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[미국특허] Method for launching naval mines 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F41F-005/00
  • F41F-003/06
출원번호 US-0235770 (2011-09-19)
등록번호 US-8281697 (2012-10-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • McCants, Jr., Thomas H.
출원인 / 주소
  • BAE Systems Technology Solutions & Services Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Long, Daniel J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 29


An air-based vertical launch system is described by means of which ballistic missile defense can be achieved effectively from a large aircraft. A method for ensuring safe missile egress is proposed. A method for ensuring that the missile strikes the ballistic missile payload section is also proposed


1. A method for launching naval mines into a minefield from great standoff comprising the steps of: placing the mine in a missile bus consisting of a dual-thrust booster with thrust vector control (TVC), a global positioning system (GPS)-aided inertial navigation system (INS), a retarding device, a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

  1. Karpov, Anatoly Stepanovich; Rachuk, Vladimir Sergeevich; Ivanov, Robert Konstantinovich; Monakhov, Jury Vladimirovich; Kovalevsky, Mikhail Markovich; Borisov, Andrei Vladimirovich, Aerospace system.
  2. Patrick A. Lafferty, Aircraft having multiple fuselages.
  3. Dewan Anil ; Parke Richard N. ; Stock William H., Apparatus for launching projectiles from a host aircraft.
  4. Carpenter, Jon J.; Cronick, Jeffrey J.; Green, Jennifer L.; Lindley, Brian R.; Wechsler, James K.; Smith, Thomas R., Crewed on-orbit, returnable, and reusable space vehicle.
  5. Beardsley Richard G. (Gainesville GA) Currey Norman S. (Atlanta GA), Deployment apparatus for stores from vehicles.
  6. Spink Thomas E. (Ellicott City MD) Rushing Frank C. (Columbia MD), Extendable tube for vertically delivered weapons.
  7. Hardy Richard (Seattle WA) Neumann Frank D. (Bellevue WA) Ruzicka Dennis E. (Enumclaw WA), Fighter aircraft having low aerodynamic drag and low radar signature configuration.
  8. Yengst William C. (Solana Beach CA), Guided missile.
  9. Piasecki Frank N. (Haverford PA), High altitude multi-stage data acquisition system and method of launching stratospheric altitude air-buoyant vehicles.
  10. Humphrey Samuel A. (Charleton SC), Ice penetrating moored mine.
  11. Britton Ken G. (Huntsville AL) Schaper Don O. (Madison AL), Launcher system for an unmanned aerial vehicle.
  12. Christian Allen B. (10561 Lakeside #N Garden Grove CA 92640), Lone attack aircraft defense system.
  13. Holm Anders (Karlskoga SEX) Axinger Jan (Storfors SEX), Method and an apparatus for spreading warheads.
  14. Karpov, Anatoly Stepanovich; Rachuk, Vladimir Sergeevich; Ivanov, Robert Konstantinovich; Monakhov, Jury Vladimirovich; Kovalevsky, Mikhail Markovich; Borisov, Andrei Vladimirovich, Method for controlling an aerospace system to put a payload into an orbit.
  15. Boilsen Kenneth R. (Woodinville WA), Missile carrier airplane.
  16. Cowart William L. (Chamblee GA) Holland ; Jr. Cropper W. (Marietta GA) Scarbrough ; Sr. Don R. (Marietta GA), Missile launcher for aircraft.
  17. Peck George E. (Canoga Park CA), Missile system with telescoping launch tube.
  18. Bushman Boyd B., Plume or combustion detection by time sequence differentiation of images over a selected time interval.
  19. O'Dwyer, James Michael, Projectile firing apparatus.
  20. Bastian Thomas W. (Fullerton CA) Schertz Charles W. (Claremont CA), Quick conversion missile system for widebody aircraft.
  21. Barnes, Kenneth H.; Butler, William M.; Hagseth, Paul E., Reusable flyback rocket booster and method for recovering same.
  22. Cervisi Richard T. (Irvine CA) Toliver David M. (Hawthorne CA) Greenberg Harry S. (Rancho Santa Margarita CA) Kilgore Timothy R. (Garden Grove CA) Arnold Jack H. (Van Nuys CA) Blake John C. (Woodland, Reusable flyback satellite.
  23. Clapp Mitchell B. ; Zubrin Robert M., Reusable rocket-propelled high altitude airplane and method and apparatus for mid-air oxidizer transfer to said airplane.
  24. Elias Antonio L. (Fairfax VA), Rocket-powered, air-deployed, lift-assisted booster vehicle for orbital, supraorbital and suborbital flight.
  25. Huber ; Jr. Joseph C. (Cuyahoga Falls OH) Nagabhushan Bellur L. (North Canton OH), Spin dispensing method and apparatus.
  26. Morlock Guenter E. (Christofstrasse 19 D-75 Karlsruhe 41 DEX) Wiesemes Johannes P. A. (St. Magdalenenstrasse 74 D-502 Frechen DEX), Stopping operating enemy vehicles, vessels and aircrafts.
  27. Matthews ; Fredric A., Support and retention mechanism for missiles in launchers.
  28. Lilly Eugene V. (Edwards AFB CA), Universal aircraft rocket/missile launcher (UARML) and triple launcher adapter (TLA).
  29. Kuesters Manfred (Ottobrunn DEX) Lehmann Werner (Germering DEX), Weapons system for the ballistic and guided attack on multiple targets, especially by an aircraft.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Olden, Thomas A., Ejection system and a method for ejecting a payload from a payload delivery vehicle.
  2. Anderson, Mark A.; Latz, John P.; Ichino, Michael, Kinetic air defense.
  3. Aston, Richard W.; Tomzynska, Anna M.; Caplin, Glenn N., Multiple space vehicle launch system.
  4. Aston, Richard W.; Tomzynska, Anna M.; Caplin, Glenn N., Multiple space vehicle launch system.

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