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[미국특허] Container with expandable portion 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-030/22
  • B65D-033/06
  • B65D-033/00
  • B65D-030/08
  • B65D-081/38
출원번호 US-0279780 (2011-10-24)
등록번호 US-8348510 (2013-01-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mogil, Melvin S.
출원인 / 주소
  • California Innovations, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Ostrolenk Faber LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 115


A soft sided insulated container assembly has a first insulated container portion and a second insulated container portion. The second insulated container portion can be collapsed to a flat position, and secured in place. Either of the container portions may have a liner. The liner in the first cont


1. An insulated container assembly comprising: a first insulated container portion and a second insulated container portion;said first and second insulated container portions being soft sided insulated container portions;said first insulated container portion having a length and a breadth and a dept

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (115) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Franco Larry J. (1812 Summer Cloud Dr. Thousand Oaks CA 91362) Franco Jill (1812 Summer Cloud Dr. Thousand Oaks CA 91362) Forino Margaret K. (31942 Kings Park Ct. Westlake Village CA 91316) Forino Co, Activity bag system.
  2. Hauk David (183 Florence Ave. Oakland CA 94618), Assembly for storage, transportation and chilling of expressed human milk.
  3. Strickland Joyce M. (100 West St. ; #103 Vernon CT 06066), Baby bottle caddy.
  4. Calton James D. (511 Amigos Rd. Ramona CA 92065), Backpack cooler construction.
  5. Jacober Jeffrey M. (South Kingston RI), Backpack with removable insulated container.
  6. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Bag.
  7. Carter ; Neal E., Bag for carrying motion picture film cans of different sizes.
  8. Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX), Bag handle with support loop.
  9. Savoy Steven (North Andover MA), Bags for storing electronic recording devices and liquid containers.
  10. Trawick Jason (26 Maria Ct. Holbrook NY 11741) Trawick William (26 Maria Ct. Holbrook NY 11741), Beach carry bag.
  11. Krugman Kenneth J. (1155 Waukegan Rd. ; Suite 2000 Glenview IL 60025), Beverage can cooler tote.
  12. Krugman Kenneth J. (1155 Waukegan Rd. ; Suite 2000 Glenview IL 60025), Beverage can cooler tote.
  13. Willard Charles (Penngrove CA) Fong Roy (San Francisco CA), Beverage carrier.
  14. Adams Carol A. (174 N. Rancho Ave. San Bernadino CA 92410) Adams James D. (174 N. Rancho Ave. San Bernadino CA 92410), Beverage cooler insert.
  15. Baldwin Wayne D. ; Routh Morona D., Beverage cooling and carrying apparatus and method for cooling and carrying beverage.
  16. Vance Robert L. (Sheridan AR), Bulk container.
  17. Domke James G. (4310 Pine St. Philadelphia PA 19143), Camera and accessory case.
  18. Belenson Mark I. (4799 E. Tenth La. Hialeah FL 33013), Camera bag.
  19. Weinreb Robert (510 Broadway New York NY 10012), Camera bag divider system.
  20. Cyr Jesselyn T. (Tarzana CA), Camera bag with compensation for variable camera-support distance below lens, and with improved access.
  21. Fabbi Giorgio (15 Largo Olgiata ; is. 36A/1 I-00123 Roma RM ITX), Carrier bag of biodegradable foldable material.
  22. Farmer Edmund L., Carrying bag.
  23. Klinger Paul D. (Westminster CO), Carrying case.
  24. Hollingsworth Dale (742 Ridgefield Rd. Wilton CT 06897), Carrying case for laptop computer.
  25. Klinger Paul D. (Westminster CO), Carrying case for use with a bicycle.
  26. Jacober Jeffrey M., Case for injectable medication with cooling compartment.
  27. Petrantoni, Joseph, Chambered cooler.
  28. Melk Thomas J., Collapsed cooler.
  29. Ericson John C. (4828 Hannibal Way Las Vegas NV 89130), Collapsible cooler apparatus.
  30. Salander,Mark T., Collapsible luggage system.
  31. Ells James R., Collapsible thermal insulating container.
  32. Young David,TWX, Combination backpack with lined container.
  33. Gallen Joseph (Hempstead NY) Fink David (West Babylon NY), Combination camera and accessory case.
  34. Say Sam L. (1210 El Vago St. La Canada CA 91011), Combined aspirator and soft pack.
  35. Taylor Frank (9415 Central Ave. Lasalle ; Quebec CAX H8R2K4), Compartment cooler.
  36. Rausch Kevin, Compartmentalized soft-sided container.
  37. Pelavin, Joseph Y., Compartmented sport bag.
  38. Marceau Stephen M. (San Antonio TX), Computer carrying case.
  39. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Container.
  40. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Container.
  41. Mogil,Melvin S.; Greenstein,Mark J.; Ramundi,Michael; Birutis,Andrius S., Container with cover.
  42. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  43. Holub Timothy M. (Cheney KS), Container with main lid and auxiliary lid hingedly mounted on the main-lid.
  44. Haskell Lois O. (4550 Warwick Blvd. Kansas City MO 64111), Convertible purse.
  45. Paulin Donat (Ajax CAX) Crosby Cheryl A. (Willowdale CAX) McDonald Hugh J. (Toronto OH CAX) Breiding Gregory S. (Columbus OH) Kresge Keith J. (Worthington OH) Gage Marty (Columbus OH) Mervar Robert W, Cooler.
  46. Walters Richard S. ; Klein Raymond H. ; Freese T. Brent ; Micoley Scott H. ; Klos Scott G., Cooler.
  47. John DeCastro ; Terry Mears ; Yiyun Culp ; Michael Brockel ; Regis Schulte ; Tracey Beehm, Cooler floor support tray.
  48. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Divided insulated container.
  49. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Divided insulated container.
  50. Mogil, Melvin S., Divided insulated container.
  51. Schildkraut Micki (Kings Point NY), Drink holder.
  52. Krieger,Michael, Expandable cooler.
  53. Brown Lauren (3704 NW. 82nd St. Miami FL 33147), Expandable shock protected carrying case.
  54. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler.
  55. Melk Thomas (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler with removable insert.
  56. Peterson Leroy L., Foldable container.
  57. Freese Brent ; Finney Donna, Foldable cooler.
  58. Lin Chen-Hsiung (No. 174 ; Pi Tan Village Lu Tsao Hsiang ; Chia I Hsien TWX), Foldable heat-preserving bag.
  59. Preston Paul E. (4359 Ward Dr. NE. Salem OR 97305), Food carrier system.
  60. Carlson Arthur R. (East Malvern AUX), Food container with removable lid.
  61. Yoo Eddie B. (2908 Long Lake Rd. Troy MI 48098), Golf accessory bag.
  62. Christopher Gary (5211 La Jolla Blvd. La Jolla CA 92037), Ice chest.
  63. Jordan ; Charles P. ; McGuire ; Claire L., Inflatable box.
  64. Hoot ; Eric F., Inflatable cooler container.
  65. Creamer John J. (3207 Illinois Rd. Wilmette IL 60091) Muller John (720 Mountain Rd. West Hartford CT 06117), Insulated backpack.
  66. Wyatt William R. (14230 E. Oro Escondido Tucson AZ 85747), Insulated backpack with drinking liquid container.
  67. Schneider Rachel ; Mears Terry ; Sener James T., Insulated container.
  68. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Insulated container and liner.
  69. Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated container and liner.
  70. Hodosh Marc A. ; Mogil Melvin S.,CAX ; Bousfield Kenneth L.,CAX, Insulated container and receptacle therefor.
  71. Marc A. Hodosh ; Melvin S. Mogil CA; Kenneth L. Bousfield CA, Insulated container and receptacle therefor.
  72. Marc A. Hodosh ; Melvin S. Mogil CA; Kenneth L. Bousfield CA, Insulated container and receptacle therefor.
  73. Shink Joseph M. (Valencia CA), Insulated storage cooler.
  74. Bomes Harvey J. (Baltimore MD) Barber Jack L. (Baltimore MD), Luggage with movable partition.
  75. Bolda,Daniel H., Lunch bottle pack.
  76. Friday Sara A. (4350 Hillcrest Dr. Apt. No. 301 Hollywood FL 33021), Movable compartmentalized laundry storage unit.
  77. Mears Terry A., Multi-functional carrying device.
  78. Melvin S. Mogil CA, Pack assembly.
  79. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Pack structure.
  80. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Pack structure.
  81. Behar Marvin L. (316 Main St. Edmonds WA 98020), Picnic basket.
  82. Wayman Shawn C. (10 Hill Top Dr. Loudon NH 03301), Picnic cooler.
  83. Steffes William J. (Wichita KS), Picnic cooler with lid having integrally molded hinge.
  84. Morgan Richard T. (6614 Annapolis La. Maple Grove MN 55369), Portable bag for pet supplies.
  85. Hotta Masashi (Osaka JPX), Portable constant temperature box.
  86. Christopher Gary (6902 E. Gary Rd. Scottsdale AZ 85254), Portable cooler.
  87. Garcia Luciano F. (34737 Knarr Rd. Yucaipa CA 92399), Portable cooler.
  88. Scott Jeff (11531 NW. 23rd St. Pembroke Pines FL 33026), Portable cooler.
  89. Mogil Lorne S. (Toronto CAX) Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX) Amber Roland J. (Richmond Hill CAX), Portable cooler container.
  90. Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX), Portable cooler container.
  91. Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX), Portable cooler container.
  92. Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX), Portable cooler container.
  93. Leslie Peter C. (201 A St. Wilmington DE 19801), Portable cooler for a number of beverage cans.
  94. Morris Richard (P.O. Box 821003 South Florida FL 33082), Portable cooling container.
  95. Melk Thomas J., Portable device and accessory storage case.
  96. Ormond John J. (4439 E. Hidalgo Phoenix AZ 85040) Galloway James R. (8611-1 S. 48th St. Phoenix AZ 85044), Portable refrigeration case for the storage and dispensation of canned items.
  97. Shaw Howard G. (Ross CA), Portable wine cooler.
  98. Tanaka Mikio (Kyoto JA), Refrigerating container.
  99. Kotkins ; Jr. Henry L. (Seattle WA), Roller-supported traveling luggage.
  100. Jacober Jeffrey M. (South Kingston RI), Self supporting, selectively collapsible soft-walled carrier.
  101. Jacober Jeffrey M. (South Kingston RI), Self supporting, selectively collapsible soft-walled carrier.
  102. Jones William L. (Philo IL), Soft saddle bag with rigid reinforcing insert.
  103. Ramundi, Michael, Soft-sided insulated container with thermal storage member.
  104. Hayes Christopher J., Sport vehicle luggage bag with collapsible beverage holder.
  105. Gretz, Charles; Kandel, Gerald J., Thermally insulated chest.
  106. Rachel Schneider ; Terry A. Mears ; James T. Sener, Tote-bag cooler.
  107. Thomas Frank O. (5167 S. 600 East Murray UT 84107), Travel pack.
  108. Lehman Michael (1133 Van Nuys St. San Diego CA 92109), Traveler\s organizer bag luggage.
  109. Young David,TWX, Traveling bag with expandable storage volume.
  110. Dancyger Michael, Utility bag.
  111. Davis Johnnie G. (Mexico MXX), Utility bag.
  112. McConnell Michael P. (Durham NH), Utility bag.
  113. Pratt Michael J. (Park City UT), Utility bag.
  114. Pratt Michael J. (Park City UT), Utility bag.
  115. Dercole Bonnie Lee, Wheeled cosmetic carrying case and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sherr, Lois Zaprzalka, Bag having an expandable pocket.
  2. Naito, Yoshitaka; Tainaka, Daisuke; Suzuki, Tatsuhiko, Camera bag.
  3. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  4. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler.
  5. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler with strap handles and wrap-around closure.
  6. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler with strap handles and wrap-around closure.
  7. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler with strap handles and wrap-around closure.
  8. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler with strap handles and wrap-around closure.
  9. Suchecki, Glen R., Insulated container and insert.
  10. Boroski, Dwayne, Storage bag.
  11. Boroski, Dwayne, Storage bag.
  12. Boroski, Dwayne, Storage bag.
  13. Boroski, Dwayne, Storage bag.
  14. Verneuille, Robert Emile, Travel preparedness system.

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