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[미국특허] Water sports towing vessel and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-015/00
  • B63B-017/00
  • B63B-021/56
  • B63B-039/03
  • B63B-043/06
출원번호 US-0721074 (2010-03-10)
등록번호 US-8522706 (2013-09-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Larson, Borden M.
  • Snook, William N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Correct Craft IP Holdings, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Allen, Dyer, Doppelt, Milbrath & Gilchrist, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 68


Wakeboarding performance is improved using a vessel having an operator station located generally amidships, a vertical support unit fitted across a beam of the vessel near the operator station, and adjustable ballast. An upper portion of the vertical support is at a height substantially above a leve


1. A water sports vessel comprising: an operator station located generally amidships between opposing starboard and port sides;a vertical support unit fitted across a beam of the vessel proximate the operator station, the vertical support unit having an upper portion at a height substantially above

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (68) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sell James F. (R.R. 3 ; Box 157 Muncie IN 47302), Adjustable ski hitch.
  2. LeMole, John M., Anti-pinch knuckle for bidirectional sleeve.
  3. Stokes ; Jr. Donald R. (P.O. Box 862 Boynton Beach FL 33425), Apparatus for mounting trolling devices on a watercraft.
  4. Kane Michael J. (3602 Vining Bellingham WA 98225), Articulated fishing drum.
  5. Talmor Amnon (Ann Arbor MI), Boat.
  6. Lochtefeld Thomas J. ; Sauerbier Charles E., Boat activated wave generator.
  7. King Paul F. (6827 Thames Rd. Woodbury MN 55125) Huebner David A. (724-9th Ave. S. So. St. Paul MN 55075), Boat canopy.
  8. Harrelson ; II Clyde W. (Wilmington NC), Boat mounted antenna controller system.
  9. Collins Lonnie M. (4143 Beebe Cir. San Jose CA 95135), Boat ski rack apparatus.
  10. Metcalf Robert, Boat tower.
  11. Todd Robert, Boat tower.
  12. Jackson, Thomas J.; Jackson, Steven W.; Jackson, Scott A.; Jackson, John R., Boat tower hinge and footer assembly.
  13. Jackson,Thomas J.; Jackson,Steven W.; Jackson,Scott A.; Jackson,John R., Boat tower releasable member assembly.
  14. Cox Richard D. (47163 Ayers Belleville MI 48111), Bow pulpit mounted pivoting fluke type anchor holder.
  15. Allsop Douglas L., Collapsible, stowable boom and pylon device for watercraft.
  16. Womack Scott H. ; Nellos Ernest E., Convertible water ski tow apparatus.
  17. Wiggen Brian L. (1331 Springwood Fort Collins CO 80525) Jaycox Jerry E. (709 Nyssa Loveland CO 80538), Detachable boat arch.
  18. Kobayashi Noboru (Iwata JPX) Hattori Toshiyuki (Iwata JPX), Docking watercraft.
  19. Eck, Richard E., Elements of a wakeboard tower.
  20. Roeseler, Cory; von Flotow, Andreas H., Elevated tow apparatus.
  21. Bierbower,William; Utz,Quentin Wayne, Foldable boat cover.
  22. Grinde Geir (Parkveien 49 N-0256 Oslo 2 NOX), Hull for a high speed boat.
  23. Wood Forrest L. (Flippin AR) Wood Maurice (Mickey) Carroll (Flippin AR), Live well for high speed open fishing boat.
  24. Chaffin,Lucas James; Bush,Jeffrey David, Load relief mechanism for fishing boat tower.
  25. Fry, John, Lowerable water sport tow attachment.
  26. Feikema Orville A. (6805 Riverview Blvd. W. Bradenton FL 34209), Marine radar arch.
  27. Berman,Ron; Wood,Harry, Multi-purpose boat tower.
  28. Krenzer Orville (R.R. #3 Springfield IL 62707) Midden William E. (2036 S. Spring Springfield IL 62704) Schmid Charles F. (3408 S. Fourth Springfield IL 62703), Non-rotating axially-paying-out ski-rope bobbin.
  29. McCulloh Mark (Key Biscayne FL), Parasail launching and retrieving apparatus.
  30. Kobayashi Noboru (Iwata JPX), Patrol boat.
  31. Iizuka Yoshinori (Tanuma JPX) Kobori Kazuo (Sano JPX), Planing type boat.
  32. Sparkes Laurie R. (Richmond VA) Baker Joseph G. (Richmond VA), Remote control tilting system for raising and lowering radar and radio arch for boats.
  33. Finney,William G.; Henderson,Glenn M.; Minehart,Jason, Retractable arch system for a boat.
  34. Eck, Richard E., Set of elements of a wakeboard tower.
  35. Michael Murphy ; Donald M. Erb, Jr., Shade cover assembly.
  36. Jellen David L. (Dos Palos CA), Ski rope attachment device.
  37. Paxton Harold G. (1901 Sorrento Pl. Richmond VA 23233), Tow apparatus and method of installation.
  38. Paxton, Harold G., Tow apparatus and method of installation.
  39. Jennings Michael D. (Maryville TN), Tow rope pylon with rotatable bushing.
  40. Schultz, James, Tower and support.
  41. Schultz,James, Tower and support.
  42. Johnson, Kevin D.; Meyers, Daniel W., Towing system and method for a water sports apparatus.
  43. Johnson, Kevin D.; Meyers, Daniel W., Towing system and method for a water sports apparatus.
  44. Sheikholeslam, Sherwin; Schoening, Jerry M.; Hayduk, Matthew T., Towrope retriever for watercraft.
  45. Sheikholeslam, Sherwin; Schoening, Jerry M.; Hayduk, Matthew T., Towrope retriever for watercraft.
  46. Fowler Margaret P. ; Smith Candace G., Trailer for personal watercraft and support rack therefor.
  47. Adams Charles C. (243 N. Avalon Memphis TN 38112) Dickas ; III Charles H. (Rte. 1 ; Box 130 Shady Point OK 74956), Universal frame for boat mounted game blind.
  48. Michael Farid Y. (Houston TX), Vessel having improved wave response characteristics.
  49. Toni Lynn Hagen, Wake enhancement assembly.
  50. Remnant Wayne,CAX, Wake enhancing structure.
  51. Metcalf, Robert, Wake tower and method of making same.
  52. Metcalf,Robert, Wake tower and method of making same.
  53. Metcalf,Robert, Wake tower and method of making same.
  54. Metcalf,Robert, Wake tower and method of making same.
  55. Metcalf, Robert, Wake tower construction.
  56. Eck, Richard E., Wakeboard tower.
  57. Richard E. Eck, Wakeboard tower.
  58. Clemmons,John Dale; Murphy,Michael J., Water sport tow attachment with recoil.
  59. Eck, Richard E.; Ellice, Joseph, Water sport tower and top combination for watercraft and method.
  60. Borden M. Larson ; William N. Snook, Water sport towing apparatus.
  61. Larson Borden M. ; Snook William N., Water sport towing apparatus.
  62. Larson, Borden M.; Snook, William N., Water sport towing apparatus.
  63. Larson,Borden M.; Snook,William N., Water sport towing apparatus.
  64. Borden M. Larson ; William N. Snook ; Robert Todd, Water sport towing apparatus and method.
  65. Larson Borden M. ; Snook William N., Water sport towing apparatus and method.
  66. Larson Borden M. ; Snook William N., Water sports performance system and method.
  67. Bierbower, Jr.,William John, Watersport tower.
  68. Bierbower, Jr., William John, Watersport towers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lake, Ryan D.; Curts, Chadrick E.; Schultz, James G.; Peltzer, Cory J.; Mackall, Gregory A., Apparatus for towing a water sports performer.
  2. Lake, Ryan D.; Sheedy, Darren S.; Schultz, James G., Apparatus for towing a water sports performer.
  3. Curts, Chadrick E.; Lake, Ryan D., Boat tower.
  4. Green, Rachael Marie; Dugger, Cory Wade; Springer, Jr., Jackie Dale; McCall, Adam Andrew; Gasper, Daniel Lee, Control systems for water-sports watercraft.
  5. Gasper, Daniel Lee; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter, Methods and apparatus for facilitating watercraft planing.
  6. Gasper, Daniel Lee; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter, Methods and apparatus for facilitating watercraft planing.
  7. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Brian Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  8. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  9. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  10. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  11. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  12. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  13. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  14. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  15. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  16. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E.; Ekern, David F., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  17. Larson, Borden M.; Snook, William N., Water sports towing vessel and method.
  18. Snook, William N.; Larson, Borden M., Water sports towing vessel and method.

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