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[미국특허] Dispensing container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-035/00
출원번호 US-0133641 (2008-12-09)
등록번호 US-8523016 (2013-09-03)
국제출원번호 PCT/AU2008/001809 (2008-12-09)
§371/§102 date 20110822 (20110822)
국제공개번호 WO2010/065980 (2010-06-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Teys, Bradley Donald
출원인 / 주소
  • Sands Innovations Pty Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 324


A container having a body, the body defining a cavity for storing dispensable cavity contents and having an opening, a covering for covering said opening; and a lid connected to the body by a failure zone and openable, in use, after failure of the failure zone, about a hinge formed by the covering.


1. A dispensing container comprising: a body defining a cavity for storing dispensable cavity contents and having an opening which opens into the cavity;a covering configured to close the opening;a lid connected to the body by an uninterrupted failure zone and pivotal about a hinge formed at least i

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (324)

  1. Giuliano Fred (P.O. Box 47 Bellport NY 11713) Mizzi John V. (Poughkeepsie NY), Adjustable dispensing stirrer for soluble sweeteners.
  2. Gandelheidt, Edgar, Air turning bar.
  3. Wilson David A. (Alsager GB2) McAffer Ian G. C. (Westerham GB2), Ampoule array.
  4. Hellberg Anders,SEX ; Widerstrom Carin,SEX, Ampoule set.
  5. Deshaies Brian, Animal tooth cleaning device and method.
  6. Robinson Leonard R. (Danvers MA), Anti cross-contamination dual cartridge dispenser.
  7. Gandelheidt,Edgar; Hennes,Jochen; Butty,Konrad, Apparatus for handling a finished roll and a winding shaft on a winding apparatus for webs of material.
  8. Natterer, Hans, Apparatus for separating laminated areas of multi-layered film, packaging machine comprising this apparatus and package having a cover film consisting of at least two laminated layers.
  9. Feil, Jurgen, Apparatus for shaping thermoplastic materials.
  10. Stammler, Gernold; Rosenmayer, Kurt; Huber, Reiner, Apparatus for shaping thermoplastics materials.
  11. Hsiao Charles (Copper City FL), Arrangement for and method of administering a pharmaceutical preparation.
  12. Karbach, Helmut, Arrangement for moving a turntable in an apparatus for molding and punching out containers from thermoplastic plastic foil.
  13. John William Toussant ; Peter Morris, Articulable food container.
  14. Redmond Sanford (746 Riverbank Rd. Stamford CT 06903), Asymmetric stress concentrator for a dispenser package.
  15. Redmond Sanford (746 Riverbank Rd. Stamford CT 06903), Asymmetric stress concentrator for a dispenser package.
  16. Toth, Mary K.; Brauner, Arne H., Attachable snack food container.
  17. Stein Stanley A. (513 14th St. N. Great Falls MT 59401), Baby food storing and dispensing spoon.
  18. Kushner,Robert Gerald, Barbeque fork.
  19. Rose Barry L. (101 Lasaine Ave. Northridge CA 91325) Machado Mario J. (5750 Briar Cliff Rd. Los Angeles CA 90068) Stein Alan R. (20017 Lanark Canoga Park CA 91306), Beverage flavoring and dispensing apparatus and method of construction.
  20. Dahl Derek W. (14641 NE. 35th St. Bellevue WA 98007), Beverage infusion device.
  21. Popkes Opal L. (25 E. Clearview Dr. Columbia MO 65201), Beverage strainers.
  22. Dingeldein, Elvira; Wahlig, Helmut; Sattig, Christoph; W?st, Edgar, Blister pack.
  23. Shields Thomas A. (Bourne MA), Blister package.
  24. Konop Gary L., Blister package for a toothbrush.
  25. Holten Steven ; Singh Balbir ; Blythe David A. ; Gainey Simon R. ; O'Brien Edward J., Boil-in-bag package.
  26. Christopher P. Hughes ; Richard A. Rocco, Bone cement system.
  27. Hansen,Bernd, Bottle with liquid and air compartments.
  28. Galomb David E., Bowl bag.
  29. Galomb David E., Bowl bag with resealable closure means.
  30. Jones Henry J. (P.O. Box 108 Sparta ; Ontario CAX M0L 2H0), Brake plate.
  31. Gerstle, Matthew Edward; Foley, Edward John, Break-open package with shaped die cut for storing and dispensing substrates.
  32. Cockburn Harry George,NZX, Breakable sachet.
  33. Bradley George G. (17 Elmora Ave. Elizabeth NJ 07202), Brush with self-sealing reservoir having a convertible actuator.
  34. Bottega,Philip M., Butter straw.
  35. Ogle David,AUX, Cartridge.
  36. Harrold, John E., Child resistant, disposable, premeasured dosage spoon.
  37. Hellstrom H. Richard (5245 Center Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15232), Child-proofed quick-opening package.
  38. Gentile James (Orange CT) Bengston John (Ridgefield CT) Rainey Dean (Clinton CT) Eimer John (Danbury CT) Zammit Alfred G. (Mississauga CAX), Child-resistant closure.
  39. Raeder,Niels; Berger,Oliver, Chopsticks.
  40. Wolff Martin J. (North Providence RI), Closure assembly with hinged cover.
  41. Parve, Terrence M.; Vogel, William C., Closure for a container.
  42. Vogel,William C.; Parve,Terrence M., Closure for a container.
  43. Golden, Craig A., Closure for a food container and method for using the same.
  44. Redmond Sanford, Coffee creamer and other cups and tubs.
  45. Lee Denise D. (110 S. 300 East Apt. 5 Salt Lake City UT 84111), Cold cereal spoon.
  46. Newman Brett E. (Weston CT), Collapsible spoon.
  47. Jeff P. Szczerbinski, Combination food and condiment dispenser.
  48. Schlimgen, Stefan; Firzlaff, Michael, Combination molding/punching station for molding and punching containers out of a foil strip of thermoplastic synthetic material.
  49. Sorenson ; James L., Combination needle cover and venipuncture device tray and method of using same.
  50. Read Avis O. (6702 E. McDonald Dr. Scottsdale AZ 85253), Combination spoon and food container.
  51. Roland Richardson ; Sheila Richardson, Combination spoon and straw.
  52. Bumbera Steve, Combination stirrer and condiment dispenser.
  53. Sullivan, Timothy R.; Nelson, Jeffrey, Combination unit dose dispensing containers.
  54. Noble Terrance O. (Rosemount MN), Combined dosage spoon and container.
  55. Olson Robert C., Combined drink straw with integral spoon.
  56. Hennings Daniel, Combined toothbrush and toothpaste dispenser.
  57. Dickerson Albert Myron, Comestibles consumption device.
  58. Redmond, Sanford, Compact form-fill-seal machine.
  59. Mason Grady R., Condiment utensil.
  60. Dunbar Lee Wayne, Condiment-carrying lid.
  61. Bezek, Edward Anthony; Bierschenk, Patrick Joseph; Michels, John Joseph, Consumables container with multi-functional cap.
  62. Edward Anthony Bezek ; Patrick Joseph Bierschenk ; John Joseph Michels, Consumables container with multi-functional cap.
  63. Heyn William M. (New Canaan CT) Roth Donald J. (Westport CT), Container closure, and method for producing same.
  64. Kienle Erich (Emmen CHX), Container for receipt of an edible good.
  65. Nguyen Tuan A. ; Chasteen Howard Curtis ; Richardson Michael Duane, Container with integral endpiece and sealing member.
  66. Rannikko, Minna A.; Pizza, Thomas M.; Pauplis, Edelizete S.; Byrd, Randy H., Control solution container.
  67. Kaita, Keiji; Abe, Shinichi, Cooling system.
  68. Huang Shou Li,TWX, Cover structure with integral utensil means for canned and cupped food.
  69. Huang Shou Li,TWX, Cover structure with integral utensil means for canned and cupped food.
  70. Mason Edwin W. (Wyckoff NJ), Culture swab transport package with rupturable sealed section having a stored culture medium.
  71. Fournier George J. (34 Waldo Rd. Milton MA 02187), Cup cover.
  72. Hennes,Jochen, Cutting device and transporting roller for webs of material.
  73. Haynie Michel B. (1259 E. 8320 South Sandy UT 84094), Dental bleach system having separately compartmented fumed silica and hydrogen peroxide and method of using.
  74. Holewinski Robert D. (Lakehurst NJ) Hamilton Leslie (Trenton NJ) Blatherwick William J. (Hamilton Square NJ), Dental composite unit dose container with attached mixing stick.
  75. Holewinski Robert D. (Lakehurst NJ) Hamilton Leslie (Trenton NJ) Blatherwick William J. (Hamilton Square NJ), Dental composite unit dose container with breakaway mixing stick.
  76. Hamilton Leslie (Trenton NJ) Holewinski Robert D. (Lakehurst NJ), Dental composite unit dose tray.
  77. Ross,Karen L., Dental stain preventer.
  78. Belfance,John; Supranowicz,Ronald, Desiccant vial assembly for effervescent tablets.
  79. Amit Noah (New York NY) Mairon Omri (Kibbutz Ruhama ILX), Device and method for effecting relative motion within a closed sales display package.
  80. Niehr, Thomas, Device for closing plastic bottles.
  81. Wegner, Herbert; Kowalik, Gottfried, Device for generating an aerosol.
  82. Hessenbruch,Rolf, Device for producing lay-flat tubes in blown film extrusion installation.
  83. Keller, Gerhard, Device for producing two-chamber containers.
  84. Binder, Jan; Mayer, Steffen, Device for receiving and for transporting an article.
  85. Dekeyser Michel (Kestergat 9 ; B-1670 Pepingen BEX), Device for storage and dispensation of measured quantities of pasty materials and process for its embodiment.
  86. Bertl,Mathias; Peuker,Marc; Hager,Gabriele, Device for storing and dispensing a free-flowing substance and method of making and using the device.
  87. Schmidt, Andreas; Niehr, Thomas, Device for transporting bottles.
  88. Harris Reed A. (Cumming GA) Rowe Thomas E. (Roswell GA), Dispenser for ophthalmic solution.
  89. Beguhn Gordon H. (Westport CT), Dispenser package.
  90. Nelson Dave E. ; Crapser James R., Dispenser package.
  91. Redmond Sanford (1385 York Ave. New York NY 10021), Dispenser package.
  92. Fagen, Constance L.; Fisher, Steven Blake, Dispenser package arrangement and methods.
  93. Fagen,Constance L.; Fisher,Steven Blake, Dispenser package arrangement; and, methods.
  94. Redmond Sanford (1385 York Ave. New York NY 10021) Mainberger Walter A. (Wayne NJ), Dispenser package having fault line protrusion.
  95. Lataix Gilbert (Chatel-Guyon FRX), Dispensing bottle with coupling between closure head and screw cap.
  96. Glover,J. Scott, Dispensing brush.
  97. Xu, Sanduo, Dispensing container.
  98. Zahn, Walter; Miller, Shawn W.; Rocheleau, David; Sadeghi, Mohammad R.; Hansen, Bernd, Dispensing container.
  99. Zahn,Walter; Miller,Shawn W.; Rocheleau,David; Sadeghi,Mohammad R.; Hansen,Bernd, Dispensing container.
  100. Heijenga Berend (Almelo NLX), Dispensing container for a liquid or paste-like substance.
  101. Zahn,Walter; Miller,Shawn W.; Rocheleau,David; Sadeghi,Mohammad R.; Hansen,Bernd, Dispensing container having contoured dispensing head.
  102. Zahn, Walter; Miller, Shawn W.; Rocheleau, David; Sadeghi, Mohammad R.; Hansen, Bernd, Dispensing container with flow control system.
  103. Zahn,Walter; Miller,Shawn W.; Rocheleau,David; Sadeghi,Mohammad R.; Hansen,Bernd, Dispensing container with oval nipple dispensing head.
  104. Zahn,Walter; Miller,Shawn W.; Rocheleau,David; Sadeghi,Mohammad R.; Hansen,Bernd, Dispensing container with round nipple dispensing head.
  105. Zahn,Walter; Miller,Shawn W.; Rocheleau,David; Sadeghi,Mohammad R.; Hansen,Bernd, Dispensing container-single channel.
  106. Braeder, D'art Daniel David; Levey, John McBrien; Francis, David Fulton; Solari, Clive Steven, Dispensing device.
  107. Nelson,Donavon; Dombroski,Thomas J.; Weernink,William; Bakken,Craig D., Dispensing package.
  108. Hamilton,Colin Henry; Wilson,Peter Charles; Pittelkow,William Louis, Dispensing sachet by bending and method of sachet manufacture.
  109. Gorin Sylvan (728 Chelten Ave. Philadelphia PA 19126), Dispensing spoon.
  110. Teys, Bradley Donald; Bevan, Glenn; Mobbs, Kevin James, Dispensing utensil.
  111. Teys, Bradley Donald; Ruediger, Christian, Dispensing utensil.
  112. Teys,Bradley Donald; Bevan,Glenn; Chapman,Benjamin; See,Anton Lee, Dispensing utensil.
  113. Teys,Bradley Donald; Bevan,Glenn; Chapman,Benjamin; See,Anton Lee, Dispensing utensil.
  114. Bologna William J. (New York NY), Dispensing vial for feminine hygiene products.
  115. Froehlich Sarah M. ; Allen Denise A., Display packages.
  116. Scholzen Werner (Jahnstrabe 12 Haan DEX), Disposable flatware.
  117. O'Brien, John J., Disposable food delivery apparatus.
  118. O'Brien,John J., Disposable food delivery apparatus.
  119. Castner ; Sr. John F. (1696 W. Mill St. ; #4 Colton CA 92324) Castner ; Jr. John F. (1507 Indian Trail San Bernardino CA 92407), Disposable food feeder package.
  120. Chmela John F. (1106 Beechwood Dr. Mt. Prospect IL 60056) Chmela James (1106 Beechwood Dr. Mt. Prospect IL 60056), Disposable one-piece container closure and eating utensil.
  121. Preziosi Robert (West Orange NJ), Disposable package for liquids.
  122. Poynter, Richard Q., Disposable single-use container with indicia bearing portion.
  123. Francis Gary, Disposable toothbrush with toothpaste and mouth wash.
  124. Dirksing Robert S. (Cincinnati OH), Disposable unit dose dispenser for powdered medicants.
  125. Massing Martin,DEX, Double chamber cup.
  126. Mansfield,Bryan D., Drinking vessel.
  127. Xia,Frank Zhishi; Zhang,Jack Yongfeng; Luo,Mary Zi Ping, Easily sealed and opened pre-filled, disposable pipette.
  128. Redmond, Sanford, Easy opening low cost swab means for applying fluids to surfaces.
  129. Redmond, Sanford, Easy opening sealed containment and dispensing package.
  130. Redmond,Sanford, Easy opening sealed containment and dispensing package.
  131. Meyers Brenda J. ; Gilbertson Mark A. ; Grosz John W. ; Raleigh Edward A. ; Skulley Thomas G. ; Harrington Deborah L., Eating utensils.
  132. Harris,Charles A., Eating utensils having internal chambers storing liquid condiments.
  133. Fekete Ferenc,HKX ; Chung-Ho Kai,HKX, Edible shell/thermoplastic container system.
  134. Cargile, David W.; Ellis, Earle L.; Krohn, Roy N.; Kesselman, David A.; Roubal, Edward; Berrittella, Rafael F.; Gomez, Norberto O., Extrusion blow-molded squeezable tube-shaped container and method for making same.
  135. Gilbert, Jr., Lloyd A.; Hanna, Mark S., Feeding spoon.
  136. Rittich Boje (Harvestehuder Weg 104 2000 Hamburg 13 DEX) Tomenzoli Marco (Heilwigstrasse 67 D-2000 Hamburg 20 DEX), Filled brushing device.
  137. Redmond, Sanford, Film for dispenser package in the form of a pouch with a flap.
  138. Prindle William A. (651½Maple Ave. New Martinsville WV 26155), Flatware eating utensils.
  139. Roders George W. (Kenosha WI) Banks Stewart (Brantford CAX), Fluid dispenser pouch with venturi shaped outlet.
  140. Firmin Garcia FR, Fluid product packaging.
  141. Weisskopf, Jean Marie, Fold back top package.
  142. Fite, IV, Francis Bartow; Ming, Ng Hon; Ho, Tang Lai, Foldable utensil set.
  143. Barnes, Susan Marie, Food container.
  144. Green Robert (261 Fonds La. Westbury NY 11590) Wagner Brendan (55 Parkside Dr. Levittown NY 11756), Food container.
  145. Kolacek Ivo (Cicero IL), Food container with grippable portion having sense of touch indicia.
  146. Finell,Rebecca M., Food dispenser with spoon.
  147. Cynthia M. Diaz, Food dispensing feeding system.
  148. Gilson Channing W. (2046 Hillhurst Ave. Los Angeles CA 90027), Food dispensing utensil.
  149. Atkinson Patrick J., Food package with an enclosed eating utensil.
  150. Stone Dan D., Graphically impressed softgel and method for making same.
  151. Kortleven, Hanno; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Cautereels, Victor J. J., Handle for kitchen implements.
  152. Hakim, Nouri E., Hard/soft spoon products.
  153. Karbach, Helmut, Heated roller for a heating device for warming a film strip comprising thermoplastic plastic.
  154. Dean Garza ; Ryan Gingras, Hinge for a reclosable clamshell container.
  155. Richie-Dubler Susan J. (Canandaigua NY), Hinge structure for thermoformed plastic containers.
  156. Lampard Lucille B. (1008 Martin Behrman Walk Metairie LA 70005), Infants pacifier and feeder apparatus.
  157. Barna Stephen L. (1129 N. State Rd. Ionia MI 48846), Kitchen utensil for making flavored beverages.
  158. Levy Isy (1015 33rd St. ; Apt. 406 ; NW. Washington DC 20007), Knife/fork/spoon combination cutlery.
  159. Arnold B. Finestone ; Gilbert Bloch, Laminate sheeting for pouches.
  160. Bucholtz, Michael, Leakproof, resealable container and cap assembly.
  161. Bucholtz,Michael, Leakproof, resealable container and cap assembly.
  162. Natterer Johann,DEX, Lifting device for a working station of a packaging machine.
  163. Natterer Johann,DEX, Lifting device for a working station of a packaging machine.
  164. Mandava Rao,SEX ; Kempin Klaus,SEX ; Holm Jorgen,SEX, Liquid food products and package therefore.
  165. Redmond,Sanford, Machine to make E-Z open pouch with flap and bulge.
  166. Redmond,Sanford, Machine to make E-Z open pouch with flap and bulge.
  167. Heiligenstein,Luc; Sanchez,Daniel; Melamed,Stephen, Measuring spoon.
  168. Isaacs Linda R. F. (517 Cedar Hill Rd. Far Rockaway NY 11691), Measuring spoon.
  169. Kempe, Tord; Dahl, Ann-Sofie, Measuring spoon.
  170. Mastroianni, Michael R., Measuring spoon.
  171. Overthun, Thomas; Webster, David M.; Yom-Tov, Opher D.; Papadopoulos, Annetta M., Measuring spoon.
  172. Reed Robert R. (104 Sweetbriar Rd. Greenville SC 29615), Measuring spoon.
  173. Settele, Ignaz, Measuring spoon.
  174. Settele, Ignaz, Measuring spoon.
  175. Kaposi Sascha ; Wright Sabrena ; Terenzio Dennis M., Measuring spoon set.
  176. Louviere, Kent A., Medical vial.
  177. Starnes,Charles D., Medical vial.
  178. Starnes,Charles D., Medical vials.
  179. Wolff Stephen H. (35 W. 35th St. New York NY 10001), Medication dosing spoon.
  180. Clark, Malcolm; Croft, Bruce Cameron; Davies, George Calvin, Medicine dispenser.
  181. Noble Terrance O. (Rosemount MN), Medicine dosage device.
  182. Lingenhoff,Berthold, Metering device for flowable products.
  183. Lochner, Hans; Hobelsberger, Marco; Gschwendtner, Robert, Method and apparatus for connecting objects by means of plastically deformable connecting bodies.
  184. Schrder Klaus (Ahaus DEX), Method and apparatus for filling and closing a two-chamber plastic container.
  185. Sanford Redmond, Method and apparatus for making compact packages for speadable product.
  186. Regg Anton (St. Gallerstrasse 34 8716 Schmerikon CHX), Method and apparatus for producing rolls.
  187. Schlimgen, Stefan; Wozny, Michael, Method and apparatus for stacking containers comprising thermoplastic, and apparatus for executing the method.
  188. Gandelheidt, Edgar, Method and device for cleaning a blowing head for plastic films.
  189. Natterer,Hans; Sparakowski,Helmut, Method and device for packaging.
  190. Klaus Schroeder DE, Method and facility for sealing bottles with sterile sealing caps.
  191. Schroeder Klaus,DEX ; Steinhauser Ulrich,DEX, Method and for preparing container for filling, and method of filling container.
  192. Finnah Josef (Ahaus DEX), Method and machine for drawing off foods and drinks aseptically.
  193. Natterer, Johann, Method and packaging machine for packaging a product arranged in a tray.
  194. Koppenh?fer,Klaus, Method for producing a container from a thermoplastic film, and molding tool for executing the method.
  195. Kleinschmidt, Ekkehard, Method for producing stand-up blister packages, and apparatus for executing the method.
  196. Trautwein, Herbert; Eichbauer, Volker; Wonzy, Michael, Method for stacking containers comprising thermoplastic, and apparatus for executing the method.
  197. Kohler, Hans, Method for stacking containers of thermoplastic material and device for realizing same.
  198. Trautwein, Herbert; Wozny, Michael, Method for stacking parts comprising thermoplastic plastic, and apparatus for executing the method.
  199. Wawrzynski David W. (25601 Cole Roseville MI 48066), Method of food article dipping and wiping in a condiment container.
  200. Wirth Lawrence W. (Neenah WI) Wegner Wayne M. (Appleton WI) Tomic Mladomir (Appleton WI) Buchko Raymond (Appleton WI) Natterer Johann (Legau DEX), Method of forming recloseable packages, profiles used therein, and packages produced thereby.
  201. Ascone David (2115 Caton ; Apt. 1 Chicago IL 60647), Milk and cereal container.
  202. Kortleven, Hanno; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Cautereels, Victor J. J., Mixing spoon.
  203. Gherdan,Victor; Chadwick,Dennis; Barndt,David, Multi-cavity blister package for storing and dispensing flowable substances.
  204. Botzler Paul C. (11548 Glenn Arm Rd. Glen Arm MD 21057), Multi-compartment combination package and stirrer device.
  205. Gross, Richard A.; Lay, Dieter F.; Fox, Robert W., Multi-component product container with reclosable top.
  206. Siragusa Nicholas D. ; Ward Kenneth J. ; Sarasohn Deborah A. ; Bernarducci Ernest ; Sternheimer Arthur, Multiple compacted solids and packages therefor.
  207. Stephen Todd LeMarr ; Gerald Stephen LeMarr ; Kristopher Michael Oakes, Nebulizer vials.
  208. Rushe,Peter C.; Leonard,Gary J.; Lambert,Robert J., Nozzle assembly incorporating a molded flow through brush applicator and a reusable break-off cap, a container having a nozzle assembly and packaging therefor.
  209. Doherty, Michael A.; Rushe, Peter C., Nozzle assembly with a reusable break-off cap a container having a nozzle assembly and packaging therefor.
  210. Fukushima Tadao (Kawasaki JPX), Package.
  211. Kiefer Gunther (Schwaigern DEX), Package.
  212. Judlowe Michael ; Lefebvre Denise, Package and method for packaging and preparing a mixed drink.
  213. Finley, David M.; Conner, Howard Dean; Carrouth, Jr., Andrew Boyd; Millwood, Terry, Package assembly for on-demand marination and method for providing the same.
  214. Braber Robert J. (Harleysville PA) Weber Paul L. (Harleysville PA), Package construction for opening only by a predetermined procedure.
  215. Redmond Sanford (1385 York Ave. New York NY 10021), Package for a flowable product and material for making such package.
  216. Wiegner Georg,HKX, Package for a toothbrush.
  217. Jeannin Bernard (Dijon FRX), Package for food products.
  218. Masuda, Yoshito; Matsuda, Takakuni, Package for medical fluid.
  219. Masuda, Yoshito; Matsuda, Takakuni, Package for medical fluid.
  220. Seeley Leonard (Palatine IL), Package for oral thermometer, catheter or the like.
  221. Ishigaki Kazumi (Hirakata JPX), Package of mechanical pencil refill leads.
  222. Van Puijenbroek, Alexander Josephus Maricus, Package with peel-off closure.
  223. Peghini, Alois, Packaging.
  224. Grossman, Victor A., Packaging and dispensing system for sandwich food products.
  225. Grossman,Victor A., Packaging and dispensing system for sandwich food products.
  226. Blaustein Lawrence A. ; Osher John ; Nottingham John R. ; Spirk John W., Packaging arrangement having recesses for preventing a switch from being placed in a continuously-on position.
  227. Reighart Richard L. (Toledo OH), Packaging container.
  228. Leiner, Uwe; Plaumann, Manfred, Packaging for storing substances.
  229. Natterer Hans,DEX ; Ehrmann Elmar,DEX, Packaging machine.
  230. Natterer Johann (Legau DEX) Ehrmann Elmar (Grnenbach DEX), Packaging machine.
  231. Natterer,Johann, Packaging machine.
  232. Natterer,Johann, Packaging machine and method for closing containers.
  233. Natterer Johann (Legau DEX), Packaging machine for producing a reclosable package for a product.
  234. Bartoli,Andrea, Packaging unit.
  235. Vieu Valerie,FRX, Packaging unit for a liquid to semi-liquid product.
  236. Stewart, Noel G.; Fielder, L. David, Paperboard can with an integrated lid having a hinge on the lid.
  237. Noel G. Stewart ; L. David Fielder ; Angela L. Rowland ; Suzanne Theresa Barker, Paperboard can with an integrated paperboard lid having a hinge on the lid.
  238. Noel G. Stewart ; L. David Fielder ; Joseph J. Hart ; Angela L. Rowland ; Suzanne Theresa Barker, Paperboard can with an integrated paperboard lid having a hinge on the lid.
  239. Noel G. Stewart ; L. David Fielder ; Angela Lueders Rowland ; Suzanne Theresa Barker ; David Lawrence Botterman, Paperboard can with an integrated paperboard lid having a slide closure.
  240. Smith Donald R. (1601 W. Knoxville Broken Arrow OK 74012), Paste dispensing toothbrush.
  241. Cox Steven J. (Atlanta GA), Personal coffee brewing device.
  242. Huber, Anton; Crepaz, Johannes; Julinek, Stefan; Scheutz, Frank, Pivoting basket stacker for deep-drawn articles.
  243. Peter John Waterhouse NZ, Plastic moulded container with detachable eating utensil.
  244. Jack Yongfeng Zhang ; Anthony D. Marrs ; Mary Ziping Luo, Pre-filled oral liquid disposable plastic container.
  245. Snedden John (P.O. Box 1827 Sandpoint ID 83864), Pre-measured dispensing ampule.
  246. Wade Leslie C. (19415 Enchanted Oaks Dr. Spring TX 77388), Prepackaged oral medication serving apparatus and method.
  247. Balbir Singh ; David A. Blythe ; Stephen R. Holten ; Gary Willison, Process and apparatus for forming dual compartment pouches from a continuous web.
  248. Smith Donald E. (Kansas City MO), Process and apparatus for maximizing vacuum packaging machine cycle rate.
  249. Ruegg Anton (St. Gailerstrasse 34 8716 Schmerikon CHX), Process and apparatus for winding sheet material.
  250. Regg Anton (St. Gallerstrasse 34 8716 Schmerikon CHX), Process and apparatus for winding up a continuously fed web of material onto a number of winding cores.
  251. Stremple, Paul; Breuker, Margaret, Protective food storage container.
  252. Lim, Chee Tet, Receptacle.
  253. Kinigakis Panagiotis ; Langer Christie Lynn, Reclosable container arrangement.
  254. Redmond Sanford, Reclosable dispenser package, reclosable outlet forming structure and method and apparatus for making same.
  255. Redmond Sanford, Reclosable dispenser package, reclosable outlet forming structure and method and apparatus for making same.
  256. Sanford Redmond, Reclosable dispenser package, reclosable outlet forming structure and method and apparatus for making same.
  257. Lewis Gregg S., Reclosable package and method.
  258. Borst Rodney D. (Oregon WI), Reclosable plastic container having improved opening release.
  259. Reighart Richard L. (Toledo OH), Reclosable sleeved blister package.
  260. Adrian L. Faasse, Jr. ; Glen E. Groeneweg ; Charles E. Piette ; Michael G. Marcoux, Resealable container.
  261. Gortz Hans,SEX ; Andersson Thomas,SEX, Resealable container.
  262. Gould Charles E. (928 Central Dewey La. Nampa ID 83687), Resealable package.
  263. Gould Charles E. (928 Central Dewey La. Nampa ID 83687), Resealable package.
  264. Snedden John, Resilient ampule with angulated spout for medicaments.
  265. Thornhill David R. (Huevelton NY) Isaminger Carol J. (Memphis TN) Pinkerton John M. (Ogdensburg NY) Roberts David R. (Germantown TN) Warick James A. (St. Paul MN), Reusable blister package.
  266. Cugley Derwyn (Brea CA), Reusable container.
  267. Van House,Larry, Right angle blister plus header card package.
  268. Ryden John V. (Summit NJ), Safety packaging for ampoules.
  269. Firmin Garcia FR; Aline Abergel FR, Sampling-type spraying device.
  270. Garcia, Firmin; Abergel, Aline, Sampling-type spraying device.
  271. Hennes,Jochen, Screw extrusion press and method with mixing rings having passages.
  272. Jack Yongfeng Zhang ; Mary Zi-Ping Luo ; Frank Zhishi Xia, Sealable and manipulable pre-filled disposable pipette.
  273. Lillelund Stig,DKX ; Heiberg Jakob,DKX ; Benzon Ian Tomas,DKX ; Daenen Robert H. C. M.,BEX, Sealed dispensing container.
  274. Cameron Ralecia L., Self contained feeding spoon.
  275. Delio, Jr.,John, Self contained spoon feeder.
  276. Chan John G. (Hyogo JPX) Taniguchi Tatsuya (Honmachi JPX), Self-closing liquid dispensing package.
  277. Lillelund, Stig; Jeppesen, Hanne Dalsgaard; Heiberg, Jakob; Daenen, Robert H. C. M., Serving spoon.
  278. Hirsch Hermann (Klagenfurt ATX), Shipping container for jewelry items and watch bands.
  279. Hoyt Earl, Single-use container.
  280. Jeffrey P. Gilbard ; Jeffrey Price, Single-use eyedrop dispensing bottle.
  281. Schmidt,George, Snap-together eating utensil assembly.
  282. Iba Wayne S. (Mission Viejo CA), Specific volume dispenser.
  283. Liebowitz, Marc, Spice storage and dispensing spoon.
  284. Everett,Stewart Neil; Clare,Claire, Spoon.
  285. Joergensen Carsten,CHX, Spoon.
  286. Frodsham Vaughn D. (Tustin CA), Spoon straw.
  287. Green Lori L. (8 Kramer La. Fairmont WV 26554), Spoon straw.
  288. Liberatore,Raymond, Spreader.
  289. Liberatore,Raymond A., Spreader.
  290. Liberatore,Raymond A., Spreader.
  291. Verdaguer Roberto (8315 NW. 64 St. ; Bay 5 Miami FL 33166), Squeezable feeding container.
  292. Gentile Aliseo (8011 Schneider Manchester MI 48158), Squeezeable container and integral cap formed from a laminated flat blank.
  293. Syrek Gerald M. (Washingtonville NY), Stackable container for premoistened wipes.
  294. Freed, Robert, Stackable flatware with embossed handle.
  295. Perchak William C. (Chicago IL), Stand-up or hanging display blister and package.
  296. Weidner Richard K. (Remelfing FRX), Stick for applying a liquid.
  297. Baker Andrew J. (Glen Waverley AUX) Baker Alfred G. (Glen Waverley AUX), Storing and mixing apparatus.
  298. Redmond Sanford (746 Riverbank Rd. Stamford CT 06903), Stress concentrator aperture-forming means for sealed containers and packages.
  299. Redmond Sanford (746 Riverbank Rd. Stamford CT 06903), Stress concentrator aperture-forming means for sealed containers and packages.
  300. Hess, Brian J.; Murphy, Matthew E., Syringe and stand.
  301. Lars O. Ekendahl ; Georg Posch DE; Rudolf Landsteiner DE, System and method for twin sheet forming.
  302. Husar,Dieter, System for handling liquid samples.
  303. Vovan, Terry; Enriquez, Jose, Tamper evident container with tear-apart parts.
  304. Zakensberg Issac, Thermoformed pack with ridge valve.
  305. Zakensberg Issac, Thermoformed reclosable container.
  306. Crepaz,Johannes, Thermoforming system.
  307. Baker Bradley William ; Kornick Joseph Michael ; Olivares Jose Tirso, Toothbrush package.
  308. Aljanedi Mohdsameer Y, Toothbrush with paste dispenser.
  309. Hart Joseph J. (Philadelphia PA), Top opening carton with integral internal handle.
  310. Lingenhoff, Berthold, Transparent container with multi-colored food product.
  311. Redmond, Sanford, Tubelike dispenser package.
  312. Risden,Sharon, Ultimate fork.
  313. Risden,Sharon, Ultimate spoon.
  314. Kimber Michael B. (New South Wales AUX) Kers Anders T. (Sdertlje SEX) Jonsson Brje (Sdertlje SEX), Unit dose container.
  315. Barger Steven, Unit dose spoon.
  316. Barger Steven J., Unit dose spoon.
  317. Price,Jeff, Unit dose vial.
  318. Teys,Bradley Donald; Bevan,Glenn; Chapman,Benjamin, Utensil.
  319. Teys,Bradley Donald; Bevan,Glenn; Chapman,Benjamin, Utensil.
  320. Fort, Tucker; Rumble, Sally; Webb, Terri, Utensil handle.
  321. LoGiudice Paul Angelo, Utensil handle.
  322. Dubniczki, Joseph; Lukacsko, Alison B., Vaginal applicator.
  323. Sturk,Ron, Vent plug with internal frangible valve, internal latches and resealable cap.
  324. Poynter,Richard Q., Vial.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Yamasaki, Robert Nobuyoshi, Dog water spoon.
  2. Hsu, Paul; Perkins, Jay F.; Berger, Ryan R., Dosing spoon and holding clip assembly.

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