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[미국특허] Electrical battery comprising flexible generating elements and a system for the mechanical and thermal conditioning of said elements 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-002/12
  • H01M-002/14
  • H01M-002/18
  • H01M-006/42
  • H01M-006/46
  • H01M-006/50
출원번호 US-0420162 (2009-04-08)
등록번호 US-8404375 (2013-03-26)
우선권정보 FR-08 01937 (2008-04-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gaben, Fabien
출원인 / 주소
  • Dow Kokam France SAS
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.LC.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 22


An electrical battery includes a plurality of electrical energy generating elements formed by at least one electrochemical cell that is packaged in a flexible sealed envelope, and a system for the mechanical and thermal conditioning of the elements. The conditioning system forms a structural body ma


1. An electrical battery comprising: a first frame defining an upstream channel;a second frame defining a downstream channel;a plurality of flat cross-members each extending between said first frame and said second frame and each in fluid communication with said upstream channel and said downstream

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Dougherty ; Thomas John ; Hennen ; Roy Erving ; Pierson ; John Ronald, Battery and battery container having air-flow passages therethrough.
  2. Suzuki Shigeru,JPX ; Kitami Yasuo,JPX ; Watanabe Toshiyuki,JPX ; Nakajima Minoru,JPX ; Sando Yasuyuki,JPX ; Mita Yoshinori,JPX ; Ozawa Koichiro,JPX ; Takedomi Harumi,JPX, Battery assembly with temperature control mechanism.
  3. Ichiyanagi Takashi,JPX ; Kakino Manabu,JPX ; Sato Kenji,JPX ; Hamada Shinji,JPX ; Ikoma Munehisa,JPX, Battery container, battery and layer-built battery.
  4. Hiers John J. (Elkin NC), Battery cover.
  5. Morandi Jos (Rosny sous Bois FRX), Battery of nickel-hydrogen storage cells.
  6. Kimura, Tadao; Hamada, Shinji; Ogata, Yoshiaki; Yamauchi, Tomokazu; Sekimori, Toshiyuki, Battery pack.
  7. Watanabe Akira,JPX ; Kaneko Isao,JPX ; Kasai Atsushi,JPX ; Bizen Kunio,JPX, Battery parts.
  8. Hamada Shinji (Neyagawa JPX) Takata Kanji (Neyagawa JPX) Yokota Akinori (Moriguchi JPX) Matsuda Hiromu (Hyogo JPX) Ikoma Munehisa (Nara JPX), Cell and module battery of sealed alkaline storage battery.
  9. Ching Larry K. W. (Littleton CO), Cover assembly for rechargeable battery.
  10. Kikuchi Yoichi (Fujisawa JPX) Kobayashi Kenji (Oiso JPX), Hermetically sealed storage battery.
  11. Mrotek Edward N. (Grafton WI) Gilbertsen Noreen D. (Whitefish Bay WI), Housing system for a multi-cell battery.
  12. Mitsugu Takaki JP; Shinsuke Fukuda JP; Shinichi Yuasa JP; Shinji Hamada JP, Integrated sealed secondary battery.
  13. Mitsugu Takaki JP; Shinsuke Fukuda JP; Shinichi Yuasa JP; Shinji Hamada JP, Integrated sealed secondary battery.
  14. Dixon ; Jr. Alfred R. (4023 Far Hill Bloomfield Hills MI 48304), Modular battery system comprising individual interconnected modules.
  15. Gow, Philippe; Osgood, Anthony; Corrigan, Dennis A.; Higley, Lin R.; Muller, Marshall D.; Ovshinsky, Stanford R.; Puttaiah, Rajeev, Monoblock battery assembly with cross-flow cooling.
  16. Verhoog Roelof,FRX, One-piece leak-proof battery.
  17. Verhoog Roelof,FRX ; Barbotin Jean-Loup,FRX, Sealed battery block provided with a cooling system.
  18. Verhoog Roelof,FRX ; Barbotin Jean-Loup,FRX, Sealed one piece battery having a prism shape container.
  19. Grivel Tristan,FRX ; Verhoog Roelof,FRX, Sealed one-piece battery having an alkaline electrolyte.
  20. Mitchell Howard E. (Clarkston MI), Seasonal use lead acid electrical storage battery.
  21. Shibata Osamu (Iwaki JPX) Otake Naohiro (Iwaki JPX) Machida Kazuyuki (Iwaki JPX) Tsubuki Akihiro (Iwaki JPX) Nakano Kenji (Iwaki JPX), Storage battery for automobiles.
  22. Grivel Tristan (Bordeaux FRX) Gilabert Claude (Le Pian-Medoc FRX) Bonnaud Francis (Salignac FRX), Storage cell battery unit equipped with a cooling device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Kruger, Johannes Christian, Battery module with thermal runaway and gas exhaust management system.
  2. Haskins, Harold J.; Miller, Theodore James; Yang, Xiao Guang; Maguire, Patrick Daniel; Kwon, OuJung; Marcicki, James Matthew, Battery thermal management system for electrified vehicle.
  3. Haskins, Harold J.; Miller, Theodore James; Yang, Xiao Guang; Maguire, Patrick Daniel; Kwon, OuJung; Marcicki, James Matthew, Battery thermal management system for electrified vehicle.
  4. Haskins, Harold J.; Miller, Theodore James; Yang, Xiao Guang; Maguire, Patrick Daniel; Kwon, OuJung; Marcicki, James Matthew, Battery thermal management system for electrified vehicle.
  5. Bender, Stefan; Pehnert, Bjoern, Electrical energy store.

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