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Mobile computer workstation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-001/16
출원번호 US-0190716 (2011-07-26)
등록번호 US-8526176 (2013-09-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Clark, Richard A.
  • Jacobs, Michael R.
  • Flemig, Steven B.
  • Abu-Akel, Fouad Geries
  • Janoschka, Darin
  • Washington, Keith
출원인 / 주소
  • InterMetro Industries Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 131


A mobile computer workstation for use with a computer network is disclosed. The workstation can include a wheeled chassis having a vertical beam that supports a horizontal work surface. An input device tray is located at a front side of the work surface and a bracket located at a rear side of the wo


1. A mobile computer workstation, comprising: a chassis comprising a dolly assembly having a plurality of wheels and a variable length, telescopingly adjustable vertical beam;a planar, horizontal work surface supported by the beam at a variable height above the wheels, the height corresponding to th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (131)

  1. Bailey Edward L. (Rochester MN) Cimijotti Raymond L. (Chatfield MN) Lowrie Levern H. (Rochester MN), Adjustable CRT display.
  2. Empson Edward H. (San Jose CA) Brunner Robert D. (Oakland CA) Fubershaw Gerard A. (Mountain View CA), Adjustable computer display and base.
  3. Rossman Jon (Chelmsford MA) Hames Edward L. (Peterborough NH), Adjustable computer monitor arm and method.
  4. Rutter Bryce ; Price Eric Justin ; Kahn Randall B. ; Dickey David, Adjustable height computer workstation.
  5. Thies John E. (Lyons PA) Zimmerman ; II Walter E. (Fleetwood PA), Adjustable support for plasma display panel.
  6. Wacker Robert W. (Plymouth WI) Smies Ronald J. (Oostburg WI) LaFond Ronald K. (Manitowoc WI) Hemberger Dale M. (Sheboygan WI), Adjustable work table and modular system for the assembly thereof.
  7. Ma His-Kuang,TWX, All dimensional display device.
  8. Boone,Otho N.; St. Clair,Nancy; Richards,John H.; McDermott,Ian; Bagnell,Joseph P.; Strecker,Robert J., Apparatus and method for patient point-of-care data management.
  9. Florence H. Phoon ; Christopher G. Ross ; Steven W. Chang ; Thomas E. Radziminski ; Paula A. Richter-Dycaico ; Michael Kurtz, Apparatus and method for storing, tracking and documenting usage of anesthesiology items.
  10. Myers Kenneth E. ; Sims William, Apparatus and method for supporting a cradle.
  11. Seiler Michael A. (308 Pleasant St. Van Meter IA 50261) Seiler Donald K. (308 Pleasant St. Van Meter IA 50261), Apparatus for adjusting a computer work station to individual needs.
  12. Stivoric,John; Pacione,Christopher; Teller,Eric; Andre,David; Kasabach,Christopher; Boehmke,Scott; Vishnubhatla,Suresh; Safier,Scott; Farringdon,Jonathan; Pelletier,Raymond, Apparatus for detecting, receiving, deriving and displaying human physiological and contextual information.
  13. Blaney Timothy J. (Fremont CA) Smith Ronald A. (Los Gatos CA) Talesfore Nicholas F. (Los Gatos CA), Bracket and module assembly for a portable personal computer.
  14. Noonan D. Thomas (Irving TX), CRT Housing support and rocking tilt apparatus.
  15. Covey Donald H. (Deerfield IL) Lewinski Kenneth F. (Hoffman Estates IL), CRT Monitor tilt mechanism.
  16. Kirpluk, Kenneth R.; Lewinski, Kenneth F., CRT Monitor tilt mechanism.
  17. Roddan Allison C., Cantilevered, adjustable, portable computer desk.
  18. Goodner Douglas (Charlotte NC) Lucente Sam (Stamford CT) Yamazaki Kazuhiko (Hiratuka JPX), Combined flat panel display and folding stand with user interface control and stylus therefor.
  19. Nuttall Michael J. (Palo Alto CA) Au Nelson S. (Foster City CA), Combined monitor and process or for computer work station or similar article.
  20. Ko Wen-Shan,TWX, Computer desk having ascendible and descendible desk tops.
  21. Barry Michael R. (1021 College Ave. Palo Alto CA 94306) Hall Jack P. (3381 Thomas Dr. Palo Alto CA 94303), Computer display with adjustable stand.
  22. Sweere Harry C. ; Gonnerman Michael D. ; Voeller Donald M., Computer keyboard and flat panel display cart.
  23. Esslinger Hartmut (Los Gatos CA), Computer monitor and stand.
  24. Parent Richard (Lake Bluff IL), Computer servicing cart.
  25. Becker Joachim H. (Aberdeen MD), Computer terminal stand.
  26. Tellier Pierre (Villevaude FRX) Demaille Jean-Pierre (Saint Maur FRX) Doillon Jean (Montry ; Esbly FRX), Computer terminal station for data input and output.
  27. Randolph Travis M. (Saugatuck MI), Computer work station.
  28. Gross Milton (34 Elmore Rd. Rochester NY 14618), Computer workstation.
  29. Pirkle Fred L. (P.O. Box 27 Oreland PA 19075), Computer workstation.
  30. Nakamura Yoichi,JPX ; Saito Takashi,JPX ; Coldwell Phil,GBX ; Hart Nigel,GBX, Control system and control method for uninterruptible power supply.
  31. Myers Kenneth E. ; Moore Charles A. ; Meister Steven J. ; Sims William, Cradle for holding a device.
  32. Brown Michael (Kanata CAX), Data display.
  33. Sweere Harry C. ; Gonnerman Michael D. ; Voeller Donald M., Desktop flat panel display support system.
  34. Michiki Hideyuki,JPX ; Miyakawa Hisashi,JPX ; Ohsaki Kozo,JPX, Desulfurization process for flue gases.
  35. Wiseman John A. (Hillsboro Beach FL) Rodd Timothy J. (Lyndhurst GBX) Yamazaki Kazuhiko (Hiratsuka JPX), Display.
  36. Hall Charles William ; Rizzi Julian Dominick ; Stubecki John Arthur, Docking station for a portable computer providing rotational movement of the computer's viewable screen in three differe.
  37. Croft Daniel I. ; May Gregory J. ; Hergett Randy W. ; Stephens Charles S., Docking station for docking a portable computer with a wireless interface.
  38. Dempsey Michael K. (Acton MA) Kotfila Mark S. (Chelmsford MA) Snyder Robert J. (Westford MA), Dynamic control of a patient monitoring system.
  39. Honda Masami (Tokyo JPX) Miura Yosuke (Funabashi JPX), Electronic device system including a portable electronic device having a handwriting input device locked to an expansion.
  40. James,Kelvin C.; Henderson,Michael D.; Degioanni,Joseph J., Emergency facility video-conferencing system.
  41. Kelvin C. James ; Michael D. Henderson ; Joseph J. Degioanni, Emergency facility video-conferencing system.
  42. Nishikori Toshiaki (Sagamihara JPX) Kaneko Yasuyuki (Yokohama JPX) Amano Atsushi (Hachioji JPX) Hamano Masahiko (Hachioji JPX) Takamizawa Kazufumi (Chofu JPX) Shoji Hideyuki (Hachioji JPX) Oshima Mut, Endoscope system with centralized control of associated peripheral equipment.
  43. Richard Paul E. (109 Madison Ct. North Wales PA 19454), Ergonimic computer workstation and method of using.
  44. Brown Douglas J. A.,CAX ; McLachlan Robert W.,CAX ; Conder Paul J.,CAX, Ergonomic computer workstation.
  45. Hunt Ronald E. (Georgetown TX) Whitehead Verlon E. (Austin TX), Ergonomic monitor stand.
  46. Leonard Joseph W. (49 Summit Dr. Huntington NY 11743), Ergonomically adjustable computer workstation.
  47. Nagy Marta K. (3578 Agate St. Thousand Oaks CA 91360) Foris Victor G. (4608 Glencoe Ave. #6 Marina Del Rey CA 90292), Ergonomically designed computer workstation adjustable to various sitting and standing positions.
  48. Rodd Timothy J. (Emery Town GBX), Flat panel computer monitor.
  49. Evanicky Daniel E. ; Mabry Thomas ; Engelbrecht Carl, Flat panel display and stand with vertical adjustment and tilt adjustment.
  50. Gemmell Rob J. (Santa Clara CA) Peart Stephen (Los Gatos CA), Flat panel display for personal computer.
  51. Rodd Timothy J. (Lyndhurst GBX), Flat panel display with a palm rest.
  52. Savio Dino M. (Clearwater FL), Flat panel display with a tilt swivel base.
  53. Orchard Anthony R. (Wantagh NY), Flat screen display terminal.
  54. Hong Yu-Sik,KRX, Flat-panel display apparatus having stand unit with cable passing through hinge shaft.
  55. Dempsey Michael K. (Acton MA) Kotfila Mark S. (Chelmsford MA) Snyder Robert J. (Westford MA), Flexible patient monitoring system featuring a multiport transmitter.
  56. Piety Kenneth R. (Knoxville TN) Heise Brian D. (Knoxville TN) Battenberg Rexford A. (Knoxville TN) King Willie T. (Powell TN), Infrared thermography system including mobile unit.
  57. Ryburg Jon B. (Ann Arbor MI) Goldberg Neil (Ann Arbor MI), Integrated computer implement work area.
  58. Heinzmann R. Kurt ; Lanigan Richard ; Lund Peter ; Kamen Dean L. ; Larkins William T. ; Manning Robert, Intravenous-line flow-control system.
  59. Carter Cheryl L. (1306 Mayweather La. Richmond TX 77469), Inventory control including individual patient listing and medical chart record for medication cart.
  60. Wang Jing Y. (3F ; No. 22 ; Industry East Road ; 9 Hsinchu Science Park ; Hsinchu TWX), LCD monitor.
  61. Guibert Raul (Los Angeles CA), Localized thermotherapy technique.
  62. Sonneborn, Jennifer, Medical code system.
  63. Saltzstein William E. ; Sabri Mohamed ; Dobaj Anthony P. ; Baumann Eric O., Medical patient vital signs-monitoring apparatus.
  64. Surwillo, John M.; Mikula, Patricia J.; Secora, Gary J.; Stern, Glenn N., Medical testing system with an illuminating component and automatic shut-off.
  65. Rodriguez Edgar R. (25 De Mayo 77 (4200) Santiago ARX), Method and apparatus for performing automated vision performance tests.
  66. Lai Joseph ; Buyan Lawrence A. ; DuBore Renee S. ; Pate Brian Lewis ; Reuss James L., Method and system for remotely monitoring multiple medical parameters.
  67. James L. Reuss ; Renee S. Kirchner, Method and system for remotely monitoring multiple medical parameters in an integrated medical monitoring system.
  68. Clark, Richard A.; Jacobs, Michael R.; Flemig, Steven B., Mobile clinical workstation.
  69. Richard A. Clark ; Michael R. Jacobs ; Steven B. Flemig, Mobile clinical workstation.
  70. Rossini,Alfred P.; Genatossio,Louis F., Mobile computer cart base assembly.
  71. Rossini,Alfred P.; Genatossio,Louis F., Mobile computer cart, offset base assembly.
  72. Rossini,Alfred P.; Genatossio,Louis F., Mobile computer cart, top assembly.
  73. Konopka Miles Anthony, Mobile data/audio/video/interactive presentation cart.
  74. Perkins, David G.; Linquest, Douglas J.; Wawro, Thaddeus J.; Metz, Kristin A.; Soderberg, Peter H.; Labosky, Bonita L.; Vivenzio, Robert L., Mobile medical workstation.
  75. Curtis Grace E. (Waynesville OH) Livezey Cynthia S. (Fairborn OH) McDonnell Gary D. (Huber Heights OH) Grady Mark L. (Brookville OH) Minor Richard J. (Spring Valley OH), Mobile nursing unit and system therefor.
  76. Zigman Donald J. (5569 S. 116th St. Hales Corners WI 53130), Mobile terminal mounting stand.
  77. Gregory Wing ; Steven Bunce ; Andrew T. Dunn ; Brian Epps ; Paul Stevens, Mobile ultrasound diagnostic instrument and docking stand.
  78. Dell John J. ; Hall H. Mark, Mobile workstation.
  79. John J. Dell ; H. Mark Hall, Mobile workstation.
  80. Harris L. Jenkins, Jr., Mobile workstation with power supply system.
  81. Bradbury George M. (Bonsall CA), Modular portable computer work station selectively powered by either an internal battery, an internal battery charger, o.
  82. Delapp Michael (1427 Vallejo Dr. San Jose CA 95135), Monitor support for a terminal.
  83. Chen Ray-Jei,TWX ; Lin Chih-Wen,TWX, Monitor viewing angle adjusting assembly having monitor mounted on two supporting arm assemblies via turning limit asse.
  84. Sweere Harry C. ; Gonnerman Michael D. ; Voeller Donald M., Mounting system for flat panel display, keyboard and stand.
  85. Welch James P. (Beverly MA) Sims Nathaniel M. (Wellesley Hills MA), Network for portable patient monitoring devices.
  86. Brown, Mortimer; Crinion, Jonathan, Office panelling system with a monitor screen mounted on a cantilevered adjustable arm.
  87. Solomon Robert A. (Kalamazoo MI) Lenger Richard L. (Kentwood MI), Overbed table with single bar cantilever support.
  88. Chaco John ; Hersh Israel ; Orlovsky Dmitry ; Vincens Joe, Patient care and communication system.
  89. Dempsey Michael K. (Acton MA) Kotfila Mark S. (Chelmsford MA), Patient monitoring system.
  90. Halpern Arieh S. (Tarzana CA) Aldrich Anthony J. (Philadelphia PA), Patient monitoring system with chassis mounted or remotely operable modules and portable computer.
  91. Muskatello James M. (Tampa FL) Parmet Darryl (Tampa FL) Lysy George C. (Palm Harbor FL) Ramsey ; III Maynard R. (Tampa FL), Patient monitoring unit and care station.
  92. Zerhusen,Robert Mark; Reeder,Ryan A.; Vogel,John D.; Cerimele,Michael E.; Riley,Carl W.; Wildman,Timothy D., Patient point-of-care computer system.
  93. Johns H. Douglas ; Forlenza Nicholas G. ; Adams Gregory K. ; Reents Jeffrey M. ; Mayne Michael C. ; Spoeth Carl R., Pivotal computer stand.
  94. Solomon,Mark; Massaro,Kevin; Faulk,Brett; Harris,Jonathan, Portable computer docking station.
  95. Trom Michael (4073 Beard Ave. N. Robbinsdale MN 84094) Trom Gregory (Sandy UT), Portable computer support device and means of support.
  96. Coulthard Steve M., Portable emergency response communications system and method.
  97. Birrell Andrew, Portable ergonomic work station.
  98. Case Laura (P.O. Box 883412 ; 3325 Meadow La. ; #28 Steamboat Springs CO 80488), Portable ergonomic work station.
  99. Lisiecki Ronald S., Portable integrated physiological monitoring system.
  100. McDonald Sean C. (Pittsburgh PA) McDonald Robert H. (Pittsburgh PA) Lunak Richard R. (Fair Oaks PA) Zini Aldo (Pittsburgh PA), Portable nursing center.
  101. Larkin Stephen F. ; Booth Alan, Programmed motion work station.
  102. Larkin Stephen F. ; Booth Alan A., Programmed motion work station.
  103. Charny Gad,ILX, Stand for a monitor and a keyboard.
  104. Hillary Christopher J. (Eastleigh GB2) Pike John V. (Winchester GB2), Support apparatus.
  105. Shioya Yasushi,JPX ; Hoshino Osamu,JPX ; Miyamoto Takao,JPX ; Yoshida Akio,JPX ; Takabayashi Hiroshi,JPX ; Miyazaki Toyohide,JPX ; Itazawa Toshiaki,JPX ; Yamamoto Takashi,JPX, Support structure and display apparatus equipped with the support structure.
  106. Sweere Harry C. (Minneapolis MN), Suspension system for personal computers and monitors.
  107. Engleson Joseph J. ; Chamberlain Craig, System and method for collecting data and managing patient care.
  108. Bardy, Gust H., System and method for diagnosing and monitoring outcomes of atrial fibrillation for automated remote patient care.
  109. Lavin Marianne ; Nathan Michael, System and method for managing patient medical records.
  110. Kumar,Kishore; Rashinkar,Laxmikant, System and method for real-time monitoring, assessment, analysis, retrieval, and storage of physiological data over a wide area network.
  111. Rosenfeld,Brian; Breslow,Michael, Telecommunications network for remote patient monitoring.
  112. Granzow Robert H. (Miamisburg OH) Richard Harold S. (Dayton OH) Hermann Thomas L. (Springfield OH), Tilt and swivel support.
  113. Sampson Craig F. (Palo Alto CA), Tilt and swivel support apparatus.
  114. Killian ; Jr. John C. (Sudbury MA) Kleeman Michael W. (Newton MA), Tilt apparatus for cathode ray tube display.
  115. Pendleton Robert A. (Dedham MA) Edfors John E. (Townsend MA) Whitford Leonard G. (Wakefield MA) Conroy Walter J. (Acton MA), Tilt base for a CRT display terminal.
  116. Henneberg Helmut H. (Canton MA) Dillon Richard R. (Wellesley MA) Romano Domenic R. (Chelmsford MA) Hall Roger L. (Nashua NH), Tilt-swivel base for a CRT display terminal.
  117. Goetz, Fred E.; Harris, Jim C.; Howell, Steven E., Tiltable cathode ray tube display device structure.
  118. Noble Lynn (Boston MA) Leitermann Richard (Cambridge MA) Kulp James E. (Cambridge MA), Tiltable monitor.
  119. Mahany, Ronald L.; Koenck, Steven E.; Bunte, Alan G.; Meier, Robert C.; Miller, Phillip; Wolf, Roger L.; Hanson, George E., Transaction control system including portable data terminal and mobile customer service station.
  120. Ditonto Alexander N., Two-part table top.
  121. Quedens Phillip J. (Berlin CT) Dutko ; Jr. Peter J. (Durham CT) Larson Raymond F. (Middlefield CT) Donarumo Ralph A. (Wallingford CT), Ultrasonic image display mounting.
  122. Kantor Brian L. ; Lawless Christopher C. ; Kukkal Puneet ; Skarbo Rune, User interface for a video conferencing system.
  123. Gary Coonan ; Gary L. Mayes ; Donald Ray Reckelhoff, Vertically adjustable mobile computer workstation.
  124. Imai Toshitaka (Sagamihara JPX), Video display.
  125. Takai Kazuhito (Tokyo JPX), Video display.
  126. Levy, William W., Video teleconferencing assembly and process.
  127. Krukovsky Yuri (43 St. Mark\s Place ; #6D New York City NY 10003), Visual paging system.
  128. Saltzstein William E. ; Sabri Mohamed ; Burkhart Scott M. ; Semler Gregory T., Vital signs monitor.
  129. Sciarra Michael J. (Southampton NY) Cestaro Victor L. (Farmingville NY), Vital signs monitor.
  130. Saltzstein William E. ; Sabri Mohamed ; Burkhart Scott M. ; Semler Gregory T., Vital signs monitoring unit.
  131. Besson, Marcus; von Czettriz, Gotthart; Bax, Ralph, Wireless medical diagnosis and monitoring equipment.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Dunworth, Kevin; Murphy, Matthew; Moncivais, Katy; Kelly, Michelle; Terrazas, Jessica; Sand, Theodore; Hoyt, Joshua K.; Hinzmann, Greg; DeKoning, Paul; Sayler, David John; Johnson, Bartley, Automated work station for point-of-care cell and biological fluid processing.
  2. Pajic, Nick, Electronic device support for vehicles.
  3. Stark, Jeffrey P., Height adjustable support.
  4. Uttley, Thomas; Boll, David; Payumo, Maynard; Rabbitt, William; Szpak, James; Tilk, Jason; Vystrcil, Robert, Medical cart system.
  5. Uttley, Thomas; Boll, David; Payumo, Maynard; Rabbitt, William; Szpak, James; Tilk, Jason; Vystrcil, Robert, Medical cart system.
  6. Riley, Darren Patrick; Dykes, Christopher, Modular technology furniture.
  7. Riley, Darren Patrick; Dykes, Christopher, Modular technology furniture.
  8. Gomez, Juan, Portable workbench assembly.
  9. McRorie, Robert Grant, Technology cart.
  10. Pajic, Nick, Tray table and method therefor.
  11. Pajic, Nick, Tray table with rotatable inner tray.
  12. Hayes, John E.; Hess, Christian G., User interface for power quality monitoring and measuring devices.
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