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Method for brazing a metallic honeycomb body for exhaust gas treatment and apparatus for carrying out the method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-031/02
출원번호 US-0050095 (2011-03-17)
등록번호 US-8261962 (2012-09-11)
우선권정보 DE-10 2008 047 498 (2008-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Caspar, Hans-Peter
  • Kotthoff, Hubertus
  • Gutowski, Jörg
  • Chauchet, Dietmar
  • Wieres, Ludwig
출원인 / 주소
  • EMITEC Gesellschaft fuer Emissionstechnologie mbH
대리인 / 주소
    Greenberg, Laurence A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 28


A method for brazing a metallic honeycomb body (1) for exhaust gas treatment, includes at least: a) pretreatment of a honeycomb body (1) at a temperature above 400° C.;b) cooling the honeycomb body (1);c) brazing the honeycomb body (1) at a temperature in a range of from 1050° C. to 1100° C. under a


1. A method for brazing a metallic honeycomb body for exhaust gas treatment, the method comprising the following steps carried out in a continuous-flow process: a) pretreating a honeycomb body at a temperature above 400° C. in a first furnace to remove water and grease from the honeycomb body in a c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28)

  1. Barten Brian L. (Lockport NY) Halstead Gary A. (Lockport NY), Aluminum heat exchanger brazing method and apparatus.
  2. Sagawa,Hideyuki; Kuroda,Hiromitsu; Kuroki,Kazuma; Horii,Humio; Tokumitu,Tetsuya; Sakuyama,Nobuhito; Okamoto,Shigeru, Brazing clad material, and brazing method and brazing product using the same.
  3. Sheller David Thomas (Garrettsville OH), Brazing of catalyzed converter bodies.
  4. Cottone Andrew J. (Racine WI) Saperstein Zalman P. (Lake Bluff IL), Finned assembly for heat exchangers.
  5. Kendziora Heinz (Bonn DT) Nenner Johannes (Bornheim-Merten DT) Schoer Heinz (Alfter DT) Schultze Werner (Bonn DT), Flux-free soldering of aluminum-containing workpieces in a controlled atmosphere.
  6. Mizuhara Howard (Hillsborough CA), Gold-palladium-nickel-copper-manganese filler metal for joining superalloy.
  7. Mizuhara Howard (Hillsborough CA), Gold-palladium-nickel-copper-manganese filler metal for joining superalloy parts.
  8. Rabinkin, Anatol, Heat exchanger manufacturing methods and brazing filler metal compositions useful therein, characterized by low nickel leaching rates.
  9. Angermann, Hans-Heinrich, High-temperature soldered exhaust heat exchanger.
  10. Hirota, Norihide; Sugimoto, Yusaku; Hasegawa, Kazuhiko, Layered heat-resistant alloy plate and method of producing the same.
  11. Otani, Tadayuki; Imai, Atuhiko; Kasuya, Masayuki; Iwami, Kazutoshi; Utsumi, Toru; Yamanaka, Mikio; Ohta, Hitoshi; Tokunaga, Yoshikuni; Shimizu, Fujio; Egami, Toshihiro; Noda, Tamio, Metal honeycomb body for exhaust gas purification catalyst and method for producing the same.
  12. Okazaki, Yuichi; Kasuya, Masayuki; Kako, Takuzo; Yamanaka, Mikio, Metallic carrier, for automobile exhaust gas purification, made of thin metal foil and method of producing the same.
  13. Nakagawa Toshikazu (Tokai JPX) Ishikawa Yasushi (Tokai JPX) Tsushima Sadao (Futtsu JPX) Yashiro Masao (Tokai JPX) Ohta Hitoshi (Tokai JPX), Metallic honeycomb body for supporting catalyst for automobiles and process for producing the same.
  14. Barten Brian L. (Lockport NY) Halstead Gary A. (Lockport NY), Method and apparatus for convection brazing of aluminum heat exchangers.
  15. Irish Michael J. (Tonawanda) Halstead Gary A. (Lockport) Barten Brian L. (Lockport NY), Method and apparatus for convection brazing of aluminum heat exchangers.
  16. Konya Shogo (Kawasaki JPX) Okamoto Akira (Ube JPX) Yoshizaki Kouji (Numazu JPX), Method for brazing heat resisting alloy having on its surface insulating oxide film and preheat type metallic carrier fo.
  17. Matsuoka Katsunori,JPX ; Nakajima Jun,JPX, Method for manufacturing honeycomb structures made of titanium.
  18. Wieres Ludwig,DEX, Method for producing a metal structure and apparatus for metallic joining of sheet-metal layers of a metal structure.
  19. Kurth, Ferdi; Bergmann, Andree; Schlotmann, Helge; Faust, Günther; Wieres, Ludwig, Method for producing a sintered honeycomb body.
  20. Yasuda Shinya,JPX ; Takatsuki Toyohiko,JPX ; Fujiyama Mamoru,JPX ; Haita Hiroshi,JPX, Method for sealing vacuum structure.
  21. Ishikawa Kazunori (Nikko JPX) Asami Shigenori (Nikko JPX), Method of manufacturing heat-exchanger.
  22. Doko Takeyoshi (Kiyotakinakayasudo JPX), Method of producing aluminum alloy heat-exchanger.
  23. Emmerich Kurt (Alzenau DEX), Nickel-base solder for high-temperature solder joints.
  24. Inaba Junpei,JPX, Nickel-based brazing material, method of brazing with the brazing material, process for producing EGR cooler with the brazing material, and EGR cooler.
  25. Rabinkin Anatol, Nickel-chromium-based brazing alloys.
  26. Br체ck,Rolf; Hirth,Peter; Konieczny,Katrin, Process and device for producing metallic honeycomb bodies using radiation heaters.
  27. Das Santosh K. (Randolph NJ) Chang Chin-Fong (Morris Plains NJ), Rapidly solidified aluminum-germanium base brazing alloys.
  28. Winterbottom Walter L. (Farmington Hills MI) Badgley J. Scott (Dearborn MI) Baumgartner Linda J. (Livonia MI), Thermal degreasing in reactive atmospheres and subsequent brazing of aluminum-based sheets or parts.
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