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Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-027/146
출원번호 US-0218802 (2011-08-26)
등록번호 US-8441090 (2013-05-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tian, Hui
  • Sargent, Edward
출원인 / 주소
  • InVisage Technologies, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 29  인용 특허 : 43


A photodetector is described along with corresponding materials, systems, and methods. The photodetector comprises an integrated circuit and at least two optically sensitive layers. A first optically sensitive layer is over at least a portion of the integrated circuit, and a second optically sensiti


1. A photodetector comprising: a pixel region comprising an optically sensitive material;pixel circuitry electrically coupled to the optically sensitive material, the pixel circuitry establishing a voltage over an integration period of time, wherein a signal is generated based on the voltage after t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (43)

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  2. Martin, Robert J.; Loefer, Gene Raymond, Clutter discriminating focal plane arrays.
  3. Narasimhan Murali K. ; Ngan Kenny King-Tai ; Khurana Nitin ; Stimson Bradley O., Continuous process for forming improved titanium nitride barrier layers.
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  5. Lester J. Kozlowski ; Gerard J. Sullivan ; Roger E. Dewames ; Brian T. McDermott, High performance ultraviolet imager for operation at room temperature.
  6. Yu Gang, Image sensors made from organic semiconductors.
  7. Yamanobe Masato (Machida JPX) Takeda Shinichi (Hiratsuka JPX) Ishii Takayuki (Hiratsuka JPX) Saika Toshihiro (Zama JPX) Kobayashi Isao (Atsugi JPX), Information processing apparatus including a photoelectric conversion element having a semiconductor layer with a varyin.
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  9. Yamazaki,Shunpei; Konuma,Toshimitsu; Yamazaki,Hiroko, Light emitting device.
  10. Jang,Eun Joo; Kim,Sang Sig; Cho,Kyoung Ah; Kim,Hyun Suk, Light receiving element using interconnected nanoparticles.
  11. Augusto, Carlos J. R. P., Light-sensing device.
  12. Varadarajan, John; Resan, Mirna; Wu, Fanxin; Pfenninger, William M.; Vockic, Nemanja; Kenney, John, Luminescent materials that emit light in the visible range or the near infrared range.
  13. Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Sargent, Edward Hartley; Tian, Hui, Materials, fabrication equipment, and methods for stable, sensitive photodetectors and image sensors made therefrom.
  14. Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Sargent, Edward Hartley; Tian, Hui, Materials, fabrication equipment, and methods for stable, sensitive photodetectors and image sensors made therefrom.
  15. Tian, Hui, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  16. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  17. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  18. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  19. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward Hartley, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  20. Czubatyj Wolodymyr (Warren MI) Hack Michael G. (Clawson MI) Shur Michael (Golden Valley MN), Method of making a double injection field effect transistor.
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  23. Lee, Howard Wing Hoon; Gao, Bingshen; Keshavarz, Majid, Methods of forming quantum dots of Group IV semiconductor materials.
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  26. Lee,Howard W. H., Nanostructured materials and photovoltaic devices including nanostructured materials.
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  28. Lee, Howard Wing Hoon; Chin, Alan Hap; Pfenninger, William Matthew, Optical devices with engineered nonlinear nanocomposite materials.
  29. Lee,Howard Wing Hoon; Chin,Alan Hap; Pfenninger,William Matthew, Optical devices with engineered nonlinear nanocomposite materials.
  30. Chabinyc, Michael L.; Lujan, Rene A; Arias, Ana Claudia; Ho, Jackson H., Organic thin-film transistor backplane with multi-layer contact structures and data lines.
  31. Halas, Nancy J.; Bradley, Robert K., Partial coverage metal nanoshells and method of making same.
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  35. Lee,Howard Wing Hoon, Quantum dots of group IV semiconductor materials.
  36. Lee,Howard Wing Hoon, Quantum dots of group IV semiconductor materials.
  37. Lee,Howard Wing Hoon, Quantum dots, nanocomposite materials with quantum dots, devices with quantum dots, and related fabrication methods.
  38. Michon Gerald J. (Waterford NY) Brown Dale M. (Schenectady NY), Quiescent signal compensated photodetector system for large dynamic range and high linearity.
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  42. Bhargava Rameshwar N. (5 Morningside Ct. Ossining NY 10562), Ultra-fast detectors using doped nanocrystal insulators.
  43. Verhulst, Anne S.; Vandervorst, Wilfried, Wavelength-sensitive detector with elongate nanostructures.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (29)

  1. Lewis, John; Klem, Ethan, Integrated optical upconversion devices and related methods.
  2. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Koleilat, Ghada; Levina, Larissa, Materials for electronic and optoelectronic devices having enhanced charge transfer.
  3. Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Sargent, Edward Hartley; Tian, Hui, Materials, fabrication equipment, and methods for stable, sensitive photodetectors and image sensors made therefrom.
  4. Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Sargent, Edward Hartley; Tian, Hui, Materials, fabrication equipment, and methods for stable, sensitive photodetectors and image sensors made therefrom.
  5. Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Sargent, Edward Hartley; Tian, Hui, Materials, fabrication equipment, and methods for stable, sensitive photodetectors and image sensors made therefrom.
  6. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  7. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  8. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  9. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  10. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  11. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  12. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  13. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  14. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  15. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  16. Tian, Hui; Sargent, Edward, Materials, systems and methods for optoelectronic devices.
  17. Nallon, Eric C., Method of sensing nitroaromatic electron accepting compounds using a photovoltaic sensor.
  18. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Jain, Rajsapan; Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Malone, Michael R.; Brading, Michael Charles; Tian, Hui; Della Nave, Pierre Henri Rene; Lee, Jess Jan Young, Photodetector comprising a pinned photodiode that is formed by an optically sensitive layer and a silicon diode.
  19. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Jain, Rajsapan; Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Malone, Michael R.; Brading, Michael Charles; Tian, Hui; Della Nave, Pierre Henri Rene; Lee, Jess Jan Young, Photodetector comprising a pinned photodiode that is formed by an optically sensitive layer and a silicon diode.
  20. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Jain, Rajsapan; Ivanov, Igor Constantin; Malone, Michael R.; Brading, Michael Charles; Tian, Hui; Nave, Pierre Henri Rene Della; Lee, Jess Jan Young, Photodetector comprising a pinned photodiode that is formed by an optically sensitive layer and a silicon diode.
  21. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Koleilat, Ghada; Levina, Larissa, Photodetectors and photovoltaics based on semiconductor nanocrystals.
  22. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Koleilat, Ghada; Levina, Larissa, Photodetectors and photovoltaics based on semiconductor nanocrystals.
  23. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Koleilat, Ghada; Levina, Larissa, Photodetectors and photovoltaics based on semiconductor nanocrystals.
  24. Klem, Ethan; Lewis, John, Quantum dot-fullerene junction based photodetectors.
  25. Sargent, Edward Hartley; Johnston, Keith William; Pattantyus-Abraham, Andras Geza; Clifford, Jason Paul, Schottky-quantum dot photodetectors and photovoltaics.
  26. Kobayashi, Shoji; Kudoh, Yoshiharu; Sano, Takuya, Semiconductor device and electronic equipment.
  27. Kobayashi, Shoji; Kudoh, Yoshiharu; Sano, Takuya, Semiconductor device and electronic equipment.
  28. Terashima, Tomohide, Semiconductor device supplying charging current to element to be charged.
  29. Dotsenko, Vladimir V., Superconductive multi-chip module for high speed digital circuits.
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