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[미국특허] Polypeptides having colanic acid-degrading activity 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C12N-009/00
출원번호 US-0433691 (2009-04-30)
등록번호 US-8460908 (2013-06-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Templeton, Nancy Smyth
출원인 / 주소
  • Gradalis, Inc
대리인 / 주소
    Flores, Edwin S.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 16


The present disclosure generally relates to polypeptides having colanic acid-degrading activity and methods of using the same. Polynucleotides encoding such polypeptides are also described. The polypeptides may be used, for example, in processes for degrading colanic acid, processes for the removal


1. A purified polypeptide having colanic acid-degrading activity comprising an amino acid sequence having at least 98% homology to SEQ ID NO: 1 or fragment thereof having colanic acid-degrading activity. 2. The polypeptide of claim 1, wherein the amino acid sequence has at least 99% homology to SEQ

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Hawkins Trevor, DNA purification and isolation using magnetic particles.
  2. Smith Craig E. ; Creswell Donald A. ; Bitner Rex M. ; White Douglas H. ; Butler Braeden L. ; Lesley Scott A., Endotoxin reduction in nucleic acid purification.
  3. Knuth Mark W. ; Haak-Frendscho Mary ; Shultz John W. ; Lesley Scott A. ; Villars Catherine E., High level expression and facile purification of proteins, peptides and conjugates for immunization, purification and detection applications.
  4. Kristyanne, Eva; Candau, Reyes; Seed, John L., Ion exchange method for DNA purification.
  5. Hendriks, Robertus; Wehsling, Maria; Lantos, Andrea, Method for removing endotoxins.
  6. Thatcher, David R.; Hitchcock, Anthony; Hanak, Julian A. J.; Varley, Diane L., Method of plasmid DNA production and purification.
  7. Willson, III, Richard C.; Murphy, Jason, Methods and compositions for biotechnical separations using selective precipitation by compaction agents.
  8. Goeddel David V. (Burlingame CA) Heyneker Herbert L. (Burlingame CA), Microbial expression of a gene for human growth hormone.
  9. Weinstock,Keith G.; Deloughery,Craig; Bush,David, Nucleic acid and amino acid sequences relating tofor diagnostics and therapeutics.
  10. Padhye Vikas V. ; York Chuck ; Burkiewicz Adam,PLX, Nucleic acid purification using silica gel and glass particles.
  11. Ramagauri Bhikhabhai SE, Plasmid DNA purification using divalent alkaline earth metal ions and two anion exchangers.
  12. Goeddel David V. (Burlingame CA) Heyneker Herbert L. (Burlingame CA), Plasmid capable of expressing human growth hormone.
  13. Nochumson,Samuel; Durland,Ross; Yu Speight,Audrey; Welp,John; Wu,Kuoewi; Hayes,Rexford, Process and equipment for plasmid purification.
  14. Colpan Metin,DEX ; Moritz Peter,DEX ; Schorr Joachim,DEX, Process for the depletion or removal of endotoxins.
  15. Colpan Metin,DEX ; Schorr Joachim,DEX ; Moritz Peter,DEX, Process for the preparation of endotoxin-free or endotoxin-depleted nucleic acids and/or oligonucleotides for gene therapy.
  16. Caddy Brian,GBX ; Cheng Jing, Purification of polynucleotides from polynucleotide/polysaccharide mixtures.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Templeton, Nancy Smyth, Polypeptides having colanic acid-degrading activity.
  2. Templeton, Nancy Smyth, Processes for the preparation of highly pure plasmid compositions by enzymatic digestion of colanic acid.

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