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Combination castor brake system whose castor assemblies are braked and positioned simultaneously 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60B-033/00
출원번호 US-0347807 (2012-01-11)
등록번호 US-8418315 (2013-04-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lin, Ming-Hsien
  • Yang, Feng-Hsi
출원인 / 주소
  • Sunny Castors Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Kamrath, Alan
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 54


A combination castor brake system includes a linking device, and a plurality of castor assemblies connected with the linking device. Each of the castor assemblies includes an operation unit, a braking unit connected with the operation unit, and at least one roller connected with the braking unit. Th


1. A combination castor brake system, comprising: a linking device; anda plurality of castor assemblies connected with the linking device;wherein each of the castor assemblies comprises:an operation unit;a braking unit connected with the operation unit;and at least one roller connected with the brak

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (54)

  1. Milbredt, Manfred, Brake and steering lock for castor.
  2. Cheng Kenny,TWX ; Yang Kai-Ming,TWX, Brake assembly for simultaneously holding a pair of wheels.
  3. Chung,Chia Liang, Brake caster with stroke adjustment mechanism.
  4. Shiery, Jeffrey C.; Wheeler, Jerry, Brake control for a patient supporting wheeled carriage.
  5. Chiu Ping-Jan,TWX, Brake device for a stroller.
  6. Hanson James R. ; McDaniel Richard L. ; Bartow Richard J. ; North Geary A. ; Buiskool Curtis A. ; Gardiner Donald W., Brake for castered wheels.
  7. Gary M. Petrucci ; Louis F. Polk, III ; George D. Stickler, Brake system for a wheeled article.
  8. Reinke,Christian H.; Turner,Jonathan D.; Heimbrock,Richard H., Brake/steer mechanism for patient support apparatus.
  9. Chen, Shun-Min; Zhong, Zhi-Ren; Li, Jian-Qun, Braking system with single actuation for a stroller.
  10. Lin, Ching-Sung, Cart braking device.
  11. Jeffrey L. Lewandowski ; Martin W. Stryker ; Richard L. McDaniel, Caster brake mechanism.
  12. Lin, Ching-Sung, Caster brake system.
  13. Kawanabe Masatoshi (Tokyo JPX), Caster brake with push button actuation of a slide member for locking the caster wheel.
  14. Kun-Tsai, Sung, Caster braking device.
  15. Ahn, Hyoung Kyoun; Kim, Ghi Young, Caster device.
  16. Sung-Wang Yang TW, Caster structure with functions of brake and rotation constraint.
  17. Lin, Ching-Sung, Caster with a brake structure.
  18. Schlsser Klaus (Bochum DEX), Caster with brake.
  19. Chou Chuon-Hai (Taipei TWX), Caster with brake for use in a mobile structure.
  20. Chu, Keio, Caster with brake unit and direction unit.
  21. Pollard, James, Castor assembly.
  22. Screen Stafford T. (Stourbridge GBX), Castor brake.
  23. Chen, Ching-Tsun, Castor having a braking function.
  24. Tsai, Po Chuan, Castor having efficiently locking function.
  25. Yang, Sung-Wang; Lin, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Po-Lu, Castor that is braked and positioned simultaneously.
  26. Tsai, Po-Chuan, Castor that is braked solidly and stably without producing vibration.
  27. Dean Joseph D. ; Starnes Mark A., Castor with brake and locking mechanism.
  28. Mattinson Frederick (Andover EN), Castors.
  29. Flood William R., Channel members.
  30. Branson Terry L. (Round Rock TX) Titel Don (Liberty Hill TX) Reed Steve (Austin TX), Compact detachable dolly for heavy computer systems.
  31. Araya Moreno, Fernando Esteban; Riba Romeva, Carles, Device for the optional guiding of at least one self-steering wheel of a trolley.
  32. Lin, Qing-Song, Double-pedal double-wheel truckle with independent braking and releasing functions.
  33. Weismiller Matthew W. (Batesville IN) Kramer Kenneth L. (St. Paul IN), Electrically activated visual indicator for visually indicating the mode of a hospital bed castor.
  34. Reckelhoff, Jerome E.; Reinke, Christian H., Hospital bed caster control system.
  35. Sonnendorfer, Horst; Wieth, Franz, Immobilizer.
  36. Gray, Andrew, Latching mechanism.
  37. Craig J. Guttmann CA; Sean Guttmann CA; Peter DePinto CA; Csaba Lemak CA, Load indicating spring caster.
  38. He, Tsai Tien, Motion control apparatus for hospital bed.
  39. Reinke,Christian H.; Turner,Jonathan D.; Heimbrock,Richard H., Patient support apparatus having a brake/steer mechanism with a foot pedal gear reducer.
  40. Toennesland, Aasulv; Morasse, Louis; Meurer, Robert A., Pedal mechanism for operating brake and directional lock on lever-operated caster wheels.
  41. Vetter Klaus,DEX, Roller, in particular a castor.
  42. Liao, Chaokuo, Selectively lockable caster.
  43. Oelrichs Gunter,DEX ; Kirschey Jorg,DEX, Steering roller.
  44. Figel, Gregory J.; Rudolf, Kenneth Q.; Albersmeyer, David A.; Heimbrock, Richard H.; Walke, James L.; Michael, Brian P.; Suttman, Glenn C.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Wiggins, Brian T.; Weiler, Martin D., Stretcher foot pedal arrangement.
  45. Figel, Gregory J.; Rudolf, Kenneth Q.; Albersmeyer, David A.; Heimbrock, Richard Henry; Walke, James L.; Michael, Brian P.; Suttman, Glenn C.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Wiggins, Brian T.; Weiler, Martin D., Stretcher having hand actuated caster braking apparatus.
  46. Figel, Gregory J.; Rudolf, Kenneth Q.; Albersmeyer, David A.; Heimbrock, Richard Henry; Turner, Jonathan D.; Wiggins, Brian T.; Osborne, Eugene E.; Batta, Nicholas C., Stretcher having hand actuated wheel braking apparatus.
  47. Lan Red,TWX, Stroller having a brake device.
  48. Fallshaw, Andrew; Crawford, Andrew Charles; Trainor, Mathew Keith; Strahan, Brent Matthew; Harrison, Kenneth, Swivel castor braking system.
  49. Frolí K, Zbynek, Undercarriage for hospital bed.
  50. Hanson James R. ; McDaniel Richard L. ; Bartow Richard J. ; North Geary A., Unitary pedal control of brake and fifth wheel deployment via side and end articulation with additional unitary pedal control of height of patient support.
  51. Chang, Chin Lin, Wheel assembly.
  52. Chou, Chuan-Hai, Wheel assembly.
  53. Ross Charles, Wheel assembly.
  54. Yan, Li-Lan, Wheel structure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Spektor, Yefim, Caster wheel braking systems.
  2. Spektor, Yefim, Caster wheel braking systems.
  3. Shahroodi, Hossein, Gravitationally aligning wheels.
  4. Waitz, Karl-Heinz, Swivel caster for suitcases, items of luggage, transport containers or the like.
  5. Kopp, Robert G.; Thuma, Michael G.; Vogler, Michael R., Swivelable and unidirectional platform truck.
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