade; Kurpinski, Melvin J., Stucco casing bead.
  183. Egbert, Jennifer; Hester, Walter, Sunglasses.
  184. Walters, David Leroy, Syringe dosage tracking device.
  185. Vila Henry (Secaucus NJ), Syringe tray.
  186. Conway Gary Roy,GBX, Tampon holder.
  187. Wescott, III, Harvey M., Test platform.
  188. Andre Lafond CA; Yanick Bertin CA, Test tube rack.
  189. Liu, Jun-Tai, Test tube rack with inserting structure.
  190. Pfieffer Gerald R. (Seattle WA), Three piece triangular carton.
  191. Patterson ; Jr. William F. (68 Tower Hill Ave. Red Bank NJ 07701), Tool box.
  192. Wilkening Steven R. ; Herbst Walter B. ; Peterson Kurt T. ; Eiger Aaron B., Tool holder.
  193. Escola Gallart Ramon,ESX ; Bayes Turull Ramon,ESX, Transparent package for confectionary.
  194. Fireman Barry R. (Sharon MA), Transparent rectangular packaging of swim goggles and the like.
  195. Heaton George Norman (Elkhart IN), Transport rack for specimen tubes.
  196. Haynes James T. (Mesa AZ), Tray.
  197. Olsen Leanora B. (111 N. Wilmette St. Westmont IL 60559) Wodka Suzanne M. (539 Selbourne Rd. Riverside IL 60546), Tube display device.
  198. Sagel Joseph P. ; Croft Robert J., Tubular food container.
  199. Sagel Joseph P. ; Croft Robert J., Tubular food container.
  200. Michael Weinstein ; Eric E. Thompson, Tubular packaging for deadbolt.
  201. Michael Weinstein ; Eric E. Thompson, Tubular packaging for door knob assembly.
  202. Grendahl, Mark S., Underground conduit stub up template.
  203. Vogler Michael R., Utility shelf.
  204. Chang Charles, Vertical dial stick case.
  205. Fortescue Ann D. (7939 Habersham La. Dallas TX 75248), Vertically-mountable organizer.
  206. Chao, David; Lee, Yeou-Soon, Visual display of container contents.
  207. Sharp David G., Wall mounted clothes hanger support.
  208. Wentz Richard J. (c/o Witz Products & Designs ; 502 Giuseppe Ct. ; Ste. 5 Roseville CA 95678) Wu Garwing (c/o Witz Products & Designs ; 502 Giuseppe Ct. ; Ste. 5 Roseville CA 95678), Waterproof, floatable eyeglass case.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Theisen, Jennifer A.; Zobel, Erin L.; Stafford, William Y.; Martell, Timothy J., Cover.
  2. Yoder, Grace; Yoder, Jordan Dean, Holder for coffee k-cup.
  3. Levy, Jonathan Stuart; Fiorino, Michael; Lockart, Chad, Lighting fixture.
  4. Peltosaari, Lauri, Sample rack.
  5. Peltosaari, Lauri, Sample rack.

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