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[미국특허] Control system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-019/00
출원번호 US-0457833 (2009-06-23)
등록번호 US-8321104 (2012-11-27)
우선권정보 GB-0813263.1 (2008-07-18); GB-0900574.5 (2009-01-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mahmood, Shahid
출원인 / 주소
  • Rolls-Royce PLC
대리인 / 주소
    Oliff & Berridge, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 14


A control system provides an aggregate driven quantity demand signal for controlling an actuatable component. The system has a summing junction which generates the aggregate driven quantity demand signal by summing a first output signal, which converges on a steady state driven quantity requirement


1. A control system which provides an aggregate driven quantity demand signal for controlling an actuatable component, the system comprising: a summing device which generates the aggregate driven quantity demand signal by summing a first output signal, which converges on a steady state driven quanti

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rowe,Arthur L., Acceleration control in multi spool gas turbine engine.
  2. Seem, John E., Adaptive real-time optimization control.
  3. Schneider Roy W. (Ellington CT) Leenhouts David E. (Windsor Locks CT), Apparatus and method for dynamic compensation of a propeller pitch speed control governor.
  4. Diegel Dieter (Rottenbach DEX) Plohn Gerhard (Erlangen DEX) Schuh ; deceased Manfred (late of Erlangen DEX by Gisela Schuh ; Sabine Schuh ; Michael Schuh ; heirs), Apparatus for controlling a turbo generator.
  5. Bessette Alan D. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Davies Daniel O. (West Palm Beach FL) Shade John L. (Jupiter FL), Combined turbine stator cooling and turbine tip clearance control.
  6. Deangelis, Darryl W., Control method and device for an air conditioning economizer system.
  7. Parsons Douglas A. (Enfield CT) Johnston Mark A. (Windsor CT) Games John E. (Granby CT) DePardo Gerald L. (Glastonbury CT), Control system for gas turbine helicopter engines and the like.
  8. Seem, John E.; Li, Yaoyu; Salsbury, Timothy, Fault detection systems and methods for self-optimizing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning controls.
  9. Shutler Arthur G. (Bristol GB2), Fuel control system.
  10. Idelchik Michael S. (Swampscott MA), Gas turbine engine control system.
  11. Shon Young-chang,KRX, Method for controlling gas turbine using fuzzy logic.
  12. Sorrells, David F.; Rawlins, Gregory S.; Rawlins, Michael W., RF power transmission, modulation, and amplification using multiple input single output (MISO) amplifiers to process phase angle and magnitude information.
  13. Boris Karpman ; John L. Shade ; Daniel E. Kane, System and method of controlling clearance between turbine engine blades and case based on engine components thermal growth model.
  14. Sorrells, David F; Rawlins, Gregory S; Rawlins, Michael W, Systems and methods of RF power transmission, modulation, and amplification, including embodiments for extending RF transmission bandwidth.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P., Compact aero-thermo model base point linear system based state estimator.
  2. Karpman, Boris; Niemczycki, Thomas; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Sembiante, David; Luppold, Robert H., Compact aero-thermo model based control system.
  3. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P., Compact aero-thermo model based degraded mode control.
  4. Karpman, Boris; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Meisner, Richard P.; Shade, John L., Compact aero-thermo model based engine material temperature control.
  5. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Donald, Matthew; Case, Thomas E., Compact aero-thermo model based engine power control.
  6. Karpman, Boris; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Neisner, Richard P.; Shade, John L., Compact aero-thermo model based tip clearance management.
  7. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Dhingra, Manuj, Compact aero-thermo model real time linearization based state estimator.
  8. Karpman, Boris; Shishkin, Serge L., Compact aero-thermo model stabilization with compressible flow function transform.
  9. Geveci, Mert; Meyer, John Lawrence, Control system for managing steam turbine rotor stress and method of use.
  10. Djelassi, Cedrik, Method of controlling speed transients in a turbine engine.

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