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Polishing pad and method for polishing a semiconductor wafer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B24B-001/00
출원번호 US-0774153 (2010-05-05)
등록번호 US-8444455 (2013-05-21)
우선권정보 DE-10 2009 030 297 (2009-06-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schwandner, Juergen
  • Koppert, Roland
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Brooks Kushman P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 10


A semiconductor wafer is polished, wherein in a first step, the rear side of the wafer is polished by a polishing pad comprising fixedly bonded abrasives having a grain size of 0.1-1.0 μm, while supplying a polishing agent free of solid materials having a pH of at least 11.8, and, in a second step,


1. A method for polishing a semiconductor wafer, comprising, in a first step, polishing the rear side of the semiconductor wafer by means of a polishing pad comprising fixedly bonded abrasives having a grain size of 0.1-1.0 μm, and with supply of a polishing agent solution which is free of solid mat

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Kuramochi Hideto,JPX ; Kubota Yoshitaka,JPX, Abrasive shaped article, abrasive disc and polishing method.
  2. James David B. ; Budinger William D. ; Roberts John V. H. ; Oliver Michael R. ; Chechik Nina G. ; Levering ; Jr. Richard M. ; Reinhardt Heinz F., Fixed abrasive polishing system for the manufacture of semiconductor devices, memory disks and the like.
  3. Gagliardi,John J.; Rueb,Chris J., In situ activation of a three-dimensional fixed abrasive article.
  4. Xin Yun-Biao ; Yoshimura Ichiro,JPX ; Erk Henry F. ; Vogelgesang Ralph V. ; Hensiek Stephen Wayne, Method for processing a semiconductor wafer.
  5. Harrison,Wesley; Vandamme,Roland; Gore,David, Method for processing a semiconductor wafer including back side grinding.
  6. Xin Yun-Biao, Method of processing semiconductor wafers to build in back surface damage.
  7. Donald F. Canaperi ; Jack Oon Chu ; Guy M. Cohen ; Lijuan Huang ; John Albrecht Ott ; Michael F. Lofaro, Method of wafer smoothing for bonding using chemo-mechanical polishing (CMP).
  8. Watanabe,Jun; Nagamine,Takuya; Tamura,Jun; Arahata,Takashi, Polishing pad, method of producing same and method of polishing.
  9. Chopra, Dinesh; Sinha, Nishant, Slurry for use with fixed-abrasive polishing pads in polishing semiconductor device conductive structures that include copper and tungsten and polishing methods.
  10. Netsu, Shigeyoshi; Masumura, Hisashi, Wafer manufacturing method, polishing apparatus, and wafer.
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