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[미국특허] System and container for organizing and carrying tools and tool sets 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-085/28
출원번호 US-0177032 (2008-07-21)
등록번호 US-8336708 (2012-12-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Potterfield, Russell A.
  • Cauley, Dennis
출원인 / 주소
  • Battenfeld Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 342


Systems and containers for organizing and carrying tools and tool sets are disclosed herein. One aspect of the invention is directed to systems and containers for efficiently organizing tools for specific work tasks, such as gunsmith tools, etc. In one embodiment, a container for carrying and organi


1. A container for carrying and organizing tools, the container comprising: a housing having a base portion and a lid portion joined to the base portion with a hinge;a plurality of generally circular recesses disposed in an internal portion of the container and arranged in a recess pattern, the rece

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (342) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yakscoe Brian J. (6 Lark La. Audubon PA 19403), Adjustable and collapsible gun and rifle support.
  2. Barrett David B., Adjustable comb apparatus.
  3. Carrow, Michael J., Adjustable firearm support system.
  4. Nelson Jerry T. (Rte. 2 ; Box 116 Cherokee AL 35616), Adjustable gun butt.
  5. Narvaez Salvador (301 W. Saunders Laredo TX 78040), Adjustable gun rest.
  6. Deros,Mark A., Adjustable gun rest apparatus.
  7. Folmer Neil (136 Creek Dr. Slippery Rock PA 16057), Adjustable gun resting system.
  8. Stice ; Eldon C., Adjustable gun stock.
  9. Helmstadter Glenn D. (381 Niagara Drive North Huntingdon PA 15642), Adjustable gun support.
  10. Teague Rocky Lane, Adjustable gun support.
  11. Auger Arnold J. (636 Zener Pocatello ID 83201), Adjustable rifle rest.
  12. Canterbury ; Sr. Randall L. (R.R. 1 ; Box 2895 Berryville VA 22611), Adjustable rifle rest.
  13. Lee Richard J. (3146 Kettle Moraine Rd. Hartford WI 53027), Ammunition case neck sizing die.
  14. Smilee Shannon W., Amphibious gun stand.
  15. Brown,Jeffrey, Anatomical weapons qualification target.
  16. Blanc Yale A. (Glencoe IL), Apparatus for agitating and polishing materials.
  17. Poiencot Mark D. (Houma LA), Apparatus for aligning gun sights.
  18. Neumann Bob A. (Monroeville PA), Apparatus for centering and the axial and parallel alignment of shafts.
  19. McMillan Larry D. (Colorado Springs CO) Paz de Araujo Carlos A. (Colorado Springs CO) Roberts Tom L. (Colorado Springs CO), Apparatus for forming a thin film with a mist forming means.
  20. Brown ; Jr. Edwards (Phoenix AZ), Apparatus for increasing the rigidity of a rifle action receiver.
  21. Sam J. Hegler, Apparatus for supporting a firearm.
  22. Oglesby Harvey D. (600 Hopewell Ridge Rd. Anderson SC 29621), Archery bow support.
  23. McKenzie Larry G. (P.O. Box 480 Granite Quarry NC 28072) Powell Leon T. (Rte. 13 ; Box 52 Salisbury NC 28144), Archery target with replacable target segment.
  24. Rinehart John R., Archery target with replaceable target section.
  25. Beisner David A. (3903 Courtland Cir. Alexandria VA 22305), Attitude orientation device for scope carrying firearms.
  26. Lorden Paul R. (3129 Grier Nursery Rd. Forest Hill MD 21050) Bonham Edward L. (1360 Quaker Church Rd. Street MD 21154), Automatic shell feeding attachment for a reloading machine.
  27. Cesternino, Joseph M., Automatic target device.
  28. Franklin Randall M. (Collinsville IL), Automotive roll-up tool kit.
  29. Kent Howard Daniel, Ballistic target material.
  30. Keeney Michael D., Barrel and receiver assembly.
  31. Kilby, Gregory G., Bench rest for firearms.
  32. Gray Johnny H. (Rte. 1 Box 51 Keatchie LA 71046), Bench rest for rifle sighting.
  33. Cahill, Jeffrey M.; Bowman, Timothy J., Bipod.
  34. Harris Gerald (Harris Engineering Barlow KY 42024), Bipod for a firearm.
  35. Keng Da, Bipod mounting device.
  36. Keng Da, Bipod mounting device.
  37. James,Peter, Blast protection structures.
  38. Haskins Jerry D. (P.O. Box 1401 Rifle CO 81650), Bolt action for repeating rifle.
  39. Wood John C. (Baltimore CAX) Thompson Charles W. (Roseneath CAX), Bolt-on fore stock.
  40. Rampe John F. (Mayfield Heights OH), Bowl-type vibratory finishing machine.
  41. Ferstl Erhard (Kowloon HKX), Box.
  42. Vogeley Chris J. (350 RiverBend Pkwy. Athens GA 30605), Bucket-inserted hardware organizer.
  43. Varner Robert F. (Box 167A ; Rte. 2 Antwerp OH 45813), Bullet seating gauge and method for determining case base end to bullet tip distance.
  44. Perazzi Daniele (Botticino Mattina ITX), Butt for rifles with cheekpiece with adjustable position.
  45. Gregory Glenn D. (San Diego CA), Buttplate and comb assembly for shoulder firearms.
  46. Moody,Joseph R.; Gaddini,Joseph D., Canting vertical fore grip with bipod.
  47. Thomas Michael Fox ; Jay Robert Mitchell, Cartridge case reforming die having precise measuring system.
  48. Lee, Richard J., Cartridge primer feeder.
  49. Blodgett Fred B. (Chico CA) Shields Steven R. (Oroville CA) Schufeldt Alan D. (Oroville CA), Cartridge priming device with safety guard.
  50. Joseph F. Fiore, Jr. ; John J. Hagemann, Case for archery equipment.
  51. Gardner,John D., Case for transporting handguns.
  52. Ditscherlein Friedhold (Bocholt DEX), Centrifugal treatment apparatus.
  53. Martinsson Pr B. G. (Huskvarna SEX), Chain stretching device for a chain saw.
  54. Wygant,Steven J., Clampable bipod.
  55. Graham John A. (5922 Kimbrough St. Corpus Christi TX 78412), Collapsible lightweight rifle.
  56. Chong, Robert S. Y., Collapsible shooter's platform.
  57. Mueller Evan (305 S. D St. Livingston MT 59047), Collapsible shooting stand.
  58. Gracie John D. (7013 Pomelo Dr. West Hills CA 90317), Collapsible tripod stand.
  59. Clendening James Randall, Combination maintenance center, firearm support and utility storage box.
  60. Helmstadter Glenn D. (381 Niagra Dr. North Huntingdon PA 15642), Combination of pistol and rifle shooting rest.
  61. DeVaul Richard L. (7958 DeVaul Rd. Kirkville NY 13082) Vaikness Gerald P. (R.D. #1 ; Quarry Rd. Chittenango NY 13037), Combination shooter\s bench and gun carrying case.
  62. Brown Fred R. (P.O. Box 424 Booneville AR 72927), Combined storage box, tray and rack.
  63. Geist Kurt (Room 805 ; Belgian Bank Bldg. ; 721 Nathan Rd. Kowloon HKX), Compartmented storage box for stationery articles or the like.
  64. Ravenscroft Keith N. ; Block William V., Composition and method for metal coloring process.
  65. Leibowitz Joel (26 W87th St. New York NY 10024), Compound grip for handguns.
  66. Williams,Nicholas, Configurable device for cleaning the barrel of a firearm, and firearm cleaning kit containing components of device.
  67. Potterfield, Russell A.; Morrow, Tim, Containers for carrying firearm accessories and/or supporting firearms.
  68. Gearhart Laird G. (Apartment 10A ; Wellington Arms Apartments ; 103 Monica Dr. Greensburg PA 15601), Contrasted projectile target and method of making same.
  69. Baer William F. (1509 N. Darcy Simi Valley CA 93065), Counter-flow buffer and cleaner.
  70. Dion William D. (7126 S. Shadow Cove Salt Lake City UT 84121), Detachably mounted back washer with inflatable bladder.
  71. Jarvis Robert N. (P.O. Box 1503 Cortez CO 81321), Device for supporting and sighting a firearm.
  72. Money Louis W. (Kalamazoo MI), Device for surface treating of metal parts.
  73. Hu Bobby,TWX ; Ling David,TWX, Display tool box.
  74. Hand Sidney D. (R.D. #1 ; Box 63 C Williamstown NY 13493), Dual shooters bow and gun stand.
  75. Stanfield James R. (Peoria) Daquilante Robert A. (Glendale AZ) Lanham ; Jr. Bobby G. (Glendale AZ), Electronic fish scale for coding and storing weights and displaying same in inverse order.
  76. Ranzinger, Richard, Electronic trigger pull gauge.
  77. Martin Billy B., Ergonomic adjustable gun stock.
  78. de Oliveira Masina Ezio Renato,BRX, Ergonomically deformable grip for special use in firearms.
  79. Balz Gunther W. (Kalamazoo MI), Finishing apparatus embodying improved seal and method.
  80. Balz Gunther W. (Kalamazoo MI) Upjohn Henry L. (Kalamazoo MI), Finishing chamber with readily-removable lining and means for assisting with said removal, and finishing machine embodyi.
  81. Jenkins Melvin R., Firearm aiming support.
  82. Poff ; Jr. Charles R. (Rte. 1 ; Box 46B Boston KY 40107), Firearm bolt action and extractor.
  83. Mayer Karl K. (Liptiner Strasse 25 5760 Arnsberg 1 DEX), Firearm especially hunting rifle with exchangeable barrel, and modular system for such a firearm.
  84. Tarlton A. Mac (26790 Wauchula Way Hayward CA 94545) Elton Enoch M. (24546 Mission Blvd. Hayward CA 94544) Vader Donald L. (4972 Muirwood Dr. Pleasanton CA 94544) Walton Roger D. (1081 Galena St. Aur, Firearm leveling device.
  85. Nodo Nicholas L. (Rte. 1 ; Box 39 Rice MN 56367), Firearm recoil attenuator and method.
  86. Kramer Terry (302 Lump Gulch Clancy MT 59634), Firearm rest.
  87. Scott Dewey L. (4708 Black Hawk Dr. St. Louis MO 63123), Firearm rest.
  88. Cauley,Dennis, Firearm stock.
  89. Desch ; Jr. Edward F. ; Gregory Thomas M. ; French John M., Firearm stock with support system.
  90. Goda Richard M. (c/o 701 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh PA 15222) Goda Raymond N. (c/o 701 Smithfield St. Pittsburgh PA 15222), Firearm support.
  91. Parker Michael A. (559 Rose Blvd. Nashville NC 27856), Firearm support.
  92. Potterfield,Russell A., Firearm support.
  93. Potterfield,Russell A.; Banham,Brook, Firearm support.
  94. Reinfried ; Jr. Henry F. (4816 S. Geronimo Rd. Prescott AZ 86303) Bradford Samuel W. (902 Lazy La. Prescott AZ 86303), Firearm support.
  95. Sorensen Richard L. (Rte. 1 ; Box 182 Bandera TX 78003), Firearm support.
  96. Brownlee, Wally, Firearm support apparatus.
  97. Buck Bruce (Glencoe MN), Firearm support with seat.
  98. Theodore Paris (115 E. 62nd St. New York NY 10021), Firearm training system.
  99. Legros Victor E., Firearm trigger pull measuring device.
  100. Cauley, Dennis, Firearm vise.
  101. Rieger Benedikt (Altenmnster-Hegnenbach DEX), Firearm with barrel holder for interchangeable barrels.
  102. Davies Clifford L. (54 West Acres Steamboat Springs CO 80477), Firearms target.
  103. Perrine ; Sr. Ronald E. (3995 Navajo Trail Jamestown OH 45335), Foam plastic archery target with internal frame.
  104. Arizpe-Gilmore Roberto (Av. San Angel No. 138 ; Col. Valle De San Angel ; Sec. Jardin San Pedro Garza Garcia MXX), Foldable hunting seat.
  105. Hagen Leonard J. (Herkimer NY) Martin James S. (Mohawk NY) Workman Clark B. (Mohawk NY), Fore-end and barrel support.
  106. Candor James T. (5440 Cynthia Lane Dayton OH 45429), Golfer\s aid.
  107. Cole Brand D., Granular material weighing system.
  108. Williams Gerald (227 Higby Rd. Utica NY 13501) Williams Doreen (227 Higby Rd. Utica NY 13501), Gun barrel cleaner and container therefor.
  109. Hughes Jeffrey T. (Winston-Salem NC), Gun barrel cleaning rod and method.
  110. Bellington Bruce M. (Odessa MO), Gun care case.
  111. Burt Brent E. (3555 Cedar Creek Dr. #107 Shreveport LA 71119) Burt ; Sr. Clinton E. (2816 Meriwether Rd. Shreveport LA 71108), Gun container.
  112. Gibson David E. (717 Cynthia St. Alhambra CA 91801) Gibson Steven D. (717 Cynthia St. Alhambra CA 91801), Gun lift.
  113. Ellion Dolores D. (2152 Highland Oaks Dr. Arcadia CA 91006) Ellion Max E. (2152 Highland Oaks Dr. Arcadia CA 91006), Gun powder dispensing and measuring apparatus.
  114. Elkins Johnny C. (Rte. 5 ; Box 5124C San Angelo TX 76904), Gun rack.
  115. Krien, Gary L., Gun rest.
  116. Looney, James F., Gun rest.
  117. McClure John H. ; McClure Mary Anne, Gun rest.
  118. McKay Leonard (3738 Spear St. Bethlehem PA 18017), Gun rest.
  119. Pickett Fred E. (508 Sophia La. Shreveport LA 71115), Gun rest.
  120. Pilgrim Johnny C. (Kingwood TX) Franks Johnny D. (Kingwood TX), Gun rest.
  121. Walker ; III Fred M. (P.O. Box 791456 San Antonio TX 78279), Gun rest.
  122. Lombardo Philip C. (16422 Lassen St. Sepulveda CA 91343), Gun rest for controlling the buttstock.
  123. Pinkley, Phillip Dale, Gun sight reticle alignment.
  124. Culver W. Jay (250 17 Mile Rd. Kent City MI 49330), Gun sighting apparatus.
  125. Mueller Evan (305 S. D St. Livingston MT 59047), Gun sighting device.
  126. Carey Donald C. (9900 SE. Telford Rd. Boring OR), Gun stock assembly with coordinated comb and recoil.
  127. Carey Donald C. (11430 Payette Hts. Rd. Payette ID 83661), Gun stock assembly with universally adjustable comb piece.
  128. Vickers ; Charles K. ; Vickers ; Patricia A., Gun stock covers.
  129. Southard Robert C. (P.O. Box 94 Locust Grove AR 72550), Gun storage and maintenance work bench.
  130. Hughes Jeffrey T. (Winston-Salem NC) Rogers Christopher R. (Winston-Salem NC) Severt Gordon S. (Winston-Salem NC) Brock Brooks V. (Thomasville NC) Saintsing Jimmy R. (Thomasville NC), Gun support.
  131. Simonek Edward L., Gun support.
  132. Southard Robert C. (Box 94 Locust Grove AR 72550), Gun support cradle.
  133. Southard Robert C. (Box 94 Locust Grove AR 72550), Gun support cradle.
  134. Wolf C. Steven (102 Harold Rd. Farmington CT 06032) Mucci David (25 Penfield Pl. Farmington CT 06032), Gun target with contrasting backing.
  135. Weyrauch George (P.O. Box 116 Bear Creek PA 18602), Gun vise.
  136. Curran ; Roger, Gun with intermediate support for barrel thereof.
  137. Cauley,Dennis, Gunsmith container.
  138. Butler Terry L. (Neosho MO), Hand gun sighting device.
  139. Haney, Todd Gregory, Hand held counter balance and shock absorber camera mount.
  140. Brand Jerry D. ; Koch Steven J. ; Shields Steven R. ; Smith Ronald L., Hand-held primer loading tool.
  141. Troncoso ; Jr Fernando (14090-6100 Rd. Montrose ; Colorado CO), Handgun brace and assembly.
  142. Pryor Gerald Ray (114 West Simmons St. Weatherford TX 76086), Handgun holder.
  143. Peterson Thomas K. M. (124 Stoney Point Rd. Courtland MN 56021), Headspace gauge.
  144. Pryor Timothy R. (Tecumseh CAX) Hageniers Omer L. (Windsor CAX), High accuracy filling machines.
  145. Kandel Walter (4159 N. Overlook Ter. Portland OR 97217), Highly visible, point of impact, firearm target-shatterable face sheet embodiment.
  146. Bell Dennis L. (Greeley CO) Millett Ray C. (Huntington Beach CA), Holder for pistols, rifles, cameras and the like.
  147. Ford Daniel E. (Brandon FL) Pyle Jeffrey A. (Greer SC), Hole alignment probe.
  148. Hoffman, Steve E., Horizontal finishing machine.
  149. Allen, Philip L., Insert having part numbers or the like printed at the bottom of retaining recesses.
  150. Kenton Anthony F. (Hatboro PA), Internal tray for a vibratory mill.
  151. West ; Jr. Joseph Arnold, Layered target assembly and method of construction thereof.
  152. Bowen,Michael L; Delk,Robert E, Layered tool holder with visible identification.
  153. Stewart Finton E. (P.O. Box 2863 Flagstaff AZ 86003) Stewart Sylvia M. L. B. (P.O. Box 2863 Flagstaff AZ 86003), Leather inlay pistol grip and method of manufacture.
  154. Swailes Charles W. (18125 Renwick Rd. Azusa CA 91702), Line bore gauge.
  155. Marshall Albert H. (9154 Bay Point Dr. Orlando FL 32811) Shaw Bon F. (419 Selkirk Dr. Winter Park FL 32792) Grimmer Paul D. (1250 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Winter Park FL 32789) Towle Herbert C. (206 Ranc, Linear motion and pop-up target training system.
  156. Wood Richard R. (Johannesburg ZAX) Cook Norman J. (Natal ZAX) Thorpe John R. (Natal ZAX), Load support.
  157. Rolfi Emilio,ITX, Machine for drying, polishing and burnishing cutlery and metal tableware.
  158. Rolfi, Emilio, Machine for drying, polishing and burnishing cutlery and metal tableware.
  159. You Jae Hyun (99 Bongik-Dong Jongro-ku ; Seoul KRX), Magnetic barrel tumbler.
  160. Winnard Stanley, Magnetic system of tool management.
  161. Porter Robert D. (Florissant MO), Magnetic wire holding device.
  162. Marshall Albert H. (Orlando FL) McCormack Robert T. (Orlando FL) Purvis Edward J. (Winter Park FL) Wolff Ronald S. (Cocoa FL) Towle Herbert C. (Winter Park FL), Marksmanship expert trainer.
  163. Williams Richard K. ; Halverson David J. ; Tuttle ; Jr. James N., Metal coloring process.
  164. Minneman Steven W. (c/o MTM Molded Products Company ; 3370 Obco Ct. Dayton OH 45414), Method and apparatus for maintaining a bow.
  165. Sutula, Jr.,Daniel P., Method and apparatus for precisely fitting, reproducing, and creating 3-dimensional objects from digitized and/or parametric data inputs using computer aided design and manufacturing technology.
  166. Rosenberg Louis B. ; Braun Adam C., Method and apparatus for shaping force signals for a force feedback device.
  167. Horner Larry D. (P.O. Box 1116 Seabrook TX 77586), Method and apparatus to fill primer feed tubes.
  168. Alberts Melvin R. (Upper Saddle River NJ), Method of and apparatus for automatically resizing and decapping fired cartridge cases.
  169. Lesh Stephen S. (28459 Siesta La. Eugene OR 97402) Waske Herman J. (2602 Sorrel Way Eugene OR 97401), Micrometer cartridge headspace gauge.
  170. Katsenes Philip K. (630 Idaho Ave. ; Apt. 105 Santa Monica CA 90403), Modifiable gun stock.
  171. Smith, Clyde D., Modular article holder apparatus.
  172. Kincel,Eric Stephen, Modular firearm buttstock.
  173. Fitzpatrick,Richard M.; Hines,Stephen Charles, Modular gunstock.
  174. Brian G. Schoenfish ; Dale R. Langner ; Jeffrey D. Minelli, Mounting apparatus for an electronic device.
  175. Casull, Richard J., Mounting of barrell and action to rifle stock.
  176. Highfill, Stephen D.; Pineda, Salvador, Mounting system for clay target thrower and rifle/pistol rest.
  177. Kim ; Raymond W. H. ; Figge ; Erwin E., Moving target assembly and control.
  178. LeAnna,David; LeAnna,Shane, Multi-adjustable portable shooting bench.
  179. McFadden Roy W. (1202 Ennis Plainview TX 79072), Multi-drum gem tumbler.
  180. Rather Lewis L. (6104A Parkwood Dr. Austin TX 78735) Rather Brenda L. (6104A Parkwood Dr. Austin TX 78735) Mobley Larry W. (HCO Rt. 3 Box 81J Spicewood TX 78669), Multi-functional variable position rifle and camera mount.
  181. Chaney Arlen (Lewiston ID) Bender Walter W. (Oroville CA), Multiple purpose die for reloading press.
  182. Lee Robert S. (Milo ME) Bottomley C. Edward (Brownville ME), Muzzle-loaded expanding projectiles for firearms; kits for manually producing expanding projectile for muzzle-loaded fir.
  183. Apps William P. ; Koefelda Gerald R., Nestable display crate with extended handles.
  184. Frederick ; Jr. Anthony J., Object storage and selection system.
  185. Taylor Charles W. (101 Pimlico St. ; Apt. 33 Long Beach MS 39560), Open face tackle box.
  186. Harper Dale, Organizer with cover.
  187. Leonard Henri (Besancon FRX), Packing case for dental canal instruments.
  188. Evenson Mel (San Pedro CA), Pencil box.
  189. Anderson Richard A., Pencil box with different size sharpeners.
  190. Bellington Bruce M. (Oak Grove MO) Summers Dwayne D. (Destin FL), Pistol carrying and care case.
  191. Hylla Gary F. (1709 Spruce St. Peru IL 61354), Pistol maintenance device.
  192. Bassett Earl R. (820 Wepo Trail Flagstaff AZ 86001), Pistol rest.
  193. Minneman Steven W. (c/o MTM Molded Products Company ; 3370 Obco Ct. Dayton OH 45414), Pistol rest.
  194. Minneman Steven W. (c/o MTM Molded Products Company ; 3370 Obco Ct. Dayton OH 45414), Pistol rest.
  195. Vecqueray Richard C., Pivotable bench rest for shooting a firearm.
  196. Harris Gerald (Rte. 1 ; Box 33 Barlow KY 42024), Pivotal adapter for bipods and attachment therefor.
  197. Harris Gerald (Rte. 1 ; Box 33 Barlow KY 42024), Pivotal bipod adapter.
  198. Allen J. B. (P.O. Box 366 Alexandria TN 37012), Pivoting shooting stand.
  199. Mosher, Allan R., Pneumatic gun alignment system.
  200. Ohno Tetatsu (1-2 ; 1-chome Kasuya ; Setagaya-ku Tokyo JPX), Polishing apparatus.
  201. Rickling ; deceased Arthur (5521 Mossvale Cir. late of Huntington Beach CA) Rickling ; executrix by Margie J. (5521 Mossvale Cir. Huntington Beach CA 92649), Portable bench rest shooting stand and gun case holder.
  202. Levilly Philippe (Impasse Cesar-Frenck F-14740 Bretteville-L\Orgueilleuse FRX) Leloup Yves A. (40 ; rue du Mont-Valerien F-92210 Saint Cloud FRX), Portable equipment for immobilizing personal firearms.
  203. Bell Ross A. (311 Frobisher Court Saskatoon ; Saskat Chewan CAX S7K 4Y3), Portable firearm rest.
  204. Rickling, Arthur R., Portable gun holder case.
  205. Cook,Gregory A.; Philips, III,Charles E., Portable gun support case.
  206. Palmer Michael R. (9 Somerset Dr. Suffern NY 10901), Portable reticle alingment device for firearms.
  207. Besaw Joseph W. (1417 7th Ave. NW. Austin MN 55912), Portable rifle rest.
  208. West ; III David T., Portable shooter's bench.
  209. Hill Marshall T. ; Peacemaker Timothy G., Portable shooter's seat having a detachable bench and firearm support.
  210. Hall Stanley J. (443 Wells Rd. Doylestown PA 18901), Portable shooter\s bench.
  211. Peebles Kenneth E. (17 W. Compton Brazil IN 47834), Portable shooting stand.
  212. Dunn ; Jr. Jesse A., Portable soldering station with a plurality of tools positioned in associated recesses.
  213. Dalton Thomas P. (6010 Kew Park Manitou Beach MI 49253), Portable swivel hunter\s stool.
  214. Hawkes Graham S. ; Konvalin Howard F., Portable telepresent aiming system.
  215. Ellion Dolores D. (2152 Highland Oaks Dr. Arcadia CA 91006) Ellion M. Edmund (2152 Highland Oaks Dr. Arcadia CA 91006), Powder dispensing and measuring device.
  216. Fink Manfred (Eberstadt DEX) Junginger Klaus M. (Heilbronn DEX), Power-screwdriver device with variable torque adjustment.
  217. Black, Robert O., Precision tactical mount.
  218. Southard Robert C. (HC 32 ; Box 3-A Locust Grove AR 72550), Press fit gun cradle for firearm maintenance and repair.
  219. Covert John S. (320 E. Nettleton Independence MO 64050), Primer feed cartridge.
  220. Simpson Frank H. (Rt. 2 Box 276 Cornelius OR 97113), Primer feed device.
  221. Faughn Jim A. (Bel Air MD), Projectile ram depth and orientation gauge for a cannontube.
  222. Abate, Charles E., Protective case.
  223. Wisecarver,Richard A., Protective case for night vision goggles.
  224. Kiang Raymond (7th Floor ; 10 ; Alley 33 ; Lane 216 ; Sec. 4 ; Chung-Hsiao E. Road Taipei TWX), Protective covering device for rifles.
  225. Schwandt Bruce E. (33871 El Encanto Ave. Dana Point CA 92729), Protractor bubble level.
  226. Keng, Da; Matuszczak, Maciej W., Quick disconnect bipod mount assembly with adjustable and lockable tilt, pan and cant controls.
  227. French Kendrick L. (Lebanon ME), Ramrod.
  228. Goff Charles W. (1267 W. 1875 North Farmington UT 84025) Goff ; Jr. Charles W. (479 Laurelwood Dr. Kaysville UT 84037), Receiver and barrel coupling.
  229. Bianco Rodolfo (560 West 21st Avenue Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V5Z 1Y7), Recoil absorber.
  230. Venetz Louis M., Recoil absorbing device and method.
  231. Paterson Douglas F. (1002 Sun Dr. Colorado Springs CO 80906), Recoil absorbing firearm stock.
  232. Stuart Richard K. (Easley SC 29640), Recoil absorbing gun mount device.
  233. Rose Clyde E. (South Weber UT), Recoil reducer for firearms.
  234. Pachmayr Frank A. (Los Angeles CA) Farrar Jack R. (Whittier CA), Reinforced cushioning grip for pistols.
  235. Duer, Morris J., Reloading device for metallic firearm cartridges.
  236. Hargrove Jasper E. (2012 Alice St. Waycross GA 31501), Reloading press priming arm loader and actuator.
  237. Lund Richard B. (28416 Pacheco Mission Viejo CA 92692), Removable, adjustable gun support.
  238. Brandl Rudolf,DEX ; Matt Heinz,DEX, Repeater shot gun.
  239. Steele, Gerald Dale, Replacement adjustable competition buttstock.
  240. Nicholls Bryan Frederick (Northants EN) Marshall Peter John (Northants EN), Resiliently mounted targets rotated by escapement device.
  241. Beebe Richard W. (Cortland NY), Resizing die for use in a reloading press.
  242. Edwards A. W. (10161 Wales Loop #218 Bonita Springs FL 33923), Reusable projectile impact reflecting target for day or night use.
  243. Edwards A. W. (Bonita Springs FL), Reusable projectile impact reflecting target for day or night use.
  244. Pilgrim J. Cole (3706 Clear Falls Dr. Kingwood TX 77339), Reversible archery target.
  245. Plybon Kenneth L., Rifle Rest.
  246. Underwood John (Rte. 9 ; Box 564 Mocksville NC 27028), Rifle and pistol rest.
  247. Underwood John (Rte. 9 ; Box 564 Mocksville NC 27028), Rifle and pistol rest.
  248. Underwood John (Rte. 9 ; Box 564 Mocksville NC 27028), Rifle and pistol rest.
  249. Koon ; Jr. Homer E. (Carrollton TX), Rifle barrel and receiver mounting means for rifle stock.
  250. Mason James D. (6439 Caminito Listo San Diego CA 92111), Rifle barrel truss mounting.
  251. Mason James D. (6439 Caminito Listo San Diego CA 92111), Rifle barrel truss mounting.
  252. Waterman ; Jr. Harold J. (Wallingford CT), Rifle buttstock assembly.
  253. Strong ; III John H. ; Gualtier Joseph ; Still John Lee ; Fordyce Patricia Anne, Rifle mount for vehicle and method of utilizing same.
  254. Bechtel Daniel L. (4701 Inwood Rd. Fort Worth TX 76109), Rifle pedestal-for shooting ranges and the like.
  255. Knight William A. (Centerville IA), Rifle ramrod with cleaning jag.
  256. Hill Marshall T ; Peacemaker Timothy G, Rifle rest.
  257. Hobbs, Kenneth D., Rifle rest.
  258. Jacobs, Richard H., Rifle rest.
  259. Ransom Charles R. (134 S. Horizon Cr. Prescott AZ 86303), Rifle rest.
  260. Shaw Bernard W. (HCR Box 100 Needmore PA 17238), Rifle rest.
  261. Wade Virdell H. (Rte. 2 ; Box 116 B Chandler AZ 85224), Rifle rest.
  262. Weaver Michael S., Rifle rest.
  263. Werner,Theodore J., Rifle rest.
  264. Harms Jeffrey W., Rifle scope vertical alignment apparatus and method.
  265. Eckert Kenneth I. (82 McComb St. New Philadelphia PA 17959), Rifle sighting apparatus.
  266. Lahti, Arne W., Rifle sighting stand.
  267. Ruger William B. (Croydon NH) Larson Lawrence L. (Branford CT), Rifle stock.
  268. Ruger William B. (Croydon NH) Larson Lawrence L. (Branford CT), Rifle stock with inserts.
  269. Anderson ; Jr. William R. (1648 Bethesda Court NE. Atlanta GA 30341), Rifle support.
  270. Fried Joseph (Kiryat Ono ILX), Rifle support apparatus.
  271. Bosworth Jack L. (5674 Kingship Loop Columbus OH 43229), Rimmed cartridge magazine loader.
  272. Gurtner, Frederick Wilhelm, Scope-to-firearm alignment assembly.
  273. Hausknecht Stephen E., Screw gauge and indexed drill holder.
  274. Beebe Richard W. (P.O. Box 422 Dryden NY 13053), Seating die for use in a reloading press.
  275. Rivers David F. (Wallingford CT), Segmented guard bar with improved skin flow control.
  276. Bell Dennis L. (1607 11th St. Greeley CO 80631), Self aligning optical gun sight mount with eccentric adjustment capabilities.
  277. Pickens Ralph D. (49162 McCoy Ave. East Liverpool OH 43920), Semi-automatic cartridge reloading machine.
  278. Felts Jeffrey G., Sharpshooters rifle rest.
  279. David Donald M. (Grand Island NE) Morris Gene R. (Grand Island NE), Shell loader.
  280. Minneman,Steven W., Shooter's rest.
  281. West ; III David T. (1925 Maple Wood Dr. Hagerstown MD 21740), Shooter\s bench.
  282. Minneman William J. (c/o MTM Molded Products Company ; 5680 Webster St. Dayton OH 45414), Shooter\s portable maintenance center.
  283. Tamllos George M. (310 N. Main ; P.O. Box 6 Vernon UT 84080), Shooting device.
  284. Morrow,Tim, Shooting rest.
  285. Peterson Thomas K. M., Shooting rest.
  286. Quinnell Glenn D. ; Quinnell Charles M., Shooting rest with recoil reduction system.
  287. Cady Wayne A. (R.R. No. 1 ; Box 1864 Libby MT 59923), Shooting support for rifle.
  288. Cady Richard C. (P.O. Box 130184 Coram MT 59913), Shooting support for rifles and handguns.
  289. Odom Joel M., Shotgun shell reloading accessory.
  290. Seegmiller, Steve; Brockbank, Scott; Schroeder, Quint, Sighting mount device.
  291. Matthews James R. (35391 Wanki Ave. Wildomar CA 92595), Socket caddy.
  292. Backer William E., Socket holder.
  293. Pierce,Rodney W.; Fox,Michael R., Stabilization device.
  294. Austin,Delbert L.; Austin,Rodney, Stabilizing device.
  295. Bechtel Daniel L. (4701 Inwood Rd. Fort Worth TX 76109), Stand for a magazine-fed pistol.
  296. Pierce John (78 Hunt Ave. Apt. 4A Pearl River NY 10965) Pierce John R. (78 Hunt Ave. Apt. 4A Pearl River NY 10965), Star shot wave tumbler systems.
  297. Latulippe Michael (Derry NH) Brooks John A. (Londonderry NH), Sterilization block with sliding lid and cooperating graphics.
  298. Maebashi Tooru,JPX, Stone bevelling machine.
  299. Hagemann,John J.; Whalen,John; Fiore,Joseph F.; Hurt,Thomas, Storage case.
  300. Hales ; Sr. Lawrence R., Support for rifle sighting.
  301. Hurson Steven (Yorba Linda CA), Surgical tool container system.
  302. Cote Dwayne R. ; Wood Timothy E., Surgical tool sterilization and storage container system.
  303. Netherton Ronald R. (409 Kolb Rd. Binghamton NY 13905) Majka James E. (196 Hayes Rd. Binghamton NY 13905), Suspended moving target system.
  304. Maples Elbert R. ; Becker Barry, Swing arm mount system.
  305. Downing William A. (14001 Hughes Rd. West Dickinson TX 77539), Swivel adapter for a gun holder.
  306. Ruger William B. (Croydon NH) Larson Lawrence L. (Branford CT), Synthetic material rifle stock with panel inserts.
  307. Murso ; Bernhard ; Riedmuller ; Eberhard, Target mechanism.
  308. Grant Robert P. (245 McGeorge Street Angus ; Ontario CAX L0M 1B0), Target mounting system.
  309. Cartee Larry A. (Schaumburg IL) Barot Harry A. (Schaumburg IL), Target retrieval system.
  310. McQuary Kenneth L. (Lawndale CA), Target with hit counter.
  311. Brown Stephen D. (5765 N. Butman Rd. ; Rte. 4 Gladwin MI 48624), Target with removable score sheet.
  312. Werre John D., Telescope mounting alignment bars.
  313. Paff Edwin (1860 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa CA 92626), Tensioning apparatus for compound archery bows.
  314. Bui Thomas T. (Cerritos CA) Ingersoll John G. (Topanga CA), Thermal conductance retainer for electronic printed circuit boards and the like.
  315. Lowe,Gregory D.; Beckman,Edwin J., Three-dimensional archery target with multiple vital target areas.
  316. Love, Timothy W., Three-dimensional game target.
  317. Williamson, IV, Warren P.; Yates, David C.; Berky, Craig B., Tilt indicator for firearms.
  318. Pendergraph,Melvin A.; Collins,Douglas L., Tool accessory case having product indicator indicia surface inserts.
  319. Day,Dean W.; Rose,Donald E.; Young,Austin B., Tool and associated methods for controllably applying torque to a fastener.
  320. Hasler Theodore J. (Chicago IL) Hansen James G. (Winnetka IL) King ; III John B. (New Freedom PA), Tool bit storage case.
  321. Lee Richard J. (3146 Kettle Moraine Rd. Hartford WI 53027), Tool for installing primers in ammunition cartridges.
  322. Hopper Ryan Keith ; Zlomke Steven Edward, Tool holder.
  323. Chow Jessie (No. 18 ; Hou Juan Road Taichung TWX), Tool holder with cavities for sockets.
  324. Brown Donald E. (P.O. Box 1661 Waterbury CT 06721) Brown David L. (P.O. Box 1661 Waterbury CT 06721), Tool kit for cleaning firearms.
  325. Wang, Mei-Chen, Toolbox.
  326. Yeh Hsiu-Ying (2F. No. 4-1 ; Alley 7 ; Lane 135 ; Chu Kwang Road Pao-Chiao Taipei TWX), Toy gun and target set.
  327. Pierce,Rodney W.; Fox,Michael R., Trigger actuated stabilization device.
  328. Dvorak Vojtech, Trigger analyzer.
  329. Casull Richard J. (P. O. Box 276 Freedon WY 83120), Trigger and firing mechanism for bolt action rifle.
  330. Mostello, Thomas, Tripod-mounted combined gun rest and armrest.
  331. Hayward Walter W. (1805 Ponderosa Pl. Loveland CO 80537), Tumbling apparatus.
  332. Meyers Richard P. (Toledo OH), Universal joint alignment checking tool.
  333. Farrar Frank W. ; Farrar Jack R., Universal thin walled finger groove adapter.
  334. Plaster John L. ; Choate Garth L., User configurable sniper rifle stock.
  335. Chalin Manuel L. (1274 Pickens Ct. Yorktown Heights NY 10598) Chalin Philip J. (P.O. Box 122 Carmel NY 10592) Chalin Stuart A. (1274 Pickens Ct. Yorktown Heights NY 10598), Vanishing target and arrowhead projectile therefor.
  336. Germanton Damon (Kennalon NJ) Lehr Menahem (Teaneck NJ), Variable speed DC motor controller apparatus particularly adapted for control of portable-power tools.
  337. Alviti Steven A. (Cranston RI), Vibratory finishing machine.
  338. Arpaio Jerry (72 Heller Hill Rd. Blairstown NJ 07825), Vibratory tumbling machine vessel for burnishing or cleansing metal, plastic or ceramic elements.
  339. Adam Daniel Powers, Video camera support device.
  340. Dawson ; Wayne G., Watch spring bar kit.
  341. Messer Jerry Wayne, Weapon rest.
  342. Lenarz, Michael D., Wet swab captured package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Steele, Michael S., Accessory case.
  2. Steele, Michael S.; Melnyk, Steven G.; Landon, Edward, Accessory case.
  3. Wolfmueller, Hans; Wamser, Rainer, Arrangement for securing vehicle tools.
  4. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  5. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  6. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  7. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  8. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Nichols, Steve Charles; Ellison, Kyle; Bondhus, Andy; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Morris, Liza; Zuck, Dennis; Nixon, Ryan, Container.
  9. Cauley, Jr., Dennis W.; Gianladis, James; Birk, Adam J.; Kinamore, Matthew; Poehlman, Michael, Firearm shooting rest.
  10. Gianladis, James; Cottrell, Michael; Poehlman, Michael; Birk, Adam J.; Cauley, Dennis, Gun support apparatus.
  11. Morrow, Tim; Potterfield, Larry; Potterfield, Russell A.; Zara, Robert Joseph; Cauley, Dennis, Shooting rests for supporting firearms.
  12. Steele, Michael S.; Melnyk, Steven G.; Landon, Edward; Grow, James; Rudzinski, Ryan; Dieck, Brian; Eller, Adam, Tool bit case with modular components.
  13. Johansson, Anders; Bergelin, Johan, Tray system and method of preparing a customized information sheet.

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