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Display package 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-085/00
  • B65D-075/36
출원번호 US-0724839 (2010-03-16)
등록번호 US-8245844 (2012-08-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sorrentino, Alan
  • Moskovich, Robert
  • Haefliger, Andreas
출원인 / 주소
  • Colgate-Palmolive Company
대리인 / 주소
    Chung, Judy W.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 221


A package for displaying a plurality of items where the package has first and second containers connectable between an open position and a closed position, each container having an outer surface having at least one elongated protrusion, the at least one protrusion having a head end and a tail end, t


1. A package for displaying a plurality of items comprising: first and second containers connectable between an open position and a closed position, each container having: an outer surface having at least two elongated protrusions, the at least two protrusions each having a head end and a tail end,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (221)

  1. Lien, Lynn Almyra Nelson, Accessable medicinal dosage carrier.
  2. Loeffler, James P., Advertising quadrate carrier assembly with premium cradle.
  3. Jeffrey Charles Cole ; Kenneth H. Fleck, Animated puzzles.
  4. Mickelberg Stephen R. (Longport NJ), Animated toy in package.
  5. Allendorf Stephan C. (Hoboken NJ) Dair Thomas M. (Valley Cottage NY), Arrangement for retaining blister pack tablets.
  6. Grimm Thomas H., Article packaging.
  7. Lev, Mordechai; Ferber, Roman S.; Nemazi, John E., Automatic electric toothbrush in a display package.
  8. Dunn Steven B. (Beverly Hills CA), Baby bottle package.
  9. Strange Randall H., Bag and beverage cup holder.
  10. Bender Anthony J. (York PA) Mui Kai H. (Baltimore MD) Pajer Emery A. (Owings Mills MD), Ball package.
  11. Hartley William L. (Annapolis MD), Battery display package.
  12. Calcerano Victor, Battery package.
  13. Julio C. Casanova ; Jean-Marie Weisskopf, Battery package with rotation prevention.
  14. Sutherland, Robert L., Beverage multiple packaging lock system.
  15. De Guglielmo Pascal (Montgueux FRX) Beaucote Grard (les Noes Pres Troyes FRX), Blank for forming a tubular envelope of card for grouping pots together, and a pack made in this way.
  16. Martin M. Bolnick ; Richard S. Bolnick, Blister card label form.
  17. Friberg Claes,SEX ; Assargren Christian,SEX, Blister pack.
  18. Roulin Monique (Aesch CHX) Gerber Manfred (Singen DEX) Oster Heinz (Feuerthalen CHX), Blister pack.
  19. Wilson, Mark Stephen, Blister pack.
  20. Althaus Wolfgang (Wuppertal DEX), Blister package for a razor.
  21. Konop Gary L., Blister package for a toothbrush.
  22. Toren Thomas (Bondi Junction AUX), Blister packs.
  23. Gomes,Jean Manuel; Spivey,Raymond, Bottom locking carton.
  24. Chen, Waterson, Box formed from a foldable blank sheet.
  25. Grupe Henry W. (Goshen CT), Candle display package including a transparent mold/container.
  26. Woog,Gunter, Carrier.
  27. Oliveira,Steven Manuel, Carton.
  28. Oliveira,Steven Manuel, Carton.
  29. Baxter Ronald A. (Douglasville GA), Carton for cups or similar objects.
  30. Durand Jean-Jacques (Arques FRX), Carton for glass.
  31. Kohler, Karl A., Carton for holding and displaying balls.
  32. Robert L. Sutherland, Carton panel lock.
  33. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Carton panel lock.
  34. Auclair,Jean Michel; Daniel,Jean Yves, Carton with a glued insert and a blank combination for forming the same.
  35. Smalley,Brian, Carton with container access openings with at least partially removable tabs.
  36. Rowland Angela L. ; Fielder Larry D., Carton with glued liner incorporating an integral cell.
  37. Gherdan,Victor; Barndt,David; Craig,Tim, Child resistant and senior friendly medicament storage and distribution package.
  38. Lataix Gilbert (Chatel Guyon FRX), Child resistant blister package.
  39. Kalvelage John D. (Lynchburg VA), Child resistant package assembly for dispensing pharmaceutical medications.
  40. Samberg Steve (New York NY) Berger Barry (New York NY), Clamshell package and packaging system.
  41. Glassman Ellen Tave, Clamshell package including both permanent and resealable fastening structure.
  42. Straub Gustave O. (Milwaukee WI) Kurth Charles W. (Cedarburg WI), Collapsible container.
  43. Capozzi Lee (Ridgefield NJ), Combination article and package construction.
  44. Musket David C. (Kutztown PA), Combination glue trap and package.
  45. Mayled Edward C. (28 Groveland Crescent Brampton ; Ontario CAX L6S 1L2), Combination holder and container.
  46. Ward Thomas F. (Madison WI) Kuehn Joseph R. (Black Earth WI) Studee Stephen B. (Middleton WI), Common blister battery package and display.
  47. Scott David F. (Sandy UT), Compact syringe and catheter package.
  48. Martin Wallace Anthony (Orange Park FL) Renkema Kornelis (Jacksonville FL) Lust Victor (Jacksonville FL), Composite packaging arrangement for contact lenses.
  49. Hwang, Peter G.; Howard, Kevin A.; Woodbery, Frank, Container.
  50. Stein,Bruce; Sellari,Robert, Container.
  51. Sheffer Phil B., Container and blank for making same.
  52. Moorman Stephen E., Container convertible between shipping and shipping/display modes.
  53. Negelen Emanuel (Schweich DEX), Container for articles.
  54. McMorris,Ralph E., Container for display.
  55. Petrelli, J. Anthony; Nelson, Daniel J., Container for holding and dispensing multiple types of items.
  56. Lotz Renfro Heidi R. ; Brown James J. ; Renella Henry ; Petruska Joseph ; Bronander Wilhelm B., Container for holding and displaying elongated objects.
  57. Tibbles, Brian J.; Jaffe, Peter S.; Sypawka, Andrew, Container having sliding corner support.
  58. Tibbles,Brian J.; Jaffe,Peter S.; Sypawka,Andrew, Container having sliding corner support.
  59. Rhyne, Edward B.; Woolaway, Bradley P., Cover/pan packaging.
  60. Tannenbaum Michael A. (Freehold NJ), Device for inhibiting removal of an article from a blister container.
  61. Kydonieus Christos (Kendall Park NJ), Device for storing and shipping blister pack articles.
  62. Ballard,Richard, Dispenser carton.
  63. Chad A. Thompson ; Dennis M. Bukovich, Display box and method for packaging an article in the box.
  64. Liptak Richard M. (Parma Heights OH) Liptak Thomas P. (Independence OH), Display container.
  65. McMorris,Ralph E., Display container with packets.
  66. Adkins Richard E, Display package.
  67. Adkins Richard E., Display package.
  68. Ford, Allan L., Display package for vending combination of a wrist-watch and a wallet or billfold.
  69. Honda Dale, Doll display package facilitating doll action demonstration.
  70. Smith Jeffrey A. ; Beneroff Richard N. ; Kim Eric, Double panel boxes.
  71. Smith Jeffrey A. ; Beneroff Richard N. ; Kim Eric, Double panel boxes.
  72. Pohle Michael S. ; Alpern Marvin ; Cerwin Robert J., Fenestrated suture package.
  73. Clarke John, Filter pack clam shell package.
  74. Daniels, Jr., Larry G., Flexible CD carrying and storage device.
  75. Duquet, Frederic; Garcia, Firmin; Pennaneac'h, Herve, Fluid dispenser assembly.
  76. Sandberg Thomas Michael ; Webinger George, Folded bottle display packaging.
  77. Schultz,G?nther; R?ster,Stefan, Folding box for displaying an article.
  78. McManus Dick (120 Kapuahi St. Makawao HI 96768), Folding separator.
  79. Gersten Albert ; Behar Ian ; Thresher Glen A., Food and beverage container carrier.
  80. James R. Foreman, Food carrier.
  81. Humphrey Neall W., Freestanding portable lamp display package.
  82. Humphrey,Neall W., Freestanding portable lamp display package.
  83. Neall W. Humphrey, Freestanding portable lamp display package.
  84. Toshitsugu Kitayama (Kuroishi JPX), Fruit package.
  85. Kaminski David (2496 Kingsbury Troy MI 48098), Golf ball display device.
  86. Schroeder,James, Holder to facilitate the signaling and storage of collectible baseballs and other sports memorabilia.
  87. Danneberg Holger,DEX, Holding device.
  88. Haingaertner, Andrew O., Interactive blister packaging for binoculars and binocular carrying case.
  89. Millen,Jonathan, Laundry dryer carton.
  90. Harding LeRoy A. (Glen Ellyn IL), Locking means for display package.
  91. Negelen Emanuel,DEX, Locking paperboard sleeve.
  92. Bacques Jean-Yves (Paris FRX) Coalier Guy (Noce FRX), Method and a blank for making a box around a load, and a box obtained in this way.
  93. Simpson Rodney J. ; Wellner Michael ; Classen Nils, Microwave tray and paperboard sleeve.
  94. Hamblin,Ronald Geoffrey; Christophersen,Tony, Muffin tray.
  95. Hamblin,Ronald Geoffrey; Christophersen,Tony, Muffin tray.
  96. Hamblin,Ronald Geoffrey; Christophersen,Tony, Muffin tray.
  97. Hamblin,Ronald Geoffrey; Christophersen,Tony, Muffin tray.
  98. Sellors Thomas J. (Winthrop Harbor IL), Multi-compartment carton.
  99. Bos,Mark, Multi-level partition assembly.
  100. Galbierz Richard T. ; Galbierz Michael A., Multi-pack carrier for bottles.
  101. Le Bras Philippe (Chateauroux FRX), Multipack for a two tier group of containers.
  102. Mann Anne V. (3154 Sawtell Blvd. #4 Los Angeles CA 90066), Multiple compartment packaging.
  103. Danko Ronald D., Multiple pastry box.
  104. Sorrentino, Alan; Hom, Frank; Moskovich, Robert; Toh, Kiat Cheong, Multiple product package.
  105. Sorrentino, Alan; Moskovich, Robert; Toh, Kiat Cheong; Hom, Frank, Multiple product package.
  106. Sorrentino, Alan; Moskovich, Robert; Toh, Kiat Cheong; Hom, Frank, Multiple product package.
  107. Morando Rudolph J. (55 Prospect Rd. Andover MA 01810), Multiple toothbrush array.
  108. Gomes, Jean-Manuel; Gould, Stephen Mark, Neck-through the top carton.
  109. Schwester Charles P., One-piece inner package.
  110. Moskovich,Robert; Sorrentino,Alan, Package.
  111. Richards Richard D. (Liphook GBX), Package.
  112. Steenwinkel K. (Amsterdam NLX), Package.
  113. Chiang, Herman, Package case.
  114. Senyuva Ahmet Temel,TRX ; Kaya Onder,TRX, Package for a toothbrush.
  115. Chapman Steven S. (Corfu NY) Jackson Daniel C. (Rochester NY), Package for daylight camera.
  116. Dunklee Douglas M. (Bridgeport CT), Package for endoscopic ligating instrument.
  117. Chapman Steven S. (Corfu NY) Jackson Daniel C. (Rochester NY), Package for flash camera.
  118. McQueeny Thomas P. (Chicago IL), Package for kits.
  119. Kim Jisu (Yonkers NY), Package for safety razors.
  120. Davis Robert E., Package with exposed articles.
  121. Chapman Steven S. (Corfu NY) Jackson Daniel C. (Rochester NY) McBride John K. (Rochester NY) Rydelek James G. (Henrietta NY) Yokajty Joseph E. (Rochester NY), Packaged daylight camera.
  122. Chapman Steven S. (Corfu NY) Jackson Daniel C. (Rochester NY) McBride John K. (Rochester NY) Rydelek James G. (Henrietta NY) Yokaity Joseph E. (Rochester NY), Packaged flash camera.
  123. Althouse,Rickie; Hunt,David; Kamerer,Vanessa; Miiller,Nancy, Packaging.
  124. David A. Ruben, Packaging.
  125. Geiberger, Christoph; Reinbold, Klaus, Packaging.
  126. Paumen Jacky M. G. N. (Begijnenoijk BEX) Hemming Rowland (Brussels BEX) Hartmann Kai (Weitnau-Wengen DEX) Beckers Marc (Garivate ITX), Packaging.
  127. Paumen Jacky M. G. N. (Begijnenoijk BEX) Hemming Rowland (Brussels BEX) Hartmann Kai (Weitnau-Wengen DEX) Beckers Marc (Garivate ITX), Packaging.
  128. Hanji,Seigo, Packaging box.
  129. Hofmann Michal (P.O. Box 28130 Auckland 1136 NZX), Packaging container.
  130. Haber Barry (Westport CT) Walkley Charles (East Brunswick NJ), Packaging container for a telephone.
  131. Reichenstein Kenneth (Floral Park NY), Packaging container for a telephone.
  132. Stevens James T. (San Antonio TX), Packaging container for an electrical switch.
  133. Hill Charles P (Indianapolis IN), Packaging container for ball stem valve members.
  134. Stevens James T. (San Antonio TX), Packaging container for electrical switches.
  135. Hill Charles P. (Indianapolis IN), Packaging container for faucet valve assemblies.
  136. Proudfit,Jon, Packaging for video game controller.
  137. Linz Andreas (Barcelona ESX), Packaging unit for notions.
  138. Nakamura Yuhko (Yokohama JPX), Packing box for headphone.
  139. Yang, Peir-Ling, Packing case for lock devices.
  140. Grange Kenneth (London), Packing unit.
  141. Sheffer Phil B. (Thomasville PA), Plural-component one-piece shipping and retail display carton.
  142. Martin, Jr.,Tim, Point of purchase display container.
  143. Gustafson, Casey Joseph; Rietbroek, Robbert E.; Goldman, Peter; Hilsabeck, Lee Anne; Sams, Kevin; Tu, Chung-Tao, Portion of a toothbrush package.
  144. Sorrentino,Alan V.; Moskovich,Robert, Powered toothbrush with test button.
  145. Philips,Nicholas A., Pre-glued display base and reinforced pedestal.
  146. Forakis Jozeph,ITX, Presentation box.
  147. Chen, Ching-Jen, Pressing pincers.
  148. Hall, Alex F., Produce clamshell.
  149. Hall, Alex F., Produce clamshell.
  150. Hall, Alex F., Produce clamshell.
  151. Hall, Alex F., Produce clamshell.
  152. Hall, Alex F., Produce clamshell.
  153. Bendix Michael Livingston, Produce package and display particularly for fresh herbs.
  154. Steinfels ; III Victor E. (8627 Gavinton Ct. Dublin OH 43017), Product accessible display container.
  155. Steinfels ; III Victor E. (Dublin OH), Product accessible display container.
  156. Klein, Ronald T.; Skiba, Barbara T.; Rambo, III, Charles, Product dispensing system.
  157. Webendorfer Stephen D. (Miamisburg OH) Harden John M. (Raleigh NC), Product label.
  158. Winston Edith (135 Hazelwood Dr. Jericho NY 11753), Product package.
  159. Winston Edith (135 Hazelwood Dr. Jericho NY 11753), Product package.
  160. Thibault, Richard C., Product packaging creating a visual impression of a packaged item floating within a frame and methods for making same.
  161. Gungner Gregory (Port Coquitlam CAX) Zimmermann John (Scarborough CAX), Product sleeve with product supports.
  162. Van Ness William ; Thresher Glenn, Reduced material box design for round objects.
  163. Thornhill David R. (Huevelton NY) Isaminger Carol J. (Memphis TN) Pinkerton John M. (Ogdensburg NY) Roberts David R. (Germantown TN) Warick James A. (St. Paul MN), Reusable blister package.
  164. Schein, Herbert; Kr?ger, Anja; Hewelt, Helmut; H?gele, Manfred; Bradler, Manfred; Stelzig, Heinrich, Sale and storage packaging for zinc-air cells.
  165. Hollar Mark Eugene ; Bell Daniel T., Self-dividing box, components thereof, and method of manufacturing, assembly and disassembling the same.
  166. Lam H. Tran, Shallow box binder cover.
  167. Andrew Yuhas ; Leonard Beer, Shipper and display carton.
  168. Fraser Ronald A. (Chandler AZ), Shipping and display container for lawn implement.
  169. Kurimoto Masao,JPX, Shirt holder.
  170. Chen,Chiu Chun; Chou,Bo Chi; Chang,Wen Yuan, Shock absorbent packaging structure.
  171. Duyst,Alan J., Single piece bulk bin blank and container.
  172. Tong Wai-Lop (Kowloon HKX), Skateboard carton.
  173. Foreman, James R., Sleeve box.
  174. Kissner,Douglas R.; Agarwal,Surendra H.; Miskovic,Joseph M.; Larson,Travis A., Sleeve for containers.
  175. Davis Martha (New York NY), Sleeve for displaying a container.
  176. Cummings,Bruce, Soap bar package.
  177. Matzner Helga,CHX, Soother packaging.
  178. Bryan Robert M., Stackable package capable of division.
  179. Lamason,Simon J.; Benning,Wolter F.; Black,Craig, Storage case for an electric toothbrush.
  180. Kamada, Katsuyoshi, Storage container.
  181. Rose,Floyd D., Stringed musical instrument headstock.
  182. Bochmann,Cherry; Young,Joe; Ivic,Bart; Shaland,Alex; Merchant,Robyn, Tachometer packaging.
  183. Bochmann,Cherry; Young,Joe; Ivic,Bart; Shaland,Alex; Merchant,Robyn, Tachometer packaging.
  184. Boyle Daniel J. (Hartland WI) Lambert Herbert L. (West Chicago IL), Three-cell, reclosable product dispenser.
  185. Chao, Hsien-Ying, Tool box.
  186. Chow Jessie (No. 18 ; Hou Juan Road Taichung TWX), Tool holder.
  187. Baker Bradley William ; Kornick Joseph Michael ; Olivares Jose Tirso, Toothbrush display and storage package.
  188. Sarkar, Anand; Ingale, Raju, Toothbrush display tray.
  189. Baker Bradley William ; Castillo Bradley ; Tungol Joseph E. ; McCulloch Jay, Toothbrush package.
  190. Baker Bradley William ; Kornick Joseph Michael ; Olivares Jose Tirso, Toothbrush package.
  191. Hall Glenn Raymond,AUX ; Cruse Peter Alan,AUX, Toothpick dispenser for removing toothpicks individually.
  192. Goldman Michael J., Toy with display card.
  193. Adam John M., Transparent box for display and storage.
  194. Dickson Dane (Pleasanton CA), Transport and display carton.
  195. Lechelle, Bernard, Tray for packaging of an article.
  196. Bukowski, Todd M., Tray sleeve.
  197. Fogle James C. (Marietta GA), Triangular article carrier.
  198. Kisch,Raymond G. M., Triangular column box.
  199. Corella Arthur P., Two compartment blister package.
  200. Hunter George ; Roosa Paul ; Donegan Ian ; Van Hine Neal, Two-tiered carton for flanged articles.
  201. Romick Jerome M. (Artromick International ; Inc. ; 4800 Hilton Corp. Dr. Columbus OH 43232), Unit-dose medication dispenser and multiple-dispenser frame therefor.
  202. Phirippidis George A. (5815 Commerce Dr. Fremont CA 94555), Universal modular catalog and samples organizer for vehicles.
  203. Bryant,Dominic, Universal packaging for hand-held electronic devices and accessories.
  204. DuBois,Dwight B.; Murray,Timothy W., Viewable specimen packaging system and method.
  205. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Warp-around carrier with article retaining flaps.
  206. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Warp-around carrier with end panels.
  207. Foushee Fred S. ; Crutchley Frank, Wrap package.
  208. Harris Randall L. (Powder Springs GA), Wrap-around carrier panel lock and article retainer.
  209. Gasparowicz,Mark A., Wrap-around carrier sleeve with improved article retaining feature.
  210. Schuster Richard L. (Monroe LA), Wrap-around carrier with adjustable bottle neck openings.
  211. Schuster Richard D. (Monroe LA), Wrap-around carrier with article retainer.
  212. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Wrap-around carrier with article retaining flaps.
  213. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Wrap-around carrier with bar code blocking end panel.
  214. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Wrap-around carrier with bar code blocking panels.
  215. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Wrap-around carrier with bottle neck retainer tabs.
  216. Harris Randall L. (Powder Springs GA), Wrap-around carrier with end restraints.
  217. Sutherland Robert L. (Kennesaw GA), Wrap-around carrier with partial end panels.
  218. Bakx,Martinus C. M., Wraparound carton and blank.
  219. Negelen Emanuel (Schweich DEX) Muller Rolf (Mehring DEX), Wraparound multipack with carrying handle.
  220. Daniel Jean-Yves (Chateauroux FRX), Wraparound package with peripheral strap.
  221. Ferguson,Mark A.; Schweitzer,Andrew C., Zinc-air hearing aid battery package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Radomyselski, Arseni; Price, Eric Justin, Battery package.
  2. Cira, Paul, Brush head packaging.
  3. Ha, Thinh Nguyen; Marotti, Martin Jay; Schormair, Hauke; Kobbe, Manfred Bruno, Modular package.
  4. Wainless, Daniel, Packaged oral care implement and oral care implement thereof.
  5. Miksovsky, Christopher A.; Slone, Clint N.; Chaubert, Evelyne; Nghiem, Charlie; Lane, Robert Charles; Downing, Jonathan Paul, Utensil carrying case.
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