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Fuel line ionizer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02M-033/00
출원번호 US-0850933 (2010-08-05)
등록번호 US-8342159 (2013-01-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Detore, Charles M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rexecon International, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Kain, Jr., Robert C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 31


The fuel conditioner ionizer, interposed in a fuel line leading to an engine or a furnace, includes a housing, an inlet sealed to the fuel supply line and an outlet sealed to the fuel line leading to the engine or furnace. A plurality of metal wire strands from the plurality of different metals is d


1. An apparatus for treating fuel for increasing fuel combustion efficiency in an internal combustion engine or a furnace supplied with fuel via a fuel line, the fuel line having a fuel line supply segment carrying fuel and a fuel receiving segment in fluid communication with said internal combustio

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31)

  1. Wood Don W. (#26 - 1450 Johnston Road White Rock ; British Columbia CAX V4B 5E9) Woodruffe Mark H. (Noke Farm Cottage ; Hoggs Cross Lane Chipstead ; Surrey GB2), Apparatus for treating and conditioning fuel for use in an internal combustion engine.
  2. Brown Paul M. (P.O. Box 44203 Boise ID 83711), Carburetor and fuel preconditioner.
  3. Finkl Anthony W. (445 E. Royal Flamingo Sarasota FL 34236), Catalyst for improving the combustion and operational qualities of hydrocarbon fuels.
  4. Park Jong H. (Seoul KRX), Combustion efficiency enhancing apparatus of liquid fuel.
  5. Onyszczuk Boleslaw (ul.Marcinkowskiego 13 66-300 Miedzyrzecz Wlkp. PLX), Device for conditioning of liquid fuel and liquid coolant.
  6. Ullrich Rolf (Barrie CAX) Glick Eddy E. (North York CAX), Device promoting the dispersion of fuel when atomized.
  7. Roe Samuel R. (2857 N. Oakland Ave. Muncie IN 47304), Electromagnetic shielding for a liquid conditioning device.
  8. Kim,Jay S., Fluid swirling device having rotatable vanes.
  9. Scouten Douglas G. (662 Chilton Ave. Niagara Falls NY), Fuel agitating device for internal combustion engine.
  10. Ratner Lee, Fuel conditioning assembly.
  11. Ratner Lee, Fuel conditioning assembly.
  12. Ratner Lee ; Ratner Joel S., Fuel conditioning assembly.
  13. Ratner, Joel S., Fuel conditioning assembly.
  14. Ratner, Lee; Ratner, Joel S., Fuel conditioning assembly.
  15. Ratner, deceased,Lee, Fuel conditioning assembly.
  16. Wendels, Antonius G.; Frencher, John W., Fuel saving and pollution emission reduction system for internal combustion engines.
  17. Jones Wallace R. (5702 Trails Edge Ct. Arlington TX 76017), Fuel treatment device.
  18. MacGregor Donald C. (13 Hunters Trail Warren NJ 07059), Fuel treatment device.
  19. Richards Charlie W. (324 Mineral Hill Las Vegas NM 87701), Fuel treatment methods, compositions and devices.
  20. Arkfeld Douglas Lee, In-line catalyst.
  21. Brown Paul M. (Boise ID), In-line fuel preconditioner.
  22. King Harvey M. (Taylors SC), Method and apparatus for handling fuel.
  23. Berlin Alvin J. ; Wright Ralph H.,GBX, Method and apparatus for treating fuel.
  24. Marlow John R. (4316 E. Tropicana Ave. ; #89 Las Vegas NV 89121), Method and apparatus for treating fuel.
  25. Marlow John R. (P.O. Box 91237 Henderson NV 89009), Method and apparatus for treating fuel.
  26. Berlin Alvin J. ; Wright Ralph H.,GBX, Method and device for treating fuel.
  27. D\Alessandro Gianni (Brookfield CT), Motor fuel performance enhancer.
  28. Surges, Carl, Reversion redirection device for an internal combustion engine.
  29. Shibata, Masumi; Maruyama, Kazushige; Otsubo, Suminobu; Hayashi, Toshio, Swirl generator.
  30. Daywalt Clark L. (6703 E. 27th St. Tulsa OK 74129) Collins Richard D. (302 W. Quanah Ct. Broken Arrow OK 74011), Vapor pressure enhancer and method.
  31. Stephens Christopher M. (Tulsa OK), Vaporization chamber.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Daywalt, Clark Lester, Vapor pressure enhancer.
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